Show Cast CasE Casty 1 y hen i t Ballots T Ti J Taken Takei But Bil Vo o 0 Pope Is Did id ot oI Know How ow to lo Fold Papers Otc jlia To o ohel Them The hel Manner of Doing It 11 lifter Counting All Al A ii Ballots Balois Cast Casl lle Were Burned in IIII Lead Rom Aug 1 7 O 0 p II j m to jo a I source of ot Information It tt I Is stated hut at tho tim first t ballot this i morn mornIng mor Ing Cardinal received th the 11 arget number of at votes yote vote followed h b by Gottl Dl DI DIpIetro and pIetro iTo tro ro The other votes were scattered 1 I U la Impossible to very verity this report 8 p F 1 m reliable don tonj which however It I Is 15 Impossible to t i Is 18 to the tho effect an olla olIa ola received 0 O votes 12 1 Gottl Gotti 7 1 6 Dl DI 0 4 4 an and f i t tie Ife rest being scattered Home Aug 1 1040 a 1 m The car nula all al at nt an nn early eallY hour thIs thI to the ringing ot or u a loud bell bel realIze the tho solemn lol mn business bulnes bU before Hem em Mans las was sold taId In the Pauline impel apel by ordinal Cardinal Or gla the Hie U camer comer ngo Igo vho ho afterwards to each cardinal The ilie scene acene when the as al really realY most mOlt majestic of or the sacred acred college as ni hum litun hume l e communicants advanced to receive lie Ie e communion from tho the hands of the th who gave subsequently a 1 I ort rt address un tin the tho solemn nature ol ot 1 occasion After ter this each cardinal cardinalI I l another mass either at It an antar al tat tar tOI In II the Eala Buil Ducalo or In his own 01 pms rm at ot u a 1 altar prepared lIre pared r C the purpose Breakfast consisting a cup CUI eu of or coffee cotee and ald rolls rolt followed Is Ia I was ws taken privately by the tho car cor cor Uis als In their cells cels band bandt hen len the real business of or the day was t 1 10 30 alt all 11 the tha th cardinals carl Innis assent assem Hot I d J in II ii the tho Sistine chapel for Cor the lot hotan luny tun an Were sure the tM at nt the un beth bedi b dl the th heat the th odors d id other discomforts endured one cur carS curnal clr nal declaring he riu had hol not slept a a ink inkt The rhe chapel nuu t ot or th mosquitoes fie a picture at of much animation d beauty Violet was wn the tho leading ite t of or color Six candles on the altar r vo te ie u peculiar light In tn conjunction Ith Ih the t e daylight streaming through 6 windows and 1111 gleaming on the emp empty ty thrones on the long line lne of ot teats seats with their canopies occupied by the cardinals intent upon the bust busi business ness fleu nes in hand hanl was waR as bright bright Eel Even the tho which were now tIed ratted over the tho cardinals choirs chairs In the ihlae chapel are a n sign that each cacti n member of ot the sacred college has n it 1 per ni part In lii the tho sovereignty of ot the apostolic III see nee but when n it 1 la ts elect W they the arc are lee removed the tho new pontiff 1 Je cr remaining with wih this symbol of at he be cardinals went to the Sistine accompanied by their conclavists st carrying portfolios and anil am papers When Cardinal won was 18 seated slated all ni the tb others following hIs Ills example pray iraY prayers prayer ers er were offered after which Mgr Cat C glano la no the th governor of or the Cite conclave Called Cled c exit cranes thus thu thul announcing toll he unIt und their theli thel assistants that they must retire and leave leee the car cardinals cardinals tt alone The TIu voting used usel by their eminences are ae somewhat dif different dl ic ferent ent nt from rota those thole tho e of ISiS 1878 being bellg a little longer and narrower but the printed In loger are the same saino sa mo the blank paces being tilled filled tied In at the tho moment fit U lr voting with the tho lie name of or the voter at ot atthe the III top loP and that of ot the cardinal otel tbt for forat at the th center and a Latin quotation At the bottom Homo flume of the tho cardinals did not know knol hoK to fold told their papers paper which caused causel considerable haY co confusIon Cardinal Dreg Oreg lila ilia thu demonstrated the folding of ot a ballot balot to those near him I Iad land ad nd they tho In t turn showed shawl others other how It must be bo folded Each Ench ballot balot was sealed scaled with Il no distinguishing mark from the Others qUI Th er h next ballot balot will w proceed much re smoothly and quickly Each car I unfit dinal in turn tur holding hauling his ballot balot between his hla first linger and thumb so that ever everone one hue present could see It I adan l slow slowly slowly slowly ly to the altar where u o long bug chalice standing knelt knel and prayed briefly foi 01 guidance und Ild then rising took the fol rol following lowing oath I l call Clod Hod to witness He who ohal judge jUlge me mae that I elect him who I should Ie be elected according to This I promise to 10 do Io also In the time vote So saying tho the cardinal dropped hi his ballot In tho the chalice chalce bowed bowel before the altar bulot awl and returned ned to tile hiS place The rhe balloting took a very vet vcr long time nit as many of ut the cardinals owing to their theli advanced allan age arid and Illness moved move slowly mind and Ind were sere obliged to have hao the assistance u ot of their colleagues After the balloting was finished the chalice Ater was covered and all well wel shaken find and mil chalce the ballots were publicly counted Then them into nto a B receptacle clo placed on the th table loble In the center of ot th thu tho chapel the two cardinals scrutinizers scrutinize opened the this first ballot balot and passed It to toa toa toa a third cardinal who rend tead It out In a aloud loud voice volee and thu tim other cardinals noted the time votes vot s on a I printed list of ot numea with which each was provided Aa s no cardinal received the prescribed of or the time votes otes a supplementary ballot bailot was taken talton with no better result result Consequently bolot at 1120 a m am nil all ni the tIme bal bat ballota lots lota were Yere burned l red the smoke being seen Reen from time the left ler stile M r the piazza ot of St Peters leters where u n tew few curious people mostly newspapermen had gathered to record this mute message It I won was said on good authority that Cardinals Herrero and timid were unable to leave their cells cels this mom morn Pig Ing so go that when the time came clune for tor 10 voting Immediately after ater having taken to the altar his own vote Cardinal showed showell the time members of or the time sa sacred cred college a small empty box having havinga a tiny slid In This box was Wol locked In the time pretence presence of or nil all al the tIme car cardinals and ond the key was placed on the altar otter after which the three cardinals oter carried the box to the thu apartments of ot o time the Invalids who after taking time the prescribed oath droPPed their ballots through the slit silt Into the box ox which Was vps taken back bock to the time SIs Sin title chapel locked and the ballots de do deposited posited with those of oC o the tho other cardinals In n the chalice chalce on the altar Time The he balloting this afternoon did not differ In lii form from roO roam that tha t of this morn mont mornIng mornIng Ing lag From what leaked out from the conclave It does not appear that much mich progress has been made toward n a re reaul suit aul although It I Is stated that the th Ham iolla polia pola party remains compact with lh a 1 tendency to Increase Its It strength The two Invalid irm cardinals are arl report reported ed 1 to be somewhat better beter The cardinals who like Iko Gibbons have rooms with full tul southern outher exposure found the heat bent at nt mIdday almost unbearable The after afternoon oCer afternoon noon non ballot ended nt at 0 G when the tha crowd croWl saw aw the smoke of ot the burning ballots allots ascending from fr m the chapel chapel Ow Owns OwIng Ing halots ns to tn the tIme lateness Cf the hour nt at which the he burning of or the ballots took tok place fanny lan rumors became current and RII hope was even entertained that a 1 new nIl pope laid be been n elected Another of ot tho the cardinals Archbishop of or Lyons Coulle has also fallen Ill I ordinal Cardinal Herrero ro y 3 I it la is learned earned Is suffering from heart disease Cardinal ordinal retool In a 1 moment of oC limos pi OH from roam heat bent Insisted that he lie wanted ranted to leave leIe the conclave saying he hould not remain confined any nn longer nit hut he was waa prevented from doing loing so by b its his colleagues who In i 1 turn keep him hll Is ls still I company U Cardinal sti LEADS Paris Aug 1 ILee Lee Tempes this nf at oroon announces list It I has special reason eason for tor believing that the outcome of ot the he conclave conca 1 will wi be he as O Cardinal having secured th he lbs greatest number of or votes otes but not to elect will 1 withdraw In fa ra a aion ion or of or Angelo Dipietro predatory of ot th Ih late pope who Is IR his hil Intimate friend mad and coworker and who If it elected etel will willannie 1 name annie Don prefect ct of the of or bishops bl hops and regulars as hl his liM secretary e r tart of ot state |