Show i ae aeI d aeL L I if I I I I I r I II I I It t t I 5 irk 7 I 1 1 11 7 i ci I MISS lUSS LUELLA PERRIN Ml Miss MII F one of our matt mGt young singles who balls bails 11 from mum Ogden had th the ha photo from which this halftone I Is II road made iad taken just before flit tl left lot fal home Sh Shale It now again with hr lice he friend and during durIn the M limes hal been ben In Salt Hol Lake lime Her leI various rlou hits hil both in concert cOf rt and amid with tho Ito Salt Halt Lake Opera Co are Ire still fresh freh In the public mind minI lime Her most mOt lecent opec oper operatic opel otic oti tilts hit hii were wre In II The Wedding We Day Martha larthe and The Tim Jolly JolY Musketeer r Miss MI ha hii line bout bueu Jon in New York for tr tome some Ime time past put studying under un er Ma Madame Ia dame Von on Wonner and the she expects to ThOm return late In 11 the fall fail tal |