Show 1 C IO CO Q c tf c 1 c i iC iC Ie i e O Q Ij Ci i I i i 0 Q iC cc CC co C i i C i C C C CC C fC C C c CC C c t t c y yi ft r Ks DG t 0 Cs t JS O 9 fi s rs 4 ht 04 9 AV u 1 H i eAN or EAT SALT LAKE LAKEs 11 a I l I lo s d B Q 6 98 6 d 8 Pt uc D sC tad aT 08 I 11 J J G E Eil ti I i 1 H I I S I I HI III i I H 1 I S iII i SI i 1 HH H t il TV YEARS ON AMERICAS DEAD SEA WHEN WilEN IT THREATENED TO OVERFLOW TilE THE CITY Of Ot the Salt not It to Is I tact t becoming r and ana smaller there IB Is a man In this thin city who can speak Ilko lIke on having hm Ing authority And why should hand he not he Je 0 ablo to 10 wy ray some something tiling thing of or tnt Int rest rent something out of oC the ry bout About About It for thirty seven Bevan sev n years IIII he hl hoe hns ploughed through and dolled over oer IU hr saline waters studied Its moods and mysteries ns tI no one olle else elie hoe has That man Is la Captain D L Davis who ho has hag hn lived upon Its lIa surface In Mr fair weather and tour foul rho his him visited every eVer Island II lit nIl and bay by within Its Ita boundaries not noL note tar r but motes os and hundreds of times When lint Ilya he commenced e to explore ltd its unknown corner and ani look with the eye eyo of a student upon the that filed layman htman and t alike the lake lalle was waslow low loty very 11 low hut not a as low an as now That flit WHO was In tho early sixties s si i 1 mil fling that period there had been what has hoe como coma tn to be known as a u adry dry ccle c The rho winters winter hUll hud given but little snow now and the other oilier sea sen sons snits of ot th tho year eal had brought but little rain Then there was a 8 change and on the tho lake hike level commenced to rise rice It continued to rive rise for Cor years until In 1St It Il twain became go so o high that there liters were IVere tears fear that It would reach If H indeed it would not overflow the city elt In ht consequence of this fear th county 0 II nt ion it n a 1 commission to make an nn survey flunoy ands ande and s o e It if a It urI dep do p channel could not be b rut cut ut which would admit the water OtH out outon on III n to 10 to Hi the HI II great cat nt desert to 10 the north and west went mid and thus thul avert the threat th at j dangers The Him survey Muney y wa Will made mado and a u not very wry encouraging 10 re report port f followed Hut but suddenly we hit another dry II cycle cyde and th lh lake Inke commenced to recede and antl recede rende It has ha continued to do until till the nt dray diy da when ration the whole scientific world li Is I watching with mar mart marv v t 1 bas i IU u hit Int lid real rit an nil tragedy the tile Ilko 1110 of which hIp lias never been re r f rord 1 in n history What thu CAUSE Is no man knows known l what the HE will be b no man can enn tell J L rl t 41 r r t r rr r r 1 I J 1111 Ni culmination of ot the tho bath bathIng bathIng Ing lug at rat last hl L week we k khas i has roused mused u It vast Nt deal deel of or com colli comment ment on the tho moods anti and ter terI I 1 ot or the Great Groat Salt Lake Lelle Tim Tho thrilling of the two i 1 named nam and the tragic fate 1 bf t the has led many to lu nay say that the thet Jala rake is n a mot most treacherous body bOO of t rater r that It Is la Impossible to fore fur foreCast foreast Cast ast one ohe hour what the weather will willo o 0 the tho next that a II placid surface may maytie 1111 maye tie e turned Into Inlo a tt tempestuous sea Ilea ea In a afew aI afew I few few minutes minute 8 tint that In Imi short hidden dan dun dangers daniels dunI I ge gers s await the trusting hutting and unwary The truth K Is I these theN statements are arc bout about as fI extreme at U the utterances utter of ot an ian an ext tied public usually aio at The lake laker r Js Is no more moio treacherous no more dan dun dangerous thin than other bodies of ot water of Brut magnitude aside from Its inline saline strength nor do storms arise mow sud suddenly sur denly The Th close observer of ot deal conditions can C n almost Invariably read ead tho the signs of oC an approaching storm an 1 prepare pr to o meet It Of or course If It he het falls tittle t to note nole that the tho clouds are gather gatherIng gatherIng Ing rand ird td that drat the are ure marshall marshalling ing IlIg their forces for Cor a gale that will rut ruf fie f e the waters and make a unsafe his own presence In tho the deep he may be he en endangered Hut that tact fact will stand Bland an n a afoot foot fact In every similar body booy of ot water on the globe clohe And bathers ballum here as ns elM else venture venturI fur far r r beyond the tho lines hues that admit of ot a quick return to the pavilion in tho the event of a n squall When one thinks of ot the tho tons tens of ot thousands who an annually bathe at he can call find food for comforting thought In the fact that I thero there has been b n but tho the one death ie re recorded I corded above It Is doubtful whether any other bathing resort in 11 all 1111 the land can boa boast it t such a II showing The fart fact that It Is the Ole only fatality of tho the kind rather proves that the lake U Is I not treacherous that It Is la not dangerous that on OIL the contrary It 1 J marvelously sate A MAN WHO KNOWS J These and other oilier facts fact of uC public In term erect at nt this particular particular time were made plain to a II News representative dot dur during doting ur ing th the week In an nn Interview with Cap Captain Caplain lain tain D L I Davis of ot tho the Cambria C II If And the captain speaks e from experience That will be conceded when It Is known that he ho has been a u sailor tailor upon thu tIu tl lake for Cor the put pant 37 3 When asked to state how lie he took look to he smiled embed the query Why does doua a a n take to town water wn ter or n II Hut Hul he hll said Mid MidI saidI I will tell you some seine things thing that may maybe m maybe be worth publishing Ju j just at t now 10 and this Is fe what he told I first commenced to study the lake lakeIn In nee I was wan a young man nimi In those thole days and find as 88 full of ot a a love for tor the sea lIfa as aa any Viking that over trolled strolled an our oar or set a 11 sail gall In the tho emir early carl part tart of at that year I 1 built and und launched the Eureka Sumo She was a small sloop boat bast not much over 20 O 0 feet Ceet In length but a 1 good one ono and aUlI ono one that gave glO mud mobil pleasure to myself find and friends At tt t that th t tine time my father lived at Willard and andi I took look many a cruise up and down the Jordan between that place and n d the lint Hot Springs Lake from which and Into Inlo which I went and came ame ns os often otten as liB my nay work permitted My Aly first trip of ot any length covered cove a a period of three days as asand and was undertaken with Haw HUES of this city n ell as a I It amount to much beyond giving us personal Information with Ith regard to the tile geography of ot the lake e and An the discovery discover of certain currents of oC which we c knew nothing before I lad had that boat for a Il number of ot years earll and then sold It to Jeter Teter Clinton who took look It to Lake Point In the days when he lie had hall a 11 AA D oI III I 1 t II HI r t Itt I 1 I v t C 1 If 1 kr i I Ii s 5 1 4 I 1 i d Sr a b bh bb I r b h i y 1 I a 4 t ta tvs j jI jI vs h J Ji I I i r 1 I t j r I l li i lI 1 4 I fI f I F tt fL r J f r i e i a s K I tr XI i r t J 6 wt rw Z Zi r a 1 w L iII i I HH H MM i III I 1 i M 1 i I ITHE THE CAMBRIA II If III CAPTAIN DAVIS DA VIS AT THE HELM hug Dig Hotel beyond IOn 1 There It re ro for a II long time WITCH My Aty I next boat wee was the Water Witch It was built for ur me at by bya b a II Mr father of Director 0 noral of ot the Utah Exhibit l at the St Louis Louie Purchase Exposition On that I took lark innumerable cruises These covered every overy ever of ot the lake Jake ovary Island every ever bay ba Sometimes the westher was WILl good generally It was wasso wasso so 0 however It was 08 not But Hut It IL n never lr get gets as rough as aa tinny many people Imagine Th They y talk about Its It gnat waves wals Well there thore are no great waves wove In the Salt Lake lallo at any an time lime The highest are seldom over four feet deep with a trough of four tour feet teet more nicking making a wavu ot of about eight feet high train from this standard of oC reckoning r WHEN WUEN LAKE LAlm LAl I WAS WAR II ST You have havEl asked in lag Iny about the lake laka how low law it Is le likely to to get how high It lies haH been within my recollection continued Capt Davis Well Nell I cant answer the first part of ot the question but jut I can distinctly answer the latter portion of o the query There was oll a time time when the lake was so IO high since my residence In Utah Ulah that seine come people I I x t rd i iI irm I I r 1 I N rm b 1 CAPTAIN D L J DAVIS Man Who Knows the Great O at Salt Fait Lake LakeIn Laken In n All Its Mad and ant Merry Moods nervously Inclined and some II me who were not actually thought the rising Ilaine waters eaten threatened the safety of the city The four fear was not wholly groundless In j I I Ix t i 1 think it was Will the county court courtIn In answer to 10 the tbt petitions petition of the faun arm era cip and aud many appointed a a com corn commission mission or 01 surveying party parI to tu cross ClOO the lake and ascertain If It were Will not sail feasible ble hie to cut a 11 canal that would lead leBI the thc out on to the great t desert where sh r they Ihy could evaporate This ac action a atlon action tion was tas on err account of ot the fact tact that thaI tin the lake ink hail bail been coming up for or years and ond overflowing o the term farms between there and the city and even threatening the Iho city Itself apparently h et prowl that tin the th oily olty WM was not actually endangered d dit It happened to be tIe my m lot lotIo to take like that party out oUI We wire were Pre gone about a week starting from the Hot Springs Spring Lake which up to 10 a short time before had hall been bEn tilled filled with great creat quantities of ot offit I fit sh water flub fish which however had I heeD been killed by lIy the encroachments of ot the salt alt water The surveying party port had as sa Its It head Charles Clinden Hardy broth brother er of Dt f Doctor Hardy of oC Provo roo Well we found that It wae waa not practicable to let the lake hike out and we carne came back hack A report was wa made but before timers there was wu time to even ven attempt to carry this the Ih water waltr off obi the inks Inke Ink commenced to tu recede and It lee has been In th the receding business ever since alnee except for or two or three years year yearA A 7 f I I I to WHEN WilEN TUB 1111 WAS AT OUR VERY VIRY VIl Y MOORS DOORS 1 f FAST roAST IN THE IC ICE FOR I OR THREE DAYS DAIS VA S AND NIGHTS J Jl l 1 Comparatively few to of or the tn newer generation of our realize r i that there was wal a R period when the lake Will was at III our very ery doors ad ed d to toI I 1 speak leak Kor Instance It H taken take an old timer to tn remember that the tb Hot not nott t Springs lake Will was once used Iud by I the Salt Halt take Lake Yacht Club as al a harbor I or that the sloughs Just beyond l the Pel tit farm over Jordan afforded ax a 1 x r haven for or the club for Cor years yearl that lath both of at these places place were wre covered r P with water sufficiently deep d cp to sail lall In and out of ut what la I saw now oW the I ladel tiKe lade l j Later hata uter r still a It tart port safety tot for boats of considerable site sue was waa found round hI It ItT J r the levels whore where the tb Inland Crystal CrYltal Salt Halt company ponds are It now 10 la E T r rated on either side of the roadbed leading to Saltair U It Is II a s matter matUr Jl J r i of ot general Information that this Inland sea lea was once Lake Ike 1 and aud nn that as such Buch It covered cored a vast area in t this region refton as u i town by br tb lh j geological tracings tracing t of ot Its III shore share line lints on the mountain sides aide 11 and plat pill r c fau above tint this th city That Is II I an RII accepted fact But that was wa lung long Ion ago BIO f strange to say ar so so long that t It II Is II now readily recalled while the time t when It was Wall high In III the valley is Ii I entirely overlooked What Capt Ds Ja DaIs j JIt Ms It Is I hap ha to say Ar on the matter will b be read with Interest Another Item of cf Interest he hll calls attention to 10 Is II the popular supposition that the lake i never free freezes es That l ta Isa a grave rave mistake He UP says say he has hall frequently s peed ii iia 4 E 1 a s solid oUd sheet ot of lee let whose whops area aiea was wal more than 20 90 across On on i ii occasion cllon of he lie was lIal caught In hi one OHM of these thus Hoes for tor three days end and nights i without food or r water and amt allt the lilt experience was a as al rigorous as a that of ot oton t 1 on nn arctic lL These There conditions condition snails ensue only near the of I Ii i the rivers river rIve where wiler wh r the tallow Inflow of or fresh water In la t po heavy helt an as lo to out cut down X C the per c of ot brine and amid make It Hut But they do ensue E x 1 always In very cold weather r and anti thus thul a n widely wIde prevalent belief that Ice b bis k is never seen In hi the Salt Bait Lake Is le effectually dispelled b L d I IrI I I i 1 1 It came ellIe up a II little mil find then fell back lower lowel than ever ter SAW SALT LAlI YACHT In limas days ds Urn the Salt Rait drake Ika Yacht club Willi an all organisation of af Consider Considerable able uble proportion and It hail hael u n flotilla of ot no little tittle importance I 1 haul hall a n crew craw of ot six or ur seven men mid and wee waa commodore com mod oro ut of the fleet Capt Milton It U D nanett rr tt was Will ilc commodore and had u a I crew of oC similar size leis his bout boot was wan the Petrel Then there were everal several other crews crew We used to 10 IL sell sail down the time river Ier put past turn farm and surd hunting hunU w to to I our hearts heart content for tor name genie me was Ill abundant In Itt those good OtI old times Halos We hint had a harbor harbol at North Point Paint beyond the Kami I and a safe e and ami anI pleasant ha haven haven havon ven von It 11 was Will In later years we had a good OO port fort where are now the ponds of ot the time Inland loland Crystal Salt company a few tew mules miles east of Q O I 1 forget to tell you that other member of oC the surveying party I 1 have referred II to were Dr Walter Pike John Jahn 1 l Hardy brother ot or Hardy the actor of ot that period Harry ISmery Imery now husband of or Katie Putnam the thet actress t T r V Williams and anil the lute George sad I soma tomo others It wg was a II ident expedition ami end took us tie out beyond where the cutoff i is III being holn built by tin the Southern Pacific I can con remember rem em her Harry Emery sitting silting away out on all the th far end of or a n plank for hours houri at a R lime with witha Ith n a line about Ills Ile waist Valet to 10 k keep ep the boat level leel an as we carried no ballast bull lt It being unsafe to do M se Harry flurry used u Ule d to lu get sleepy some ome time thus and ank asked U to be relieved re relieved reo but big fellow tellow that he h was he stuck to like a hero Fortunately he never Mer tightened the life line n a single Ingle time lime by lJ falling Into the water but he lie came cume mighty near neur It more than once COlU BOOM noo r DAYS DATE Speaking of ot the old City of 01 Corinne or U M I Garfield as a time the boat was vas AM filled later Captain Davis Davie salt said It wn we In the by the Central Pacific people mud and did dill much to boom the |