Show IN I win Will Wi Order at Mine In n tho lo I Future 0 1 formerly manager manger of at atthe th ih the Old telegraph visited visie the flutter Hutter fWd f d mines lost laSt latt Sunday and Informal Bam employed there the a I us watchman since February by b the tar fil tIes s who obtained l control by virtue of ot tho the t sheriffs sale aIe lale that hereafter he Iu h huh would receive orders order from him as I he uh has now nol full tul control of ot If lh property also al stated that l at ho wn ws about to go 10 to the coast rOlt l to be back before r rand and on his hi return would wull be b relieved from rm his charge The hl Urns time Imp for redemption from aher sher sherI is I I sale having haIng expired July JUl 21 1 It I U is II III I turned llred the French l owner owne of ot the ther Ihl r erty through I e discharged l harge the Indebtedness for fur forI I Nh idl It I was sold and are now In po poi POl POlI os i u loh Ih again If I this Is a n fact tact It v means Ini that tho the mines mine i h the Queen mill mi enlarged and Im ml 1 will wi resume operations O thu fall fal 1 Unit lIn on the upper extension of ot the ther i pr r U lt railroad wo wn was begun Tu Toes TUH morning at nt point In main ran can an anan anti and an Carr art arr Fork Jork wan er ez ced In obtaining men hut but thIs I II Is ng overcome and 0 will vIIi wi won soon In be At nt AtIt atIt V It Is U expected the tho entire grade gradeI I be completed on at 01 contract l L b s 1 train from beginning on the the lower lorer ox o I Inand ready read for ties UNI throughout s about Oct Olt 1 Track bring u Is II to ho hI pushed atone along close after so 10 I that the tho line Ili between betseen tho the Yampa mine and nud should ho bo open for or trains before November However it IL L largo large larg amount of or heavy henly rock work and filling must be bo done at ot e rr Fork Jork and the tho that fan can be made along along alun mote I PAC places H cannot be told lold to toa toI toa a I certainty in |