Show i 4 -- B B You Can Buy $1-5- Worttrof Beal Estate for 0 t TTIF SALT LAKE TRTBTTXR SUNDAY MOUSING JULY ow! ft 1911 ' There’s Only ONE Crop of Land-B- ay a FaM— Col 133 A Single Dollar Will Come Home Married —If Invested in a Home Now! 130 UOMES FOR SALE UOMES FOR SALE ' 130 UOMES ' CITY AND SUBURBAN CITY AND SUBURBAN FOR 1 - funeral services for Ann Carl ill be held Tuesday at 2 p ra in the Saudv Second ward chape! Bishop J P Jensen officiating Friend? me? call at the French room In the Funeral service for George Holt mortuary 36 East Seventh South unf Tuesday noon and at the chapel in active member of the L D S church will Sandy 30 minutes prior to services In be conducted p sh Sunday ferment m Sandy cemetery under dlrec Eighth L D 8 ward CARLSON- ton HOME & GARDEN MUTOB Wi 4180 Mam home dark red firebrick deUthtfu la beat’ of conatruction rooms overrthinc complete and Comer lot a 1th all atreet In tarletr of paving paid Latidacaped Delawna ghruh treea floarera and term can be lightful location and casj arranged brick home 1500 —Look ! Excellent oak beautifully flnlahed In gumwood floor a lull haeemeufr hot water heat 14300 — Beautiful 'Btrft'"pniTtr ear amLin excellent bench Only rent Jike J(J HIGHLY 100 ACRES IMPROVED PROPERTY TO GO Like new end In perfect condition All of the lorelr 5 room herd Jutt been beautifully papered woodwork enameled Large and oak floor highly pollahed ement basement furnace ell of the utitde of thl dandy brick home le 10 There a garage good newly pelnted lot and In a eplendtd location Onlr iie 3100 down and 30 a month Mar it icr se12160— Just In time to mekf your own lection of paper to decorate the wall of every one of the 5 rooms This house out will also be pslnted Inside and furnace- - and a Large cement basement excellent loca-tlo- n and lovely lot garage Term are 4 lot 1 roda deep good with eltr water piped Into ihr tiouaa You’ll like the location and Xaaleat term can ba arranged 18511 — I '4 ACTKS Facing 4lth Bouth house 14 shares ot the oldeat and best watar rlahl In the vallej jg fruit treea truck garden iplendld location eaat of Redwood road Mu-- t have all thl cash can't take terms lmgglha Is onlr 5100 per acre think ot It and In' thrown A house - Don't Walt— Phone Now 331-5S18-- 1 Hr W 8405 For Further Information tL-- i It 4 HY EAST 4 P i 1150 will buy thll cozy little frame houie on 17th South Nice location large f abaft nice lawn and lot - plenty aeveral large fruit trees Suitable term See this today cen be arranged brick Near East tijgh school on especially large IcL 5x10 roda plenty of room to build another house actually worth gJOUOiAnd owner win aacrl-fi- ce for IlSTO on very eeay terms N M LONG A CO 749 8 Slate St Was 4411 or 13AI-- 9 P M M TO TODAY and tea how comfortable and thouiht-Fia homa plan can be COMFORT AB' ' —with all the rooms large light and all THOUGHTFUL— with Cheerful room on one floor— a itep aaver “80 HAUDY"— with every convenience Juat You juat MUfo In the proper place SEC TO APPRECIATE— and best of all —at llddd with taarma—It'a priced to RIOHT NOW! NO MORTGAGE-AVE- D A88T8 WITH STREET PAID Also Don't Forget to Inspect 1011 T 33RD Bo P M SUNDAY OPEN 4 TO The Horn With An Inooma” WEST FRATER Ue Me an Offer The following twenty home will be regard’! of coat or vatu Must and havt a substantial cash payment taay terms on tha balance We oen use the money to better advantage than the gold bornea: t re t— thoroughly feodarn 17 vtrglnto itraet— thoroughly modern 105 B street — strictly modern modern 1451 Blaine eve — xi modern 1410 K 13th South— modern 1121 Ktnslngso nave— modern 1879 Bo Ilth E — modern 1910 So 9th modern 1891 Bo 5th Ev— 471 So 7th I— modern modern 554 E 17th Bouth— modern 1485 So 11th B— modern E— 5th So t — modern 531 Eaat Jrd Bo— 517 E 7th South— modern partly mod (41 E 5th Bouth— modern 471 5th avt— modern 114 M street— 1107-- 4 Windsor at— Modern duplex thro rooms on each side 171-- 1 Jeffenon at— Modern duplex four room on each side eve Hy TRADERS— ATTENTION! VHyland NEW pretty little aero of finest GET THIS BARGAIN CARMS 3000 bench colonial every Modern convenience best southeast location Hear church grade senior end Junior schools south eaposure garage paved street “ Open for Inspection al day today COOK 4r NOYES INC Wasatch 3391 II X 1st South Cask ACCOUNT of my huaband's death must tell brtrk country home clear half block to Nlbley park 4 living room and lovely shrubs fruit t ( upstair bedrooms 1 r and ahado trees cool I lots— 175 foot front flown well fine place for ehick- " era 3600 or trade tor smaller place ' 3635 Green t (bet 7EI HT 4445--R HOME AND INCOME— (5 7TH SOUTH ' - brick apartment - house I arrenred at ' WONDERFUL bur ai EA8Y PAYMENTS tlK REAL HOMEI A sacrtllce 10 spacious room on lot 48x207 ft on 5th Eaat near So i Temple Wag 111 A I2H40- so SACRIFICING HY HOKE 5 lovely rooms and entry gtr mod hrk home OAK floore NEW aaa fur- nace range water heater Screens ahadee linoleum NEW roo- f- Splendid location nea DNTVEH8IT Y On PAVKF GIVE-AWA-Y street with parking LIKE RENT payment frlee Easy mo ) OPEN 149 80 12TH E BELL FOR MORTGAGE Just took over I choice east eld home Call H 781-Your ownTERM8 PRICE GOES UP JULY 16TH Until thn 1785 buys a new modern with full basement bdwd flra ttle emit Exceptional mine in eaat bench home I far 1600 'rnl' i a sl-- Mb h- - aoOtheagt J1100 Fenovlrlng allowance of 110 00 UTAH RAVINGS Ar TRUST BLDO Wa 78J5 Wag 1844-- R v- - A ACREAGE 133 roa sale 1 i July 5 i Mr Dirk d laKnro t nrvJLVL'!! Weather Report Weather July I conrfitlon 1933-- t I" T" Int" Grace Pouell Gray "swvVAe'M? daughter on JOHNSON — Lvle Cook and Mettle L Thompson Johnson 768 Eaat Seventeenth Bouth street eon AGLE— Roy and Martha Mae Lindsay Agle 926 West Fourth Bouth street son HA8LAM— William Paul and Gladys Mar- garet Hays Hulam 3089 Thomas Gray The body will be brought to Salt 111lake be Funeral arrangements for burial announced later Ninth Eaat atreet and four Myrtle Raw-so- n Phelps on Ephraim and Earl B and Virginia Olson daughter E Christenson Ptncock daughter Glen D and Madge C Sorensen Mack deughter George E and Jeanette Chive Eddy son n George P and Blanche V Ahern Chamber-laidaughter Arthur J and Joyca Wileon Benjamin and Rika liams Munker Meeuweaen Markesteyn aon Frances L and Helen 8 Dels Hales son Harvey and Letha son John and Isabelle E Brown Rlgley Vause Wood twin daughters Phillip H and Elmo L Vera Hunter Sorenson daughter and Ruth Turner Hansen eon Harold L and Alice E Rounds Wise daughter Harold E and Velds T Fowles Christensen eon Thomas and Maude E Walklngton Mrgge-so- n eon- Melbourne D and Naomi H Teus-cliChugs daughter Logan— Mr and Mrt Horace C Hawkes Franklin Idaho son Mr and Mrs H Ariel aon Mr and Mrs Joseph W Pedersen Smith Paradise daughter Mr and Mrs Farl D Cross Evanston Wyo daughter Mr gnd Mrs Le Roy F Keller daughter Mr and Mrs Joseph O Bair Richmond son Mr and Mr H Dewey Grlffln'Clark-eto- n daughter Mr and Mrs Clyde Obray Burley Idaho daughter: Mr gnd Mrs Clayton Nielsen Providence son Mr and Mrs Sidney M Reese daughter Mr and Mrs Viruon P Cole Preston Idaho daughter DIVORCES ASKED Bernice Poma against Jasper Poma non support J W Strlngfellow attorney Alton Cox Heppler against Gordon Mack Heppler cruelty Harley W Ouatln attorney ESTATE TEANRFERR Mary Monahan to Olenn R Waterman lot 2 block 3 Walker place REAL I plat A Francis B 8tlllman to Anna S Erickson section 37 township 1 south V range 1 east Jgmeg Gibson to Thomas Hlldltcn lot ( block 70 plat C Reed Billings to Emil O Kraut lot 1 block 136 plat D Albert Merrill to Emil O Kraus lot 1 block 13 plat D Local Realty company to E M Loven-dal- e lot 7 block la plat A Arthur W Ellis to Gladys L Johnson lot 3 block 1 Ehrtch subdi- Wel tion against the fumes He dragged Mr Bailey part way out but was nearly overcome by the fumes Leaving his bnrden he went out for air and returned soon after with Lieutenant H S Theobold of the fire department rescue squad Together they completed the rescue Camp Trainees Brlohara City Mary F Mitchell MYFRDALE ItUh— Funeral services will Monday at 2 p m In the Rlverdale L D 8 chel (or Mrs Mary Fames Mitchell 46 who uied Saturday of heart trouble She was born at Loaan Utah December 13 1B86 a daughter of M H and Marv She lived at Lojran until French Fames 1898 when she moved to Riierdale She was an active L D 8 church worker having served as president of the Riverdale Relief society and as a Sunday school teach-M- r Mitchell was a student at the B Y college at Lojan prior to her marriage B"i-v"ed'bhTou4r ’on°h!!nf dyudhte ' Clarence f Kd Eieda Mttchiii Ban jm? Cal Rulon F MitchMl and Mrs Florence Dublin RUerdale a brother John Fames) Preston and a sister MrS J W Crawford Utah Logan be conducted William A Beal PLEASANT GROVE — William A Beal S3 son of William Beal of Salt Lake died at the home of his sister Mrs Georg B Peay here Friday Mr Beal was born April 29 1881 In Burr-vlll- e He Is survived by his father a son and two daughters William Jr Louisa and Faye Beal 8alt Lake and the following brothers and sisters Mrs Parley Olson Pleasant Grove Provo Mrs George B Mrs Mrs E E Emmerich Pnoenlx Arts James A Bnape American Form Horace Beal 8aU Lake Mrs E Y Locker Merlin Ore and Mrs Spencer Madsen Ephraim His wife has been dead a number ofyears Funeral services will be conducted In the Pleasant Grove L D 8 Second ward chapel Interment will be in at 2 p m Monday Lelii City cemetery Py Harry Bench I OG AN— Harry Bench 71 died suddenly Saturday afternoon of a heart attack at hie home 370 South Flrit East street Mr Bench wax born In Birmingham England May 35 1862 a son of William and He had been a Mary Bonham Bench of thle eounlry since 1878 most of which time had been apent In Logan He Is survited bv his widow Mrs Emma Teooeen Bench and 10 sons and daughters W Aaron and Hrum Bench Mre 10 Stenhen Idelln Oeeaetl and Mrs Emma Jensen LaHarry Bench Jr Glendale Cal : Mre 3V gan Mare Stevens Los Angeles Cal Mrs Oretta Larsen North Logan Mrs Bsrdell Ander10 son PresHyrum: Mrs Josephine Nelson 11 treat- ton Idaho SI grandchildren: 10 one Clara sister Mrs Young grandchildren Logan and one brother Ephraim Bench Belt Lake Funeral arrangements are being made by the LlndquMt 8t Bona mortuary Fi con-voi7- ‘ at s sidered a gift 30 per cent of the amount wilt be made to the eommuni- ties and the repayment of the balance wilt bespread over a period of years ”“nntlngton aso hasJ been soured $75000 pipe water down Hunting Jon canyon to improve its local the finish of the room and painted or stained accordingly the common' As to construction screen is simply a rectangle or nar- row wooden pieces nailed together at be corners and covered with a section of wire cloth This is stretched tacked down and the edges covered 7 wawith a light molding Better screen frames are made with mitered cor- ners joined J&gcther with pins or t dowels and set in glue The raitx NEW YORK are offset or rabbetted "0 that the Stocks irregular most leaders screen cloth can be fitted more semove narrowly Bonds firm secondary curely to the wood and its edges prorails tected with a heavier molding hold gains Curb Size of Mesh specialties irregular strong The screen cloth may be made of Foreign exchanges firm dollar’ several materials The cheapest is of again sags that may be painted or galiron wire Cotton barely steady prebuvanized If it is painted it is called reau liquidation "black wire” If it is galvanized the Sugar and coffee closed term “pearl wire” is often used CopCHICAGO per bronze and aluminum wires aie Wheat higher heat wave prosThese are far more also employed pects durable thap the iron in either form Corn easy beneficial rains but they are also more expensive Cattle nominally steady screen and frame A Hogs 5 to 10 low er top $4 60 ’should be fitted with a corresponding-- i lv durable mesh As to the size the United States department of com- merce has made tests of screening to chicaoo July 8 lAPi— following tx al determine which is the most practi-sk °a lhe Clllcag0 cable These tests have shown that r k ex ha n b? ar t ur da v there should be at least 16 wires per STOCKS inch It is common practice t use (Actual 8ales ) “No 12” mesh— 12 wires the per inch Unless the owner specifies the 16 mesh 12 is what he will get' and this will not turn tiny insects The item of screens should be included m the general contract and not allowed to come along at the end as an extra In all probability if it is made a part of the general contract 33 the cast will be less and the screens will be better made ss - Markets at a Glance f - well-mad- e Chicago Stock List u 1 Visit Tabernacle And Slate Capitol JensThorval Rhode as received here TREMONTON — Word Thursday of the death at Los Angeles ol Jens Thorval Rhode 73 a resident of Bear River valley many years Mr Rhode was born In Denmark but had lived In the Elwood L D S ward 3 years He spent the past two years with daughters In Los Angeles where he died of ailments His wife died several Incident to age years ago The following sons and daughters survive Henry Rhode Tremonton Robert Rhode Pocatello Idaho Mrs Dora Lane and Mrs Anna Crum Los Angeles Cal Mrs Ella Bloom Redlands Dal 20 grandchildren Funeral services will be conducted Surdav daughter Peter and Clarlc Roan In the Elwood L D 8 chapel under the HAN8EN— Nell Hansen 720 North Second West street direction of the Odd Fellows lodve of Tremonton of which Mr Rhode had been a daughter WALLACE— Harold Eugene and Lottie Leur-he- member more than 25 years F was also Hill Wallace 1809 Michigan avenue a member of the Danish Brc erhood of Ogden — Samuel O and Betty Bttlea Porter daughter Howard 8 and Erma L West Mulan on Frederick L and Olive U Muller Peterson son: George A and Stella E Buck-le- y trough of low barometric pressure Ilea over the western plateau Joining centers of low pressure over the Arltona-Callfornborder and northern Montana while a broad but rather weak high covers the central valleys and great lakes region This pressure distribution has produced unsettled showery weather from the plateau states to the Mississippi valley but with amounts A of precipitation mostly very smiU beneficial rain occurred at Pocatello howover 'most are ever rising Temperature of the west but It ts slightly cooler in parts of the middle west Comparative data at Salt Like City Degrees 90 Highest temperature today 1174 106 Hleheit In this month lino 61 Lowest lest night 43 Lowest thl month llnce 1874 78 Mean for today 74 Normal Inches Tot at precipitation- - for the 4 hour 04 n ending at 8 p nt 06 Total tor this month to date Accumulated deficiency lor thle month 08 to date 12 71 date Total alnee October 1 to Accumulated deficiency erne October 1 1 18 Bun xiaee at 5 04 and eetg at I 02 July water to make an inspection son VANDRES— Frederick William and Dolores 1038 West Third Marauerette Vandree Bouth street daughter Mrs Grace Powell Gray wife of Thomas HORSLEY — Glen William and Edna Senior Grav forme? resident of Salt Lake died In a Hollywood hospital July 6 at 1 15 p m Horsley 714 Ninth avenue daughter HERMANSON— Glenn Leopold end Mary according to a dispatch received Saturday 1388 West Alberta Jehkins Hermanron Mrs Gray formerly lived at 1004 Fifteenth Sixth South street daughter Yl months ?£? WHITE — Lee McLain and Judith Carver French White 1767 Michigan avenue band and three aons Robert Naleb and i ’ Rescued from a tunnel filled with “ndulphur fumes J R Bailey 55 of ofli33 Eat Fourth South street a city surveyor was recovering at the L D S hospital Saturday night Phil McArdle 30 of 328 West Fifth South Street a life guard at the Wa- satch Springs plunge took a major part in the rescue Mr Bailey and A E Snvder 1486 Edison street assistant city engineer1 ' ' IU"J "! $125-00- awau' V Eliza- ' daughter Ira and Mary Cold Armstrong Milligan 1171 East Twenty-sevent- h Bouth street eon KELSCH— Randall LeRoy and Dorothy Elizabeth Searle Kelsch 911 South First West street daughter Elmer England Tooele— Mr and Mrs daughter Mr and Mrs Ichiro Tsjutmoto aon Mr and Mrs Nick Francheg daughter WHY WAIT AND PAY MORE? lit hornon 33rd Bo Fine newly cond mod coop garage How well tic for only 12750 Ttrms 1 Highland drive: 1 coops 30x40 good home fruit etc 2o00 Quick gale Terms K choice land! new mod home: Olh E loc i 4 rmi on gr floor bedrme lu I 1933 TAKEN basement Move In for 12210 WEATHER OBSERVATIONS AT 6 P M MOUNTAIN TIME BEST FARM BUY ON TODAY'S MARKET 15 Am Fork: home 1 apnlee good othefTrultj good water right 2250 crop barn otc Real pickup t Term REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 10 8 Main tatloa Hy 3843 Was 3283 0012 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A FARM u of all farm product art advanc f'Hceg Wheat corn and wool are more than double what they were a year We have a few good dry farm ago 181 and Irrigated farms which can be Bolae T Clear 70 bought on long term TRatn with a small Cheyenne 661 down payment Chicago TCldy 54i THE FEDERAL LAND BANK 00 Pt eld Denver 602 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUX1 Od Jetn (4 TPt cldy (8! 14 T'Pt eldy f°i 35 ACRES al Riverton Utah for sale or Helena 721 06 Cldy Slty trade Call 173 Leslie eve on Ind Eaat Kan SO 661 Lander 00 Clear between 26th-27t- h South al Loa Ant 56 00 Clear It ACRE facing State at! coops tor 52000 Min tie pole 561 Ml OOCldy stucco newly remodeled hdw Modena 80! 601 14 TiPt rldy lloori Jull bamt ahade treea W 5948-- J Needle 781 OfliClear 00 Pt cldv SPECIAL farm bariatni tn Washington Ore- -' New York T Pt cldy ion Idaho Montana Terma Irrigated Omaha Phoenix TCldy cutover prairie Improved unimproved 80'Pt cldy overhead low literature Impartial ad- Pocatello 101 O 00 Clear vice Mention state J W Haw 73 Portland 121 01 Cldy Northern Paotflc Railway St Paul Pueblo 161 00 Clear Reno Minn St Louie 32'Raln 10 ACRES 7 ml so m 7! home chicken' Halt I ske T Clear 101 coop barn 13 shares water 1 tram Ban Diego 00 Clear 1 enw all In crop Will trade horeea 12 00 Pt cldy San Fran 44 ACRES 13 a In Irult 00 Cldv good brtrk Seattle home barn coop garage fine location 8pbkane T Cldy In Will trade Be Byrne Gaddis Toimpah el 101 00 Clear In Co 37 Bo Main Was 7301 00 Pt eldy Wavmiiton 02'Clear HQLLADAY AND MILL CRFFK—A few'Vr-gai- n Wln'mueca 08 Cldy in fruit and garden acreate Wag Yel'stone Hill 11i Yuma 00 Clear 1795 week dare i th Hodgens7 'will' on FH ncTaUorTev wa to Mary Fluids ft ho died seven years ago it aona and MILLIGAN— Howard CO frame homo with acreage Hy 7775-- J soil all planted in corn it home substantial equity In m potatoes beets peat lettuce excellent HAVE loc will trade for smaller home good water right and real honest to goodness or equity In duplex Wat (484-after flowing well coops for 50 hens TAX 13 Sunday 111 A YEAR— THINK OF IT! 3000 FOR 800 WORTH Mahogany typo finish In front rooms hardwood floors 1 nice bedrooms house furnished built-i- n cab screen thadea linoleum STOVKS (kid100 net coat water In houae large dle toya worth 140 alona) all Included lot good condition 326 Felt Bldg from WILL trade clear at this price Only 1'4 blocks brick In city for A Oronlto high and car ting rod hot 7 Box clear Owner place country I've bargoln It there over was one Tribune-Telegra- m Tm to sell town to leave and going got AI 19 -l IDAHO farm clear: trade for chicken quick Homo partly furnished Will ranch B K city Hy 9819-consider ear as part of down payment for further Information OROCERY and Call Hy 7493-brk house modern 3300 equity for ralua 7000 mortg-j- a home east slae Gaddis Inr Co 31 So Main Was 730 f SPECIAL $285® TEN ACRE FRUIT AND GARDEN 13150— Almost perfect In an Ideal modFarm located southeast Southeast section nearly new 4 rooms ern homa Coops tor 1000 chickens wll with finished room In basement Posor tor exchante gmtl acreage smgll feasessed of every home ture Including B nook tils dralnboard DAVIS INVESTMENT CO til bath oak floors mahog fin ce111 McIntyre Bldg Was 5480 ment basement furnoco garage etc WILL trade my 18000 modern home eood Thtt will dallght the most eitctms 1 acre In berries fruit outbuildings Bountiful for going farm Must be clear ED D SMITH & SONS 4 of debt Box Trlb -- Tele EAST bench -- rm and amusement rm for Mala Floor Mewhoux Bldg W 21 Los Angeles home or clear beach lot Will assume to 3000 Hr 1019-- J TO YORK 338 South Main Wnatch 3040 FOR salt by owner mod cottage west terms or trade lor tide 11000 any HOST SACRIFICE My Bank Stocks 100 WICKS deputy Mrs Dirk and Holmgren Weller 3494 Thirteenth East street son GREEN — Delbert Oscar and Annie Louise Carter Oreen 1587 East Seventeenth Soutn street eon NEWMAN— Marnll Kenneth and Celeste Ann Laramie Newman Pocatello aon COOMBS— Morgan Scott and Vivian Holmtn Coombs 137 ‘ F" street daughter JENSEN — Lyman Andrew and Louis Ruth Owen Jensen 2833 Beverly atreet son FAERBER — Frederlce and Gertrude Marie Tschentache Faerber 834 Edison street REAL ESTATE East Jnd So KB ° wa marHis first Mr j— divi-men- ts They Chester P Hvams 55 former resident of bad r)r0((pdpd aD0Ut na‘I way ter 'into Ut Lake died In a Los Angeles hospital chapman ajid Ada Margaret Wednesday of kidney complications accord- the 200-fotunnel at BraIlr situated Tenth Potts Bird 130 Goltt avenue son ing to word received In Balt Lake at the North and Beck streets when Mr YOUNG— Ralph end Florence Mildred Chris- home of his aunt Miss Matild Phillips of 361 West Bailey was overcome by the fumes Ninth Bouth 353 East Second South street tensen Youn Ihe of ts an employ Mr Snyder made his way out of Miss Phillips who street daughter Lake lest Monday to be i BAUM— Arnold Tsn and Lazora Jane Jen- city hnd left 8alt Mrs Lah thp tunnetna noilliea Donala JVlc- kins Beum 1738 South West Temple street at th bedside of her nephew mother of Mr Hvams died Donald 517 Gale street a watchman Hyams Phillips daughter In Los March ak?? MORGAN— Harris Car and Leone Cooley wasTon-STc'teP'J MU the opening of with in Salt' tunnel 158 Valley View avenue eon McDonald sumMorgan In the family plot In the B nal Israel ceme-ter- v the AXMAN — Carl Willlem and Anna Bertha moned help Irom the Wasatch Mr Hvam h survived by his widow Mrs Eeche Axman 584'v Third East street Chester P Hvams and two brothers Harold Springs plunge daughter Mr McArdle clad in white canvas Hyams of I os Angeles and Leland G COOPER— Edgar Francis and Florence Grace F of Clearlake Cal 353 East Fourth South Hvams Martin Cooper will be conducted In Los trousers a bathing suit and canvas Funeral services street son shoes dashed into the tunnel a hand HINTZ— Clenn Jensen and Edith Elva Jacob-ao- n Angeles Sunday kerchief across his nose for protecEast street Hints 4349 Twenty-thir- d yjONEY TO LOAN counter market Salt Lake City or Hy 6682-TRADE YOURSELF Into an Independent We offer you thl ten 'Afc living chicken ranch with coops for WuC chickens Lovely large modern horns Excellent location on paved highway close to city Owntr will take a city homo or California property in trade 1351 wa TURNER- - Msrt In Eugene end 8lgna ChrisHansen Turner 1389 Major atreet daugh-coop- s pEAL ESTATE Wanted N Was Mr - I hsve realdsnees In Pocatello Idaho fofr52?'oiMmfnarrnarifTr"no and Provo ut also building with 3 In? A8ti Co 903 Walker Bank Bit itoreg In Twin Falla Idaho business secton to trade for any Improved prop Y erty In BaH Lake Cltjr Phone 15 it a — City Surveyor Near Death by Utah Dick ried twice beth Airmet Sulphur Fumes the second marriage If ' mums 132 FOR SALE OR TRADE T was baptized in the L D 8 church He left Scotland with his parent in 1867 coming to America and crossto the plain ing WEILER — William Francis and Ocatvo Mar FRANK V PARISH South Main d Ing porch oak floors elec range coopt 200 hens-an- d a lovely garden Omy 3(00 term 1 ACRES near Highland drive inod brick for 800 hen oak floors etc Snp3800 terms COOL AND 8HADY near Nlbley mod brk with furnace park finest toll Only $6850 tern) 2 ACRES on paved boulevard about 300 ft frontage mod brick home nice garden A- -l water right foopa barn ome livestock goes with place Only $4000 term GADDI8 INVESTMENT CO Wa 337 Bo Mgln 8treet 730 WE have a number of well Improved farm -- 5365-- DEAL ESTATE Agnes pARMS SPECIAL BAROAIN 2250 BY OWNER 1 rms Mod brick duplex sleep porch on side cosy eletn on paved st nice yd garages etc Oood rent locaE Z terms tion Hy 8oS W 7687-MAY CONSIDER TRADE and John CASTLE — — and —- DALE— Castle - Dale ” x Window Protectors Orangeville have been assured of federal public works funds for the improvement of their local water systems by the piping of sptmg water This article deals from Joe’s valley at the head of boes overhead Straight canyon as a result Of a con 'ofilv with wood frame screensa house ference between state officials and a The fust lequlrement for local committee that it&hall be a protection vcieen If it does The committee composed 'of Fpvib from flies and mosquitoes Wimbei Castle Dale Hallie Cox and not do this it may as well be left out William Guman Oiangenlle were of consideiation e accompanied to Salt Lake by Engineet Aiiuming that the screen is prop-tha Anderson of Price who has been erly constructed and that it will aerie figuring on the project They were adequately as a protection there is Us given assurance that the money would another factor to consider— that is For screens bear an be made available for the project sty appearance could possibly begin within 30 portant relationship to the appear-day- s lance of a building Their form and In tNe meantime samples of the color the kind of wood of which they water are being analyzed and arrange- - aie made the location of the are being made for the trans- - sioiral rails all have a definite effect fer of the present wateT right back to1 on the appearance of a wHidow or the head of the can on so the spnug door opening Usually they detract Therefore m mav be utilized tioni its appearance For some time past the state board principle they 'hauld be designed ttf as uiobtrusve as possible hPaUfh)u- h- been encouraging the be 0WPS Panels Important county to improve their water systems which the boatd To achieve Aw the divisional bars t JaimTre imhealthful becau'C of the screens set in double hung w mdows many possibilities of contamination should be opposite the meeting rail along route of the canals which con- of the window Screens set in door- vev the water to the present reser- s should be paneied so as to form with the paneling of the door The new system would convey the behind porch rails should b water by pipe line fiom the springs Screens to r0nfotm with the posi-deslgned head of the Straight canyon in tl0n o£ bau5ters and posts Joes valley about 17 miles west of The matler of pamting is impor-Castl- e Dale the one pipe line being tant lie u COmmon practice in Ihe i bv both Castle Dale and Orange- - manufacture of inexpensive screens ville and would insure pure mountain to dlp the vboie iame into black n better work the spring water for the two towns at less paint at tbe mn cost than if piped to each town are pamted on the job Wood-raele srreens for casement windows lm-wo-rk brother and Nellie U Loan bi les Second MARRIAGE LICENSES C L Sch?iUer Cathenne Marr' james i A Dick of Salt Lake J A! MA HOLDAWAY 49 Rro'o Mrs Rov Keiiv 41 AMY UMPLEBY Salt Lake johntonn'‘MraML' c Shfble'gM’Robert DELBERT H CARMAN 31 Salt Lake' MAROAFET GAMBLE 20 Salt Lake FLOYD F TROXLER 30 Salt Lake 21 Salt Lake HELFN A SPRINOALL JOHN R KIILPACK 30 Salt Lake 31 Sail Lake SADIE L BUROENSON PIACEB— CHICKEN RANCHFf COUNTRY WILFORD A MARKER 22 Salt Lake: rm SOUTHEAST 1 acre In orchard MARY E I EE 22 Salt Lake mod brick bungalow - 3300 terms 4' Cedar Cltv THOMAS SCHTILT7 tor the last i years DOROTHEA ERAZiiR 3a Rawlings Wvcy y0ked for the dyim-c?eEA4-mHmoiDw3ith1i ° ET Wu PERFECT HOME $3450 the autopsy was pei formed it w as announced that Mary Lee Mgs Hodgens companionj af j business agent had beep willed almost her entire estate consisting of Village Inn hotel here and other MomerrSU°nanrk" bate tober 3t836asoTpof STATISTICS Better than new Is this distinguished brick bungalow on corner lot that haa lugt been trimmed and at- A living room traettvely landacaped Clear across the front with newly and polished hardwood floor Horn y cnsmel and Just trimmed In New tiled new wall paper throughout acre to 5 acres priced at Murrav A drainboara and inlaid linoelum from 110to 2600 Was 7834 basement I am proud of In it attractive I ACRES to fruit trees grapes etc plented colors Double garage paved street house full cemented Good water Call Hy 667Q-basement bath garage 30 min drive 800 cash 2000 fr Balt Lake bal VILLA — Beautiful gareany terms Address Box 1114 6 L C den! and tennis court The moat unique accommodate Will in realdenc the city iarae family Must be sold at once owner leaving country Phone me at Hr 8338 or caU my agent E B Wlcke Company Wee 3040 38 South Main atreet house 1 aero ground BY OWNER A Stock Ranches 134 15 mla from business Cheep 3 flowing wolla district A bargain If taken at once FOR SALE 7068-HZ 3028 Bo State 20 50 down 1150 brick cottage per month with no Interest 345 Holly-woo- d t 151 of foul plav On the same day chapel Fifth East street Friend may call at he home Sunday from 10 a m to 12 30 p m Mr Dick died at the family residence 533 East Seventh South street Fridav at & 4 o COLif BROS' Original dea’ers) "waterproof rement burial vault 317 N at W 8797-- J ' (01 Continental Bank Bldg W 3550 40 Virginia A pm Vreh’ L J) 8 Ward 1 Bureau Outlines Important Relief Project certificate saying that he had made a thorough examinfftlon a fevrxlays prevfousty and that he had found no cause for sudden death An autopsy was ordered and the vital organs fent to the state laboratory at Reno for analysts in an attempt to establish either a natural cauae of death of indication 70 gURIAL VAULTS 4000 BARGAINS mood lighted tonleht) j ssrni? COtONIAL n OWER HOURF Phone day or night H M91 870 F$th 8 KINO KINO A JENSEN ATTORNEYS JUDGE BLDO ft lltH 1909 SOUTH Leadville Colo resident At the time of her death last week Mrs Hodgens’ physician was out oi Ihe rity and when he returned li1 refusedtosign a3eath WOOD SCREENS Dale Orangetille Will Build Joint e aervlees for John Taylor Dick 78 pLORISTS STATE ST 484 SOUTH and all of your frtendi ahould coma to M Bee 9 0—Me? i ?IndneS fcyrfrt 1 Yes—' funeral pm H 1133 LAS VEGAS Nev —Matters 'weV moving fa§t Saturday in the case of1 the late Mary Squires Hodgens neer hotel operator here and former John Taylor Dick tery SMITH— Funeral eervlces tor Burt Smith will be held from the Evans & Earlr mortuary chapel Monday at 10 30 a m In charwo of the Rev Rollln H Ayrea The casket will be open prior to service Interment will follow In the family plot at Mt Olivet cemetery WALTON— Funeral gervleea for Elmo Wal or'THCELHnfTHThlED?LTmuaTHbemV75R'lo'Ifv TOP HIMi— IT S JUST O in l0n wm De neLa Buna? M 1 court coat and other rlalmi Someon la koiik to pick up a real baritln as the rose room 36 East 7th 8oUth Bishop 165 over 00p Edward J Solomon officiating Friends eot thl place ma? caU at the Italian room in the Tvo fine homes strirtly modern with beat plumbing and electric refrigeration morluarv tintil time of aervtceR InterThh Two 4 rm hnmea fojfaretaSera conga for over JOOpO rhlrken built in ment Mlllcreek remetery under direcThere is a fmi’l morffage of1 could be made one of the jKates snow place tion Deseret mor'uarv sale ihe run Term of tavh above luortsaae years 112500 whlrh ctn for tM' bouab v 4594 W I 7r e4 room for an axcellenl bom with and bath fireplace built-i- n bookcaeeg Goof cement basement and furnace lot garwaa and splendid location Only $100 down and 920 a month 13000 p mortuary "John ENOEBRETSEN— Funeral aervtcea for BerntV will be held Monday-a- t Engebretaen P m In the roaa room 36 East Seventh! South Balfour Bishop officiating ‘flervlceaWi ®: lho® may call at the Italian room mdiwj - Christensen the mortuary until time of services Bv L!0 terment Wasatch Lawn Burial park Vocal B j selections wiH under direction ot Deseret mortuary J nie Owen and instru-- L car iwill be held Sunday at 1 pf-r-a at mental numbers Bingham mortuary chapel under P by Henry direction" of the Slavonian lodges Thef’etier noon cuket will be open today from-1Friends may call at anfl 8unday until 1 p jn Interment In the home 436 Sego Mt Olivet fceietery ucraer direction of avenue Sunday from 10 a ra until 1 p m Bmgham mortuary SHERMER —'The public funeral services for Burial will take place in the City cemetery Charles Edward Bhermer a retired Mr Holt died at his engineer of 234 Douglas atreet Friday at 3 OS who died In a local hospital July 1 in homo m an Illness h i sevntv-nlnt- h year will be conduct- jof nineafter He months ed bv Acacia lodge No 17 F and A M in England h H Rev Rolhn Avres at rSi" he asdsted by con was in' Mondar Juvt 10 in the Ma TlirP fn Ea't Smih remple JhuVch AftL oSm Mr Holt Mre The racket will be open to silt Lake Mr Holt entered the photo- noon 12 the at nfler Sundgv ftyendt nd ws husineot rtPhir artist leading 't laltrough-Allcomort Q °unUI he rUrd Mam street and at tne Mason c temp'e Monday frdm 1 io I 30 pm Interment In tha family plot at Mt Olivet ceme- IPttQTT 13100— “ ouMD TIM AUC location on south-eaa- t down and balance in Highland park Foul Play Hinted FUND ASSURED FACTORS CITED In Wortian Hotel CHOICE OF Operator Death FOR PIPE LINE FOR OBITUARIES 130 FUNERALS SALE CITY AND SUBURBAN as drill was concerned Saturday and visited the L D S tabernacle and the state capitol At th tabernacle the 143 members of the camp were guests at a special organ recital and later inspected the architectural features of the building From the tabernacle the party went to the capitol where it was shown around the building by Secretary of State Milton H Welling Sunday will be devoted to worship with Catholic services at 9 a m in Stock sales Saturday 106 000 shares the post chapel and nonsectarian services in the C M T C hut at 10 a m The latter services will be conducted by Chaplain Theodore E Curtis and BOSTON Julv 8 iAP) — Following are the the sermon will be preaehed by Warales hinh low and closing prices of stocks wick Larftoreaux assistant chaplain trad'd on tne Boston stock ex The musical program will include se- change Saturday lections by the 38th infantry band and the Highland Park Ladies’ chorus Beginning Monday morning mten- djrH w sjvf cial entertainment has been arrange for Monday at 8 p m 1933 The Architects’ (Copyright Small House Service Bureau Inc) Home Builders’ Clinic Boston Stock List t Utah Auto Sales Double June 1932 Automobile sales in Utah for June Were almost double the sales for the corresponding month of 1932 it was announced Saturday by Carl L Snow secretary of the Utah Automobile Dealers’ association Sales during the past month totaled 660 passenger cars and 129 trucks compared to 389 passenger car and 46 trucks during June 1932 Comparative state figures 'for the first six months of 1933 and 1932 aie 1933 passenger cars 2406 trucks 451 1932 passenger cars 1801 trucks 1933 411 Figures for Salt Lake county are: June 1933 paxsenger cars 328 trucks 41 June 1932 passenger cars 203 trucks 15 For the first six months of 1933 passenger cars 1246 trucks 173 first ger cars six months of 931 trucks 161 1932 passen- STUCCO PLANES Our porch is of frame construcWhere the tion with stucco finish stucco joins the floor and particularly adjacent to the steps the stucco is broken off and the metal underneath We wish to make repairs is rusted What can be done? A The base of these stucco planes where they touch the floor should be covered with boards Replacement of the stucco m these portions will not serve as you will simply have a recurrence of this breakdown where water can wash in the joints between flooring and stucco and corrode the lath SWEATING PIPES Q In hot moist weather particularly after we have been using the garden hose pipes in the basement sweat and drip considerably on the basement floor These are cold water pipes Is there any way ol avoiding this? XCrnts a shat A These pipes can be insulated so Total sale 16 Saturday 55309 shares that their cold surface is not in contact with the moist air or a trough can be arranged under these pipes that will carry drip water conve(Week Ended July 7) BINGHAM niently to drain Utah Metal A Tunnel g cars Utah DelaCEMENT PAINTS ' ware 6 cars United States Smelting RefinQ I would like to know whether ing A Mining 92 cars a cement basement floor can be paint- Tintlc Standard 17 cara Mammoth ed so as to give good service cars total 24 cars A Yes There are special paints PARK CITY Silver King Coalition 526 tons concen- - made for the purpose Your paint trates dealer undoubtedly has them or can get them for you If you have diffiDIAMOND OIL ELECTION culty we will give you trade names Director of the Diamond Oil com- on receipt of stamped pany at a meeting held Friday eve envelope ning elected John Shewell to succeed Shewell J W Musser as manager reported that the well is nearly cleaned and ready to try for a water INDUSTRIALS shutoff early next week There are Bid Asked he said stronger oil and gas showAmalgamated Sugar $60 00 ings now than at any other time dur- Consolidated Wagon 85 n ing operations on this welL 90 00 Loc Ioa Ove Fed Uni Sta Oth Re l Cla Saf Otl Du Dui Exc Cat Ool 611x cut Cui Pro Otl Ore Shipments DELEGATE NAMED SANDY — C Earl ALsop former second vice president of the Sandy Lions club will represent the club at the national Lions convention in St Louis July 41 to 14 Mr Alsop and vision Mrs Alsop and children left here a L Agathe Dahlberg to Colonial B A association lot 10 block 1 Linmonth ago They have visited at Den5 coln addition No ver the world’s fair in Chicago DeAngeline D Nelson NEW RUTS FILED troit Niagara Falls and many other AnTOOEI E— Funeral services for Mr Httduf Ekberg Elilnge against John J They are expected to return COTTON ACREAGE HIGH n places Nelson Wilford widow of Davis gelina 150 a month separate mainElxinga for who died ot a Salt Lake hosoltal shortly after the Lions convention WASHINGTON tenance Oeorge A Faust and Joseph O (AP— An Increase July of 11 i per cent In this year's acreage of cotThursday morning following an operation JcDDson attorneys ton was estimated today by the crop reBoren N Jacobsen aealngt O W Telidt will be conducted In the Tooele L D 8 terment Trill take place In Tooele 1 City Inm p C Teudt Waller D Bcovllle and North ward chapel Sunday at porting board which aatd that as of July 1 cemetery I helm d 8 Scovlllr 400 for rental and restituMrs Nelson was born In Clover October the? were 40798000 acres under cultivation of premise Beckman A Backman against the Betttlyon Home Builders com 9 1883 a daughter of David E and Mary attorneys pany and V A Betttlyon to recover 885 E Slinpfon Davis After her marriage she Elisabeth Davis against Nowell Building on property seizure and 1000 damages for made her home In Tooele until after her oompanv Beealey Music company and Au- alleged eviction James M Carlson attor- husband's death when she moved to Bingto recover 500 on note ney gust Michaels ham Canyon where she resided until her forectoae mortgage and quiet title Deseret Building godety against Harry dralh Fabian 6k Clendentn P Taylor Ethel B Taylor A L White attorneys She la survived by flvg ton and two Zion’s Benefit Building aocletv against Marie White Metropolitan Lite Insurance daughter as follows Mrs Viola N Vowles Clarence Cummtneg and J Irene Cihnmlnta company and Tracy Loan A Trust com- and Alta and El Roy Nelson 8an Diego to recover 311 80 on note foreclose mort- pany to recover 18844 34 on note foreclose Cal Wllmer and Alvin Floyd Wilbur Back-man gage and quiet title Backman A mortgage and quiet title Anderion A Can- Nelson Bingham Canyon her mother and non attorney attorney the following brother and slatrrs also surZion's Benefit Building society against Deseret Building goctety against Joseph vive C W Davig Halley Idaho D L Jnnn Leo and Mrnl I Lee to recover L Steadman Betsy Josephine Steadman Davie BaH Lakei Mre Emm Kearney 1874 40 on note foreclose mortgage and and Martha A Steadman to recover Ely Nev Edward and Truman Davla and quiet title Backman 6k Backman attor- - 2081 13 on note foreclose mortaage and Mra Willard Lea Tooelei Amos Davis Verhf’" Anderson 6i Cannon attor- non Mte Dvl Mre C T Anderaon Mr quirt title Christensen Boot Shop of California1 ness IJohn Oreen and Mr Joeeph Orton Clover Q Local Securities Schramm-Johnso- Utah Fire Clay 25 HO Utah Gas & Coke 7s pfd 30 00 do pet pfd 25 00 Utah Oil Refining 3 25 Utnh-Idnh- o 1 35 Sugar com do pfd 6 00 Utah Home Fire Insurance! SO 00 70 00 Utah Power & Lt $6 pfd 28 50 33 OO tion $7 pfd 33 50 33 75 Its field workers reported Increased acre- 2 do C M I 20 00 21 59 1 Inin cent state from a age every per crease In Mississippi to 79 In California BONDS The moxt significant Increase however Con Bldg 6s 1934 was In Texas which produces more than one-thiof the nation's cotton An Increase Chief Con 7$ 1932-318 per cent in the acreage there was shown Mutual Creamery 7s a rise from 13582000 acres in cultivation on Rocky Mt Pack 6!fes 1919 6i 1934 July 1 last year to 15787000 acres growing 8 LL Sc Ogden Ry 8 Terminal 5 1933 on July I this year Utah-Idah- o Sugar 1934-4- 0 F 8 TREASURY REPORT WASHINGTON July t (API Treaeur? rejHotel Utah Ce Sg 1941 cel pit (or July 4 were $8 3006001 expenSALES $976393 ditures 1261443472 balance tf'k8t SugarEchnfc Trading! 634 87 customs duties lor six days of July mh com 66 at $1 20 03 12796273 dc Utah P I $7 pd io t $33 73' wery' Cl But Ne Rei Ret De De Pu Ca Tn Pm Tli 6' Bll Bei Lli Ot Sti ha rei be 81 h B1 |