Show B1 THE SALT I7AKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORmQ JULY 94933 IN'BRITISH SHUTE DEFEATS WOOD TO CAPTURE TITLE 1 k DENNY WINS WITH 149 TO CRAIG’S M yictQE Lead- - 154 From " ss? Cardinals Win Gain Full Game on Giants Nats Increase Lead Dean Noses Out Benge in Duel BuslT V ictor Over Schumacher in Another Close One Take Two From Injuns While Yanks Lose One Chisox Macks Split Brownies Win ST-- LOUIS July 8 '(AP) — Dizzy Dean held the Brooklyn Dodgers to four hits and whiffed eight in a pitching duel agajnst Ray Benge today and the Cardinals evened the series witiTa 1 to 0 games behind the victory which left them' only four and one-ha- lf July 8 (AP) — The Washington Senators" today ” made Thcr flrstOffiecdmIjirY foreign uritform of 'Tjjgir a ’Johnson sad for his one Indians' Walter Cleveland manager snatching both ends of a doubleheader to take ‘a commanding four Titleholders to -- 'i AIler Wlnmn lne lur napauy C the Senators kept a crowd of 26000 on edge by an exhibition of Frank Merriwell baseball which they finally put in the win column by pushing over a ryn in the last of the ninth for a 5 to 4 victory Earl Whitchill Washington port AMERICAN to 2 3 Win Saturday it id Greenwell and B Kehl Pet men did the best hitting LEAGUE Won Lost 49 25 ‘ Red & Write triumphed over tfie Firerrien 3 behind the six-hpitching of Tom White Saturday afternoon at the Community park in a poned gameJqiJht jjali eration s Wasatch ’lart Sim is ter hurled good ball for the losers except for the-thframe - -- Benge also allowed only four hits’ up to the eighth Then with two out Pepper Martin Frank Frisch and Ernie Orsatti connected tor successive Singles to send Martin in with the only run Neitherjflinger gave a walk in the fast game completed in an hour and 37 minutes Joe Medwick saved the day for the Cards in the seventh after Sam Leslie had tripled by making a diving catch of Tony Cuccinello’s short fly for the third out and holding the ball as he slid 20 feet over the slippery turf Golf Throughout Tom White Hurls To Four Half Games “I1 OPEN for the I Fire- The Firemen took an early lead In the second when Kresser singled and Scotland July 8 scored on Greenwell’s long triple (J5)— Slender Denny Shute Red & White came back in the third American golfing artist with Randall tripled and scored on Shel31 43 30 iteely wrists and a steely tempera50 375 ton’s single The latter scored ahead ment cool as the westerly breezes of Cleveland When Alton poled out’ Results Saturday’s that blew over the ancient linksland sider appeared to have a one-hi- t game Detroit 5 New York 3 a long homer over the left field fence of SC Andrews today whipped his in his grasp up until the ninth inning Chicago 4 11 Philadelphia 10 6 The Firemen knotted the count in Cleveland 3 4 Washington 6 5 of the second game He had allowed St Louis 4 Boston L Craig countryman the fifth Greenwell and B Kehl 'Wood by five strokes in their to men reach first base and only four singled and scored on infield errors: Schedule to Sunday'! the British Indian one as for as A long triple to right by Juddy far advance open golf playoff only Detroit at New York 3 BROOKLYN second throughout the first eight in8T LOUIS championship St Louis at Boston 3 Bisctjoff scoring two runs won the BHOA Cleveland Wood at His mates Shute scored had meanwhile Washington nings game for Cal Woolley’s outfit 4 i a 0 Boris If Only games scheduled four-rlan 4 1 6 0 and the outcome was seldom safe cf pried up The score: apparently frcderlck 4 0 3 1 If ever in doubt from the first hole lead RED Is WHITE FIREMEN 3b 4 0 0 0 Hutcheson rf Hayes 1 3 4 2b 9 BH DA BHOAI Jf 4 129 OtWHermtn where Wood shed his shoes and sox 3 1 9 0 Opening the ninth however Cleve- Urube c Leslie lb 4 t 1 It A Kehl e 4 Old BlthoH CT 0 Mosoif ft If 30 Terry 3 0 0 3 land greeted him with a barrage of myuns P waded into the famops Swilcan burn : Cucclnella2b 4 3 0 4 13 0 I - - 4 2 3 0 P Herman rf 4 0 3 0 Randall rf Ott rf Egbcrt If '! 0 3 0 0 c p Faber Lopes 4 0 0 3Crowthr lb 3 0 4 0 Thomas 3b 0 Sb 4 0 13 Demaree cf w ith his niblick and experienced the hits out 41 Vergea and four slamming singles 3 0 3 5 Jordan ss p 4 3 1 5 0 Marsh 3b 4 0 Wyatt Gates lb 4 13 OiHartnetU c cf Moore 3 110 first of a series of mishaps A pair bringing across two runs before he 4 11 1 10 0 Shelton If Benge p Krrwif r cf Jackson ss 3 0 0 2 Grimm lb 39 13 24 Totals 27 Totals 13 26 i Cleveland ss 4 2 2 3'Orenewell rf was II 0 0 Jack of sixes on the first two holes cost Russell 0 3 l Jurgea as relieved 3 c by Mancuso 30 7 27 7 31 4 24 9 Totals Totals xnatted for Peterson In third 3 0 2 LB Kehl ss 3 2 11 Keener 2b Bush p Wood a deficit of four strokes which Schumachrp 2 0 In the home half of the ninth 000 000—0 000 30U 001 000 — 4 Lovett Brooklyn 2 0 6 2 Chicago 0 0 0 Taylor 2b 3170 000 000 01 — 1 xPeel 10 White St Louis slashed out a Single took second Philadelphia he was never able to offset 3 0 3 3 0 0 I 0 0 0 0! Slmlster '000 p Clark p In— won Two Orsatti ColeRun batted Faber Errors— who Foxx Wills llelen Summary: -Moody Summary of after the catch Goslin’s fly (o' deep man Runs betted in— Simmons 2 Shute thereafter always looked the e hit base hits — Watkins Boyle 29 4 27 14 Totals 24 91 Total' Appling 319 316 336 Totals title sixth came Wimbledon Wood w inner — center her singles and —Leslie Struck scampering home Haas’Madleski Williams Walberg Cramer Score by Innings' Sacrifice hit J Wilson Although far behind xBatted for Schumacher in eighth out— Dean 9 Umpires— Barr and Reardon New Foxx Bishop 2 Coleman hits Red & White 003 003 0- -3 000 000 100—1 Saturday on almost every tee shot sometimes York equaling the record Of with the bUU game on Schulte's clean 1—Cramer Time— 1:37 Coleman Appling 3 Sacrifice— Firemen 010 020 0—3 000 OOx— 2 200 ' to left scored mucH Chicago Mrs 60 as single Suzanne yards Shute Moody by as MadJeakl Lenglen Double Errore— Walberg Higgins Thomai Cleveland A W plays Errors— Summary Jackson Verges Summary: First game: los—Williams to Bishop to Foxx Appling to Kehl White Stolen baeeg — B Kehl a of the victory by the mashad Moore Demaree in— batted Herman Runs experience unique CLEVELAND WASHINGTON Buc9 Phils Three-bas- e Bases on balls — Lyons Sullivan Home run— io Cleveland hlta Hayes a Split Moore hlta—Ott the of Hartnett and his irons consistency ws set tery — Oreenwell 3 Wyatt 3 Cain 2 Peterson 1 Walberg Randall Blihoff Struek eut— e Double play— Jack-so- ing a hit— Critx Oalatrer lb of his rusty old putter Squatting oddout— Lyons 1 Faber 1 Walberg 2 By Slmlster 8 White 6 Base on bails— Off Struck Bases on balls— to Crltx to Terry Smith Blank Gains Porter rf Hits— Lyons 5 In 3 Faber 4 In Wyatt Simlster 2 White 4 Umptrea— Bctnlon and Schumacher 3 Struck out—Schumacher 3 ly with feet far apart Shute rolled AverlU cf 7 In 4 Cain 3 In none (none out in first) Peacock Scorer— M Creer 4 in 7 Clark Bush 3 Vosmlli If PITTSBURGH July 8 0 in 3 Walberg i In I tip shots over the widespreading St Peterson Winning none In Wild pitch—Schumacher Passed Klmm 3b Andrews greens and rarely gave Losing pitcher — Lyone pitcher— Walberg today pitched the Pitts- ball— Mancuso pitcher— Schu Losing Densmore Shute (above) vic- Hal Smith Wood a chance to recover ground that Pirates to a 3 to 0 victory in macher burgh Myatt Second -rf tame i Clsaeli the New Jersey blond lost at the very tor Saturday in a playoff for the the second game of a doubleheader PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO Ferrell BHOA' outset BHOA Braves to -1933 British open championship after the Phillies had staged- a Rally 1 0 McNair 3b 6 4 0 3 3 3 rf Swanion four-ru37 10 24 13 S3 12 27 Shute's Lead Constant Totals Totals rally to capture the 4 11 OiCramer 5 3 10 el cf Haa AmerWood fellow a with 000 001 100—2 Craig levrland 8 to 7 first 4 Back 4 0 3 If Johmon Sullivan lb fray front in 17 strokes was Shute three Redlegs 010 030 30x—6 Simmon if 5 1 4 ’0 Foxx lb Washington a 1 is historic to seven GARFIELD— The first tennis tourheld hits the Smith the ican Shute GJiil? brings Error— holes still that nine batted Runs the Bluege after first Summary: 8 (JP)— Rallying 6 4 1 2IColeman rf 4 3 3 0 CINCINNATI u Apptn8 July I- n- Crowder Myer Hale Porter Ooslln Dykeg 3b 6 3 1 liMadiealcl c 3 0 10 nament to be held on the remodeled much ahead at the lCth'and jumped open cup back to this country while young Arky Vaughan Pirate lustily in the ninth the Boston Braves e — 2 Clsaeli 2 Schulte hits Myer 4 3 3 3 Hlgglni 3b lb 4 110 courts at Garfield will open July J7 shortstop clinched the clash with a drove Bennie to a lead at the 27th from for the ninth successive” 6 hits— Schulte Hale Hayeg c 6 3 a 4 0 17 when a series of tournaments for boys Oiwmiami Frey from the mound Mrs year home run with Paul Waner on base in — Oslstref Crowder Dcfeato Mis Sacrifice on Berry Bases 1 1 OlEarnehaw where Wood’s closing nine-holMoody p and defeat the to p - 4 114 and break tie Oratory a — today 3 2 out— Crowder halls Ferrell Struck the fourth inning 0 0 0 OlCaln 0 0 girls will be started The present p p Having drive in par was only good enough Crowder 4 xKrese In the first clash Bartell's triple Cincinnati Reds 6 to 3 110 OlPeterion p 0 0 0 0 plans according to'H L Erickson Round but Loses to cut a single stroke from the new Maranville Urbanski p ‘Outfit-Triumph- s by Singles Klmsey 3100! a is in charge of the arrangements the in started who Second game: Quaker scoring spree champion's margin A sjx at the 25th and Berger a triple by Jordan WASHINGTON CLEVELAND last inning A Pirate counter-rallTotals 43 18 27 61 33 10 37 16 call lor tingles doubles and mixed Set Totals One hole where Wood blasted out of one eran a BHOA' and sacrifice walk Brandt’s BHOA xBatted for Hevlni In ilxth failed by one run to tie the count doubles matches in the Junior and 6 12 Qalatier cf 3 0 4 0 Myer 2b 020 111 000—11 trap into another was the final blow ror by Lombardi virtually ended (he Chicago First game: 4 110 O'Manueh Bu 6 3 10 If All entrants to and lb 100 040 1 00— 6 senior divisions PhiftlCdlpluA to his fleeting hopes to fall PHILADELPHIA showers PITTSBURGH before 3 4 6 3 3 0 0 began Porter rf game OGoslln rf Summary Error— Dykes Run batted In Including 15 years of age will be enB H O A' 3 17 OiCronln (Continued from Precedlnt Page) BHOA 3 117 Shute's victory his first in any naIt Voanilk CINCINNATI 2 BOSTON Hfai 3 Kress Klmser —Hayes 5 2 2 6X Fullls cf 6 3 6 0 Simmons 3 Berry 4 2 0 OlSchultu cf Kamm 3b Wanerylfv5 4 0 OA Coleman Hlsstns 4 BulUvan tered in the junior divisions and those tional or international championship BHQA BarlflL as 4 10 SIKuhel X3Undstrom t( 5 2 2 4 Urbanlkl ss BH 4 13 0 2b lb 6 1 2 5 and then dug deeply into the turf Hole ss b 1 3 2iAdami e hits— Appling 2 Berry Higgins over 15 will be listed with the seniors 5 2 marked the 40th consecutive triumph OPWaner rf 5 2 4 0 Jordan lb Klein rf 3 0 0 3 3 0 3b c llniuege Three-ba- s S 1 6 0 Morrissey 2b 4 1 2 3 Pytlak hlta Haas Coleman Bimmona Entries for the tournaments will 4 2 9 Mrs Hurst lb 3b Moody Spencer c 4 0 4 0 — 0 0 O'SewelL cf Traynor 4 0 3 1 In the fourth game t for American golfing arms in the 6 4 7 liHafey ! 'Sacrifices— Halrea John Berger Hlaglns Brrry Schlmrch If 4 3 0'Vaughan as 4 0 UWhltehlll p 3 0 0 0 son MadJeikf Hayes Double plays-- Earn close July 15 All interested should R Moore rf 4 0 4 0 Bottomley lb 4 1 13 0 in the center of Cieeell down sat British open He succeeds Gene and Warner 2b 4 1 4 3 8uhr lb slipped 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 RuaxelL 1 Hildebrand p p to sign with H L Erickson at 80 West shaw to Willlama to Foxx Appltna Whitney 3b 6 3 3 ®3 Lombardi c 32 1 Piet 4 Davis c 2b 3 0 0 3i Sarazen who lost out by a single p 3 4 Rice rf Lee It 15 0 the court while returning a low vol- Connally Hayes to Sullivan Bases on balls— Gregory Sixteenth avenue Garfield on or be3 0 0 2 picinlch c 3b vxAveriU 3 10 0 bat110 --01 4 0 1 4 out— Gregory l'A Klmsey 2 stroke in the regulation Roettger If Jordan A C Saturday pounded out Knothe Struck Hogan c Ctln 0 0 0 Swift p ley xxMcCurdy 4 10 3 fore tha tdate 3 Maranvllle2b 4 10 OlHigh 3b Hits— Gregory 7 in 6 Earnshew tle in which Shute and Wood tied an 31 6x26 9 p Totals 37 10 27 1) Having 4 113 Toward the close of the set Mrs decision over Super Neon McLeod 3b 01 00 20 Oflwetonic Totals 3 10 0 Free p none In Brandt p Klmsey 8 In 4 Fernshew 0 French p Elliott p 0 0 0 0 at 292 1 Two out whrn winning run scored In none (pitched tc Johnson p 7 none Cain 16 shots In to the fathom Moody half drop began Moore first game p 10 10 BOSS ABSOLVED xxBatted for Pytlak tn ninth Hit with two batterslTPetersnn 2 In “I just tried to keep ahead of Craig Signs in a postponed 0 0 000 000 004 — 4 xDugas 34 8 27 16 slamming several of them back for Cleveland 38 12 27 6i Totals Totals b'll— Coleman b Klmsey WinningRoss 0 0 0 CHICAGO July 7 for a round” Shute told the Associ- of the Independent Amateur associa- Llskft p 004 000 001—6 pitched 201 000 003—6 outright — -- tn EarnBoston Washington Losing Klmeey pitcher placements 01 1 pitcher— 0 Errors— Qalatrer Cronin 110 001 000—3 the Cleveland Indians' first baseman ated Press after he had a chance to tion's "B” division The victory gave xxxTodd Cincinnati shaw The second set was evenly fought Summery: 0 0 0 0 Rhem p Schulte Cronin In— 2 Goslln Runs batted LombarErrors— Bottomley Summary court of a was circuit onrush absolved the first Jury by escape Kuhel Kamm Hale Averlll 2 Runs batted In— Urbanski Jor- until the poor decision in the thirthe Jordan club the first half title INSTALLMENT GOLF 39 13 27 3 di Frry 39 14 27 10’ Totals LilTotals Three-bas- e hit— "I knew I had and congratulations dan Berger Whitney 2 Lee Adams 2 Rice teenth game Mrs Moody was much hits—Schulte Manush Golf on tire tnetallment plan t the tonight of charges made by Mist The victors pounded out 16 hits off XBatted for Moore th svrnth Double pley base— Ooxlln Three-bas- e Averlll Stolen hits— a Roettger lead at the 18th Whitney latest thing In Dayton Ohio According to lian Eloise Mitchell 22 formerly of steadier overhead than her opponent — Mver to Cronin to Kuhel Bases on balls Duncombe on the mound xxBatted for Knothe In eighth — Eldridge Rice Sacrifice Jordan hits Frey the plan golfers would 0 permitted under Winston-SaleN C that he attacked knew 1 had something to spare even for the victors allowed only three xgxBatted for Liska In ninth Double play — perfertoHogan to but thrice was victim of Jobs that -- Hildebrand 2 Connally 3 Whltehlll 3 specified arreemfnts to pay dally a reen her The 010 110 014— 8 —Brandt Bases Whltehlll 1 hid fees oh bails — Brandt 4 Frey when Craig picked up Jjvq on the hits anff tn addition collected three Philadelphia girl had asked $30000 damnicked the base line Throughout the Struck time they play until they have 231 000 001—7 Jordan each In 6 4 2 tn 1 1 Pittsburgh 4 — Connally —Hildebrand Brandt Fred out Struck membershlo which ages tor injuries she alleged she relast nine but I had honestly forgot- safeties himself Errors — BarteU P Waner Johnson Wild paid enough for annual Summary Russell 1 In Johnson 1 In 3 match Miss Round attempted to cap- Whltehlll 6 In I Hit— Frey 11 In 6 the rest of the ceived would allow them to In— Traynor Vaughan ten I had doubled my advantage goitalize on her opponent's slowness of oltchee— Hildebrand 2 —Winning pitcher— veer without additionalplaycoats Wilson and Runs batted B Roberts pitcher— Frey Colbert 3 BarteU 2 Hurst Losing 3 Davis Picinlch e ing out in the afternoon I was con- Fullmer also hit the ball consistently Schulmerlch P Waner foot by placing the ball as near the Russell Losing pitcher Connally hits— P e Waner 2 Picinlch Pullli Llndstrom centrating so much I guess I couldn't for the Jordan A C sidelines as she dared Ilotc They Stand hits — Vaughan Huret 2 BarteU Home keep the score straight” Tiges Make Hits The score: IV French Win Doubles run — Llndstrom Double plays— Vauvhnn to NBON SION A C balls— Elliot on JORDAN Basse Buhr (2) Piet to Consistently Plays to went doubles title men’s The BHOA B H OA Count Allen Off AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 8wlft 3 Struck out— Elliott Shute was no more spectacular to- B Robert U 5 J 6!S Smith 2b 3 0 2 41 Moore Won LorI Pet France when Jean Borotra and JacHits— Elliott Swetonlc Moore Llsks 3 S 3!W Johnsn 3b 3 0 2b 605 30 46 NEW YORK July 8 OF)— The De In 3 Li'ks 2 In 2 Oolumbu Moore defeated the day than he was when shooting four Colbert 3 1 10 0 8 In 2 Japanese Brugnon ques e 6 I 3 3 Peterson lb D Robert 538 37 43 French Minneapolis 9 In 8 Swetonlc 3 In Nunoi-Rn- d troit Tiger made their hits off JohnJiro 5 1 2 IIP Whipple cl 3 1 0 0 Swift of team straight 73s to tie the brilliant Wood Prrr 3b Rvosuka 35 627 39 rLuska 1 2 In Indianapolis Rhem Winning pitche2 2 7 0 0 8mlth s 2 0 1 3 In Allen count today and piled up 525 Satoh 42 38 Until his last round yesterday and Wilson lb ny Toledo Swetonlc 1 0 0 3 01 Losing pitcher— 519 rl 4 2 0 White rt 42 39 9t Paul the playoff today the Philadelphian Fullmer America shared in the women's ail early lead to defeat the Yankees 0 0 0 0 468 42 410 OlClark If 37 Louisville Ytter cf Second game: 2 0 4 0 to 2 It was New York’s fourth 453 doubles championship when Elizabeth 41 34 professional was given scant atten- Cochran u I 10 3:Glauque c Milwaukee PITTSBUD0T1 3 PHILADELPHIA 2 0 p 373 91 52 tion by the galleries but from start Duncombe p 4 3 0 2 IEldride BH O A Kausas City of California and London and straight loss and the second to Detroit BHOARyan Viliams If 2 1 1 0 4 1 2 OL Waner If 4 13 0 Fred (Firpo) Marberry although Fullls cf to finish he was the most consisMme Rene Mathieu of France deINTERNATIONAL LEAGUE 3 0 of 4 4 13 4iTlndtrom ss 24 3 21 12 Bartell 37 16 21 171 Totals in the Totals Won Lot Prt feated the young English team of relieved by Vic Sorrell when the heat 2 0 tently accurate shotmaker 4 14 OP Waner rf 4 rf Klein Score by innings 35 52 Newark 590 Freda 4 0 2 affected him in the sixth pitched good 3b tournament 4 0 10 ? Traynor 023 -11 121 James and Miss A Yorke Hurst lb Jordan A C 50 37' 575 3 2 4 ? Rochester as 4 2 1 OVaurhao ball to win his eleventh victory of 000 000 0— 0 Schulmrchlf There was not a single six on Neon 8lgn 3ft 568 50 0 o 0 Toronto 4 11 c lb Ruhr W Davis Clark Eldridae Errors— 47 528 42 Summary: Baltimore Shute's cards today whereas Wood Johnson The tournament was brought to a the season J O 2 Fullmer Cochran Stolen Warner 2b 4 0 21 2 Piet 2b c 477 Glauque NEW YORK 41 45 Montreal DETROIT 3 12 0 e had three and there were only four Bees— Wilson Colbert hits—Rob- Knothr 3b 3 0 3'Ftneey By BABE RUTH 9 39 M3 close when the German team of Baron BHOABHOA Buflalo 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 Smith p Colbert 2 D Roberts Fullmer Whtople Jaekeon p mark in the 3R 427 5 2 3 OF M Hilda Walker Krahwinkel Von cf 4 2 5 0 and White Cramm cf Albany sixes on Denny’s tally for the previous erts NEW YORK July 8— We are now at the half-wa- y 0 Colbert to Double 110 Cochran play— Williams 32 381 52 Jersey City 72 holes He was not once in the fa- to Wilson Innings pitched— By Duncombe 7 Collins p won the mixed doubles championship §chuib?b3b 0 0 0 01 races Some of the clubs will play their sevdnty-seven- th a Ruth!1'rfSb' league 521 pdnnant 301 ojbig mous "Hell bunker” on the 14th hole Eldridge 7 Credit victory to Duncombe with a 4 5 0 8 Gehrig half of the victory over Norman Gehrinxer 2b 4 WESTERN LEAGUE lb 28 6 27 ? 34 7 74 1U Tola's Totals game today or tomorrow and that is exactly responsible Charge deieat to Eldridge Runs It 3 2 10 4 10 0 Chapman Won Lost Pet Farquharson of South Africa and Stone If the yawning trap that swallowed is a good time to offer a few xBatted for Jackson In eigh'h — Duncombe 0 Eldridge 11 Struck out— it So I for 2 0 3 1 season’s schedule 3b 35 4 20 nnri ono 836 G OLaexerl ofio— figure rf Walker Joseph ejSt alive costing him an eight be- By Duncombe 8 Eldridge 4 Base on balls— PMledelphia 4 0 5 3 32 583 Mary Heely cf England 23 000 210 J0v- - Des Moines Oreenberi lb 3 0 IS O' Dickey c some dealing with happenings in the first half of the sides ending Walter Hagen’s cham- Off Duncombe Eldridge 3 Hit with pitched Pittsburgh 3 0 3 3 observations 31 3 3 0 3 Farrell as 24 564 Joplin Rogell Error— Vaughan Runs — Wilson Umpire— Decker Scorer— C ball Summary with probabilities in the second half Here they are 29 537 0 0 Omaha 25 some 6 2 0 season aCombs 16 e Three-b- e hit Hayworth tm— Vaughan 2 Llndstrom pionship hopes and ruining the cards Cochran 0 0 26 26 a 519 2 0 0 Springfiled 10 Lary 6tolen p Marberry run— Horn — Vaught" L Wkner of two Britons Syd Easterbrook and There probably will not be a 25- 3 0 13 22 32 407 0 0 llAllen p to Topeka Sorrell p Double plays —Hurst base— Vaughan (hese Mm phlllie 22 0 0 0 407 32 Abe MitchelL IzxRufflni on Bartlesville Piet to Suhr Bases Hurst to Bertell Hitters game pitcher— I meart a pitcher who lead all other National league cluba 18 35 340 t Leading out— Muskogee S'cy-lSuite — Tackon 3 Colllna 31 3 ml 27 as Totals Denny Meets Crisis Total will win 25 games— this season In hitting while trailing all of them Hits — taekson 6 I" 7 Collins none Smith SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION in the Majors iBatted lor Farrell In alxth Teckson (Continued from Preceding Page I It was at the famous No 14 hole In 1 Losing pltel-'-In the won and lost column Won Lost Pet axBatted lor Allen In ninth there has been In 001—5 200 a Knoxville 110 889 this morning that Shute furnished a Pitching Honera open golf championship by Denny Detr’Aolt ih Nashville 100 001 000—2 several 2 9 318 LEAGUE AMERICAN New York a in do of he could Duel what tight sample Little Rock 7 6 538 Shute American golfers have again Runs batted seasons Pet Busli Wins Error— Sewell O AB R The pitching honors for the first Summary and the His New drive SorOrleans rough 444 caught 5 4 spot 75 312 59 115 368' Simmons Chicago in this event In— Stone e F Walker White 2 Combs The N a t i onal half of the season belong to the New 7 4 384 proved their superiority 73 296 61 109 3682 Birmingham hits— Ruth F Walker Ro- a fine brassie shot had just enough Cronin Washington rell From Schumacher York! Giants as a team and taXon- 4 Atlanta 7 384 We believe Shute’s victory was the well base— league has Hoine run— F Walker-Btnlroll to catch “Gingerbeer" bunker" Toxx Thlir 333 Tweluh famish Hay- - shown as many Sacrifices— Marberrr Boston Warneke of the Chicago Cuba indiopen for Amencair ChaprnarT CHICAGO July 8 W— Guy BusTf Chattunooga 3 3 Allen short of the green Denny then ex- Hodapp 300 Memphis balls— Manush Washington ' Bases oil Marberry wurth first year In a fine duel viduallygolfers in 13 played 4 Marberry good Schumacher Hal out— 3 Sorrell Allen Schulte shaded Struck Washington of the to feet nine within pin 1 ploded the as Sox not only are a TEXAS LEAGUE West 8t Louis The Boston-ReHits— Marberry 0 In I Sorrell players 2 Sorrell in a two it made Cubs and sank his putt for a birdie On Swanson the and the this Pet record it 2 In 3 Contrasted to Chicago today American league Winning pitcher— Marberry big improvement over the 1932 team g Williams Phlla Giants 644 the the ninth again on the twenty-thirover row In to win failure of Americam which proGalveston but on their recent performances they 550 Shute matched Chapman New York 2 to 1 and the twenty-eight- h - 522 duced Rowe as the must be rated as a possible first diRyder cup pliy in England It la Bosox Hand Brown§ Wood’s birdies seeming to have the Schumacher allowed the Cubs only 500 1938 of American true the best Ryderi vision finisher freshman Tulsa 494 Phlla in Klein rare ability to check any threat or Davis Phlla four hits all singles in the seven came Beaumon! oitcher Pytlak be46" pretty close but they Victory on Platter The Yankees and Senators will batchallenge 411 Fullls Phlla nings he worked and Lefty Clark set Fori Worlh missed the prize Just the tame bat the Highind tle down the stretch for the American outLouis Boston 8 a The brief 391 burst Collins St Wood lost his chances on the ((P)— BOSTON July them down in order but Still Yankee Ryder teams ara on the infield pennant Aa for the winner-w- ell gins Frederick Brooklyn league mood and in Schumacher's a charitable of wildness on ward and easier half of the course Berger Boston Red Sox were part the British advandown and Dixie Walker world series will move to the cutting enLouis St Jackson the 39 Travis handed Amateur a costly error by strokes both morning grid Piet Pittsburgh taking today and Averages and Bob Johnson stadium after the first tage year after year In 1926 the Yankee the 1 Pittsburgh in the to Vaughan runs 4 score to their Shute turn to a Cubs abled the afternoon whereas the victory through nations met informslly at Went-- ’ Browns in the outfield Martin St Louis two games have been played at a Bush of errors had three time and thus only each the first inning shot par golf granted medium Moore Boston worth and Great Britain won by Medwick of the BEST National league park a substantial margin for each drive six blows and no walks for his ninth BONNEVILLE— RITTERS The first three tallies by the ardinals is the to the top heavy count of 13 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE There will be no new home-ruerrors were unearned Browns Pet by down the stretch Twice Shute was Baltimore Babe Ruth victory 20 Toronto 31 1 In 1929 the margin for Great best of the Narecord et this year and probably 438 CHICAGO NEW YORK Cooke and Warstler being seven strokes ahead but Wood ran Jersey City 0 Montreal 1 new outfield crop and there will be no player with as tnany Britain was 7 to 5 The score this Hodapp tional 380 BHOA BHOA' Newark 11 Buffalo 3 converted into scores by the invaders Jordanleague’s back a stroke on both the thirty-secon367 4 0 0 3 3b 4 13 IlEntllsh to 5 Critl ’Th of the Dodgers tops the in- as 50 homers at the end of the seayear at Hoylake was 6 Albany 3 Rochester 6 364 The fourth run and the Sox lone score fielders with his last rally and thirty-thir- d men I mean son 345 By first-yea- r There were three tough holes remain Ryder cup matches played in Amer- wereBTearned players who never before rated as big The Century of Progress game at BOSTON LOUIS 600 ica have been heavily in this couning including the famous “road hole” BHOA1 BHOA Chicago will be remembered and 446 No 17 but Shute never faltered as he In 1927 at Worcester Schareln 3b 6 3 2 OiWarstler si 4 0 2 2 league regulars 440 try’ favor talked about long after any other Dealt 4 112 3b 4 0 2 0 Werber Important to West cf got pars on each 433 Mas the Americans won 9 3 0 4 0 cf 4 1 6 OlCookc If ms game of 1933 haa been forgotten Oar 2 and at Columbus in 1931 the Campbell rf 3 0 0 O Hodapp 2b 4 12 3 The National league pennant race Winner “Tickled’ 600 two 4 0 0 2 has been completely 3 e 9 to 3 changed lOOFerrell by Burns lb won Americans 500 (Copyright 1933 by the Christy When Shute tonight accepted from R Johnson rf 4 0 5 0 deals the one which sent Durocher 464 It is remarkable that while Ameri- Mellllo sb2b 44 21 521 Jolley Walsh Syndicate) 4 3 0 0 If the Earl of Lindsay the championship 429 Lvey in and one the to the Cardinals 3 2 8 03eeds lb can teams fare ill in England individ- Shea c 4271 cup on which are engraved the names 2 2 0 H andl” 0 obtained O’Doul 3 2 Johnson p which the Giants 10 ual players have demonstrated their Wells p TEAM AVERAGES of Vardon Braid Taylor Hagen and rMcManus 110 0 deals These materially lI 0 0 0 0 Clkrk Kline p superiority Arthur Havers in 1923 Jones all he could say was: “I’m still Cards and Giants Bonneville Lovlnter 279 was the the 0 0 0 strengthened Britto zzMUler win the Briton only think tickled I'm too excited to but 351 Ed- Wasatch Hed and White The managerial burden has rested of the ' 33 9 27 9 Pioneer Lovlngcr 345 ish opeif It is true that some 35 I 27 13 Totals to death” Wood then remarked: “I Total won It were foreign ' rBattrd lor H Johnson In aevsnth lightly on the shoulders erf Joe very who Fielding Americans a so to fine beat too badly played Bonneville Stadium 967 Four-Wa- y Hutchison in 1921 St zzBatted tor Kline In ninth IN) 010 100— 4 Cronin who has been proving himself Jock as such born Red as Waaateh and White 940 Denny” Louis player a brilliant player and successful leadArv 941 Jim Barnes in 1925 and Tommy Pioneer 000 000 010 — 1 Boston Infantry Mrs Shute the champion’s wife PITCHING mour in 1931 For all practical purSummary: Errors — Warstler Cooke Ho- er at the same time was even more excited than her husRun batted In Schareln Oarms The most brillinat comeback of 1933 these golfers are dapp Max Baer possibly the next world’s heavyweight boxing champoses however e band She followed the entire playBurns Mellllo Ferrell hit— goes to the credit of Pepper Martin Seeds' 2 Werber Jolley Three-ba- s hit— products of American golf off and said she mentally played pion will be the standout actor on an elaborate card arranged by Heinz Quality Foods Double olsy— who had such a disappointing season Sscrlflce— Oarms Hodapp Well 2 on Seeds every shot When Wood holed a long R Verne McCullough for his arena Friday night to blls— Bases Warster ill) 1932 after a remarkable world aeIf one argue that conditions in are made to order for H Johnson 3 Kline she said: While Baer will be’khe standout ac-Btruck out— Wells putt at the Great Britain and the United 3 H Johnson 3 Kline 2 Hits— H Johnson ries the year before tor the real standout figure of the Joe are even as to faljs In their pre“We can afford to lose that one” men Be 2 Hit with pitched The outstanding team performance States differ rsdicstly that any I In—7 Kline none in Losloa of the by H Carrobell ball Johnson Giving up hope of producing a occasion will be the eternally popular vious bout Hy won the first fall and larder New aure been of that the or has team camp of year your tny professionals VARIOUS LEADERS H Johnson pitcher— champion of her own Britain hailed Jack Dempsey Jack comes back to then York Giants who have been leading Molt tilt — Bar Draper 14 Rumuaaen others going from one country to includes Manning cut loose- with a drop Draper Shute as the next best thing for- his his old home town as the main at14 bedisadthe National league while hitting another la st an Immediate is the e hits— Marah Firemen 4: ShelHacks Divide Day’s grandmother still lives in traction of the Baer exhibition tour kick to Win the second He low the 260 mark and while as great ton Red and White 4 Gate vantage one may arrive at a reaRed and Some of tha the village of Northam near West- and no doubt hundreds of the Old best drop kicker we have seen on the White 4 a player as Travis Jackson was lost son for America’s Ryder enp dn Double With Chisox Savoldi Joe arena since the mat here at will friends e — was be Jumpin’ his Ho Mauler’s Hits Emerr Wasatch Oil 4 father ward where " COOKED SPAGHETTI team to HEINZ the and Britain's feats In England Arayle Wasatch OH 4 before going to the United to say "howdy" perfected the "hold” The That new home of the Cleveland InPHILADELPHIA July 8 here Homt rune— Evans Lovlnter 3 Sharer defeats Ryder with Utah’s foremost Heckler Bob equipped are a Pat Shutes States The Flanagan fully BEANS light HEINZ 3 h Philadelphia Athletica and the Chi- dians is the toughest park for home of the Total base —Infantry Oates Red and White 29 family lit Devon and the veteran J H heavyweight will meet Baer as will a new dressing gown in place But if the same argument is applied cago White Sox divided a double-heade- r runs that I have seen in my baseball Bacrlflcea— Randall Rd and White 8 Marconi SOUPS HOMESTYLE a HEINZ Westasunder one rent of Murdock at Kansas Tony Bill by also famous City professional Taylor Stolen baiea— Softer Draper 5 Vincent to the British open it is difficult by A1 today the Mackmen winning career ward Ho was among the first to con- fighter who has gained no little promi- will meet an old time favorite-iStadium 5 that reasoning to explain the consist- the first game Pirates Slump but dropping the baker Lake Salt Check over the list to the Newman boy also nencenew the promises Dempsey champion gratulate ent victories of Americans in that second one 11 to 6 The Athletics The hitting slump which struck the A1 has been doing his stuff In the Shute plans to visit) hip relatives spar one round with' Baer Varieties— Hina you’ll Home Run Standings highlv regarded event drove out 18 hits in the first game outfield has all but killed 'Vni east for the last two years and has then see Parle with Mrs Shute and The fistic end of the It is one of the many enigmas of Chicago put a quietus on the see- Pittsburgh find: scores of suggesoff the pennant chances of the PiThe degree show therefore will be well been highly successful play several exhibition matches In Associated (By Press) saw second gameby hammering out rates The golf 1 of his improvement will be evident tions for fishing and averages showed Home runs Baturday: England before returning to the Unit- taken care of six runs in the eighth inning George Paul Waner July 275 Lloyd Waner at Llndstrom Pirates 1: Vauthan Pirates at ed States The wrestling stile offers a bill of in his match with Flanagan 1 1: Walter camping trips Yankees TILDEN BARNES WIN Earnshaw was charged with this de- 266 and Freddie Llndstrom at 256 leaders: superior merit First off there will Del Kunkel recently turned pro The 8 OP) — American feat BERLIN The biggest disappointment of the 24: Ruth Yankees 19 Foxx Athletics STEELE BAN MATCHED July be Ira Dern and Billy Edwards This and Arthur Hedin the Idaho slippery same: a Fixst 17 17 Yanke-Klein Phillies professional tennis players compet year in either league are the Phillies Edwards is a rough customer He is eel will appear in a time limit match OehrW CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO PHIIJDEt®HIA Braves 15 July 8 B H O A whose 1932 performance caused the 'ing against a German team under totalsof Freddie Steele crack an advocate of “win at any cost" He is It is possible that another mat bout-wil- Icace 250 Total 586 Davis cup play conditions took a lead baseball followers io consider a sure be arranged in which Wild Bill American 338 National voung Tacoma welterweight and Ed- has been here befflre and has always r of 2 to Alft matches today as Bill first division team not a Longson will do one side of the heavy SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION die Ran of Poland for a given a colorful show Tildcn and Bruce Barnes defeated in 1933 I 'Hie Fork Ohsltanooss ‘bout here next Friday night was anHy Sharman and Joe Manning the 8 8 New Atlsnts Orlesns H Nue&Jein and Hans The value of defensive baseball— Bartels in the nounced today by Promoter Tom latter a hardboiled wrestler from to be a bill rich in promise for both Memphis 7 Nashville 0 6 4 doubles match iTexas meet in a rematch Hy andboxing and wrestling fans 2'pitching and fielding— is emphasized Birmmshara 11 Knoxville II Gallery ST ANDREWS h ft Washington New York 45 38 36 38 37 Philadelphia Chicago Detroit Cleveland Boston St Louis 662 600 500 404 494 468 419 SO 38 39 39 42 t 1 O 3- O Ma-nus- h oCiu 'r 1 1 Three-bas- Two-ba- d Crow-th- er Two-ba- 1 n Three-Bas- temisIeen (AV-You- ng 1 - Garfield Books Net Tournament STILL RULES n Turn 1 1 1 Two-bas- e Three-bas- e J 3-- 3 Jordan I y Over ns 11 to 0 0-- 0 1 a e I : 1 1 1 Two-bas- 1 1 e- 1 1 1 1 1 1 tr ' 1 3 11-- 3 1 1 01 01 WV-Harl- ey 1 CIs-se- ll well-wishe- three-strok- j Two-bas- e Two-ba- e 1 1 3 1 3 3 Llnd-stro- ! Two-bas- Three-bas- I First Half Filled With Upsets Season’s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 6-- g-- 3 5 1 Ruth Touches Upon Some Outstanding Events in Major League Pennant Races 1 1 2 2- 4 1 1 Two-bas- 1 8-- 1 1 1 Sar-aze- n 1 1 1 This and That O 1 1 1 1 1 recent 1 not Two-bas- en 1 1 d has league-leadin- TiTT 3 2 I d 2 2 Dempsey Baer Claim Stage in Arena Show 2 1 1 1 Max to Meet Heckler Murdock Dern wards Head Wrestling Program 1 Thirtj-eiKhtfr- Two-bas- thirty-secon- 1 d rs Tyo-bas- club-mak- $t Three-bas- P)-- well-know- n OVEN-BAKE- D Thlrty-alaht- n double-barrele- of 10-- 4 a- d Ber-ae- l lin tail-enfle- 3 ill j '7 r i a- |