Show The Weather Local Metal Prices ®TAH— Thunderstorms Sunday prob-abMonday fooler Sunday IDAHO— Generally fair 8unday WYOMING— Shower Sunday KEVADA— Fair Sunday but cooler (DtUIW Report on Page VOL 127S NO 86 ly Sliver IMo ’31o Copper Lead Aito 21m IVMOM ATSe Local Weekly Settlement fried ' -A20o Lead L63 Copper' Entered it the pottoffiee t Balt Lake Cltr u Second-aciMatter SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SUNDAY MORNING JULY A USSTRIKES Put in Control President Takes Lead World Compact WITH ROME To Boost Prices AT FEARS OF I INITIALED Looms at Meet REICH PACT NationsP ool Treaty on Catholics’ SterlingJDollar Na Role in Germany lions Lean Toward Concluded U S Policy l 4 J I - Pleased BATTLE EXPECTED Chancellor t4J 8 (A1)— A : Caucus Shows Desire for Resubmission of Law State Bone-Dr- y Not Purpose Says Recovery Head- huge pool of gold for defense of their currencies was formed today by six chiefs of central banks of gold countries who threw down the Separate Spheres of Gold Bloc Prepares Church and State Fight as England Switches Agreed On v PARIS July In Southern Campaign Utah Soon Makes Stand Forcible Unionization Gold in Fight On Currencies gage of battle to the world The national banks of Italy Bel gium Poland Holland and Switzerland Joined the Bank of France in the formation of this gigantic fund to maintain their respective countries on the gold standard The agreement for this concert! ed action was proclaimed as soleand in no ly for wise directed against the dollar or the pound - The fund will be operated aa a vigorous attack against speculators REPORTS - - DENIED Calls for Fulfillment i of Democratic Party Governor to Put Limit on Scope Pledge in Campaign Of Extra Meet Views Decision on Monday Textile Code Will Be Placed Before Pres- ident PAGES— TEN CENTS 62 9 1933 Petition Calling1 V s $- - Telegraphed Message to Alabama ’ for Action by Governor Signed by Majority Spon Only Two Subjects Definitely Before Legislators -- 4 Committeeman Hits at 18th Amendment What the second special session of the twentieth Utah legislature will take up when it convene Monday (By Associated Press) Utah legislators came a step nearer at noon is placed by the state consti(By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) L Ickes Ilarqfd WASHINGTON July 8— With three VATICAN CITY WASHINGTON July to an agreement on resubmission at tution entirely in the lap of GoverJuly 8 — A LONDON July 8 OP)—1 The world totration moves to allay industrial fears a bipartisan caucus Saturday night nor Henry H Blood who- issued the southern stats approaching votes on concordat regelating the relations be- economic conference was believed of forcible unionization under the call tween Catholic 'church orglnaztions night on the threshold of vital develat the Newhouse hotel prohibition repeal President Rodse ‘ opments The call baa presented twe subvelt today put hi force 'behind the evicodes of became no definite action was fair and offifciala in Germany and the This competition Although opinipn was shared throughout ject only In definite and specific Democratic campaign pledge to expel indicaan dent a a with nazis was initialed here today by Car- the delegations on taken furtogether program prepared by today and in the city as language namely consideration house of commons on the world ecodinal Pacelli papal secretary of state ther solidification of the sterling-do- t of an act ta pravide revenues fer the eighteenth amendment from the special committee appointed at the nomic conference is scheduled Morf-da- tion that the textile code first subrea concerted bloc constitution through price deand Franz von Papen vice chancellor lar first caucus a week ago there was an the operation of state government in which it was reported Sir Rob- mitted would be placed before Presiwas expected to school fund state for and the covery program laudhigh a he had received out that will deliver ert Horne dent! week of speech next Roosevelt of the reich Pointing indication of a substantial change early j and an act ta pravide the expense velop In the next lew weeks the United States’ recovery by The extended delay in putting the Tennessee1 Arkansas from of inquiries resubmission of in sentiment favor The two essential points in the ac Gold bloc quarters were busy over ing ( the special session inflation and invite Great Britain to cotton as well m Alabama Mr the state bone dry provision on making a last stand but jump in eord which includes the existing con- the week-enagreement before the chief To this the governor when he is- and Kentucky beadmitted was it Vatican and Roosevelt sent a telegram to Leon Mcthey cordats between the privately and promulfinal was it that third for executive a added In the call sued the anticipated city probable study question repeal straight group Was such a speech would have a boom Prussia Bavaria and Baden and adds lieved the sterling-dolla- r Final action on the resubmission as it appears from developments Cord the Democratic national gation was authoritatively attributed provisions for the state of Wurttem about to move forward with a sweep- effect on London commodity prices the liquor question for Alabama repeating of Hugh to care on extreme the as well as on the proposed in- sincethenamely part plan Hesse ing Palatinate Anhalt the price plan berg relation to it of the state conBritish officialdom was understood and on repeal: his stand Powerful forces were working to to be awaiting more definite indica- S Johnson the administrator Twice Selection of again continued was bill and Saxony aref bone-drdustrial Sey recovery section which stitution’s "I It clear ever since made First the church agreed to see that push Great Britain from the yet half tion from President Roosevelt as to he has returned to subordinates for have in to Monday at 9 i m in the house of prohibits beverages containing Its priests and religious associations hearted support to fullfledged partici- how lar he wishes to go and also learn 1 per cent of alEnds of of excess nomination cretary ago that I subhe l will year capi-towhich my in Dispute chamber the in revision the report representatives pation in American and dominion keep out of politics cohol by volume (Continued on PaM 81s) scribe to the Democratic platform 100 when caucus- will be held last review for the president the agreethe Second the German government wishes An important debate in the (Column One) Methods on T Much discussed aa the liquar e per cent" ment and the testimony collected in The special session of the legislaagreed to the continuance of Cathohas been in public print and TennesftO lic religious associations Arkansas Alabama and whether on it Finally ture will convene at noon that day the public hearings private conversation the subject clerical or lay provided that they be vote this month on repeaL WASHINGTON July 8 W— Presi- pursuant to a call of Governor Henry matter which undoubtedly deterlast night he went to work on it himconfinedto religious activities 8 H issued June Blood works his public the Roosevelt time dent tho when mined special put This la ona of the first utterances self The initialing took place at the Vatmachine in session Is to meet wag an entiretoday with the apPetition Circulated of Mr Roosevelt on prohibition ican state department in the presence Forecast that codes would be sub- pointment ofshape of interior one Coordination his secretary via: The closest approach to a test vote ly different ha took the oath of office of prelate indimember of the Germitted very shortly by other basic in- Harold L Ickes as administrator of on of Utah statutes with the previIn proposing the new taxes cam lowevtr man delegation ‘ Immediately thereprohibition night Saturday rework industrial revival tbe the proof national sions $3300000000 dustries continued but there were to underwrite the national recovery when a petition was circulated Askafter Herr von Papen telephoned covery ac ing the governor to open up the quesprogram he recommended that these Chancellor Hitler who expressed his signs lso that some of the nonunion gram In naming the secretary of inte- tion renew levies become inoperative it and Whn toovernor telood at the during the session The governor satisfaction with the agreement Vdn trades though ready to submit wage- rior to this post Mr Roosevelt ended resub quest of many Utah interest spent when prohibition is repealed and revePapen told newspaper men: agreements a dispute between factions as to the has indicated that he will place on and Merchant Ships raising and Domestic Plane Rule for the some weeks in Washington about nue is available from the sale of "It is the first time the reich has were fearful of the provision of the method of carrying out the program mission andtheallied questions indicates three months ago he was appraised liquor legislature agenda if concluded a treaty with the holy see act granting labor right to industrial Leave a to as for official of Ickes the member Anadyr reso- of the plans for the recovery act some Industry or formal such desire Inihis acceptance speech at Chicago by petition to now the interference states without German have Up any orgaiwze family of the president is expected lution time before that piece of legislation year ago he said he waa wholeheart-lconcluded concordats singly from the employers Aid Mattern to have almost unlimited authority which in is Nearly Ready had taken even the shape The circulation of the petition in favor of the Democratic platJahnaon Statement and he is understood to favor an im- the first step on the special commit- it was Introduced He learned enough form Spheres Defined contents to assure "It Is also important from the fact In the light of this significance was mediate start on the campaign to tee’s program of its probable Farley Leading Fight MOSCOW July 9 (Sunday) (UP)-So- viet attached to a statement by Johnson make jobs WASHINGTON that the two powers on whose cooperThis petition was signed by 12 pf himself that in ail probability state Postmaster General Farley has been July 8 MV-Tation depends the well being of peo- code for the reorganized domestic aviators and four merchant asserting that "it is not the duty of Early announcement of a number the 13 senators present and 25 of the legislation would be required to make leading the administration’s drive for administration to act of projects to be undertaken at once 33 representatives the for this state to avail it- repeal and he is concentrating on the Because of the it ples— that is the authority of the ahd insular sugar industry "neared ships sped to the rescue today of as an(recovery) Ickes and L W Rob- fact that slightly more than half of selfpossible to unionize labor in any was expected church and that of the state— should to the full of the possibilities of campaign in the south He will agent conferMattern treasTexas a James ert of J the assistant secretary be fixed by this concordat and their completion today by sugar the members of each house attended federal cooperation in relieving the industry and as has repeatedly been at Memphis Term a flier stranded with his disabled stated it will not so act” ury in charge of public works con- action on the full program was de- economic situation The call for the July 15 gathering spheres of influence granted them by ence subcommittee before that state five days the with president God should be guaranteed so that John Lee Coulter a tariff commis- plane in northeastern Siberia ferred to 'Monday Johnson referred specifically to ferred today special session was issued June 8 votes and his speech will be transSenators who signed the petition when It wss reasonably certain that mitted to gatherings in Alabama Torn to Cedes they may work in much greater har- sion member who is directing the At 3 a m today soviet officials an- "circulars and other literature” alagd would pass Arkansas which ballot Tonight Mr Roosevelt gave his at- were Julian M Bamberger Salt Lake the federal legislation mony for their well being conference said about two days' nounced that the merchant ships legedly distributed by labor unions July 18 naUe do-'of the special committee within a few days of chairman to the tention of the “It is clear that the concordat will more work would be required to comthe another purpose recovery claiming phase 16 The so states which far coast off the northeastern P J Fennell Juab J Francis Fowles exclude in the future all differences plete the draft It includes a tenta- steaming With Benefits by Waiting voted have favored repeal-anof Siberia had been ordered to pro- act was to unionize labor “or that the mestic situation— the establishment between the state and the church tive accord on quotas of the domes- ceed to Anadyr to render assistance only way labor can secure benefits of industrial codes to govern produc- Weber president of the senate W H federal act the fight swinging into the south Ala the with Coordination is act C Ward Holbrook to Griffin Cache or that tion competition hours of work and “I am convinced that the concordat tic consumtion total to be allotted Jr under that join this bama Arkansas and Tennessee are resaid that a second Davis Ira A Huggins Weber Paul probably wilj Involve reopening the garded as the real battl ground Farminimum wages Just concluded will on one side help among the various contributing areas They by Boris Buchsolzhydroplane also was union” tax act to consideration by the sales piloted Key-seH A indusMalcolm Summit nonunionized Hunt He was as described the spiritual mission of the church The United States has been calcu- expected to leave soon from Khabadisturbed by Among leading believe was ley and antiprohibitionists Salt Lake George M Miller Car- legislature even if that subject tries are steel and automobiles as an exeess of production in advance and on the other avill bring eternal lated to consume an annual sugar rovsk to aid the grounded flier the revenue that if these states vote wet the tight not by already opened bon C of Lake Neslen Salt Clarence a coal to the section well as the of these of establishment the codes German people and help supply of 820000 tons This total A plane headed by Chief Pilot Le peace large coordination eenth amendment Will be removed from all three have and without a compensating increase Knox Patterson Grand and John M terms in the call Thea caucus com from the constitution by January I of the new rinte" wilHae-riivida- d as equitably as posfrom Khabarovsk fields Codes here bill was prepared by Wallace Salt Lake ' and every effort in employment been awaited Two million Catholics who were not sible it was said to provide quotas vanevsky bopped — Farley has twice urged Governor written whtehwjfe4nconstant yesterday has been madeto speed them up Both HeTook Attorney General affected by the three existing state for with the governor who producers of domestic beet and Mattern came down at the inacces- automobile B of was Calder Uintah have steel industries and him with aboard Hyrum the the with Vatican agreements Sequoia are pro- cane sugar the Philippine islands sible trading post of Anadyr on the also assembled for the committee vision for a repeal convention in the for an overnight ride down the Povided for in today’s pactthe Virgin coast of Anadyr bay Siberia almost ben running on short week schedules Representatives Who Sirned Hawaii Porto Rico the very latest and most definite in- latter’a projected call for a special Under terms of the pact Protest- islands and Cuba Nome Alaska hjs goal to share employment and some busi- tomac river who signed were formation it has been found possible session of the state legislature opposite Representatives ant or Catholic instruction in ele- The remaining work on the agree- across Bering strait He landed ness quarters contend that their wage In the original plans for setting tip Speaker I A Smoot Salt Lake John to secure from Washington as to OKLAHOMA CITY July 8 are in line With any reasonable the public works administration the Olson Salt Lake Irwin Arnovitz Salt mentary schools shall be compulsory ment was described as highly tech- more than three weeks ago while at- rates plans for carrying out the terms of William H Murray sent a according to the faith of the major- nical All phases of production in- tempting to fly from Khabarovsk Si- minimum levels that might be estab- president had in mind the appoint- Lake Glenn H Miller Uintah Mau- the act to ment of Colonel George Spalding to rice E Summit Charles B involves special message toto the legislature ity of pupils in a school district The cluding specific circumstances and beria but it was not until yesterday lished by codes The Boyden legislation proposed set maohlneh direct it the activities day up inLaw is secto permitting mesto to a receive G was brief individual Eastman confined able of that he Frank Weber Studying evils minority Dotyseparate get problems bills aiming to cure some the struction according to its own faith tions refining shipping costs mar- sage of his plight to the outside world Difference Settled Tooele Chris Greenhagen Salt Lake of unfair competition in trade and In- for an early vote on repeal'd the Industrial attorneys have been eighteenth amendment A D W studied was Mattern would are of believed Weber F however that Grossenbach Walter to and It whethchange see law the qualities being plans closely studying dustry to take advantage of the terms He specified he wss not opening th BERLIN July 8 (JP)— Chancellor keting the committee and the results be- be taken off in the soviet plane leav- er it may be interpreted to permit brought Colonel Donald H Sawyer Hammond Grand Mrs Minnie V of the public works section of tlje by Hitler expressing satisfaction over ing embodied in the code question of repeal of prohibition see ing his own behind and ending his employers to bar outside organizers into the post as temporary adminis- Harris Salt Lake M L Holbrook recovery act which authorize wpen- - tions of Oklahoma’s constitution- tne concordat effected in Rome ambitious project to be the first to while allowing their own employee to trator Differences of opinion over Davis John Holley Sait Lake J R ditures in the total of $3300000000 Both houses had adopted resolution-askinthe D T Salt Lane method (Continued on Pan Lake out of Salt Jarvis Upon completion of code to govern fly alone around the world the them projin this state revenue among to carrying organize voluntarily and Governor Murray for su (Column Two the sugar industry under the nationA message received this afternoon selves On the other hand labor or- ects arose and the designation of Lake Arch McKinnon Rich B W to enableprovide the state and its subdivisions nmiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiii al industrial recovery act a general said Mattern was forced down by ganizers have been seeking opportu- Ickes today was regarded as settling Mendenhall Salt Lake Daniel F to meet the financial conditions Im- thorny to consider the federal repeal conference of sugar interests is ex- damage to his motor The message nities to tie these vast unorganized these Mitchell Duchesne Dr E E Monson posed by the recovery act and by amendment pected to be summoned in Washing- said repairs were impossible although masses of labor in with existing orOriginally the president hid been Salt Lake J R Newman Salt Lake the federal emergency relief act ton D C to consider adoption by coast guards were giving Mattern ganizations urged to set up administrators tn each Lyle B Nicholes Salt Lake H C Timed for Liquor Action Struggle in Dixie the industry as a whole every assistance possible Johnson said his administration state to direct the public works activ- Pope Salt Lake Peter G Wall Dagcalled-thhad Blood s to Governor Tribune beThe B If a in and R dismal ities hamlet W that state Ickes leaned toward gett Anadyr-iSpecial dispatches just would see to it that the codes fulfilled Wayman Carbon Enters Final Stage from the capital have indicated that low the arctic circle cut off from the terms of collective bargaining and regional administrators with advis- Spencer Young Salt Lake special session at an earlier-datfrom is now the evident it were to beet sugar interests are not entire- communication with civilization moat organization safeguards to labor in ory boards in each state LITTLE ROCK Ark July 8 WV declined who Those sign His plan e effort that has been required to A wet-dr- y has been put before the president prohibit Emil Gammeter San Juan W J Hen ly in accord with proposed allotment of the year It has a small radio sta- the law but he added: fight in LOCAL idea of the tion strongholds of Dixie entered Iti in the United States and are tion but communication is difficult "Collective bargaining under ade- - Meanwhile the war department derson Garfield Will L Hoyt Juab get some definite Bipartisan caucus discusses program policies not represented upon the committee at all times for legislature Pago 1 (Continued on Paco Five) S-t quate government sanction and su- digging into funds it already had J Frank Killian Emery Wilmer J Washington plans In all probabil(Column One) Governor to limit scope of legiilatlT drafting the code Production quotas Continued on Ptse should hold no fears for the available from regular appropriations pervision (Continued on Paxe Six ) DIE 1 FOUR IN AIR CRASHES (Column "lye) (Column Three are understood to be based upon conagenda Pago industrialist on the other for thst purpose allotted $11000000 J Francl Fowls of Ogden named sumption estimates and will provide WARSAW Poland July 8 (IP)— hand the national recovery adminis- for river and harbor work previously manager af local - homo loan board quotas for'Cuba and colonial posses- Three military planes crashed during tration pledges itself through its labor authorized Pngt At the same time labor officials Junior Aid horse show attracts throngs sions as well as for continental Unit- maneuvers last night Two pilots and advisory board to obtain a fair deal ed States two military observers were killed tor labor in any industry presenting from 26 states were meeting with repPng Women’s group opposes change In itats a code whether the employes are or resentatives of the '‘federal employdry law Pago ment service to map out a national ganized or not” Tax commission announces final employment system on utilities and mines Corrects Statement Colonel Sawyer is to be retained Pag While answering the labor union in an executive NATIONAL capacity under the claims he also called incorrect state- cabinet His lip quiv8 (UP-P- eter by all the publicity The pros and cons of proRoosevelt leads tight for repeal of advisory board because of his PATERSON N J July to weep ments attributed to industrial conabout he ered and from prohibition amendment Page 1 an hibition repeal are discussed' appeared orphan Christopolus experience with public construcI' 8 moves to allay fears of anionic cerns trying to convince their work long on the editorial page of this tion What his new title will be was Omaha Neb passed through the But that phase ended when Mrs In Industry Page I’ must new arms ers ard that they company not made known join issue by three contributors gates of the Newark railroad station Strengs swept him into her Ickei chosen administrator of public unions to get any benefits from the works program Page 1 and into a new life today — as the ward away from the cameras Associated Press) the series of articles beShe attributed the success of her ttf (By known law across became broken it Peter’s fortune San Ground for bridge of a millionaire silk manufacturer NEWARK N J July 8 (IP) — "Dirt- flight in a great measure to her varipublished daily by The ing Francisco bay Page 8 a committee of ten coal reMeanwhile deto his was was due pictured When the recently boy Bakers taco trial if price rise Page 1 ier than ever before” to use her own able pitch propeller which she said Tribune Ray R Adams to who union a son him the semblance of mainly representing Strengs posited by the train that brought her greater speed an an easier operators of the state gave member WORLD NEWS former with on fields 16 to a died at representatives pushed Amelia Putnam takeoff and enabled her to get the half way across the continent t holds Sterling dollar nations move to adopt expression that the Amerof Workers Mine United of the it the if he and "If likes legislature was family new home he V S greeted by proswith a new women’s transcontinental maximum speed in the air She espolicy Pag 1 ica in a conference out of which they entire prohibition provision' Nazis’ and Catholics' initial concordat record in hand foster parents who had never likes him" he will be adopted forpective Lock- timated the elapsed time of her stops her red brought n status of religion in Germany Page I heed of the state constitution hope to draft a code for submission INDIANAPOLIS 8 OP)—1 Two seen him before but who “knew they mally three months from now Vega monoplane down at New- at two hours and a half Russia sends planet and ships to resto Johnson next week The southern Indianapolis women July A shopping program was arranged should be resubmitted were injured and would love him because they had ark airport at 8:19 p m (Eastern During a great deal of the flight coal interests who oppose unioniza- burned cue Jimmy Mattern Page 1 reFor Peter needfor this afternoon this afternoon when seen his picture” 17 hours 7 seriously Mr Putnam said she was bothered tion are people for repeal or FEATURES AND DEPARTMENTS daylight time) today were working separately and - Editorials - Senator from — Peter was met by an eager fam- ed an entirely new outfiLThe Strengs they leaped from their burning airtention Sandpit minutes after she left Los Angeles by gas fumes in the cockpit Her understood to have nearly completed plane which had landed in ten- ily— Mr and Mrs Jean Strengs and decided After that Peter was to be articles Her former record was 19 hours and overalls were quite soiled with grease Washington Leon Fonnesbeck city ata second code There was talk also sion wires northwest of the high n repeal of liquor law Pag their daughter Jeanne who also is 13 taken back on the Strengs home on of Logan discusses city torney codes Markets and finance Pages C to C four minutes The worst part of her when she landed of other separate being The plane lodged in the wires and With them was Mis Emily Sole a Byram cove on t)ie west shore of Real eetato and Industrial develop- flight Mrs Putnam said was after "I’ni dirtier than ever before” she brought in the problem from the pracLake with lived when has who women the Hopatcong in cocklit girl out of the climbed Texas as she Amarillo she jumped said left where she they ment Page C tical standpoint of one who Representatives of the lumber in- burning gasoline on the ground They the Paterson manufacturer's family Peter was very reticent but his fosGarden Gate Pag stopped to let mechanics tighten a pit before a small crowd and greeted dustry has had much to do' with met with Johnson today to are Mrs Lenore Harper owner and for ten years ter parents were a little more comSorU Pages B to B loosened hatch Between Los An- her husband George Palmer Put- discuss enforcement of the law the code drawn by it which pilot and Mrs Hazel "frinke fled advertising Pages to the municative in maternal smothered was Peter New Coof the H M Amarillo and nam and betwaen Goodnough geles has not yet been submitted and Dr Rollin H Ayres "It is all up SUPPLEMENTS that as he hesitantly went down The embraces a Strengs missed explained commission state airplane aviation filling and she lumbus made barely Ohio Newark Jersey Tribune Junior station nearby the steps of the Manhattan Limited to Peter" pastor ' of the First Meth- WASHINGTON Julv 8 Twelve pages of the world's best her best time she said with tail- timed her landing “I hope he will want to go into my The ship was a small enclosed mono- and was swept toward a waiting odist Episcopal winds most of the way And then with no more ado Mrs y bitunfinous coal Men representing comics for a quick dash to Paterson business" he said “If he does shall The women had taken off only concludes his statement thw She flew at an altitude of between Putnam climbed into the automobile Magaxlne section with ‘‘Girls Who and miners today began plane school where to a him technical assem cross the send a few minutes before from the was Mak Mo Homesick” feature: O O M- 8000 and 8000 feet and rounded sev- - her husband had brought to the field operatorsa rather with first part of which was pubUraftiftg rode thev hoped to submit Rathleen Norris wanted him he can study chemistry and learn our cIntyre Will Rogers theled camera men who took the wheel herself apparently next week Sj thunder atorms Over the lished Saturday Johnson the qicipal airport Both the pilot and hos-tHugh — Ripley’s "Believe It opportuwaste it line He or will time to have every 'taken were the poring perhaps passenger city aha encountered rain she unfatigued by her long flight sndi Art and Literature iContlnned on Pate Plv ) of himself” to a was make was little that he something Both mothers are N Yl idrove off to thqir home m Rye frightened nity just pital (Column Two) Biuiumiixaauisinmuimimiiiiiudi ICKESCHOSEN PUBLIC WORKS LAW DIRECTOR d Interior one-ha- lf ’ t’ RUSSIA SENDS CODE ON SUGAR IN FINAL STAGE HELPTO FLIER Draft Insular a V work-limitin- g y he around-the-worl- t d Crmr--min- - t-- Sunday Tribune t ”) News Summary long-tim- I fair-mind- UtalmsVoice Nebraska OrpKan Boy Enters New Views on State World as Ward of Millionaire Liquor Issue 10-- B 10-- B 10-- B Amelia Earliart Breaks Women’s Record for Flight Across U 10-- B S - Women Leap Out Of Burning Plane Ei-har- price-boosti- to-th- 2 2 r- Merry-Go-Rou- t-- C I-- 5-- l-- D -- l-- C l-- C GPI-T- wen- 1 mu-H- e I Alle-'gheni- 1 ' 1 i f' - -r |