Show :10A THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING JULY 9 NATION-FACE- NEW POLITICS WRITER SAYS G k 0 P Surfers Depends on Outcome of Roosevelt Experiments Put (Continued from U are glad money U Sr President S Two) present leadership of the Democrats to be paid in any Faithful Valet WASHINGTON July 8 President Roosevelt has lost eight ounces of the excess seven pounds he brought back from his vacation —maybe because his negro vlet put one over on him J£he president said he was got ing to get back down to 175 or 178 But he did nothing about it so Irvin McDuffie the valet reduced the usual presidential breakfast by one egg one slice of bacon and one piece of toast Mr Roosevelt didn't notice the dif-- T' kind of It Put on Diet by 1933 all amounts to this President Roosevelt has made good in the sense that the third and fourth months of his sdmmistration see what everybody longed for the beginning of better times The Republicans can say it is not cause and effect but com cidencc the end of depression was here anyhow But the voters care cofncidence is good enough for them Must Ge 00 But Mr Roosevelt will need to go on making good and in the game iruta thy sense of using prices end better business He is is fully tied to the idea of prosperity as Coelid&e and Mr Hoover were ajo the people that is what he symbolizes and he rrTust live up to the symboL Ifpros-peritfails the present- pace dd iT aerlo uHy 4R?"peoTFTrsti pie will be disappointed and will elect Republicans to eongress next year It is the same wtth the rest of the president's extraordinary measures For the present they coincide with what the common man calls “better times'' and that is enough Voters even the local pundits who know about such matters refuse for tW present to get excited about collectivism regulation or the other inno vations They don’t resent the spectacle of a president elected as a Democrat but going straight against all the principles Thomas Jefferson believed in They don't resent a party and a president pledged to lower tariffs now apparently about to bring about higher tariffs As one village Socrates put it “We were in the ditch President Hoover tried every one of the old rules for getting us out they didn’t work It is ail right to try some new rules and they seem to be effective ’’ Everything comes down to one thing President Roosevelt is being judged by his works By his works in a narrow sense the sense of reBy that test all storing prosperity his innovations dll the details of his new deal will be judged The industrial recovery bill will be deemed good If it brings and keeps good times And good times of the familiar kind the people have no zest for redistribution of wealth or any other social innovation— what they wish Is simply what they have always known as “good times” abundant em ployment good wages active business and profits Depends on Times It the present tide of prosperity goes on with reasonably sustained momentum until November 1934 the Demo crate should reelect a comfortable majority In congress H on the other hand prosperity should slow down markedly or blow up through exces sive Inflation the Democrats may be turned out the Republicans One advantage will have If they or anyone caatake satisfaction from it the organized veterans will be largely with them The recent Democratic congress at President Roosevelt’s request removed from the compensation roll some 400000 veterans whose disabilities arose not out Qf wir but in peface BORAH-PLEASE- D BY It don'tppsj(l(t y Did Proper Thing at Parley Sato Idahoan SenaBALTIMORE Jqly 8tp-- To tor William E Borah of Idaho who is recuperating in the Johns Hopkins hospital from a recent operation the task of the world economic conference appears difficult but not "hope--les’’ CO RBAG S: STAND Be Dressed Just As Smartly at the End of Summer As at the Start! n- I i - toward enlargement of control by the 'federal government -- But the scales at last reading registered hall a pound less Concresslonai Seats In the congressional election for not the faintest debate about the country going off the gold standard which the Republicans are now or- Let no one that the rifral folks ganizing they will win some seats don't know suppose what going off gold means That Is a foregone certainty The landare capable of passionate Interslide election of last vear carried into They est in debate over currency Old office Democrats in districts that had timers atold me that in the same com been Republican for generations The in 1896 when William Jenpresent Democratic senate majority munityBryan ran on a bimatellic 69 out of a total of 9fl and their enor- nings silver platform every mous house majority 312 out of 435 schoolhouae ond postoffice Will be reduced somewhat To the ex- was (tore a focus of blazing argument tent of some small margin or other Farmers discussed silver and gold the Democrats will lose some seats in across corn-fiel- d Everybody the eourse of nature How much knew the effect offences a depreciated dolfarther the shift will go depends on lar on debts wage and prices and conditions a year from now As to argued it violently Today there Is that who can guess? a As of today in any doubtful district nothing of that Announcement of in the local hall about curunder ordinary conditions any can speech Wouldn't draw 20 listeners didato la either party running on a rency How It Was Done platform of avowed specific opposl tion to President Roosevelt and his How explain the change from the I passionate convictions of 1896 to the policies would have littlochance lately spent some time in one of the indifferences of 1933? It lies in how most Republican com the thing was done Bryan anmunities of Pennsylvania A local Re nounced that if elected he would dl publican leader told me that lfroiit of lute the currency— and thereby he which reevery 20 people would today oppose precipitated argument a candidate tor congress who pro- sulted In his defeat Mr Roosevelt claimed resistance to President Roose- ran as a sound currency man on a velt as his issue It is not that the platform supporting “a sound curRepublicans have gone over to the rency to be preserved at all hazard ” Democratic party--far from that It Elected and confronted what he is not even that the Republicans or regarded as a justifying by emergency the people generally have embraced he took the country off the gold all President Roosevelt’s policies per- standard and combined with the inflationists in congress to get for himmanently StiU Oa Trial self authority to Inflate P1 by all the wpys of Inflating there are on trial with them It is rather that It was revolutionary If it was as Mr Roosevelt has begun certain steps Democratic Senator Carter Glass of and the people think the steps should Virginia says bad faith toiha platbe carried on until we see where they form and campaign pledge to the peoarrive at To oppose the president ple the people don't care Vaguely now they consider to be rocking the they have' sensed that most of the boat at a peculiarly unfortunate time world hai gone off gold and America The new administration is identi- might as well go too More directly fied with a change of the times for the they have seen the going off gold better The pepple are more cheerful coincide with a period In which prices more hopeful the whole spirit of the rise debtors are more able to pay country has changed The last thing labor has more work at rising wages would be patient with ia trouble-- Even the creditor 'class (socallcd they maker and in that category they there is no such thing really) supwould consider any candidate for con posed to be most Injured by inflagress who should propose to hamper tion of the currency is for the time the president rather pleased afld relieved They In the rural districts in Pennsyl- were so desperately scared about' get vania where I visited lately there is ting their debts paid at all that they P e T rock-ribbe- d ' ' i - TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE Tun In on Sandy MaoThrift Interview today “Is a very resourceful man" The senator added he subscribed “fully to the position he (the president) has taken on behalf of the United Stales his plans for dealing with the dollar”’ ‘I could not suggest any change in thg ne he ia following I v ill sa ‘again that President Roosevelt is a very resourceful man " The senator was operated on June 26 for a prostrate gland condition and has been recovering In good fashion according to hia physicians His wife visits him daily Coming to Baltimore from their home in Washington Among his visitors today was Senator George W Norris of Nebraska who was allowed to remain With Senator Borah seven minutes Senator Norris said his colleague “frets a good deal because he has to remain quietly in bed— something he is not accustomed to He's always been an omnivorous reader but his lm patience to be up and about again makes it impossible for him even to read noW” Beautifully Fashioned Dresses— Made to Sell Fron) $695 to $149: It wouldn’t be fair to yourself to finish summer in dowdy faded shabby clothes! To keep you looking as fresh as a daisy we’re running a special sale 6t summer’s most effective prints Fine quality prints in smooth rough fashioned and ribbed textures as better dresses should be Choose as many as your closet S at these substantial will hold savings Suit Against Insurance Firm Goes to U S Court A complaint seeking judgment against the Commercial Union Assur- ance Company Ltd of London Eng land for $6000 filed in the district court bv Leslie Moore of Park City was transferred to the federal court ifWgJJI Saturday Moore sets forth that he took out fire insurance with the defendant for $6000 on a concentrator plant owned bv him in Empire canvon near Park City He save the building burned last September 5 but he has been unable to collect the insurance He now asjes for a coujt judgment to force the defendant to pay up I time (leaving on the roll some 29 000 of this class whose disability ia comFurther the Roosevelt adplete) ministration made reductions in the compensation of all veterans Of all wars This the veterans regard as a Democratic act (though mkny Republicans voted for it) To undo this and in general to increase pensions all along the line the organized veterans will fight Every politician knows It As Congressman Pou of North Carolina put It the day of the roll call in congress “This is not the end of this thing— there's going to be another day coming" And as editor Harry M Nim-m- o of “The Detroit Saturday Night" sagely observes “While the president emerged with a major victory the contest still rages the Veterans’ lobbies are at work " A veteran receiving compensation from the government Is as much interested In keeping It as any citizen Is in maintaining his private Income Without invidiousness one may say that the busness of many veterans consists of getting compensation from the government and he will care for and fight for his business as sturdily a any oltlzen will for his Mere-ovmost veterans not already pensioners expect that some day through age or otherwise they will become such they think of themselves as having a vested future interest and their state ofvnind is the same Basinets of Veteran If getting hia compensation or havit raised or preventing it from ing being lowered — if that is the business of a veteran the method of conduct- ing that business Is to elect congress- - j men who will vote for compensation and not vote for reduction Few ordinary citizens realize this All congressmen do The citizen may applaud at the moment the congressman who JUipuila the president on economy — and then forget The veteran continues to remember until election day And the veteran’s family and friends as well Veterans alone con stitute some 10 per cent of the electorate veterans with their wives and other close relatives constitute at least 20 and perhaps 30 per spent Democratic Congressman Thomas L Blanton of Texas voted for President Roosevelt’s measure to reduce compensation of veterans (included in the measure which Mr Rooseelt called "an act to preserve the credit Of the United States government”) Presently Congressman Blanton received from an official of the American Legion past at Stamford Texas a letter reading In part as follows Mr Blanton permit me to give you this tip We veterans through our organizations propose to fight any man or devil who proposed an unjust act against the veterans We do not care very much whether we are fighting a popular president or an unpopular one we were born in a fight and haven't yet gotten over the tender i I I I NEW AND USED CONVENIENT TERMS 'UENITUEE 1 Simmons Bed Springs Felt Base Bug J LINOLEUM): Per yard aa low s - 3 Sc' Linoleum Remnanti Breakfast Sets 'As low as 1450 Coal Ranges Several different makes as 51250 Electric and As low Many makes Ond styles f low as 5750 For Year Thrifty Buyer and Bouse Apartment ' Owner Buy Now and Nave Kitchen Heaters AND ‘ LIVING ROOJ Monkey Stoves Charter Oak Comb Coal and Gas - Ranger-Latest- — Col ors Brand new 589 $18500 $30000 Monarch ' Comb Electric and Coal Range only 575 BIG Assortment of Used Electrlo Ranges ATYOUR OWN PRICE ' NeverBefore Never Again uch Prices Bave 8AVED Mohey Buying in Thi Department Gas Ranges as BUY WHAT YOU WANT T WHAT YOU NT TO PAY Easy Chairs at Real Saving Prices SUITES As Low as $1950 DINING ROOM SUITES As Low os $1950 BEDROOM SUITES As Low as $1950 and Mattress Ensemble 14 DAY BEDS As Low as $975 Camp Stools Camp Chairs Lawn Settees Steamer Deck Chairs 38-Set of Dishes Ironing Boards Kitchen Stools 354 354 5125 954 Pc Step-Ladde- 5225 5100 954 rs Kitchen Chairs Footstools Smokers Baby Walkers 5125 854 654 5100 5100 Dressers Low as $495 — Odd A Odik Chiffoniers As LbW as $495 Odd Vmtities'r As Low as $495 - 1CE Refrigerators As Low as $495 ency" In Congressman Blanton’s case and 4hatrOf the south who supported President Roosevelt the fight will be in behalf of tome other Democratic candidate at the primaries Elsewhere veterans will tend to favor Republicans as against Democrats One could wish Republican candidates for next year should have bettercongress ground for their hopes Possibly they may By a year from now some of the large Democratic policies after being in effect some time mar have become teal issues At present thev are not— practically everybody is for them u experiments (Copyright Tribune) orlh Pacific Wheat Men Get Harvest Loan rxn n onJLI SPOfcANE Wash July 8 W5—A C Adamk treasurer of North Pacific Grain Growers Inc said today the federal farnreredit administration approved an advance of $160000 to ft pence membergharvest operations ''’The credit administration approved an advance of 34(tfi00 for members of thg Northwest Regional Market association to purchase wheat bags The loan will be advanced to Individual members throughh 61 local cooperatives in the northwest Adams FURNITURE CO Out of the High Rent District— We Save You Money -- SUGARH0USE— 1050 East 21st South I J 1933 New York Herald- - -- aid- 4 V - - Every smart print deluding ’Florals Engravings Plaids Checks Crossbars Dots and Geometries SIZES: 14 to 20 Every Brest Styled Fashion High! (Auerbach'— Ready-to-wear- Second Floor) a 4 |