Show o' THE SAIT L'AKE TRIBTTKE SUNDAY MORNOTff JULY 9 1933 jj g" LOCAL STATE LEAGUE CLUBS OPEN SECOND HALF SUNDAY BOXER TURNS HAACKE TO 'N MINKY QUITS RATTING RACEHOSPITAL TO VISIT TOOELE GROWS KEEN RICH LASSIE GOLFER WINS STAKE FALLS —DIXIE CROWN “TO MATAHARIi PLAY WITH KID OUTFIT Where to Fish in Utah S liTlI — George Redmond Once JAEND Iad JulyOMV Mellnkovlch Notre Dame’i star fullback today waa released from SL Joseph hospital 35 pounds lighter but recovered from a kidney and liver ailment After spending two day In w Ralph - Fisher Filly Wins Arling AMERICAN LOOP Cronin Simmons Foxx in 'A M I '' v SecomTHalfTitle Sunday’ Schedule Royal Tf Holsum bleheader 2 pm Community park Helper at Provo doubleheader 2 p dou- - bl ' By PHIL M’LEESE The second halt in the Utah State baseball league opens Sunday The two local clubs Royal and Hol-ustage a double header at Community park and Helper goes to Provo for two games Both bills will start t 2 p m Once again the Royal Kids y ill be s uphill battle against! lighting Claude Engberg’s lirst half titlehold-er- j Holsum its squad intact with but one exception has a hurling staff which is working perfectly while Royal its starting lineup changed ’by injuries can boast only one winning hurler and an untried one at State league competition Elmer Haacke who pitched a three-hi- t game for Red Sc White Friday He was signed by Nick Scanlon Royal manager Saturday Strong Manned Staff Holsum’s hurling staff unquestionably is the envy of the league There ere Mel Scott Bill McDuffie and Lee ’Johnson all right handers and Reese Llewellyn a portsider Mel has been hurling regularly since practically the first of the season and except for one game with Provo in which the Timps touched him for nine hits Mel has not allowed more than eight safeties in Bill has done almost as well and Johnson and Llewellyn recently blossomed forth as stars in their own right The members of the staff combined to win four games two double-headein two days and did not allow more than three runs in any of the games That's pitching ball The Royal staff by comparison is not so good In the first place Thome Coggle ace right hander has been on the Injured list for over a month and probably will be out for at least that much longer Alvin Shafer who re cently joined the club weighs fifteen pounds less than he did at the first of the season and the effect upon his etamina has shown up in the games he has pitched recently That leaves only Don Grieves Haacke and Sammy Oliver Grieves has started only one or two games so far this season But Sammy as hard working as they make ’em sort of saves the day He has lypn more than bis share of the games and he is look- Jng better all the time Haacke has been doing some exceptional hurling in Idaho semipro circles He is not unfamiliar to local fans ior he worked in the Copper league several years ago and with the Bees of the U-- I league No Additions There will be no other additions to either roster The Holsum infield Sunday will not include Occie Evans who has left for Idaho for a two weeks’ business trip but Ping Nyberg will be able to hold down the hot corner nicely and Ken Anderson will hardly look out of place in right field But the Kids will be without the services of both Darrell Bonny who sprained his knee three weeks ago and Tom Hogan who split his finger in the first game of a double header with Holsum' last week With those two dependables out of the lineup the Kids will not have their full strength by any means However with Pete Huxford in right— a position he played all last season — Alex Logan in left and Dee Mattson in center the Kids will have a strong outfield both defensively and Shelly Williams proboffensively ably will be at second and Pie Drou-bay at short Haacke ta Start Haacke is expected to hurl the first game for RoyaL He will oppose Mel Scott Bill McDuffie and Sammy Oliver undoubtedly will be the hurling choices for the second game Helper and Provo should stage an interesting double header at the Timp park Bliss Hoover’s club runner-u- p to Holsum for first half honors by m i J 4 rs r t Wields Mean Mashie 4fT By DILLON GRAHAM ATLANTA July 8 VP)— Some boxers play a good golf game but Ralph Redmond probably is the only expugilist ever to win a golf championship of any consequence Coming strong at 37— an age when most athletes are going away—the St Petersburg Fla star won the Southern amateur championship almost hands down He thrust his way through a fast field— the toughest bracket in the draw— to defeat the methodical youngster Earl Stokes of Louisville Ky 4 and 3 in --the finals over the East Lake qourse here Howell an Rasy Victim' In the quarterfinals Redmond was called on to face Eugene Vinson a Elmer Haacke who Saturday was three-time- s Mississippi champion outfit of the who a year ago signed by set an qual Utah State league 142 for the Southern of ifying record Vinson was downed by the Floridan 4 and 2 Redmond shot the last seven holes of the round in four un F-- C SCHEDULES and Riverdale-OsgooTilts Regarded as Features d IDAHO FALLS basegames in the ball league bring together some of the “naturals” in the league possibilities Probably the most evenly matched teams to meet Sunday will be Iona and Firth' which are slated to play at Ion& Both teams have shown improvement during the past few weeks and should play some good ball Sunday The fracas whjch will attract the will be attention of the Riverdale-Osgoo- d battle at River-dal- e Osgood pennant challenger and at present club by reason of a margin over the Riverdale nine will exert every effort to keep in the league lead while Riverdale with a strong team of veterans who take for granted that their right is to lead will battle hard to best Osgood and tie for the league lead The Idaho Falls Community Kids under the managership of Ernie Anderson will take on the strengthened Dewey club in a game changed from the Dewey home diamond to Highland park The clubs are fairly evenly matched dope indicates and both play a good brand of ball A somewhat disorganized Ucon team will tangle with the Roberts nine at Roberts and Shelley should take an easy game from the New Sweden in other scheduled games Idaho-Sund- ay’s ty top-ho- rs le one-ga- Miami-Biltmor- S r®1 estate hi dealer days- ?oiiiSrltingforf°od - in Now jobt0 Giants Release Veteran Pitcher 8 MV-Geo- rge right-hande- Cleveland DURHAM? NiC Koy and Detroit In the American league former UnivejtWJVTexas football was signed early this season after the and baseball profes- Tigers released him He was used sional diSmona JSkbm with the Dur- by the Giants for relief work andWas ham Bulls credited with one victory and one deby making feat While with Cleveland Uhle two bases ranked among the best in the Ameriis the property of the Yankees ca nleague s "‘‘ MICHIGAN TAXES TRACKS Race track in Micblsan ara to He licensed at from 1 1000 to 12500 a day lor running races and 100 to 500 for harness races The state will receive 25 cente from each admission ticket a single game and fresh from triumphs over Western and Southern Utah league clubs will have its hands full Tom Jackson Helper infielder remade Into a hurler has been doing some of the best pitching in the league He has at least an even chance to win the second game and Joe Dud-le- r will worry ’em in the first one The Timps’ dependable left handers Joe Barney and Lefty Cole and Bill Page Salt Lake right hander will all be ready for duty - Wasatch Leagues to Be Staged by Lovinger Stadium Aultman in Front With city tournament time about a month off races in the Amateur Federation and Independent leagues are going through that familiar process known as narrowing down The process in the three Federation' leagues has just begun however for The Federation schedule for the the only team which may be counted wedk will be dominated by the out of the race1 is Sugarhouse In the games In the BonneBonneville loop Stadium and Lov- ville and Wasatch leagues race inger are staging a Expect Crowd for honors but Draper has an outThe Sunday battle between these In the side chance through two clubs is expected to draw the Wasatch loop Lovinger Wasatch Oil Community crowd of the sea Stadium and Red & White are all very largest son Shepherd and Ronny Peamuch in the running Lovinger Red cock Frank & White and Stadium are also po- dium star right handers for the Star and Lovinger clubs respectivetential winners in the Pioneer league ly probably will stage one of those Hold Three Firsts hurling duels which are becoming The Turvlllians hold undisputed frequent in the Federation leagues in all three as the batteries become more familiar Jiossession of iffirst place they continue to hold with the hitters of them the all three pitching staff The other gaftne in the Bonny loop has been underrated pits Draper against Sugarhouse If Aultman Grocery continues to be Don Harrison hurls for Draper the the only club which stands heads and club should win although the Merwhose play is improving shoulders above its competitors in the chants Independent association The club is steadily probably will put up a atiff practically certain of the second half battle Only two games are on the Indepenchampionship of the “A” division Distilled Water and dent schedule for Sunday Utah PoulLemmon's Knights of Columbus in the “B” di-- try opposes Arcade Theater at RiverBirrell side and Heinz Drug meets Long Life vision and U P Boosters South The Eranklin Grocery and Shoe St Twenty-firs- t Bottling Fruit and Produce Thomas Grocery in the “C” division are the outstanding clubs game has been postponed 1 The Walker cup player Billy How the semi finals and he took the Richmond Va boy 6 and 5 As a youth Redmond favored box ing over other sports He fought some of the best boys in this country and abroad and he says was matched with Tommy Gibbons in 1916 for thff world’s middleweight crown A broken hand in training prevented this encounter Sixteen years later he was good enough to give Max Schmelingf then heavyweight champion a good workout in his training for the Stribling fight City Champ Five Times Redmond turned to golf at 28 Years of practice made him a low scorer He won the St Petersburg city championship five times He was low amateur in the e open two years ago scoring several strokes lower than Gene Sarazen and other noted professionals In south Georgia a few days before the Southern started he suddenly decided to enter He drove to Atlanta fired a snappy 65 m practice finished a stroke behind the the qualifying round and rushedin through the tournament having only one hard match on the way the champion the south has everbigst had around six feet tall weighing 18(7 pounds and with broad shoulders and huge forearms and wrists His shoulders were de- Pr°feSSi0naI football 'Ohio'!133'1118 ill was Redmond’s rival in tt£HICAG0 July Gridder Makes veteran was given his outright releasepitcher by 'the Go of Baseball NewUMeYork Giants today who served with Feature Games in Bonneville k ARLINGTON PA?K Chicago July ()— The slim brown Mata Harl owned by Charles T Fisher of Detroit came galloping down the stretch to victory today in the $26000 Arlington Lassie stakes foT fillies to win by two and lengths Her stable mate Far Star was second Dabchick the fleet Greentree stable finished third after having been closest all the way to the Mate Harl and Far Star The race was witnessed by 18009 Mata Harl undefeated in two previous starts ran the six furlongs in the rather ordinary time of 1:12 but she could probably have won it by a city block so completely did she dominate the race Made the favorite along with her stable mate Mata Han 84 to win while the place paid $4 price on the entry was $4 24 with to show Dabchick which also $326 was heavily played J?aid $370 to show The victory off the fashionable young flapper of the turf enriched Owner Fisher by $21870 and he also drew down $2300 additional making a total of $24170 when Far Stir took second money Dabchick earned $1500 for her brilliant effort in finishing third while Some Pomp won $500 for fourth money Ten of the fleetest fillies in America started Finishing behind the four leaders was Slapdash t)ie star easterner which had captured five of her six previous starts By her triumph Mata Hari becomes a contender for the honors of the year outside of the fillies’ division tRom) Provo ' STRAWBfRRYVX Res ’TO IQS ANGELES (U TO DUCHFSNE “i der par VITAL GAMES league-followe- - front-runnin- g e Iona-Firt- h Second one-ha- lf the-Ro- Salt Lake Sandlot Races Narrow as Finish Nears ‘ Star V'W L Provo Weber Rivers Tributaries Offer Good Sport for Anglers CRONIN STARS AT SHORTSTOP The Provo and the Weber rivers are two of the big fishing streams of the state In discussing stream fishing these two rivers must be considered together for although thetf mouths are about J00 miles apart their sources are Very near each other and the man who fishes up the Provo often steps across the small divide near Kama and fishes down the Weber Conversely many an angler starts up the Weber and before long may find himself dragging them out the Provo of The main stream of the Provo offers fishing from the place where the river cuts through the hills and onto the plain clear up to the lakes which form its source A first class highway parallels this river Camping places are frequent and there are many places where cabins are available The stream is heavily fished but in spite of this fine catches are made The state fish and game department plants more than a quarter of a million legal size fish in this river each year Most of the catches are rainbow but in recent tunes the or German brown trout have been planted The Weber river and its tributaries also offer many opportunities for the angler Most of this river is within sight of the main U S highway from Ogden to the eastern states Lost creek East canyon Echo canyon and Chalk creek are among the important fishing tributaries In the upper stretches of the stream Beaver creek and other branches carry their full supply of fish Salt Lake anglers may reach both the headwaters of the Provo and the Weber and the lake region by going east through Parley’s canyon fishing in Parley’s Lamb’s canyon and upper East canyon en route Ogden anglers also have at their doors the Ogden river This stream which heads north of the Weber enters the Weber at Ogden Fishermen travel on good roads to their favorite spots on this stream and limit catches are not uncommon locji-leva- t Ball Schedule For Sandlots FEDERATION Bonnavill Lean (Sunday) Lovinger va Stadium Community! Scanlon Feeney Haney I:Se a m Draper va Snuarheuie No li Lee Hand 10:80 a m Wasatch League (Menday) Wasatch Oil v Surarhonae Comma nttyi Anatin Don Harvey O p m (postponed same) Wasatch Learn e (Wednesday) Surarhonae va Wasatch Oil No 1 Spry Liddell Snider Firemen va Red White No Austin Feessey Hand titadiem l Lorinrtr Cemaunttn Scanlon Ewing Creer Wasatch icagae (Thvraday) Firemen rs Stadium Coromanltyi Solder 8prr (Postponed Ftcaeji fame) Pioneer League (Friday) Urinrer vs Bed White No ll An-ti- n Ewlnr Harvey Thirty-eight- h Infantry va Waaateh OU Cemmuaityi Den Lee Hand tt INDEPENDENTS A Dlrliien Snnday July tftah Peultry vs Areada Theater Biversldei Woolley 1 a m Heins Dm vs Long life Shoe Twen-ty-fir- et Seath) Waelley 1:20 p m Aultman va Wasatch Oil (exhtbj tlan) Municipal No Si Decker lt80 a m Birrell vs Nibley Dairy (praetles tame) No 1 0 s as Tuesday July It Arcade Theater vs Lang Lift Sbtti Municipal No li Liddell t Asltman Grocery vs Utah Poultry) Twenty-fir- vt Southj Snider W F P va Heias Drag (postponed) B Division Monday July 10 Nlblsy Park Dairy vs Super Neon South Junior i Woolley Lemmon Distilled Water vs Eighth Avenue Groeery Municipal No 1) Lee K of C vs Jordan A C Municipal No If Snider Thursday Jsty IS Eighth Avenue Grocery vs K of Cm South Junlon Liddell Super Neon vs Lemmon Distilled Water Municipal No 1 Woolley Jordan A C vs Nibley Park Dairy Municipal No If Lee C Dlvhfon Tuesday July 11 Pranklln Grocery vs Capitol Coffee Shop South Junleri Lee U P Boosters vs V C C Biversldei Decker Thomas Groeery vs Birrell Bottling Works Municipal No It Woolley Friday July 14 Birrell Bottling Works rs Franklin Riversfdei flpry Grocery Thomas Groeery vs V P Boosters Snider Msnlcipal No Capitol Coffee Shep vs V C C South t Juniort Decker Saturday July IS (Postponed game from first half) Jordan A C vs Nibley Park Dairy trfi Decker Municipal No 2i A SO AMERICAN IEGION B Division Thursday July IS Cardinals vs Legion Scouts River sidei Wilkenson umpire Cummings loo Cream vs Bills Auto Market South Juniort Broomhead umpire Western Cubs vs Stars Liberty school L Iba umpirs Independent Averaget $— A DItIiIob Third Quarter O AB Boritad 12 53 Ault Qro 28 491 58 27 13 480 Solomon Helm Drui 9 25 12 480 C Llpyd Ault Qro 12 48 22 478 13 55 25 455 Weisht Lon Lite Shoe H Ellis Wholesale 12 55 25 455 Fruit Reed Hein Dru U 44 20 455 11 42 Myers Autl Oro 10 452 Gilbert Utah Poultry 12 51 23 461 R Griffith Ault Oro 11 43 19 442 Most hits— Goff Utah Poultry 27 Bor-sta- d Aultman 20 Weight Long Life Shoe 25 Ellis Wholesale Fruit 24 Gilbert Utah Poultry 23 Coleman Heins Drug 22 Lloyd Aultman 22 Tao-bahits— Gilbert Utah Poultry 8 Smith Utah Poultry 8 R Griffith Ault-ma- n 7: H Illls Wholesale Fruit 7 Ewing Aultman 8 Williams Arcade 8 Three-base hits—Roblns UUh Pqultryt T Reed Heins Drug 8 BortadT Aultman F R- - Griffith Aultman 4 Shultz Aultman 4 h Ellis Wholesale Fruit 4 Olson Whole! Fruit 4 Home runsR Ellis Wholeials Fruit I Borstad Aultman 4 Reed Helm Drug 4 Kelson Utah Poultry 4 Weight Long Life Shoe 3 Ufa Shoa 3 Nunlty Hljham Long 3 Sacrifice hita— Sterzer Aultman 8: Ring wood Aultman 4 Ewing Aultman I Williams Arcade 8 Keeler Heim Drug 3 beses— Sterser Stolen 18 Aultman Weight Long Life Shoe 14 Gilbert Utah Poultry 8 Monteer Utah Poultry 7 Beag-le- y Utah Poultry 1 Swing Aultman 8 Green Utah Poultry 8 Note — All of above hlttera played In at Irast one-ha- lf of icbedule league games & &- - Pacific Coast League Standing Sacramento Los Angeles Portland f the Teame Won Lost 58 65 65 64 44 Hollywood Oakland Mission 7 Seattle San Frands0" tt 44 38 38 i Pet 39 40 40 598 579 679 588 458 449 391 376 41 S3 64 68 60 ' Saturday's Results Ban Francisco—First game: R Hollywood H E 014 000—12 20 0 010 100 0— 3 100 000 0— 1 1 0 5 1 241 000 002 020— 4 12 San Francisco 1 Shellenback and Bassler Batteries' Summers ni Freitas and Stine Douglas ’ Second game— 7 Innings: R H E Hollywood San Francisco Batteries' “ and Sure Csmpbell and Summer! and Mclsaaca WASHINGTON July 8 MV- -' The fledgling big league shortatop wishing to learn all there is to know about handling that tricky job cOuld ’do a lot worse than just sitting and watching Jofc Cronin of the Washington Senator go about his chores There without much doubt Is the greatest shortstop in the game today and one of the most brilliant of all time Because of his powerful batting many observers have failed to give the Senators’ young manager full credit as a fielder relaxed the San Francisco boy is a picture of confidence and grace aa he goes after the hardest chances scoops them up and nails hia man at first Despite his worries as club pilot there’s never a sign of strain in Cronin' movements Before the ball is hit he stands there loose as a free balloon With the crack of the bat he’s galvanized into swift sure action One of the best lessons a young shortstop can learn from Cronin is his refusal to take a chance where it isn’t necessary There are times when ne has to make quick lunges for balls hit to his right or left but most of the time you’ll see him camped directly in the path of the pellet If he muffs it with his hands chances are ten to one his body will stop the ball in tijne for him to make t the Often he gets down on one knee as double precaution Another thing observers have noted this season is the businesslike manner in which the Senators gobble up pop flies You never see two or three of them scrambling around under the ball getting confused and letting it fall safely Almost as soon as a ball is hit Cronin calls out the man who' is to make the catch the others stop in their tracks and that’s all there is to it Sounds ample but watch some of the other clubs Loose-limbe- d put-ou- Two Swimming Teams Go to Tie Liberty park and Sugarhouse swim ming teams tied in a dual meet held Saturday afternoon in the Sugarhouse plunge The order of finish in each of the four divisions are: Freeatyle elass A— Dick Tatham Liberty Ed Perry Sugarhouse Bill Gehrke- L— Class 3—Bill Love S Lou Nelson L Clarence Gehrke L Class C— Silas Rogers S Don Tore-soL Morris Stark L Claaa D— Paul Snow L Frank Beans S Sam Tobin S Backstroke: Class A— Lorin Lee L Wesley Sessions S Ed Perry S Class B— Bill Fowler S Tom r L Bill Lone S Class C — Tom Garner S Morris Stark L Dick Habershaw S Class D— Tom Tobin S Don Toreson L Bill Gore S Class A— Mervin Fair Diving: banks S Lorin Lee L Grant Sellers L Class B— Clarence Gehrke L Tom Walster L BiU Lone S Classes C and D— Dick Wetberell S Morris Stark L Bill Gore S Relays— Class A— Liberty (Grant Sellers Bill Lavender Dick Tatham Bill Gehrke) Class B— Liberty park (Tom Walster Louis Nelson Clarence Gehrke Carl Holmqulst) Class O— Tie Sugarhouse (Dick Habershaw Harmon Bockholt Tom Garner Lilas Rogers) Liberty (Morris Stark Ed Fehr Don Toreson Dell Dhvidson) and Backman Ray Forsberg Ralph are the directors at Liberty park and ’ Sugarhouse pools respectively n Wal-ste- At Oakland: R H X Oxford-Cambridg- e 108 300 000 — 3 4 0 Sacramento 010 000 001— 3 10 3 Oakland Batterlea: Hartwlg and Wlrti Salinten and Raimondi Tenniseers At Los Angele: Mission R H AFTER TITLE Cathedral Patrick’s Tangle in Feature of Round St CATHOLIC HAGUE Standing-Our Divine Saviour St Patricks Cathedral tbs Teams Won 3 M Tooele Murrey-Mldval- Lost Fct I e Mesna Our Ladr oif Lourdea Ogden 3 I V" I o 0 1000 1000 607 887 600 000 000 000 SanOay'a Sehdsle Cathedral va at Patrick's Municipal No m Woolley umpire Tooele vs Our Divine Saviour Municipal No 3 1 p m Snider umpire Magna va Ogden et Ogden 310 p m Liddell umpire Our Lady of Lourdes vi Murray-MIdva- le Murray ball park 3 p m Decker umpire llp ’A" DIVIRION ( Torn Won lUndlag Kirtvillv Bountiful Lott Pet 0 0 0 3 3 2 Lyton Clinton l ClewrUfld Farmington Centerville Syracuse 0 000 000 lOOff 0 1000 1 000 ooo 000 000 3 2 2 4 1 1 Saturday' Result Kayivllle 7 Syracuse 8 Batteries— Man-e- ll M Layton and Lavender W Cook and Dave Walker Bountiful 13 Clearfield I Batterlea— Mot and Oerelach Don Walker and Stoker Layton 10 Farmington 4 Batterlea— Ken Page and 8 Scofield J Earl Hunteman and Stathle Clinton 8 Centerville 8 Batterlei — Bon-haHartley Kin and H FUnderti Bctt-rldg- e and Rich Next Ratarday'a Schedule Clinton at Bountiful Centerville at Clearfield Farmington at Byracute Kayivllle at Layton “I)’’ DIVISION Standing of Tram Won Loet Frt Bountiful I 1000 I Layton 1000 1 North Farmington 500 n 000 Kayvtlle Clearfield 000 Saturday' Retail Clearfield 3 Batterlea— NeL L Holt and 8 Paee Lalton 7 North Farmington 13 Batteries Wapp P Walker and J Whttealdee M Barkdull Baker and R Barkdull Bountiful 8 aon and Mann- BILL’S AUTO WINS Blll'i Auto nine Saturdar defeated Farm- Ington 20 to 0 In a game plared at Lagoon Shelton gllowed only thre hit The I AB H O' BILL'S A1 CHICAGO July 8 (P)-- The task o£ managing the American league lead' ing Washington Senator! la not keep ing Joe Cronin from joining whole- heartedly with A1 Simmons and Jim’ my Foxx in a rousing battl for tha batting leadership Of the circuity So closely were the three sluggers bunched according to figures which include Friday’s efforts that the li " of frictions was necessary to separate them Simmons the White Sox outfielder ranked first with 3689' ’ while Cronin had 3682 Right with them via a gain during the past week was Foxx with 3680 Foxx had slugged out 24 home rune to lead’ Babe Ruth by five The homers helped to buildup a base cole lection of 201 and to give him scoring honors with 79 runs Simmone had hit safely 113 times regaining the lead from Helnie Manush of Washington who had 114 blow to hia credit The White Sox doutee also had knocked In 77 runt Alvin Crowder ace right hander of ' the Senators and Bob Grove of the Athletics headed the pitchers with 13 victories and four defeats Right behind them Were Oral Hildebrand young Cleveland star and Fred Mar-jer- ry Detroit veteran with U trir umphs and five defeats The clouting of Wally Berger husfurnished r ky Boston outfielder bright spot- in the rather dismal National league batting records during the past week although hi spurt could not carry him up far enough to challenge the leaders Chuck Klein-anVirgil (Spud) Davis of the Phil- lies Berger hitting barely above the 300 mark a week ago raised his average 20 points to 323 in the seven days ending with Friday’s games Ha hit safely 14 times la 28 trips to the plate and came from “nowhere" to take) sixth place on the list of leading reg— ' ular Klein and Davis both improved their marks slightly In a week games and tightened up their-rac-e until they were separated by only one percentage point' Klein reg- j With five of the eight teams itill having good chances of walking off with the laurels some close and interesting game are in store for loop fan Sunday afternoon in the Catholic league Only two team Our Divine Saviour and St Patrick' remain undefeated but Cathedral Tooele and have lost only one game each The Cathedral-S- t Patrick’s clash the feature game of the day and many fan look far the South Temple crew to upset the hitherto undefeated west side aggregation Both team are hitting the ball at a lively clip and both have fast infields Jack Argentos who lost a tough game to Our Divine Saviour will work on the hill for the Cathedral crew and it Jack is as good a he was last Sunday it may be that Cathedral will win Cy Bogden speed a three-poigain to 369 ball merchant for SL Patrlck’s oppose Argentos The first time these Klein continued to improve hia two teams met thi year the west slugging marks still leading in with 17 home runs 25 siders won 3 to 3 but the South Temple aggregation outhit the winners doubles and 74 run batted in Ma-rtill gained a share of the honor by 8 to 4 Tooele has a chance to upset our holding the scoring lead with 62 run Divine Saviour nine and the Smel- and sharing two other “firsts” with ter team will be out to do so at eight triples and eleven stolen base of Boeton took the any cost The Wildcats form one of Ben Cantwell the best hitting teams in the league pitching lead as he turned in his elevand Norm Baird ace chucker lor the enth victory against three defeats locals will be in lor a tough after- while Tex Carleton of 6t Louis who noon if they ever start to click in their also had won eleven met his fourth usual manner Either Sadovich or loss Second place went to Roy Parm Louis Ambrose will start on the elee of New York with seven victories and two defeats mound for the Tooele nine Murray-Midval- e defeated Ogden but was in turn defeated by Tooele in a stirring ninth inning rally Father Maguire’s crew must win to remain in the running and Lourdes is out to enter the win column Ed Leupold will start on the hill for the Eleventh East nine The pitching choice for toOGDEN— Remits of Saturday! gam la Wsbar County Farm Buraau leagua Murray-Midvalhas not been anDlviUa Na l nounced but it will be either Johnny Plain City 10 Roy 0 Batterlea—Real and Skeen Clark Blralngbam Damianovich diminutive starboarder Slnaleton and Fields Or Tomlch SOUthpaw Hooper 11 Liberty I Batteries— Manning and Fllndsrii Bbaw Lindsay ana Magna goes to Ogden to meet the Hull Clark latter team and as neither has entered Rtverdal 8 North Otden 6 Batter!— Allen L Zlto and J Zitoj Randall Shup the win column a close game should Barker result Columbus will start for Magna Campbell and Division Ne t and either Foley or Musselman will Bracket Ns 1 6 Clinton South Weber Batteries— Weber perform for the county team Parker Byba and Draajer I Kendell Paul and Peck Taylor 6 Plain City t Batteries— Staker FIELDS’ MOTHER DIES and Jardlnai Hardy Hunk and WaattaaPo ton 'CHICAGO July 8 VP)— Mrs Re- West Point 8 Slateryllla II Batterle- ibecca Fields of Los Angeles mother Gamer Edwards and Bennett Stoke of Jackie Fields former world's wel- Bowna and Holley Division Na died Bracket N t terweight boxing champion here today of shock and pneumonia ellSunset S Farr West 7 Batterlea—Mitch Drearer and Murphyi MeKn Eaethopa She was 34 years old tire Dlckemore end Murphy - d Murray-Midval- e of-few willPed nt Weber County Farm League e T smooth-workin- g 4 0 3 Button rf Styner ef 1 1 OiLlndroff rt Gregory 3b LA Hexdplth lb 3 0 5'Tvey 3b I 2 5 3 1 3'Qulgley 0 3 4 Mayfield 3b 3 0 OlPenroae If Elliott rf 0 3 2 3 0 6lHutchlnon 3b Statlff 0 2 4 3 0 O'Nellon cf 3 2 1 Stanford p 2 0 3!Oiler cf 1 2 2 Vanlacamp c 3 0 l Parle lb Mannli p 0 2 4 0 4 1 10 2lL!ndroff Payne e 0 1 1 LHHeadpIth If I 1 0KBhelton p 30 1 37 84 34 27 Totall Totals 000 000 000— 0 Farmington 202 Bill 003 Auto 070—20 ff Stolen baee— Parle 2 R Summary' 1 Home runt— Button R Llndroff Three-baaTwo-baa- a e hlte— Tavey Hutchlneon hlte — Quigley 2 Shelton K Llndroff 2 RADLEY BAFFIEJ INDIANS Runt batted In— Button 3 R Llndroff 2 In two atarta against Cleveland Indiana Parla 3 Tavey 3 Shelton 1 Quigley 2 Double play — Quigley to Hutchlneon to Parla 2 this season Pitcher Irvin Hadley of the Credit victory to Shelton Chart defeat St Louie Browns held them to two run In 19 Inning to Mannla but loat both games McLarnin Has Title But Lacks Opponents Promoters Not Likely to Meet Jimmy’s mand of $50000 for Defense Battle De- Huntsville 0 Pleasant View I Batteries —Thurston and Bcunkert Chamberlain and ' Mathews West Weber 21 Warren 10 Batterie- sTaylor and Fenmam Folkman Thome an Rosa Division No Bracket No I Eden 7 Hooper 4 Batteries— Parklnim' Perrin—and Col¥ln Montaomarriyilndra and Penman Syracuse 1 State School 1 Bttteriea-- e Cook and Watte Blood and Medley North Osden 11 Wilson 7 Batterlea- Chadwick and Shupe Call Blunder Mat Un and Oall TEAM STANDING! —Dlrlilsn Na 1 Won Lost Fct 8 758 $ Hooper 1 Plain City- I J60 3 3 North Osden 600 Riverdale 1 3 350 Liberty 150 3 a Roy " ' Next Sataraya Scbedlt Plain City at North Ogden (to be’ play e Cherry day July U Roy at Liberty Riverdale at Hooper By JACK DEMPSEY It begins to look very much as though Jimmy McLarnin made Dlrislaa Na I Bracket Na 1 a bad buy when he finally decided to win the world’s welterweight Pet Won Lost 750 J 8008 I championship an honor he could have held almost any time during South Weber 1 750 3 Taylor the last five years 3 3 too Clinton 3 too 3 has West Point During that time however McLar- Brouillard another 1 3 250 Slatervllle nin and Pop Foster wouldn’t go near grown into the middleweight division Plain 3 3e0 I City to take refused because the title they anbut he might be smoked up into Next Saturday’ Schedal the small end of other McLarnin fight since he gave Plain City at Clinton big purses Today al Taylor Slateryllla as they look vainly the Irish boy quite a going over the South Weber at West Point around for spot last time they met DlrlUn Na 3 where they might However McLarnin was never Bracket N t Won Lost Pet cash in they’rt much of a man for giving weight so 4 0 100 Parr West faced with the al maybe that's out too 750 3 Warren 1j temative of taking 750 3 They’ve been doing a little talking West Weber 360 1 3 Huntsville around New York of matching the big end o( 1— 3 — 250 -0View — Pleasant small purses — ot with Sammy Fuller up in Bos- Sunset 4 0 00 ton where the latter has a following nothing at all-i'v ( Next Saturday’! Schedule other words It might be done at that McLarnin Pleasant View at Sunset nc was would draw heavily from South Bos there West Weber at HuntsvUle ton Still even that match isn’t too Farr West at Warren money in winning from The understanding is that title the ptactlcal Division Ne McLarnin wants $50000 17 go in there Young Corbett or Bracket N 3 Woa tort JPctV with hia title and I don't think much the coast recently 4 fooV 0 North Otden business can be done on that basis Brracuse and app a r e n 1 1 y ?) Besides Fuller was stopped by Me Hooper 600 there will be no i lallet f 3S0 3j 8 fate School I Larnin last year in New York money in keeping" 3M 3 J J a a WlltOQ Dempsey Most of the others don't figure at Eden it either 1 350 3 McLarnin might go back with Cor- all Paulie Walker la pretty tough Acfcedttlt Next i bett but I don’t see how they could but he’s a swinger and- - McLarnin State School Stterdar'a at Eden justify the match In the first place ought to nail that kind He wouldn’t Wilson at Syracuse Corbett was stopped in less than a draw either Jackie (Kid) Berg Hooper ftt North Otden — round In the second the fight didn’t doesn’t belong in there and Billy draw much more than Corbett's guar- Townsend and Eddie Ran are punched Under those condi- out They have a pretty good fighter S antee $35000 tions it will not be easy to interest in Teddy Yarosz in Pittsburgh but he has yet to meet anybody of class promoters in another Still they might be able to smoke match Who else is there? Jackie Fields this up m the hometown So a young Jack Thompis finished In the same way Grand Rapids Utah son who held the title off and on might go for McLarnin and Wesley BEAVER — Southwestern during the general hocus pocus car- Ramey who recently shaded Can Baseball league games scheduled for ried on bv the men who at that time zoneri in a nontitle fight But they Sunday are: Cedar City at Bearer cop trolled the championship Louj wouldn't go for it in the $50000 man- - and Milford at MmersviUat ' e e a Win E 200 100 202— 7 13 3 CEDARHURST N Y July 8 MV-Scor- ing 410 000 000— 5 13 0 Angeles a clean sweep of six doubles Bstteries- - Lleber Johnson and Duggan matches the combined Oxford-Cambridg- e Herrmann and McMullen tennis team clinched its interAt Portland R H E 000 100 000— 1 2 national series at the Rockaway HuntSeattle 201 Oil OOx— t 11 3 Portland club lor the Prince of Wales cup Batteries- - Pegs and Bradbury Jacobs ing today and Palmtsano Lo The invaders had won all fiva sinWAITFR HOLDS RECORD matches yesterday and cannot Walter Johnlon famous old pitcher and gles new manager of the Cleveland Indians lose the trophy whatever the outcome holds the record for most seasons pitched of the final day’s program tomorrow with one teem— Washington —and hurled 802 when six singles matches and three for that Club ’ He won 418 games game during his career FIVE OUTFITS ! doubles encounters will be played National Leads 1 $ Fct H Utah Poultry Quit D ale Senators’ Boss Is Graceful Accurate Action Swift return to bis home at Tooele Utah It if doubtful if he will be able to play next season e e a a 0 W Utah Loop Corbett-McLar-m- n 7 Schedule Given V |