Show 0 O B S WILLIAMSONS S FUNERAL Well Known Printer to Rest ley Afternoon Tho The funeral of the tho Into bite Charles H a Williamson for far years foreman of the thU tle Herald composing room rom was held Itoh at V m m fl yesterday front froll il ro To l k dence Third street e tOr of St lIt Pauls church hur li ol l t tIng Ing Ilg Tho Tue attendance of mourners and sorrowing friends was very large so su that many could coult nut not get gel Into the this building There were ninny many floral trib tributes tribUtes utes Indicating the tho esteem antI and regard with wih which the deceased held by b bli hi numerous friends A sextet composed of J T W Curtis Curt Charles Sault Warren arren helen Helon Mrs r C CM CI CK M K I Mine Irdle and uld Margaret Johnson sang BalI Nearer My God to Thee rheo and ald Abide with wih Me MeThe l MeThe The pall pal bearers wore US 18 Stowe towe II hi C 0 11 1 I A Morrison Sidney Urea Groo William and anti It n O a Legg nil ni except Mr Legg Igl being In Inthe Inthe Inthe the editorial B or mechanical de do departments of ot tho LImo Herald The Time Inter Interment Inte maoist ment Will was at Ml Mt hi Olivet and the time ritual of time the l pl church was observed at the grave Irve OH an al well as nR at nt the house houseMan Many Man people followed the remains to their last resting re place Ilace |