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Show B 5 R: CROCKETT. Auttar of T ti. 1L Iwv j:w, CHAPTER XXVII. Continued. Mirarthruct fhruiivh on- - tingle Mui- Tiii t y on i( ihi im rly wl.ully (uvMf- - L!!y baiul!" ll-- rn on. all I ilun Max ilic Julian hu'l a lit of coughing ill out a . to look Tlicn .ia vun al.iili ih: Iriru-'j-most l o I xi rwsllfcd to iy u.on Imu. Hurl, Lynar xiiujiiy naif in . l uiori- save hvr mui or to ilic wiili him. Hht- - hiu j.ioi Midi Print !l vva-- i iill wh rouM do to opt-- up a alone lirnl im lutlio-tic!n wlujv i jhui.k iiiiiii Maurice Iaul, no a .upon ! um- - agum-- l Urn lujr Mretciiiil ori l!;t Truss of vxcept her wonian'a wli. Whin In the ntornii.g light of the TIm y li.i.l liiord ihi w;:d hornca b- had aeconil ilay tiny came in e.tis I. r of fun- se arrUi-d- , ,nid Courtiand, and saw on the preen plain l nit afii-- their nmi. union. A pity! of the Alla a great concourse. Ii did (ill, a gr-- ut id) ! not need Alt llkker'a shout to urge "Then raine tt.i- - om g man's mothuur hostess at after er in.ir, she Mho them forward at a gallop, i ail they should arrive too laic. Isle Hagen They have brought him out to lie," "Why did you not abide at Kerns-herax you Mere cried Joan. "Hide for thu young put in Hugo at this niiit. man's life!" But all l heir careful plans an-- l "Never iiiiail - go on - tell the tale! scrupulous Intents were in a moment Kant Hi leue, wl.o wis listening breath-li-Hsly- . cast to the winds hy the urgency of the need. Expecting to find them"The young man's mother came selves Instantly captives, they found near and threw a cloak across his themselves Instead among a stout and naked body. Then Jorisn and I Independent people, stirred to the him and chafed bis limbs, first highest point of hatred and excited removing th- - gag from his mouth; disgust by the cruelty of the scene but so tightly had the rrds been and the horror which they knew must bound about him that fur long he too certainly ensue. could not stand upright. Then, from The sight of their favorite Prince (he royal pavilion, where she had Conrad mixed the highest hopex, not been brought fur cruel sport to see only among the populace, hut In the the death, the Princess Margaret army of Courtiand Itself. It had long came running been a standing toast In every guard"Oh, wickedness!" cried Helene, To the succession of the "to make her look on her lover's room, cowl!" For they looked to their Ideal death!" kulgbt, Conrad, that hero without "Sho came furiously, though e atatn, to deliver their country from dainty prlncesx, thrusting strong men the degrading weakness and subserv- aside. Way there! she cried, on ience of the reign of Louis, and es- your lives make May! I will go to pecially from the Intruding Muscovite him. I am the Princess Margaret. and hated Cossack who hud sup- Give me a dagger and I will prick me planted themselves as guards In the a way.' very palace of (heir Prince. "And. by Saint Stephen the holy Hence the shouts of "Prince ConIf she did not snatch a bodkin martyr! true "The rad!" "Our delivered!" from the belt of tailor of the High Prince!" "Down with Louis!" "Drive Street and with It open her way na out the Russ!" which saluted them as though she were handling a fnatly ailvano-aeverywhere as the cavalcade Cossack lance. slowly through the press. "And what happened when she got to him when she found her husCHAPTER XXVIII band? cried Helene, her eyes sparkling. And she put out n hand to touch g and of Boris Tha her own. Just to be sure that be was Jorlan. there. This Is the report of Captains Boris "Well," said Boris, quickly sobered, and Jorlan, which they gave in face of (heir aoverelgn In the garden "It was In truth n mighty quaint thing to see. The Princess Margaret plenaaunco of the palace of Plussen-burtook the young man In her arms and him to her. The Lady Thecaught out lads!" good mlnda, your "Speak resa his wrist. They looked at kept aid Hugo, leaning a llttla further each other a moment without speech, back. like knights at a " "Ay, tell ns all," assented Helena, eye counteringI eye "Go he Princess on!" thundered. "tell na how you delivered (he Spar-hawas yon call him, the officer of It lndeod a silvern voice can he said to thunder. the Ducheaa Joan!" " 'Give him up to me! He le mine!' Bo Boris Minted and began.- "The tale Is a long one, Prince and cried the Princess. "He la mine! answered very Princess," he said. "Of our many and difficult endeavors to keep tha peace haughtily the lady of the Isle Rugen. end prevent quarreling 1 will any not- 'Who are you? 'And you? cried both at once, flinging their heads hack, but hing-" "Better so!" Interjected Hugo with never a moment letting go with their a gleam In his eye. Jorlan coughed hands. Tha youth, being dazed, said sod growled to himself, "That long nothing, nor so much aa moved. fool will make a mesa of III" "'I am hla mother, said the Lady "1 will pass on to our entry Into Theresa, speaking first. T am hla wife!' said the Princess. Courtiand. It was like the "Then the woman who had borne true prince. There of a long-los- t wae no fighting alack, not so much the young man gave him Into his ae a stroke after all that bother of wife's arms without a word, and tha Princess gathered him to her bosom shouting!" "Boris!" said the Princes warning-lr- . and crooned over him, that being her right But hla mother stepped back Give him rope!" muttered Prince among the crowd and drew the hood Hugo. "He will tangle himself rarely of her cloak over her head that no man might look upon her face. or he be done! "Bravo!" cried Helene, clapping her "I mean the bicesing of Heaven there was no bloodshed," Boris cor- hands, "It was her right!" "Utile one," said her husband, rected himself. "There was, as I say, no fighting. There was none to fight pointing to the boy on the terrace with. Prince Louis bad not n friend beneath, who was lashing a toy horse In hla own capital city, saving tha of wood with all hla might, "I wonder And at that moment If you will think so when another Muscovite. Prince Ivan the Wasp was glad woman taken him from you!" The Princess Helene caught her enough to win clear off to the frontier with hla Cossacks at hla talk It breath sharply. was a Ooda pity we could not rid "That would be very different!" she said, "yes, very different!" "Ah!" aald Hugo, the Prince, ' her husband. I'to-Uetl- 1 : ''!! 1 iiilf-r-t-d- x ti-i- i ('inii-iliUu- i!i--- ran-fully- - ihi-m- - r hs sible, save aa a cloak for tha Maace A Big Bargain for 12 Cants Postpaid. vita dominion. of lSD was one of prodigal Ths year The enuLtry roae behind tha iwtlr plenty ob our md farms. Nvvcr betora lng Muscovite, and Prince Louis was did vrgrtabla aad farm seeds rat urn such conducted across the boundary of L;i caormou yields. Now we wuta to gsm 200,000 new cusprincedom under the bitter thunder tomers this yesr and hem offer fur Uc of caunon ami the hiss of Cour'laad postpaid 1 pkg. Garden City IWt 10c arrows. 10c Karlu'st ltie (,'ubbage Meanwhile Joan, easting aside with 1 larlint Emerald 1'uruniber. ... 15c of the heart her In- 11 an exultant 15c I .a I'nww Market Lettuce tent to make of herself an obedient I lUc 11 Day Kaiiu-- . . . . 15c Blue Blood Tomato wife, rode back to Kerasberg In order 1 " lue Juicy Turnip to organ!-- - all the forces to meat the I Lrrnela gloriously beautiful flowcommon foe. I: wax to ha tha last (000 15c er heeds .... fight of the Teuton Northland for freeTotal dom and faith. All for 12c postpaid in order to introdocs not go hack, Tha our warranted reed, and if you were conquered duce and If will send 10c arc Mill add one package of not could Earliest Cauliflower, together Berliner Kernsbcrg long stand. To mammoth plant, nursery slock, IMassenburg (as we have seen) rode with our and farm seed and tool catalog. Boris and Jorlan to plead for help vegetable free to all iiiii catalog is nulled from their Prince and Princess. r Write had already preceded them, and John A. Saler Seed Co.. Box V, I a the armies, disciplined and equipped Crosse, Wis. by Priut-Karl, were already on the The Real Ruler. inarch to defend their frontiers II The ducheaa of Roxburgh, who waa to be farther go might and fight to shoulder with Courtiand Miss May Gnelet of New York, haa and Kcrnsberg against the common taken up the prevalent craze to collect animals and she is building a miniafoe. ture zoo at Floora castle. In fact, tha The presence of Prince Conrad la duchess, a masterful little lady, has the city of Courtiand seemed tc everything she wants. One of the duke's tenants, wishing soma conceschange entirely the character of the sion, went to the castle and told hla people. From being somewhat friw errand to an old retainer, adding that he would Ilka to see the master In Eh, mon, retorted the aged person. servant, who la not entirely reconciled to the new order of affairs, "there la only aa Disinter in this hoose thaa times and that's no tha duke. Ye should see the duchess." 11-0- Mio-rori'- Cuni-iiam- l Des-xaue- - home-comin- g ' Self-prais- e I I Admired Statesman's Stature. German journalist visiting In Washington, himself a man of stalwart proportions, was rather inclined to look with so.uetbiug like contempt on the many undersized statesmen he saw In the uatlonkl legislature. But when Secretary Taft bore down upon him he gasped in wonder. They were introduced and after a short chat the secretary departed. Just as he disappeared from the German's admiring gaze the towering form of Congressman Sullowav hove into view. The German looked at the New Hampshire man long and earnestly. "He Is bigger than any man in hla Imperial majesty's Titian guards." said the foreigner In a tone of chagrin, and I hall write one whole 'letter about A . e j him." Haw Pineapple Should Be Taken. The repul at iou of i!ie pineapple has suffered because it has been eaten In too large quantities at a time and the fibrous part has been swallowed with the Juice. To obtain the full digestive value of the Juice one quadrant of a slice half an inch thick is ample at one meal. It must not be cooked and should be just ripe. The preserved fruit has practically no digestive possibility. You have mixM-the liext if Garfield Tea, Nature's Ixxutivr, has been overlooked; take it to regulate the liver and to overcome conxtipuiion. Senators Much Alika. Senator Simmons, of North Carolina, and Senator Taliaferro, of Florida, look enough alike to be twin brothers. They are about the same size and build; each has a heavy crop of hair, which la kept closely trimmed, and their short, stubby mustaches era much alike. Both have dark ayes and there is probably not two pounds difference In their respective weights. If It were not for the fact that tha Florida senator has a few more grity hairs In hla head than hla North CaroIt Isnt always policy to believe tha lina colleague it would be almost Impossible for the senate employes to man who tells you what he would do if he were In your place. tell them apart. PALE, THIN WEAK, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restored Mr Robbins To Health and A!ve Cured Her Daughter of Anaemia. Mrs. Jo:Ie Robbins, of 1121 Clar St., Dccaiur, 111., Buys: "I waa weak, thin and troubled with headaches. My appetite failed so that 1 did not relish my food. I waa unable to do my work because my limbs pained ma ao and my feet were swollen. I got numb and dizzy, my tongue seemed al times to be paralyzed ao that X couldn't speak distinctly. My extren en in this numb state, felt na ities, if some one was sticking needles Into me all over their surfaee. Through my shoulders at times I had such pain that I couldn't sleep. Many times I awoke with a smothering sensation. "When the physicians remedies failed to benefit me I began to look for something that would. My slater, Mr McDaniel, of Decatur, recommended Dr. Williams Pink Pills to me and I at once purchased some. I was greatly encouraged when I aaw how they acted on my nervous condition and continued using them until cured. I am now able to attend to my dutlea and have not consulted physician since. "I also gave them to my daughter who had always been weak and who at this time seemed to leek vitality. Her cheeks were colorless and aha was thin and spiritless. She had anaemia and we feared consumption, bemuse every time eh went out door If it was at all cold or damp ah would take cold and cough. But Dr. Williams' Pink Pills brought color back to her cheeks and strength to her body." Dr. Williams Pink Pills are eold by all druggists, or sent postpaid, on receipt of price. 50 cents per box, alx boxes for 82.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. w-- l SICK HEADACHE Positively eared by these Little Pills They also zaliava Bia. tmm tram Dyspepsl X dlgetfloa and Too Bsazty latlng. A perfect ram-edtorPtirtnes Mansi Drowvlnggg, Bad Testa in the Kouth. Gbatafi d d g. j -- t Truth-Speakin- nun-liar- Proof of Merit. The proof of the merits of a plaster la the cures it effects, and tha voluu-- j tary testimonials of those who have used Allcock's Piasters during the past sixty years ia unimpeachable ' evidence of their superiority an-- i should convince the must skeptical. is no recommendation, but certificates from those who have used them are. Allcock's are the original and gen-- j ulna poroiiB plasters and have never j been equaled by those who have sought to trade upon their reputation by making plasters with holes In ' them. Avoid aubHtitutea as you would counterfeit money. I y Tongue, pels la tha Md TORPID XJVXR. That Purely Vegetabl FILM CTBIB nr e TO 14 SAT. ngulata tha Bowel Kaap Your Face to the Sunlight PSXO UIMTMKKT la guaranteed to ears anr wae I know an old man who haa had s of lias aa. Blind. Bivadiug or MM. htaa is SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Utltdajaoraiooar roliindod. "I will go!" said Margaret wilfully, good deal of trouble and many losses Genuine Must Bear oloua they became devoted to the se- and misfortunes, but he started out In The more a man wants to borrow verest military discipline. Signature Nothing life with n firm determination to ex- tha harder he shakes your hand. was heard but words of command and tract Just as much real enjoyment Soothing: Syrup. the ordered tramp of marching feet from It, na he went along, na possible For cklldroM Wlnalair'aaofieoa tho gtiraa, radMBoa toetklag, not In dissipation, but In wholesome The country barons and knights aUw.allajiaiMla.caraavlBdouUo. SScakotUe. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. recreation and fun. in has their lie forces, and their brought always A toast the beat wish for to sea the humorous aide and the May you tents, all gay with banners and flut- triad 0EFIANCE STARCH eureka eluUas uteres tering pennons, stretched white along duty of happiness. 0. S. Marden In ha the worst you get. , Success a the Alla for mile and more. Magazine. The word was on every lip, "When Prolific Playwright and Novelist. will they come?" W. J. Locke, the new secretary of The day after the deliverance of the Spnrhawk, Joau announced her the Institute of British Architects, la Intention of riding on the morrow to a writer of playa and novels. Hla first Kernsbcrg. Maurice von Lysar sod book appeared In 1894 and each year since then he has completed a book. Von Orxen would accompany her. : dlill4ll!iHli.4 cried Margaret Initantly, Hla plays have been very successful "Then, For Infant! and Children. In hla direction and effort latest that I will go, too!" "The ride would be over toilsome will shortly ha brought out la London. for you, said Joan. MORE 80XE8 OF GOLD "I will go!" aald Margaret wilfully. "I shall never let him out of my sight And Many Greenbacks. again! "We shall be back within the week! i AVfegetaUe Preparation for As 825 boxes of Gold and Greenbacks You will be both safer and more comg beFoodandBeguta-lifito will who write sent be similating the persons fortable here!" he Skuttte andBowels of The Princess Margaret withdrew most interesting and truthful letters on of the following topics: experience her head from the open window, moHltDKLNl 1. How have you been affected by mentarily losing sight of her husband from and coffee by words. vain changing last her drinking and making Promotes Digestionheerful "Ah, Joan, she said reproachfully, coffee to Postum. 2. Give name and account of one or ness and Rest .Con tains neither "you are wise and strong then la no one like you. But you do not know more coffee drinkers who have been OtaiumMQfphine nor Mineral what It Is to be married. Yon never hurt by It and have been induced ti were in lore. How, then, can yon quit and uae Postum. 8. Do you know any one who haa understand the feelings of a wife?" She looked out of the window again been driven away from Postum because It came to the table weak and and wared a kerchief. "Oh, Joan, she looked back (gain characterless at the first trial? 4. Did you set such a person right with a mournful countenance, I do believe that Maurice does not love ms regarding the easy way to make it as I love him. He never took the dear, black, and with a snappy, rich least notice of me when I wared to taste? him!" 6. Hare yon ever found a better A perfect Remedy for Cons (To be continued.) way to make it than to uae four heapSour Stomach, Diarrhoea ing teaapoonfuls to the pint of water, Worms .Convulsions .FeverishLand Waa Out of Sight. let stand on stove until real boiling ness and Loss OF SLEEP. "Yea." aald one of the traveling begins, and beginning at that time men. who was telling stories Is front when actual boiling starts, boil full 15 Facsimile Signature or Thus the climax came about In the of the hotel. "I was once out of light minutes more to extract the flavor and of land on the Atlantic ocean twenty food value. (A piece of butter the size twinkling of an eye, but the universal one of a pea will prevent boiling over.) XEV. YORK. days." tnrmoll and wild Jubilation In which "On the rartfic one time I Udn This contest la confined to those who Prince Louis's latwer and govermant have used Postum prior to the date days," said were swept away had really been pre- see land for iwmty-nin- e another. A Utile, of this advertisement. man for end fall the though years, paring his chair tilted a Be honest and truthful, don't write against post and as the thunderclnp. sharp poetry or fanciful letters, Just plain, For all that, the trouble was only knocked the ashes from tils el car. "1 started across the Kaw river truthful statements. The cniel deferred, not removed. In n skill once when I near Contest will close June 1st, 1907, and von of had Maurice been death I.ynnr rendered Impossible by the opportune wax a k'.d." lie saM, ami was out of no letters received after that date will arrival of Prince Conrad and the sud- sight of land before I reached the be admitted. Examinations of letters will be made by three judges, not den revolution which the sight of hla other side." "Aw. come off." came from oee of members of the Postum Cereal Co., noble and beloved form, clad la Brm-ocrowd. "The Knw Isn't more than Ltd. Their decisions will he fair and prodnred among the disgusted and the SOD yards wide anywhere along next final, nnd n neat little box containing Impulsive rourllanderx. a 10 gold piece sent to each of the Yet the arch foe had nly recoiled Lawrence." "I didn't sify It wax." said the little five writers of tha aiost interesting letin order that he might tlie further leap. The great army of the White man quietly. "The "Mir turned over ters, a box containing n 85 gold piece Katuaj city to each of the 20 next best, a 82 greenCzar was encamped just across the nnd I sank twin-.back to each of the 100 next best, and frontier, nominally on the march to Times. a 81 greenback to each of the 200 next Poland. but capable of being In a moA Scat ment diverted upon the Princedom of best, making cash prizes distributed The following smry Is told of an to 325 persons. Courtiand. Here was a pretext of InCirculation Stimulated vasion ripe to Prince Ivan's hand. So eccentric Siotlish ker- ;- oa an (state Every friend of Postum Is urged to he kept Louis, the dethroned and ex- In the north of write and each letter will be held in He was once Biildme a shooting truded prince, clone beside him. He high esteem by the company, na aa parfather, by every (le of ty up near the lop of a 0pP w4 j,,gb evidence of such friendship, while the urged hi friendship and Interest, to replace mountain. Suddenly, when they bad little boxes of gold and envelopes of that prince upon his tlirone. And the reached a gnat height, one of the money will reach many modest writers Czar Paul, well knowing that the heaters gar o a loud y. 11. 1b4 whose plain and sensible letter conrestoration of I.ouls meant nothing himself hy the luck of the neck. tain' the facts desired, although the white Bngere less than the incorporation of Court-lan- d Through Ms imeri.vkrd lender may have but email faith In The mu had winning at the time of writing. with tits empire, hastened to bright Mood wvi-d- . been peppered with s'rac hot the Talk this subject over with your carry out hli son's advice. jj In Courtiand itself there was no nape. friends and aee how many among you The keeper, seeing .he confusion. A certain grim determina can win prises. It la a good, honest $1.00 ation took possession of the people. thinking the accident much torse competition and in the best kind of a &II They had made their choice, nnd they than it really was, bawled out excit- cause, and coats tha competitors absoby would slide hr It. They had chosen edly lutely nothing. 'Sloan's Treatise On The Horse'Sent Free It mi dneu the "Kin. Diigahl! Conrad to he their ruler, as he had Address your Irtter to the Toxtum MR! en nnd Heaven their knew hm hern far only hope; long they Cereal Co., Ltd.. Battle Creek, Mich.. Address Dr. Ear! 5.SIoan,Bo$ton,Mass- ana that now- 1 ouis was for ever Impos to calrijr ye!" writing your own name and address clearly. Fac-Simi-lo " The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the 11mTMs'( Signature of Not Xarc otic. In Use tipe-Ho- n, For Over Thirty Years bald-heade- r, RHEUMATIS " CURED Far-Seein- "I am hla wife! said tha Princes" them down. But 'though Jorlan and I did all that men could" "Ahcra!" said Jorlan, as If a fly had flown Into hla mouth and tickled hla throat. "I mean, your Highnesses, we did whatever men could to keep the populace within bounds. But they broke through and leaped upon na, throwing their arms about our bones necks, crying, 'Our aavlon!' 'Our deliverers!' God wot, we might aa well have tried to charge through the billows of the Baltic when It Mows a norther right from the Gulf of Bothnia! But it almost broke my heart to see them ride oft with never a The and the Muscles and Joints lubricated by using SloSclVS Liivinveivt U 1 - Price 25c 50c 6 Sold Dealers |