Show COMING C I N WEEK WI EI Spencer Jr Unexpectedly From IOl I I rOle c Spencer Sr received relve n a letter leler this morning front his hll son Ion Spenor Spencer Clawson Jr that thai contained news both pleasing and surprising The letter lelor reached reache Its ls destination without loss of ot time as a will wi be I seen Hn from rom the fact that It I was a written In Vienna but 11 1 days ago The young oung man wrote Ute that he h had been on hi hll ummer vacation In South Southern ern France and concluded It I would be bea b a good god time to com home Mr Clawson has hu been ln absent ah nt for tour four year eR three thre year yr of ot which were spent In the mission Meld l h and the th ret rest of ot the tie time the th study of being bing made s a specialty Mr I Clawson added that he would euld foFo immediately after ater his letter leter and that he would be b homo some time next week It I Is not yet known kown how long lon he will wi remain but buthla Ms hla father tather hopes bope to have him return Atur In October Octor and Ind finish his hll musical education Cuca tion on an al he hag hs talent of uncommon promise |