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Show BUTTE AND Wm THAW'S GUISE GET WIU RESUME I It has been derided not to accept WITNESS STAND any bids fur building tba Panama OH THE WORK NEWS SUMMARY MOTHER AGED NORTHWEST NOTES The carpenters of Butte demand si: Increase of fl iter day, bringing thei csnal. w.'igea up to $0. The plant of the Old Vincennes (lu The senate bn confirmed the nom been has in.ition company dlana) Distilling of liOtiis G. Davis as In Vet Preecnted Threatened General Strike in Men Strongeat Evidence Are. Los t B. M. Auslii-nuaand as at by partially destroyed Millionaire Save to Young Effort tanas Gerat Capper Camp Avert1200,000. for torney, Chair. Wyoming. Electric From Not Vet Trouble ed Ncveapaper Seventeen persons condemned h Denver m-After Bdr? Out Two Days have broki-- the "cot Settled. court-martifor participating in th tier" heretofore held "ii elaieitate, i Without Keaching Verdict New York Another dramatic chap- receut rising at Tukum, were shot ai product found exclusivi ly on Jurors Are Discharged reservatiou in Itali hv tb ter was all ied to Ibe history of the Riga, Russia. :i Mmii, Ilii't r. Mgrecuient 19 K. 42 Thaw for of rat Raven to the a vote of senate avs ihe Den the tilui By lii'il In n L) Mining murder Harry Joliu hu on ver Wednestiled While Post. Santo Thit Stanford the of murder Domingo Lie treaty. of maiiHKliiK illrwtor Hyatt. defendant's mothm waa one more vote in the aAtrniatlvi and the CopM-The Butte Workingmen's union, emday when Mi to aland than waa required. contrlbuta M.i.i-rviiuess took Ibe uulitn from the (iinnill bracing all sorts of iiiisMilt-labor, what she might toward saving her slih him, which rtreiiHj' muftriTt-The announcement la made of Iht struck last week for nil Increase of .V chair. Mr a. resignation of John F, Stevens a cents a duy. The city retused to son from 'he tili'ti a sliding acalu of wagt-liy waa r the before mlu.-Jury The lie la Thaw's to fur tie stay adopted. engineer in chief of construction ol the increase and all work In the brief. When Mi Delmas had definite-Wallac- the Panama canal. miners ai'dle will give under-grounstreets has slopiied. Ida The jury In the trial jy limited her examination to the day and abaft men 14.50 pel ft a Frank Creasinan. of Laramie, was British Adolph Tingle, subject, day hi Iiiiik an ihe price of copiei tit Sieve Adams for the minder of change the hail noted In her son's was and hang--d at tbe arrested at Fort Collins, Cola, and k iiihIiik above 22 cent a pound. With Fred Tyler, after being in deliberation condition following bis return from citadel at Warsaw for haring robbed a taken to larsmle fur trial for hiring a Him-.-gFore pail n 1903 after Evelyn Nesbit street car conductor. team of horses from John Pulcher, cupiwr between IK mid 22 cent a. the for two days ain.iiiinced a apeti Mill be $1.75 and 14.25, and man George Filers that It was iinisia-- t,ad told him her life story, and when Governor Beckham has determined which be drove to Walden, Colo., and IK cent-- . 11.50 and 14. It la Bible to agree upon a verdict, and waa )Htrkt Attorney Jerome had with to send troops to Jackson, Ky.a dur- sold to a third party. conducted a ea peeled t hat development work will discharged by Judge Woods. Kr(.at The fourth case of purpura ever trial of James Hargis, ing the The Jury for many hours stood at j ah(irt Wllj ineffectual be rchunied at uuce. known in tbe United States was the Cox the with murder. charged a for live for conviction and There la no in the nr w a patjon tie n,iiltr love welled strong In cause of death of Mrs. Sins Bark-hurO. was a Robert Rued ou the Gill, was and broker, ihe neither it ini felt she aud had altuatlon, only she publlahera qalttal. per not Ur Thaw of Laramie. nor Ihe prlniera scenting diapoad to ballot fhat the jiimuen stood event- : dlJU4 Purpura Is tbe waa loath to leave 1350 In Chicago for operating a buckshe htr g. rum to an amicable agreement. Tbia most of all and the baffling diseases, women. for The tot et court six over ami ii.uvlciloii six for shop lll(J w,.s chair, I ilia fourth week of of divided, of a case haa never been recovery motion new a for a ruled trial. , a of acquittal. There is question heredity," the four dally papers. known. The proHffiit'uii declares Adaim she prulenied, when bath Mr. Delmas The police and private detective ar CONTEMPT FOR GOVERNOR. In tbe senate Senator Warren ha will be tried aaln for ihe inurdcr u end Mr. Jerome told her aha might searching San Francisco for William not sooner the resolutions of the tbau but hdB0na,ked presented the bank treasure! missing Bill 'lyler. Idaho Legislator Tear Anti-Paeyou. madame, all that Walker, Wheatland Commercial club and peterm of court, which begins lu Octi- 3f Conn. New be said Britain, Thaws They cimldered necessary In Two. V titions from a number of Laramie her. Attorneys for the defense o.--wl'h the utmost deference, Ueve be is there. attorney Boise, hla. Though the hour eel ly stale Ihdr belief that Ailuius wih ' Mrs. Thaw half rose, hesitated and ranchmen favoring legislation Tbe governor of Indiana has signed county 1,1 hen fur Ihe legislature to adjourn was 1 never be tiM ?aIn for leasing public grazing lands unun ihe T.vler j two-rent railroad fare act It haa the lending counsel for the defense the iclock Friday afternoon, the gavel charge. der equitable regulations. offered her hi hand to assist her no emergency clause and goes Into lid not drop for the l.iet time :ntll Steve Adams was arisled lu Of- from the slainl. Thinking that the accidental diseffect with the publication of the new 7:1". The cioeka were toiH'-at I. yon more thsii a year a 'to on Die Twice during her recital Mrs. Thaw laws charge of a little revolver while in about May ur June. Inn the work weui on. There waa an charge of having murdered F:cd Ty broke down ami was unable to pro- his hands bad killed bis younger broth, SI. r. In the Joseph cw,, Two men were killed and five badlintuenae utuount to be cleared, and ler, a claim of l er, Harry, Charles Mauke, of Seattle, in August, la thrown Into river region fate Idaho, Thaw's if Harry ly burned by an explosion of gaa In the clerks could not get through with Dock Simpkins, also warned in cornice 1C, fired a bullet Into his own hands r ii,- twelve men In the the Woodward mine at aged jl(, Pa Kingston, It sooner. Hon with the same murder. Is still a jury box who lean! the mothers head. Harry was only stunned and Adams i v. j story, then serins little doubt what The mine Is very gaseous and tha will recover. oe-j- r A very HciiMatiunal fugitive from justice. Charles may die. a. to Idaho the men work with safety lamps. tuken alie snid will firry wonderful weigh pcnltnittnrv uried In the senate during the morn- Dolse. Sheriff Mr. the lfut lmpresslc Walker, of Frankgive Thomas Baldwin, a rich farmer and ; lie mothers ing session, Senator John W. Hart of There be was Informed thut Harry that ho miglit testilin has been arrested at county, merchant of former Fremont eoiinly expressing contempt Orchard. In confessing Ihe assassina- mony ns a Colfax, Ills., shot lit another direcwith the murder manner in that Wash., charged a for the governor tion of former (iovernor Sieuneiiberg tion in his fight to havo a commit- - and killed Charles Kennedy and wlfa astounded everybody. It came about had Implicated lli' Western Fcdcra- aon ypHiiiit-to test the preaent and Mn. Sim Eisman and daughter of'Cbarles Anderson, who died a few bill that had been Hon of Minera in Hint crime and hud BllU(, of over an anti-par- a defendant. .nil t days ago in a Spokane hospital. CorCora. Baldwin waa arrested. reixiuing with the lOute alfalra com- asserted that Ailuius knew about Hu. oner Witter found death was caused mittee ever since a similar bill from plot to kill Slounenlicrg. and that WHITE LABOR IN THE SOUTH. Replying to a correspondent. Lord In Iiouiwi by a blow on the head received durdefeated the had luen the Adama could lie brought back to Idaho Curxon say It la hla desire to r ing a free fight at Leroy, a railroad senate. Day nsived that the commit-te- uisin the rliHrge of killing Tyler. Noenter public life next autumn and, II camp. be dlaehurged from further con- Adam, made a confeaslon lo Detective Loui.lana Propow. to Supplant a suitable opportunity presents itself; sideration of tim measure. The mo- Mclarlatid In the presence In response to a demand made by tion was defeated by a vote of 8 to 1C. nesses while still In ihe penitentiary, Rnu-tcI a. A plan which to obtain a seat in parliament. Baton the lumber ahippen of northwest Then Hart anise with passion In hla admitting that ha had shot Tyler with Senator Jospph S. C. Blackburn ol Washington through the Bellingham negro supplanting fare and, taking the hill from hla a rills. In Ihe confession Adams also contemplates Louisiana with of laborers He Kentucky, who will retire from tha chamber of commerce that the emsaid: told of the murder of Boule, another plantation pocket, tore It to pieces. United States senate on March 4, It "There la the bill, and there la the claim Jumper, and of an alleged plot state Imported Immigrants from bargo on forest products be raised. refill on it. That la what I think of the Western Federation of Minera was announced Wednesday by to be made a member of the reorgan Howard Eliot, president of the Northof It. You tnay aend a messenger to to get Stemieiilierg. Charles Schuler, state commissioner heed Panama canal commission. ern Pacific, wires the secretary of the the man downstairs who has been When the case Anally cante to trial tel! him run to James M. Parsons, formerly of Bos- chamber from St. Paul refusing to lift aesalon and this Adams asserted that he had been of Immigration aiut agriculture. This trying what I think of him and hla bill." forced to give the confession and that plan Is snout growth both of the Im- ton, Mass., was shot and probably the embargo. There were no Important ldlla the detectives had asaured him of free- migration station, authorised for New fitslly wounded in Sonora, Mex neat The supreme court has reversed the .timing the dotting day. though dom U ha wuuhl make a alataiuaut In- Orleans by cougress this week, trad of the Slnallo state line. In ..passed land fraud case, in which A Kelllher his defending a number of minor measures got volving the Western Federation of the fact that labor Is scarce. of Salem, Ore., was found T, claims Kelllher, two Mexicans. mining against through. The statement that the em- Miners In the assassination of the for The state proposes to onahle ;he ployers' liability bill passed waa an mer governor of Idulio. Detective Louisiana planter to engage ImmA. T. Lawshe haa been selected to guilty and sentenced to two years in error. IL went to conference, where and the witness to the confes- igrant labor In advance and villi a The court upholds the InThird Assistant Postmaster prison. It died. 'The teat oath bill also died sion testified that no promises of im- Axed wage without violutiug the con- succeed ' but holds that there was dictment, Madden. la General Mr. Lawshe In all 172 bills were munity were niadn. In ronfrrenpe. The testimony tract law. By July 15 next, everv from Indiana and waa auditor for the not sufficient evidence to connect KeF sent to the governor. was denied upon the witness stand by pijnter desiring such labor is to dt iiher with the forgery to which one Adama. f " posit $150 fur every family he wishes, poatofflee department under President H. H. Turner confessed. BLOW AT 01- - TRUST. this sum to lie a guarani ee that he McKinley. GETTING DOWN TO WORK. William Edge, wanted in half the will repay Ihe aiate for Its expense A bill for the creation of a commitDecision of Circuit Court Sustains A In bringing In the Immlgraii's. counties of Washington on charger Honduran Troopa Win Fierce state employe will then engage in Eu- tee to consider and recommend leg of passing forged checks has been ar Contention of Government. Battle. a rope the required number of illation for the improvement of rested at Blllinghaui, Wash. Officers hauded was St. lawls. Ibvlhlon and the state will pay their rivers and harbors was San Salvador. A message has been favorably re- declare that wiihin the past few Slates circuit down In Ibe I'ulled received from General Manuel Bonilla, way to this country. on moths he house the committee ported by court on Thursday, auatulnlng Ihe orhas vlciutlzed hotels and of Honduras, from Cholu-tecspresident rivers harbors. ABE BE FOUND. and RUEF CN'T men business in every city from Port der of service out of the . United sixty-eightown a strongly rorliAed The nomination by the president land north and east as far as SpoStates rlrrult court against ihe Stand-ai- d miles souih of Tegucigalpa, as San Francisco Boss Fails to Appear of Amor Smith to be surveyor of cus- kane. for amounts ranging from $100 Uil company and over fifty other follows: For Trial. to $1,000. Indivior and parHonduran Hie toms at Cincinnati, removes from tha scouting One corporations Abraham Waters Francisco. Sun the with Conductor Al Richards was in some Attorney duals, ties attarked the enemy Wednesday list one of the places to which the Pierce Oil rnmiutny. In the suit filed at. Naniaslitun. In Honduras, close to Rin-f- . jrlntiy indicted with Mayor knocked down and run over by way president had in mind the possible ap The Hon Bchmilx on Ave by the government at the instance of the Nicaraguan frontier. a train at Green River, Wyo., and of extortion. charges a of negro. poinlment I'resldciit Roosevelt. Over a month duran troops occupied three advanced not being discovered It was ago a motion was died by the defend- positions and compelled Hie enemy to Is still a fugitive from justice, accordNo. 828, near Iscr, on the tbe body Bridge run over time and again, until scarceants to the effect that It was not In abandon the town. The enemy waa ing to Sitierlor Judge Dunne, who Southern Pacific, fifty miles east ot the Jurisdiction of the JSt. l,ouls court then repulsed from the heights, suf- late Wednesday afieriiisin decided the remains coukl be of ly enough witnesses to fering heavy losses and proving an that Sheriff O'Neill had not sluiwo B Paso, Tex., was destroyed by to roniiel for A metal Identification. gathered with tbe evident purpose here and testify In the aulL easy target for our artillery. due diligence In producing him for In a his found ticket, name, bearing ''The enemy la now disbanding by trial, and appointed Coroner Walsh of wrecking a passenger train. Tbe vest pocket, was the only means of Argument a were heard before Federal In capAdams aurceeded We and hundreds. Hook. the to s as serve Sanlsirn, bench ellaor warrant Judges fire wee discovered by the crew ol determining who the man waa Vandevaiiler. and the point at lasue turing a number of riAea and a quan- for hla apiiearance in court. This train, which barely escaped A terrific explosion occurred at the was taken under advisement. Judge tity of ammunition. The battle lasted la the net result of a day devoted aa extra Into it. running Sanborn wrote the opinion. five hours.' to a fruitless search for fliief. alloda plant In Green River, Wyoming, of Texas, who has Senator though none of those lulerosted deny swued by the Western Alkali comWilliam R. Hearst Seriously III In Saratoga Gets Neat National Encamp- that he Is in the city. to from that returned Washington just caused by the Igniting of a flow pany, ment of Grand Army. Nsw York City. state, was In hi place on Sunday fm ?f gas, the existence of which no one Interview Farewell Gives Harriman Zanesville, t). Saratoga. N. Y., has the first lime tills session. lie re Had New York. William It. Hearst ta suspected. Three firemen. Sawto Newspaper Men. national the for uHm decided bern III celved a hearty welcome from both yer. Tueller and his at home, according seriously Briggs, were badly K. of on Harriman li. Grand Washington. Army aides of the chamber. to an announcement today, and hla encampment of the burned. The building wua torn asunexecutive Wednesday night grinned a farewell ingagemeiits for some time to come the Republic this year. The Nothlug that has lni'inntd for a der and soon enveloped In flames, have liven canceled. The editor's ill- committee, to which was referred the Interview to Afteen newspaper men, long time in Hawnii has creuted the which consumed the entire plant. News has been received at RawliuA st as Gover ness was made known on Friday, question of conArming the action of announcing that he would retirn to same widespread New York and atop tiilklni fur from the southwest part of the Wyo., when the Fourteenth assembly dis- the Minneapolis meeting. Inst fall, of recent announcement, Carter's oor oss.-Mr. dial Harriman the Atto of the atti-mdmeeting that an earthquake was felt place rhanglng county I trict, Brooklyn, Indciiendence transportation problem, rai run. leg. In an Interview, explaining Irs club, canceled a meeting at whtrh ho lantic City, as was proposed later, lalnticn. the tariff, the currcury qun. toward the J.p.:nese. that he lias there Thursday night The seismic Its report Thtrsday night of the tlons, the attitude of the public was to hsve spoken. Mr. Hearst re- made that his daug.itcr should disturbance extended as far south as vote taken, which has resulted in the railroad corporations and ths ueen willing Iluhn's peak and was so severe that a cently contracted a severe cold. Japanese. marry favor of Saratoga. probability of a panic In the ft:ure. dishes rattled and the inhabitants a hanket Frank Mabry, Strike of Trainmen Probable. were thrown Into a panic. At Slater Woman and Children Froxen. uivrod a plea one QUESTION CONFRONTS TAFT, of McGregor, Texas. building wus twisted a foot out Topeka. Kan. Through representant to Wis. ember' According Chlpis'wa Falls. of plub. but nowhere else was there jf guilty to the chaise tives from all points on the system, word here from tile Overby, his wife Shall Cubans be Allowed t- - Witncu ment and niisap) ropriaifon of tuuds any damage. st a meeting on Friday, the conduc- and four rhlldrcn were frozen to death Chicken Fighte. A San Francisco newspaper says sf A nation Jl bank and was sentenced tors and tminmiui of the Atchison, at their home In Ward minty. North Washington. One of the five years in the pridiej i.iry. to a satisfactory agreement has been :ht Santa Fe railway voted not Topeka the recent cold spell. that will probably ronrroti' noKiitlui-.uithat during Dakota, the of reached result by the creditors of tbe L. M. The r to accept the compromise of a sntne lime h Overby states that he had been away tary Taft upon Ills nrriin! in Cnhj have been going on 8'iliivan Trust company. All stock day and a I" per cent increase, from home ror several weeks and that In the course of a lew win G. It Hudson in Hu- - various mines of the company iffcred by the western railway operami isilicy of iln. tween be the propriety hla entire he found return his upon I and a committee represent.! ng the en- will be held In a pool by the State ating offlclals at the recent meeting family dead. Their home waa Afteen gating Governor Genet a WumU' ll.ink and Trust of forbidding cock Agluirg i:i tv.i gineers of the Mexican Central rail- fur tin Indefinite company TheNevada The men. however, modi- tulles front the nearest nelghlwr. The iree ;n Chicago. comperiod. An overwhelming majority uf t'.in Pn. road Is so agreement by which the affair will be handled by a fied their demand, and now ask for a family ran out of fuel aud the woman bans themselves denitnd pany's tt'- ahou. riht engineer receive an Increase of com mi tee whi-alone has the power had hunted all H- i- furniture and to Aglit their ch.ekens as r.!uo hour 'day and a 12 per cent liny hv 12 per cent In wages. to sell stork. everything else available. In pay. done for many year. The California senate killed HartThe Big Horn County Woolgrowera' Legislator Accused of Acepting Bribe. No Encampment Thie Year. fight bill by a vote Shooting Was Not Accidental. will meet at Meeleetse. man's anti-prb- e Boston. 8. John latmourpaiix of Assistant Ss retir of 2fi to 11. Senators Wolfe of San Wyo.. ou the 7th of March, and the Paris. The body of Mrs. Natalie Washington. and McCartney of Lue An secretary has addressed letters to ths Dole luithant. who shot herself Fri- North Adams, Republican representa- Oliver has not I fled the gueroort Fraacleco was arrested In the that leading sheepmen of the state asking tive legislature, Imsui removed from her of the various states and day. ha gele. opposed the bill, asserting them to be present and address ths an Indictment on in was charging Is to found Thursday opinion believed it mutt for they public that necessary apart meat to the vault of tlie Amerimeeting on tbe question of leasing ac and eon tent this year the plated .innutl favor of the sport. ihe range. can church, pending the arrival from him with corruptly requesting brigade and division encainpneatt . Archibald Clavering Gunter, publishreptlng a gratuity. The indictment for New York of her father, George An engineer waa last wek sent tc the instruction of the received that iJitiioutvaux allege I Mrs. dirham's request that IIKH from William II. Me Master ot cavalry and Held artillery of the er. novelist and playwright, died sud- Walden by ihe president nud chief enI.er body lie rrctiiab-- cannot be com- this rlty on a promise to Influence twe ulnr army, a many potK w!!! H denly In Chicago on ihe 25th, Iron, gineer of the Laramie, Hahn's Peak , He bad not been ill and q Partite railway (, I nr:itiie to begin by rossitn of the aliiem-,g apoplexy. plied with, as Hie French Isw prohi- member of the legislature ngalnst a plete-1In Cuba, 6.0IH about preliminary survey for the extension Ihe now in hill troop legiscertain pending was engaged In writing the last pages bits cremation except In the case of f the line from lYnten.i'al to North Me at Jamestown number the held was Later latmotireanx lature. The friends uf the batural . desth. of the manuscript of a play when he park, rVihuado. to re;-etat- vast ilt Ion and the movement or H sinter ascribed In 12 000. ileiesscd portrait as fatally stricken. of armv to the riilhwmir. beds In fiat tecli-n- . portion ler dead to melmehf.'lis II! ABAHS : di.-tr'- n n r-- a Antal-irHiiiaii-- a' d eb-etr- a M- court-martiale- d j j n ! - HUMpi-ualo- ' ! a , ( d" J - : - j Jei-nii- - t, , I , -- Hu-rop- e, Five-Hou- lmnit-grsnt- , non-reside- non-reside- lui-re- a well-know- s ton-hou- fr Vice-Preside- ,. 1 tcr:-:;ori- . Ijock-wuinI- intLi-itry- . e ron-dde- r - j MINES AND MINING During the months of January and the production of copper ass been low, owing to the severe weather and shortage of coal. Everything new points in the direction of one of the greatest copper mining booms the country ever saw In the Yerlngton, Nevada, district The Michigan crowd that now controls the Sheba property at Mill City, .Yv Is rapidly rounding that proposition into shaie for heavy production and earnings. Mote than $2,uu0,000 has been spent by the big mining companies of the Robinson mining district of Nevada during the last twelve months fur extension purposes. A number of Imiortant mining deals are pending at Hailey, Idaho, which, when consummated, will put a number of the older mines of this district again on the active list. One-fift- h of the world's production of copper, or 300,000,000 pounds annually, is the estimated capacity ot ,'alumet tc Hecla within the next few years under Its present policy ot progress and expansion. The most Important asset of tbe Calumet & Hecla Is the old Calumet conglomerate, so called, which has years of returned In the thirty-siIts successful mineral acUvity $110 000,000 In profita to the company. The prediction is made by an enthusiast front Wonder, Nevada, that within the next alxty days one of the biggest booms In tbe history of Nevada will take placo In this camp and run the population well beyond the 2,000 mark. In what is known as the C01 north level of the crosscut on the Cactus bonanza uf the Newhouse Mines company, macblno drills are ora ploughiug their way through which the dally sample assays show to be averaging 21.0 per cent copper Prominent stockholders of the Bie cult Mining company, ot Cherry Creek, Nevada, confirm the reported strike t of splendid proportions upon the level of this mine, aud that each foot that is gained by the management upon ibis deep level is sending the workings into finer quality of re sources. The Daly-Wemine, at Park dtyr Utah, at the present time lifts Its milling ores all tbe way from 1,000 to 1 550 feet through a perpendicular shaft puts It through the mill and then drops the product down the mine again and send it out through the Ontario 600-fotunnel to the loading station at the old Ontario mill. ' Thomas W. Lawson has started out on an advertising campaign to boom Kevada-Uta- h stock. He la 'publishing n a ad to announce that he baa bis engineers Investigating the property, but In the meantime will iKKiiu u in me market on y,viuii the supposition that engineer's reports will bear out hla expectatlonA At a meeting of the Nevada Consolidated, held In Portland, Maine, ths shareholders voted to ratify the sale of a one-hal- f Interest in tbe Nevada Northern railroad to the Cumberland-El- y Copper company. This action was merely formal and followed the issuance of new stock by the Cumber-land-Elsome time since. D. W. Ellis has sold the Bonanza group of nine claims south of ths Gerean property and adjoining ths Velvet group, near Ely, tif Francis Sherrard and Christian Hermenson, Ely investors, for $20,000 cash. Ths Velvet group, adjoining the Bonanza group, waa recently sold by tho Phe-b- y brothers for $30,000. Out of the numerous meetings held at Colorado Springs to consider ways and means for beginning the work on die deep drainage tunnel at Cripple Creek haa come at last a definite decision to proceed with the money now available and trust to the liberality of beneficiaries who have not yet entered the list, to plank down the remainder at the proper time. The Idaho Consolidated Mining company has reached a depth of 160 feet In the shaft being driven in the Relief claim, near Bellevue, and expect to go 15 feet further. A large shipment of the latest model machinery is now en route and a large force of men will probably be put to work In the near future. A well known mining engineer ays: "The only limit to mining activity In the west is the Inability to get materials for construction, coal tor power, and labor for the mines and mills. There Is no other cloud on the horizon that anybody at work can see. We dig theactually money out of the ground there, so that we don't hare to ask for new money, except for promotion. Two loads of Wonder district ore, consigned to the Selby smelting works at Vallejo, Cal., were sent out on the 31st of this month by the Vultnre Mining company. Fully 200 people cheer d as the shipment started on Its way. The ore will run from 8400 to $600 a ton. The Red Elephant, at Hallfiy, Idaho. Is producing steadily. At Bullion the Uphlr, Jay Gould and Bullion mines, which have been Idle for years, will again opened In the spring, and it confidently predicted that that ramp wiU soon equal her a pit tucUoa x liOO-fo- 850-foo- st four-colum- y old-Hm- |