Show LOCAL L maximum temporal temper lowest I It been In lit In D C Co IN fica I operation o crall n ut at Bt St Mark i C of ot Pork City Is I helm b ln this city for Cor a o II oton ton rheumatism m 1 he local chapter of the Star tar will Rive a bask t Monday Monda at Sum Nichols Nichola U III seriously II Filter Mra Moso 1100 r ri 31 i has been called to this city y l 1 hs hI regular meeting of the Firemen will bo i 21 Zil Canyon road 1 Ion dl ut 8 p m sharp i 10 Hi signal corps Is lI n hll h t telegraphy t ro II hy these v Signals w night from the top of ot the Dot ho f r Tames James will bit b th t the joint session of ot the tho I J u Mutual Improvement arrow orrow night and the ward ard ct cf suitable music f Charlotte Teller o of deliver on an on Sunday at 3 p m at GS 3 south louth East omo i 10 funeral of ot Frank Frnnk Holmes man Inon who was fatally 1 Portland Cement C ment works oi 01 TB n be bo held at 4 p m undertaking ot O Eber 1 Second South streets I Invited services over the ren renert t ert eft tan I on of ld anti and I will be at nt the El lV n corner of ot 1 J Jt t South streets Ati A Aclo clock clo k The ThO remains may N Ni b bIe i Ie residence re Eleventh Ea n ne 1130 a om ome m e summer manual training I d tor or tha last lut six we wet signal success by b the MII 10 1 school ly The total d CO 03 pupils a II number of ot two YO w were re grade teachers rl In I t the Utter latter thi so se of or Instruction was not present Pl nt th thon on of ur the board of or education 1 afternoon nt 4 ft k before the il cd ed Jt 1 was too hi ut that hour so nn taken until k last f hut hilt time only ro r members d were w ro present o tho tnt called off Tuesday night I r meeting night but it 1 quorum will not be as 11 the intention tu tj uj t s II to their respective schools b ng nr year real and ond to 10 decide on C th the Ie e manual training se over Oer the tho i ton n of or Mr and were hell heU from US tA I me C lelor A 1 mu J Will was lift i 1 anti and the tho HUGh 1 lIe A M lIL Olson in All 11 referred jo III the purity of or life lite of at the Iho d 9 words of ot comfort and aM Gel e o stricken parents p rent Tho t f prayers were by I 8 Fr nd John Durt Durl t t e Imparted Th re was a nl a 11 profusion of ot Lf ems em I J |