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Show . I THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Vol. II. Alta, Utah, Wednesday. March Thp Alta inc.epnclen i""' I'll j sti ti Ei 1,11 ii',n ,,lin'J 13, 1907. No. 33. lliat '"'I j ns jmiir as Vii s tnr.'-ii & lAimijili' ns well as pro-- ; has hliown I hut with (lie natural1 By Ilu- THE INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING I iiuiris ill huinl ill Mifllrliiu mailvnlllllll. I III' outlay of SALT LAKE COUNTY OFFICERS.' COMPANY. . in tin wiirhliiK of siu-lI I lilice i : t Jilllill. iui). ic,. A. i;. pii.p.-nl.-ami mincing Hair proilm Ir County Seat, Salt Lake City. (lull. which It can to .I ami fiiiliirlii- ..i! Entoroil ak socotiii-cius- s at I.. main-fleik-- J. r. Kldredge, Jr. All Hu Iron Mans nr. pm thi postmllce ;it Alia, Utali A. llroesbeck. Treasurer-- J. ot i he most stable charac-- ' , 1 Recorder-- - 1. (). IVrkins. Iumh that to rimMimi we so iiml - V fw r i.t; SUBSCRIPTION: Sheriff -- C. F. Emery. tin- billions awaiting an opimriuuiiy Out year. 2. on: i mouths. M. lirowu. Assessor--(to i omo forth from the ground if t s ill i eo inuli'lis. 75 Auditor F. IlcginlKiiham. our soul hern neighbor will not have Willard Hanson. lime When the tniicli wait ti Attorney longer. ' D. C. DESPA1N....I.(H,AL MANAGER v J.it. Swenson, is once instituted, we will then inV tv Surveyor . ..'Hit ' t'oniiuissionei's .1. t Mackey. .1. ii; A deed lie well along the highway of . METAL MARKET. i lie Industrial and financial greatness (Tinfoil and J. It (osgrltf. wliicli belong to us. M und ay, 09 ceuls; ALTA AND NEIGHBORHOOD. eoppor. 24 cents; lead. Id. A WORD IN SEASON. cents: Tuesday. 5. Silver, 09 ('olUlliltll Sut nrduy (545 shares copper. 21 cents; lead, $0. Milfonl Tillies. fi Silver. 08 It is not the purimao of this paper I'oli sold st ii Wednesday, Iop- , 24 .4 $0. r. in enter the lecture Held or go into Colitin-of i discussion of i lie hmdncss of general Thursday, 7 Silver. 0s .Monday . 2iith, ion shares . lead, 0. per. 24 subjects other than industrial, mate- Inis Con. sold al $3 tin a share. .1 ..4 hut there lie . Friday, h Silver. 0s coppei'. rial and immediate: 24 times and oceasioua when expressions Allas .day Is coiiiiiiK Htid 19u7 wiijj lead, 0. . of public opinion regarding matters almost he sure of that glorious dai Saturday. !i Silver. OS . 24 uf Importance which cannot be classi- coming wllliin it cycle. lead. $6. : . . fied ns above are demanded, because Stop On the filn. Jim shines ol South (nl, tin Mihject is imiHirlau! and opinions are like unto councils In the midst sold ut II. Ml a share. :iti of Colima-hits Con. at $(5.35. and 2mt at ti.4tt. of them there may lie safety. The theme railing forth these pro-- , The management of the City Il'K-k- : liiiiiuary remarks is the ease of BIRD'S EYE VIEW. t'liarles Hollia, once convicted of Mining cnuipaii.i-- is gitling ready to a very vignroiis develop., murder in the first degree and senThis picture shows the entire E x poult ton grounds, the waters of Hampton Roads mid the surrounding THE COMMISSION QUESTION. tenced to death, and now undergoing cuter . ,i'; iiii'iii cump-.tigua life sentence with an application i! rummy. The picture gives an Idea of how the general xtuuorama view of the grand piers and assembled navies The proposition to run the chief for the annulment of even this' now Fifteen assays from the Columbus of the world will look In 19U7 when t lie Exposition is in full swing. advisement l.y the hoard of averaged 1I9.S7 ounces of silver. limited numbers, is one that la of genor 1 life the 5 gold, In cases where l(.. and g.ss nnt pardons. cootie, eral Interest, as if the scheme should death of a human being or even tinlure to del ermine, but tmll anij i2.S3 silica. its eastern be applied and prove successful it . trend has been nmneeted with stoek deprivation of his liberty so long ss. would be extended to all the other he shall live is the issue, it behooves Wednesday- last inn shares of Co-- ! exchange listing minors that make municipalities of course. At this time, us all to he careful, just and ln" luitilms Con. wild hi $15.45 a share, B5U. their arien ranee with many earmarks local without the benefit of experiIn common with what is lie- - a, g,; spoken. coma,i ion at $(5.55. The samei of aiithentlritv. , . ence to base conclusions on, all MARBLE SPRING WHISKEY,. to lie great majority of ,jay 2m shares of Mint It Col. sold at ment on the subject is as much to lieved of thethestate Bulk A Bottled In Bond) of Utah, this pa- A. (). go. people of suiierluicntlent Jacobson, io gaining now friends every day. j be said on one side as the other. The per desires to go on record as against , j the ('oliitnlms .f company's desirableness of such a form of con- the Wont you try ItT For 8alo Everycommutation further for bunanxa mines at Alin, has been makit lowest ldd on () ,,e tu, trol has good and bad features, these and petition where, onoe more he-- . plat-in! iiisx-et!nn in of favor an , Columbus was $1.75. and the inx of the Emma CopRIEGER A LINDLEY, depending somewhat upon other con- fore the eyes or the great public the east per of the shares 0lll. coiniuinys pmiierty, hund, ditions which may or may ont exist. facts "The Whiskey Merchants.' j, ! J,n-leading to Botha s Pwn He verifies am 5i at $1.85 a Columbus Consolidated. sold at $1.82 If the case Is in equlllbrio, as the Sait Lake City. to the satisfac-- ; Hj there showing that the reporta that have been made ation, Sole Distributors. lawyers would say unquestionably tlon of an intelligent and impartiii In a strike the Emma rwceriilng j jl the proper thing la to treat the sub- Jury as they have shown to the other, iJIV pm sit ares or Soutn Col tint-anpwi'erty and expresses the opinion ject as one for discussion only for more numerous jut y spoken of hm Wld a Th that, next to the Columbus Consoli100 at another two years at least. that a fouler, more unmitigated, less aame jay 25 shares of Columbus Con. dated, it is going to develop into the It ia difficult to see wherein we are justifiable commitnever was murder biggest thing In that portion of the to receive much if nny benefit by cut- ted in this state, if indeed in any oth- M)( t .25. 5uo at $ti.t5. Hill at $(5.7 district. Mr. Jacobson states (hat the KHI at Pti.75. Jj and of number down the new ting seeking er, than that of the man iwea madevjn 4ppe pf the. .w has , . 'grsitiki more a or store from ' ' ELECTRIC CPARKCr ml of jxisitUm brew grown ft (w the, wwiiiwhat. work. freedom through tho of sell known north and south veins of shares to three or four. The Roman tri- his lust, Wednesday mistaken mercy. While Kourh Columbus sold al $1.80 a share. the. camp and that drifting Is now Ing thereof, being Mineral Surveys umvirate was more mlscherioua than an already deto agree In tntn with the truHonduras and Nlcacagua are going 5571 andIn 5614, respectively, and hundred shares of Columhwi progressing through ore for the Inter were the decemvirs and these could disposed so frequently resorted to that Seven scribed the official consolidated section with one of the to 1511 war. nunierona Con. wait 525 cant until it at concoct more deviltry within a given ism at Why $5.55, $5.50. they la the issirest use a pera-n- i plat thereof, posted on the ground, and east and wet fissures in that part of the Thaw trial ia over? time than the republican assembly hanging In the field notes and surveys thereof, we still insist that it $5.(50 and lull at $5.(55. can be to, put the now Jiicnliwin Mr. Even camp. to think of. was able, apparently, in this ca-to file in the office of the register of no on has A application Huston a fir-of ore deal and 1 milling Tlie impcr saya congress might the district There never was nnd never can be a the first three days of last week says, great was no liang-mnn- s of lands subject to sale at there s place worse we do to tliau and consiileralile is lieing opentalk, regret more pronounced, infamous and noose ever placed before this ilie lowest assay from the5imiColumbuf Rail take City, Utah, aa follows, It frequently doia. will liodies 2nv ed up und that rejrtirt comCon. great between the and terror of than that uprise bloody reign , murderer's vision, only the mine just as " "r."llver make- at the intcrnei-tlnnsparatively modern one of the French speedy ami less disgraceful ordeal of With magnetic variation 17 deg. to What is tlie moral of the Thaw JV(,ta in do the Colunilms Dan-toConsolidated theycent copper, triumvirate; those choice spirits, too and 17 (leg. 30 min. east. for him: all a aska case?" lt good shooting contemporary. he no ut doiilit all. has a Marat and Robespierre, could en- when through the blindness, weakseems to lie ail immoral. Commencing at corner No. 1 of said act a rule of public conduct, create or ness. Thursday 2(50 shares of Coliiiiibui or whatever else It Con. Emma lode mining claim. Survey No. fatuousness Subccribe local for your paper. sold at Jt5.f0. loo at $(5.55, 160 vacate an office and cut off a head may have been the pardon Imurd un KiKiseveli is all right," saya Judge 5614. whence United States mineral ' with equal facility; and while it Is Alton H. Parker. Tho opinion seems monument No. 1 bears north 11 deg. 50 the jury's just wok and gave the hardly to be supposed that we would wretch his full maesnre of life, a 100 at xti.KO. 400 shares of South Co to lieronie iiiiiininioiis. min. wrat 1967.7 feet; thence north likely danin a remote even Con. imminent or be sold al $1.80 shun. 64 deg. 13 tnln. east 1145.1 feet to corwas imposed n)s;ii the lumbus injustice gross . . 'I si we iioihI more money 7" asks a ner No. 2 of the claim; thence south ger of drifting into such a condition one that cannot he undone, hut of things as that, it is still an ob- lii)li1lr,be On the 4th ::uu shares of Columwriter In Haris-r'Those of us who Weekly. Not yet, 84 deg. 11 min. east 1500 feet to cormay emphasized. ject lesson worthy of consideration. take no stock in murder and look bus Con. sold at $(5.40 a share and hut kooii. Easier iHiiiiiets are not quite ner No. 3 of said claim; thence north SOUTHERN UTAH JOTS. Sim at $ii.5o. There la no especial danger in the, w j h0rr0r The same day 10" (54 deg. 13 min. cast 2.2 feet to corner riie. upon the authors of it are Magara river if yon are far enough Ktill, lt ,a hn)ed. more numeroua than shares of South Columbus sold it No. 4 of (he Texan lode, survey No. IorowHn City .TOO lther way from the falls; hut if Hn. 0iher class while 400 at $1.85 and at $1.82 An Uliio hank has printed a notice 6571 ; thence south 2 8ilog. 04 min. east certainly being $1.80. plant of its own. above, it matters not how far, if no ,.KS i,arn fu7 and more useful; and we 200 at 11.87 of iis failure in nine languages, it 540.2 feet to corner No. 3 of said Tex.4 .4 . attention is given to the natural pro-- hnve some .1 Air. Austin of (he sugar faciory muni have failed for ail kinds of an lode; thence soulh 61 deg. 56 min. rights which we demand ress of things a situation that la Iteisirls from the Moiiniuin Lake was in Monroe a short time ago to money. west 1500 ftet to corner No. 2 of aald ,,e reB,WPted by those who. liy gerous if not. fatal, lsupon you before aomp inserutabie decree of Provi-yo- ii Big Cottonwood lire In efh-r- t I hat the sign up licet growing comracts with Texan lode; llicnce north 28 deg. 04 a are aware of it. The moral of denee, have been The Thaw neg- in In. WHst (500 feet to corner No. 1 of only thing Evelyn to lie- tunnel had ujieiieil t.ie vein for (he farmers. this being that, tyranny grows liy come administratorspermitted lected In tell while she was on the said Texan lode; whence United .4 .4 of the law. In width of twenly feet, and that the copper values ot the sudic The beautiful weather of the past stand is why no two or her pictures States Mineral Monument No. 1 bears spite of the sickly protests of spa- - average en forbid that this should have ny.vned was the same was Ii per north 35 deg. 15 min. went 2732.7 feet; conducted sheets months lias ended and more than look alike. by iso imported men hrHlnBH aRaln8t evon a semblance present local application-th- ree a fix it of snow- - luis fallen, which ia (hence north 64 dog. 13 min. east 353.9 come cheajier than fifteen, but for (lf After all this I iotisonestpie talk, the feet to corner No. '4 of aald Emma Cold ft Copier most welcome. The prevailing and Invoking in t In we to he seems j don sake told a nlv say goodnhas thing sight yu. suptsn-- t of their shameful pleas the company filed its articles ol incorporlode; thence north 84 deg. 11 min. Jt .4 in Iuro-wa- n measely little old South AnieFienn west 1500 feet to corner No. 1 of said Sixteen snow of fell inches higher law." the better class Insist ation yesterday in the county tin-clerk's secUTAH'S IRON WEALTH. Emma lode, the plnce of beginning, beon the STIli lilt., one peculiar tea rcvoliiiioncl. uion the enforcement of (lie other office and in the Itoffice of is incorporated lure of the storm was t'.uit it did rule of action not the lower law, retary of state. ing the exterior boundaries of aald As tlie new iloiinia is said to be hos- claims Morcur Miner. fur 1,0(10.000 shares, par value of $1 mt reach a distance of eight miles n lint that which is abreast of the consolidated, and containing Nulls I.a Ine of Providence - mnh and was very liglii a few riilies tile to the exar. It is difficult to see 40.293 acres of land; expressly saving Occasional reference has been and faithfully enforced would each. use railroad fare of the the El' C. paying In these columns and elsewhere to long on this have blotted the num R. I., is the president, und J. and excepting thcrefro mhewever the West. to St. Petersburg. the Immensity and general excellence ster Hmha from the fane or (he dredge. Jr., is secretary and treasarea of 5.880 acres In conflict with .4 .4 urer. These, together with C. E. Jenof the iron deposita of the county. Partli. the Holey lode mining claim, U. W. Black. prini-iiH- l ot Hie disa hut It was hasty probably nothing . kins. H. C. Cram and Jasper Bi- trict school at Monroe, hat-- accepted which adjoins Heaver on the south leaving a net area of the the calendar that saved and which phtalued its name fmmMiifnid Timi-s- . 34.413 acres, for which this application llings. constitute the luianl of direc- a government position at Mare Island, glance at tor It is understood that the Provo En- tors. The company nvn thirteen and tills morning left tor ills new Kaiser from mistaking Harry tahr that superabundant metal. for patent is made. Doing n comic valentine. a rhange of claims In Little Cottonwixid canyon. has undergone near neighbor of Milfonl. It'quirer thus The discovery point of aald Emma His many friends here wish ' post. is reasonable to suppose that some ownership and control. It can stand .4 .4 lode is south 3 dog. 54 inin. east 304.4 him surensa. the Chancellor Day says poor There have lieen several imiificaiil measure, if not a full one. of eommer- - such, and a few other changes, any of 4 .4 and drink ion much." lie serins foot from corner No. 2 of said claim, 'would be to its advantage, developments of late In the afiairsofi cial sympathy exists between the the presumed course of the vein Purowan. Iron Co.. March to everything outside the and points, and this alone, if there were! since by no possibility could the pa-n- ihe Columbus Consolidated eiinipanj.) ariicles of iiirorjsiratiiiii of tlie Pam-Th- millionaire set ss poor white trash" or lode runs from the discovery point other ronsiileratlons. would helper tie made worse than it has been south Si deg. 11 min. east 961 feet annual meeting was pmilucihe of. wan jjj(eiini pjow company have been any how. to the easterly end line of the claim enough to make us deeply conrerned for several years past and live at all. facts more than sufficient - in them- - nid with the csiuniy clerk: the mm- r.T In all that relates to the pnsent and Ye dont like to say unpleasant things selves to wipe away ever.and Mayor limine ban apixilutod a friend and north 84 deg. 11 min. west 539 jB rBita1l.l f(ir ,,Rny yio.nim. fntnre of that vast resource of wealth. of a cont em imraiy and only do so doiilit that may have existial hi lh j n)e officers to serve for the next of Roger Sullivan (o office In Chicago, feet to Ihe westerly end line. This might lie regarded ns a selfish when Itself furnishes the material, minds of the stock, luiders or tin- gen- - ,a(J vearj) ar(1 wii Ha m Adams, presl- - and as soon us Mr. Hryan hears of it The discovery point of raid Texan sort of feeling, and undoubtedly a not once but continuously; and will, eral pulillc, and Ihe Fhanliulili rs left viifnrd Day, vice president : there may Is- something more doing in lode is soulh 21 deg. 20 min. west were. let of therefore the selfishness certain percentage TI- - tlie Enquirer down gent- the meeting convinced that they OMPar 369.16 feet fro mcorner No. 4 of said swatting line. Lynia1 B,Heiary: in all the transnetlona of man ly by merely saying that in all re- - part owners of a richly iirodin ing and jam T Sinmn A. claim, and the presumed course of the MoitBi treasurer: I nhHipy earthquake kind: but with this understood. the;spects it has been and la the sickest, generous dividend paying property.; Malliemti. superintendent. at Jamaica," vein or lode runs fro rathe discovery The develoinients during (lie is Hie way one ot the ijiindon iaprr4 point north 61 dpg. 56 min. east 280.3 feeling becomes one of generosity, of j snidest publication in the state. as such things go. few weeks upon the fiuii. 2t. and BEAVER COUNTY BRIEFS. it. headlined Why should earth- feet to the ensterly end line nnd l Mllfm-.Times I"" 7 because the development nnd commersoon (be to Is le upon unhappy They generally south 61 deg. 50 ndn. west 1219.7 feet emphasized quakes a Tlie culling of special election to fisit levels, ore Iron county's chief till of Tlie dry farming al Heaver iiroposl-o- have their way about things. up eneoun'en-cializing to westerly end line of claim. lieing laoccasioned (he ihe vacancy by A source of coining wealth means much the first two levels richer iliai. jticn is assuming definite shape. These claims are iocs ted in unsurn t stive Chifor the whole state and every lsidy Taft would lie "Atlanlu. a small city, says the mine. b,i: engine, ami a 16 gang If it d'd not elsewhere hi far in the farcical part of Township 1 South. veyed Tlie Post may recover Idow are ordered and will In- pul to cago Post. having interests therein. towards a tragedy. It is an uncalled for done their part Range 3 East, Salt take Base and I mm of the Everv now and then some new poo-mniliiiied of arrival. more the Hu onslaught Ininfedlutey upon firmly good opinion Meridian. ,ni1 11 ,lst1PSK pense. Interesti-d- . .4 .4 pie o"' new concern has the mntier: 1,r,ir,,ln Atlanin press, lint we have no idea it The location notices are of record e we led to are Frisco in hand nnd Actual mining work at tlie will evi r look like anvlhlng again. .4 .4 stippo-Subscribe for your local paper. in (he office of the Connty Recorder of All interesting developim'ii1 that thereiifter things will liei'in to jt now, right now! contact, according to General Utah County, Utah, as follows, move: lint in spite of nil these notes' Subscribe for your local paper. wrs the announcement ln.ob- - byjiigi.r D. j. Kolilfing. Is still lip by Emma lode in Book 78 of Minina, at DENVER EXCURSION. of cheerful warning, the movement Samuel Nowlimise lliat lie hud made r,f Tin. work of installing Consoli-dstepage 88; Texan lode. In Hook 59 ot he It is prettv' Is new ami does not materialize. niaclilnerv Columbus eipiiinicnt large purchases of s FOR Mining at page 513. March APPLICATION round trip. $2.1.55. Limit OF howNOTICE well understood Hint metals of any; keeping tj,f. fr(.e well occupied, stock for investment piirpon-TliiThe nearest known locations are PATENT. STATES UNITED kind In their native state, with the. March 2fith. Diverse routes. Through grcnl-lwas a new wrinkle upon the hue e'er. The entire works in being M. A. No. 4173. Survey No. 5420, tane Star lode; Bol-ein the exception of unhampered gold, are of Observation Pullman cars via Coiora-n- of the siiimifon. and one Hint punliig enlarged, ineluding lode, (unsurveyed). In the Uniled States tand Office, a hoist-eavail s a commercial factor: they 'do Midland Railway, at once nnd ever shir-- . On (,f a big new air compre-sor- . 1907. i,,.fi,l-er- s Yours truly, I Jan. direct that this notice bn pubsiw-- t 22, Utah, Sait take my. It have to undergo a number of pm-- ; thai leHkeil that out anoilier and engine Monday L. H. HARDING, Notice la hereby given that Charles lished In the "Alta Independent. Salt boiler, while the sliaft and ail ccsis each entailing labor,in expense,iliiring the past week nr two l;,p sos-General Agent. air Tyng and Francis C. Tyng. whose take county, Utah, the newspaper drifts are being cqn'ppod posscswhich only those who are made ColumhiiH ('misolidaiid slcn nr the means can supply; and to nearly the $73.o,"i mark, P'pea for running ihe iniicliincs. the losi office address is American Fork, published nearest to said claim, for a purchases Do You Vant Work blacksmith shop Is enlarged ami new Utah, have made application for an period of nine weeks. this relaleji to iron more than any and while considerable of i 'il- - sus-WORK FOR EVERYBODY. FRANK D. HOBBS, ither of the metals of commerce. remains in Salt take, a generous pre buildings for the compressor ami Isdl United Stales patent for the "Texan Register. The working must lie on a large scale. Teamsters. Ijihorera. Always Wanted IKirtion hna gone to the east. are being built. With all these and "Emilia lode mining claims con- frs We Furnish All Kinds of Help. Henderson, Pierre, Urltchlow A the investments heavier and th1 mnn dlsiKisIMon is to lie made of this s's-Improvements completed the Fri'co solldatcd. aitunte in American Fork remains for the future to detei mine, Contact, it is needless to nay. will Is mining district, Utah county, Utah. Barrette, Attorneys for Applicants. ey thus put nut is slower in returning DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. First publication. Jan. 39, 1907. than from almost any other avenue In 62 East First Sontta, Salt take City. but Its eastern dlsposlllon is to be Prepared for real mining business and consisting of 1500 linear feet along Last publication. March 27, 1907. Ind. 'Phone $13. made of this stock remains for tie fn- - lots of R each of the respective lodes, and sur- which It ran lie placed, so that a Bell Phone 1S72-i j tinil ! News Items Local - - I r ' j Vi ;SCTsus -- - V " Ww I. I I 2 : 2 Sti-lil- lH-r- I .s- ' & cop-lier- j i I ; Vt ' - s. j EDITORIALS. o,. - - , I' ( Com-olldate- ! I ; d I law-make- , j 2t itii-dlu- c. first-clas- to-w-- lt: 1 Utah State News s 1 dan-;Bha- l, ; jiee Alta-Mizpa- h - situa-madcitjo- , j -- - arc-laz- I.-- The . o e - I - I puhllc-spiritertn- j RW - 1 ihn-eli- 1 Man-wee- k lu-l- to-wi- i: 4-- y o J .( |