Show : V- THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING JULY 9 1933 NOTED BRITISH ' AUTHOR DEAD hibit an ambition to quit your regular work to become a chauffeur and thus In a vicarious sort ef way satisfy your complex by driving an ex- Auto Licenses The Weekly Washington MERRY C AUTHORITY WARNS Year This Drop AGAINST ‘COMPLEX’ Reports Show 3 Opening Dale : Set for Buildings pensive automobile In the following list I have enumerated 18 common yet powerful comBLACKFOOT Idaho UP) plexes See if you are the victim of Williams state commissioner ofLwis pubof the national industf ial recovery ad (Continued Trom Preceding Paiei any of them If so I would suggest lic welfare Saturday set August 1" ministration was all a mistake The! POCATELLO Idaho — Summaries a consult you psychology specialistln a tentative date for opening th planalion recalled that he had been president had no intention of naming 0f reports of automobile and truck — preferably a psychoanalyst — who as to get the two cables to a from Massa license sales for the first six months ‘Anthony Hope Succumbs instructed to find the cause two new state asylum buildings will Republican Coolidge be able readily Steve which he inspected the president had called up chusetts to this important post But of 1933 and 1932 compiled at the and remove it and had he did so After Illness of Sev J Early White House secretary them Practically all the furniture haj unwittingly when he decid- county assessor's office here SaturAsks Questions to ed to include been received and Commissioner been told by him to send the chairman of the fed- day showed that 312 fewer vehicle I Williams said he expected the ftat “Colonel House" Do find yourself you feeling trade commission on the board eral issued this were than licenses year to accept the buildings shortly hD Finally it was discovered that what By LOUIS E BISCH M I) He forgot to look up who the chair- in 1933 guilty end frequently although you Eariy really had said was not “Colonel man waa atnawa-Aattutfliy Jha-r a — gVMats1 f ar4 h periw fl swere License he was byMBiWilUamsi The Keiult know Why? scarcely for Boise Saturday House” but “Colonel Howe" Koose- - named a Republican rather than a 1933 5094 and 1932 5406 reveLONDON July 8 (P)— Sir Anthony velt’s confidential Twenty years ago the word “complex” was practically unto plates 3- Are The Blackfoot chamber of com" you given secretary faDemocrat known Fifteen years ago only students in psychology were nue $75159 25 for 1933 and An interesting little drama of inmerce Is to be in charge of the publlo Hope Hawkins who as Anthony Hope tlon? is 1932 on term Exists for the its with miliar everybody’s lips Monopoly Today significance set many new fashions in English ro- side labor politics took place before The report for June of this year and there can be no doubt but what it has already been added to 3 Do you feel overconsclentious? reception marking the opening The story was obscured by more crowd mances by his novels "The Prisoner the uninitiated eyes of the large shows that $18638 was received for our vocabulary as a permanent fixture 4 Do you experience a sense of inbut the revelations texreally on the sensatipnal of Zenda " “The God in the Car” and that attended the hearings code of coursA was coined by Alleged Looter Held f on its significant disclosure of the Kuhn the issuance of 1240 automobile industrv’s fair trade tile or of superiority? Complex feriority stories"’ at died other popular today Tom McBrahon veteran president Loeb & Cd lnvestigfon wss the fac group elrood- - ing courtfed hv another young man —ft' Da yau suffer from a r ctmvto ’ at a vlrtXiarmonopcjly exists in the S the’ United' Textile 'Workers ern psychologists who claim that we who is wealthy and owns a tlon of impending danger a vague are markedly influenced In our America obtained the floor and vast and extremely profitable field of sating W © JOT tVOte 4H11 ?3sHraraF3SWaf8Sl8Hi POCATELLO Idaho —Carl Enat L FiWasBfiWEFWtnefiigfMi ' native week’ ing to happen? W L ternational banking firms J P Mor- ports that no halfyear license plates by emotional repressions and often fectly natural that you too should Administrator 6 states — in other 39 arrested Thursday on a charge ol Deputy Any anxiety of Vermont pnd later a resident of Allen of Kansas for this issued be Co will Loeb & except dominate year and Kuhn was arraigned Friday beCity and the textile gan by disagreeable associations which desire such a luxurious car Its pos words excitement and nervousness burglary New York City was with her hus- manufacturers Otto Kahn senior new automobiles! Machines which work havoc in the unconscious mind session would help place you on more for no reason? fore Justice Jerry A Kinney and present blinked in as- this business adequate apparently 1932 until on the band when'his end came Their two tonishment were concern of would rival terms the latter It plates with your operated finally we do not know conscious- equal his bond was fixed at $1000 He wa-iJust si week previous partner 7 Do you indulge in sons and a married daughter also when under persistent question- June 1 must be licensed for the full although 8 ly that they exist In other words satisfy your ego instinct as well as Have you any obsessions such jail Saturday awaiting a prelimiwriting the tentative code Mc- admittedChief states were at the bedside amount Mr Ferdinand Counsel Manley for so by buried ing year's conquest had enthusiastically approved your primitive urge these powerful forces are as superstitions you adhere to an nary hearing not Thenovelist who was knighted by Mahon bankers do shot the that are big and a week they deeply in our minds excessive dislike for certain people According to Detective Guy NelRepress Wish bid against one another in this field King George in 1918 was born Feb son six automobile tires stolen from so intimately connected with all our Code Made Public You cannot afford a Rolls however etc? and that each keeps hands off the ruary 9 1863 at London are that likely — they past experiences Any compltcatlonX like looking the Bis tllne’s Auto Wrecking company After the code was made public and other’s customers in fact let us assume you cannot afOn the witness He has been living in retirement to be mixed up— that is complex— the bed before retiring return- on June 11 under through months several After Kahn for some time week stand the dapper it became known that a and difficult to bring to conscious ford any car at alL We will go so far ing to the gas stove to see it is turned the apprehension of Ernst The auto a of illness the famous writer's condirevealed that he has trait personal of sueh The influence to was leaders uhion rushed was broken as to say that the girl marries your off etc? into through a recognition company proposed in common with Herbert Hoover tion became serious during the past Faris complexes however may Indeed be rival and that you suffer bitterly beII Any fear bf open spaces such rear door Eight other tires valued Idaho — Robert DRIGGS “how Like the former Republican president and demanded few days and reached the fatal crisis McMahon at about have $80 not been rein of cause as plazas fields etc? great state reclamation commissioner it Then what happens? come?” Organized labor was advo- the banker has the habit of drawing early today All Have Complexes 12 of high places— high covered Although you finally succeed In and irrigation distriwater fear of Any charge of shouted a on sheets week pathey complicated designs cating Since all of us cannot express our repressing your wish for a car and buildings mountains etc? Before leaving the hearing bution arrived here Friday for conand McMahon had sabotaged behind per GAMMSSUES CHALLENGE ferences with water users regarding primitive desires and instincts as we all the emotional love desires that 13 Are you afraid of dirt and do room Prefers Jail however Kahn de back its carefully Bootlegger BOISE Idaho UP)— Shafer Butte went with it this urge was so much a you feel compelled to wash your distribution of waters in the upper So to calm the tempest McMahon stroyed all his art since to therefore and would like Probation Officers finally agreed that he would take the Louis Monroe colored janitor and and lower Teton basin sections part of your instinctive makeup that hands after touching doorknob rail- conservation camp stationed on a x To mountain above Boise has challenged Mr Faris came by way of Idaho all of us must therefore be more or the repression forms a complex ing etc? floor and publicly repudiate the 40- - clerk in a Washington school is reit follows that no per14 You may not realize this you may Do you dislike going on or in any group in Boise to a contest at 58 to devote the Falls from the Arco section where he less repressed at of the week age tiring — ho“J‘ com- as time-goeon seem to have forgot- the water like cro'ssinj an ocean bridge pinochle volleyball and horse CHICAGO Jaly 8 UP) Although of his life to writing a biography Investigated the recent blasting’ ef son can possibly be free from waiter The capital Is watching with keen rest shoes The boys are from New York ten your disappointed love affair en- swimming etc? they were opposed inof court of Lord Henry Brougham lord chan dams in that section notably the' plexes now interest the struggle prohibition a liquor pos15 B Lenzen convicted How strong these complexes are tirely Nevertheless sooner or later Have you a haunting dread of state A spe- cellor of Great Britain from 1830 to Carey development diversion dam near-b- y on in Virginia going AtStates United session charge and Monroe has eight tons of Regarding irrigation prospects in however makes a big difference re- the complex may disguise itself In the dying? cial session of the assembly has been 1834 16 form of behavior traits which influsuch person unusually dominant in Do you suffer from In order to make clear how a torney Lloyd C Moody were agreed called for August 10 both to legalize books Johnson may the Upper Snake River valley Mr ' GeneraLHugh point-thbeing on one important your life? be able to pack more cuss words into Faris gave as his opinion that a water pressed desire may produce a com- ence your character markedly Withand vote on repeal beer to Lenzen fob better 17an out be cause you may Do you dislike meeting people in those sec- plex and this in turn influence ninth the (Note—The that it would article understanding Dr shortage develop colone might of sentence" than his is by And that the the lowdown any drys go to jail for six months thqn to be consider this their chief stand against leagues but he is a sentimentalist at tions relying entirely on more recent individual’s entire point of view of find yourself displaying an antag for fear of having your feelings hurt? Blsch In his "Know Thyself!" series a a for oniSm to year 18 sison are cars own all entitled or to “How who us Tell Whether Your Have you a mother father probation placed suppose that you people If they can rally the scat- heart Looking over the old land primary rights Users Having stored life let As Lenzen explained it to Federal repeal you may develop a fear of being in ter brother or other relative com- Love Life Is Adequate” will 'be pubtered forces of prohibition and defeat office buildings where he proposed to water rights will have ample water young man deply in love It so hapon I’m "If beproWham L is in Fred lished a car ex even is said or he damsel next That influence of is that the the you may Judge question any jured by plex? pens Sunday) repeal in Virginia they figure they move during his row with Secretary bation there will be "probation of- still have a fighting chance in the Ropel- Johnson came across the room ficers dropping in every now and rest of the Otherwise they he had occupied during world war then and that will be bad for busi- are licked country In it he had written the se days ness” Because of the crucial importance lective draft act which mobilized The judge agreed too so Lenzen of the Virginia vote it is It was the shabbiest boys reported that went to jail dry organizations are concentrating room in the building but Johnson in sisted he wanted It much money in the dominion Code Trade Urged Police Captain Roused ’ (Copyright 1933 by United Feature A pointed hint has gone out from a r Syndicate Inc) Auto OI Uwn to the administration high quarters By — electric power industry that it would be well advised to take steps to draw CHICAGO July 8 UP)— James up a fair trade code and come in unthe ideas poabout some has der the national industrial recovery Mooney lice and he’s not afraid to express act It is the president’s intention himself to bring the interstate eventually “A fine lot of cops you are!” he transportation of electee energyyini POCATELLO Idaly — Harold J shouted ever thetetephone “My ear der federal regulation and the view A'ck’ermah 34 charged with" violation was stolen right in the Loop Why is held in certain administration quar- of the Mann act was bound over to don’t you keep your district clean ters that the power industry will save the grand jury Friday' by United and—” itself a lot of trouble If it voluntarily States Commissioner F E Tydeman He is “Hey!” interrupted the desk ser- submits to the jurisdiction of the in- after a preliminary hearing With accused of transporting Fern Rich geant “Who do you think you are?” dustrial recovery legislation “I’m” said Mooney “Captain James the return of postage for local mond 20 from McGregor Iowa to Mooney of the Wabash pvenue po- mail the government is going to take Pocatello for immoral purposes lice” The couple were arrested by local vigorous steps to protect its postal rate officers on June 30 near the Bannock Under the monopoly WINDOW WASHING JOB the practice developed in many cities county fairgrounds where they were LINCOLN Neb July 8 UP) — It’s not of distributing heat light water and asleep in an automobile after ele- other water to the like Sheriff Maurice J Rossiter had requite carrying utility bills by messenger — can’t do small a because ceived Postal inspectors have been directed boys phants Tequest from Wisconsin of it The windows of Nebraska’s new by Postmaster General Jim Farley to ficials to apprehend Ackerman to A are their tear to where about cases all get only report capitol gas gun and a Washington pis outside wash this year There are this is being done The law pro- tol were fouhd in their automobile 7000 panes in the windows on the hibits competitive delivery of com- when they were" arrested ” Several first two floors and many more in munications persons reported seeing a submachine tower Ten men will the The appointment by' President gun in their automobile earlier in the work about a month and it will cost Roosevelt of Charles H March to a day but officers were inclined to more than $500 to do the job place on the cabinet advisory board doubt the authenticity of the report as the weapon has not been discovered The woman is held in lieu of a 500 bond as a material witness -G- O-ROUND Urges Study of Psychological Reactions hrv to Conditions for Correction t lUaltb-aadPaychol- ogy -f- self-accus- a 0 0 j! I 11- Rolls-Royc- t rasnarariimcr e self-pity- ? Pe-cor-a Water Official Users to Confer 4 tt s at i - lhelt Suspect in Mann Act Case Held ' i r r 400-foo- t Girl’s Drowning Declared Suicide PERSONAL SERVICE DR EARL a MARSELL personally wilt examine your eyes fit the proper lenses for an exFrames Into smart-lookin- g tremely moderate cost Care for your eyes NOW FRAMES 0 White or Pink Shur-O- n Oold-Flll- Peer Frames Only ia-- $545 DR EARL G MARSELL Optometrist 2274 157 Salt Lake City ’ Phone Was 4 IDAHO FALLS UP) — No inquest will be called in the drowning of Gencvra Barnett 17 whose body was taken from Snake river south of here late Friday afternoon County officers declared that the girl took her own life Funeral services for the girl will be held here Monday morn’ ing She was born July 28 1915 a’tTen-dosouth of Pocatello and for the past three years had been living at the home of Dr and Mrs A McCau-- j ley here while attending school She lls survived by her parents Thomas Barnett of Tendoy and Mrs Mary of Pocatello and two brothers Page Wade and William Franklin Bar nett her grandparents Mr and Mrs L A Barnett Ogden and Mrs J D Mosby of Idaho Falls and Anton Schwartz of Tendoy r " TO KNOW Perhaps you’re wondering— how to best sell Hotel Cafe Beauty Shop Drug Not knowing tha cost Store or Business of running an ad suppose you write about what you would like In your ad below then mall this coupon to Beth West Care The m Tribune-TelegraSalt Lake City Her ex- and writing ?erlence In checking adscomparing Is yours for mailing of good this coupon— No obligation a Farm i Your Name Address 0 Box Phone (WRITE OR PRINT AD BELOW) a J j v ' ' ' 'R kr : 77 "?' V' U f 4-- '"V TV- - f w t v r '4 ito i !i 74 I b O’ a M -- '' i f f ' WIFE OUSTS CLIENTS ST LOUIS (UP)— A barber— Manuel Lopez wants a divorce from his wife She drove all the women customers out of his shop he said is a customer who Jfnows pro-x3u- cer -- - X also refuse -- J 7 T ’ri ft C s : i V v 4 t 4 ft — This Ii Not an Order to Run My Ad— I Just Want to Know Hour Much Above Ad Would Cost All that a good to adopt the role of tricky trader — that is pretending to offer you a larger trade-i- n allowance and taking it away from you in some other way Ford trade-i- n values are high but we do not make fictitious allowances in order to get a sale which may be otherwise disadvantageous to the buyer Our dealers take used cars upon a system of values not by haggling or barter In this world no one gets something for nothing although there are many The sure way to get'value for value ways of making people think that they do is first by being yourself willing to deal on that basis and second by dealing with a concern that has nb other policy We refuse to keep dinning in your ears that the Ford V- -8 is the best most economical lowest-pric- ed car That is claimed for several cars Obviously be it cannot true of all There comes a point where claims and adjectives and all advertising hysteria disappears in its own fog Personally I prefer facts We say the new Ford V--8 is the best car we have made We say that our car is as economical to operate as any lower number of cylinders We say that we have always been known as the makers of good cars and that ed the many good qualities of our present car places it at the head of our line to date' Any one wishing to do business with u3 on these principles will find our What word and the quality of our product to be -l e say about economy We well-balanc- LEGION MEET SET LEHI — A district convention of the American Legion and auxiliary district No 4 will be held Sunday July 16 at the Saratoga resort A business meeting will be held at 1 p m and a big supper at 6 p m" This district includes Eureka Spanish Fork Nephi Payson Provo Springville American Fork Heber and Lchi si V interests methods 4 In Bonneville County BOAT VICTIM IMPROVED IDAHO FALLS Idaho—Webb D Huffaker 19 who received a badly cut foot when his left leg was drawn under an outboard motor boat during the July Fourth water regatta here was xeported as showing improvement at the L D S hospital here Friday Danger from serious infection" and other complications is thought to be past own quality when he sees it An intelligent' purchaser will speedily conclude that only a bad product requires bad sales asks Bar-net- IDAHO FALLS UP) — Plans for holding a Bonneville county fair here in late August or early September were launched at a meeting of representatives of clubs fox breeders’ organizations dairy and livestock groups with members of the board of directors of the Idaho Falls chamber of commerce Saturday noon The program tentatively outlined calls for displays of produce exhibits of livestock rodeo and racing Definite action on the program will be taken at a meeting of the committee called for Tuesday FIVE COUPLES WED JEROME Idaho — Five marriages were solemnized in Jerome during the week ending Friday as follows Miss Bary Belle Miller daughter of Mr and Mrs William Miller and Forrest Chester Smith Gooding Miss Doris Christine Edgerton and Virgil Ray Hill Miss Myrtle Miles and Woodrow Wilson Miss Dora Wilson and Fred Buckendorf Miss Marjorie Neale Twin Falls and Russell Harkness Chicago their showing purchasers how to protect Plans Started for Fair Would You Like There are some things we refuse to do to sell a car' ffe like sales but fair-deali- ng and the confidence of our customers are desirable too For one thing we refuse to poison anyone's mind against another make' of car We know what our car is and what it will do and we are ready to tbll But to imply defects in another car is not our business you about that We have done our utmost to encourage intelligent buying of motor cars by it' ' y Whits or Pink Gold-FUlg C f? C Clingwell Rimless Frames only 12-- K Made by Bausch St Lomb )JJsUU Glasses Service Examined Eyes Complete Optometric Fitted Broken Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE MAY CHARGE THEIR GLASSES SOUTH MAIN STREET TV A- - t U if' j ' h'VV '? 77 H'r ' t 'y ’' ii i ' ' '"'"I i i operation ajKLdurabllity-wilLstandgQOfLAnywh6- July 7th 1933 rfl nii v 7'v ”'vv v-- ! "iY y " - - X W |