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Show THE Kim il . S.ili to remove rubbish and A. D. TOBIN, Furniture House New and Second Hand Furniture Bought, Sold and Exchanged. certainly. Agent fur Home Comfort Ranges Vliil.ml Inn- -' and Supplies ( 'li Smelt, of the Salt Lake jki 3?. West Flrat South in e (uric, will doubtless become o to being arrested, that he SALT LAKE CITY and out of sort will in-Bell 1287K Plioues, I nd. 7C3 if a day pusses without a warrant bethis (Mention paper.) ing xerved oil him. wln-re- . au rlasp the of lately, whether you hand of friendship or not, you may at fuse ami a Irani aay: "Utah, we love thee, and cb-aadvantage then prove It. aim (ii'lltleniCU. it i up to jou FIGHT MUST CEASE: re- have the face of nature a it can be made, be taken of It mean health itroba-b!- r.wvo Branch Offices sJtukcuy Utah Dental Co., AND.4 thl-vLOGAN. .UTAH. hat hm'Iii tu I OB. A. STKNKaiLiJf, MOB. l sell authority tlmt Teeth BaWaHed TeeMvalr WIlM ?ila Tree trim OShm Week Wiuoui will make tin rare again a Set lead) (beet red iwkbae) elleM W II.H Otll MWI SMaMSflMB M9M9IIIB I'nitfil Siati'h Kfiiatnr from (lx slate POLITICS. NOT ALL kul Brl4i iiielliM to U.H If th' tor I trm and of Geld ... tlUan MHlMiillill SMB9B6M9B9B89P U VA All the : ii t In rii ' la reliable It opens illlAfi SMII6M89BBB MI99MII SMISMetlN resilient and the ilxio-- r to Salt The dlniMiiitituri' Idi rang if aurli ii that we Mr. Smoot latie fity must not assume fur ili' tiiVin. tliut Miri-li!itli:h In Sal laike City 13 CdetebUe. bate only 1:1 iidi iiuira t annul fall lu ml hit There are ImM of oilier I'llngs that AimUTIOH make you gl:u you me alive, things in tin :ihi BAVTICB Jnr af'i-- hi you lute yourself, ymir H li I'l.lif Hit Caesar in list have ili:if Thai make raxe in tin- - naie. it w.i xtat'-lived The . m.t Sundays. 30 Is a. tin wile, your neighbor and ymir neigh Men and women to learn harl-e- r trade Mr. SiikmiI wuiilil Ini Ui again tu dry town. One of hla saying BEING THIS AS WITH YOU, Inirs wife and all Ills female relation, in a Imm ili-uu Tin atiity :ih Inard lo iided 8 week. Wage paid every night that Tln-r- e through the In of course but and male relation, of the als-- u late V. Shakes-p- i with tiirreilullty and unlmlb-f- . I hi anywhen-iha- i incdmiu land in a earn 815 to $25 per week Isn't Graduate sjsit that tin Mtory Is trim, n re i. "titve me some drink, Tinnow it wi-n- t more the Mhlning run I Cat. fret Write ua. Mohler System It is 111 Mi " uulex.s all aniliurltluh fail. ky is any bluer, brightly, Hint Huof rlaiini'd that tin idinri h to whiili Mr. that Collegea, 02 E. First South St., Sail the breexn .ng any mole swiftytiuuiit belong dafniH that hi being ly lior the flower exhale inurii Mhf City. Utah. i m i it led hirelings of the Tinailnwisl ti retain his wnt sees in hi There Isn't a '.and any where is in favor of a thein.-lv)and fur panion tlrtory a victory that ean have the Joyous A feeling doe that by aemling Mr. Kmoot bath, it of odor that we hate, that has fur Iki'ha. womlroiifellow kind. us make la upholding the dcalrc of tboM Wna eeeavarrprapp.rvrreraaarara brighter, lieller people, nor that has tura, whu, in tho majority, espoused heller or even half as ksm inaterlal xolon has Introduced n A HUDDART FLORAL CO. Ida ratise, and further llmt It doubly chances for Improvement In tlio-bill which pmviilcs that all sheets on that fur bin church. enlrenrhe ad tin In t i s miiHi tie at least nine feet Hist pertain wlndlv to 6 E. 2nd So. him to fall lu follow up IiIm tempor- thing of life. We have a long. Hu WihtoiiKln folks roll them-xi-ltcmundane thing of hi a hIkii ary advantage would climate that I unsurpassed; we have up like a cigar when they (Opposite Grand Theatre.) wcakncna. mountain air ami pure mountain pure Cut flowers and floral work for J : Hut thla assumption on their part water main-1k running through the city la wrong. Mr. Smoot wait nut allowed we have Iwattriful residence and "It is much easier to tell the truth all occasions. to retain hla seal beraime of any private and public building. tliaii lo He." say young Mr. Johnnie confidence in the church in which lie la costly from which It la an easy a We make a specialty of shipping J Of coui'He we have politic, amt we al-- llockcli-lli'i-- ; a leader, but because the aperiflr i lin we Johnnie Isnt al- a funeral designs. Write , telephone J have have religion; guess hat charge against him was not proven. and content ion, but w e hImj have har- lowed to ilo lit) raiuily swearing to the tor telegraph. 5 In other word, he la allowed to ace. The day are tax usxcKHor. mony and hla neat on aultranre only. If 1 of brlghtne. the ntght essence P O. Box 443. J to In Phones 10C. Mr. Smoot attempt Count Honl do Castlellane haa reWith party of peace. dream an s aa IT tilled State aenator; even if the strife relegated to the background, considered the matter, and will not & people of thla stall) were uuwlae with everyone working harmoniously commit suicide yet, but aoon. The an count's threat didn't seem to arouse enough to aenil an aiaiKtle to that together, "Greater Sail body attain, the result there would not aHHiired certainty. Ist. the citizen, the widespread apprehension and disCUTLER BROS. CO. lie the aame. The flrat vote on the those who are prone to neglect civic may hi pmbubly anticipated. hi aeit to retain Mr. Smoot of right affaira, take matter in charge, and Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. wa 111 Ihe nature of a leal vote. by using the ballot; by overwhelm"Ii will Hike no longer to vote than vote And It wa a clone vole. Klght and Beat panta on earth, to order, a element a on nee that hut, all says factions to try prominent ing Hut If the women only would have lout the Cormaek bickering and rtrlfe are relegated woiiiiin KuiTriigtKi. 14-1- 6 83.60. First South Street 9 Salt Lake City, Vtsh resolution, making the reaiiil 36 to 31 In the background. The UuMed lo not iiokikc to vote faster than a In cue which Mr. Smoot 36 Main now the i bill. II will In ncffSHary to will lie and an 8L, Balt Lake City, Utah. again! the keep vote would have been taken on hla iiiiinI. ImiNirtant factors in this new l.ulloi box open for weeks Instead of eal va- move. A lioosl for the Uniied expulsion or to declare Id hour vote would have cant. A two-thirI liiMiat for Greater a curried to have Imen DON'T MISS THE LARGE A1T0-- S nereosary A gem toman from out the wild and 'tah.N Isnt it worth thinking about? knew he Isn't Hut III opponent either. American woolly has Inch acquitted of a K free iiiilrainiiu-lei- l MOBILE your could not In unMoaled. hut lu cae the fllxenship sacred to you? (Set in the cliaVgc of stealing a phonograph, on find vote had been Inal by Mr. Siii(it band wagon of progress and help the idea that he was mentally unbal- Sthat runs to all potuia of Interest Swlth a good guide. Fare . a the vote on the other rewdiillon push. It disn't mailer what your anced at the lime. Heaidea, the jurv Lake Car would, no donlit, have gone ovr for Is; II iloean't matter what your held It Isn't a crime to steal a phono 5 'Seeing Sait40 E 2nd So.and Autos., S S thla aeaalon of congress. American citizen- graph; H 'a Jut a plain misfortune. loyally That would have meant that the liarty to Issin granted ship the grandest nMSSMMSdSddddSSdedddSdd question would have jlraggeil along, the sturdy male and female ritlxenaof According to an Alabama contemof Mr. the length I during ....IS AW ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE presumably and should lie your porary, Senator Hamburger made a this country Smoot's term In the senate. Hence moat sacred poMsesHlou. nave to the fight newspapers gallant the members of the senate took a from the provisions of the anti-pas- s OUR PRICES. E. H. EARDLEY A BROS., short rut In order that the matter SOUND LOGIC. but waa Anally compelled to yield bill Bat of Tasth, comfortable to wear, natural in appearance might lie given a teat. Everything hla ground. Perhaps he didn't have restores lost expression fS.M Hut waiving the question of Ihe naELECTRICAL. The following article from Colllera It staked out rlghL A Gold Crown, made of the vary best gold, will not coma off, or tional body's attitude on the matfeelan the Indication of 64 Market St. Weekly la wear oat $4.00 to Mt ter. In which Mr. Sinimt and hla A bill has been Introduced In the kind that lasts, made of tho host gold, will aot thn can nee a warning unless ing In the eiiat regarding Ihe aituatlou Both Phonee Work, Bridge In Utah; legislature to allow district Judges 14.00 to break tad frilly guaranteed they be more than blind, bring the The obaorvlng both traveling expenses heaidea their salaGold Fillings, absolutely pure gold, and gnaraateed nod to ooae matter to hla home. It la now a mattheir unhappy ries. Kill It! It la against the law out 81JI ter for the people of thl slate to Mormon and Oentlln. In In Utah and lo kill the author of It. Half of those PETER80N'S DETECTIVE SERVICE of nelghborlinoHS lack It. to settle and propone they Alloy Fillings, the next beet fillings to pare gold and gnaraateed settle, 0 of not the are half to rid of worth bigeach . ran get ak Judges nor with Iduhu, Tie to LM to preserve the teeth from further decay It ran not be met COMPANY, they are getting. otry and paaalon born of past wrong. 60c tad ap Silver Fillings, guaranteed not to eome oat an aiKiloKy. Mr. Smoot will be the 9 D. F. Walker Bldg in the next campaign. It will not Ist the Gentile make up hi mind tu I ELECTRO broken or the are YOUR teeth If crooked, decayed In the local paper politics; be uninfluenced by the tendency to I An advertisement he a question of national DENTAL CO. can remedy the detect and do tt perfectly. They have Balt Lake In , 100 result!. fold Utah. often Try an alien and unknown City, brings religion regard party will be nothing, platforms and aa three doctors etch aa export la hie branch. mysterious and terrible, one, and try It until you bava results We are prepared to undertake all principles will be nothing; It will be Letaomethlng Mm those Gentile rebuke JDo wtwrnly Bubacribs for your looal paperr proper detective business Intrusted to g Itmont and an rampatgn. ua for corporations and Individuals. ., I of Mr. Bmoot would leaders who alirlek Mormon. not be- it now, right nowl The DRS. WARD AND EDGE, morala, but because and advice free. Call or be productive of more harm to the cause of Mormonbattle-crthe Consultation to a answer correspondent, It In la a lu politics; ; winning combined write. 1316-cause other Phones: Ind. all etate than 3988, Bell Sundays 10 to 8 Open dally until P. M. cry of Mormon Tribund gives the date of Utah'i adWe want three good, capable, detecthe mere mention of hla running ugaln who raise tho not Ind. Phono 29B0 Galena Block. 170 State Street Roome 1908. It skould 1, outas mission of because the January east, through tives. Write for particulars for the same oOlce la productive of raged virtue, lint to get the pressure be January 5. recrimination and abimn. enable will of outside which 1 opinion settled Now that the Smoot case them to drive a hard bargain with opinions may be expressed on the WASH IT AWAY. In Utah. each aide matter, and Ilepuhllraiia are express-tn- (he Church uewyioeAAAAAAAAAAaeAARRRRRNAmRRRRimMWKPWMMWRt mlrilers. the the other's forget few a are MUSIC, There Ktt Lead and uremic poisoning cured. opinions. of rid himself self Gentile righteous who henchmen nr Mr. Smnot'a; men Castilla Hot Springe Water does the PIANO all the most of First-clasthe rruel s hatreds, tv truckle to hint on account of the work. Rheumatism vanishes at Its malice of thn persecutor for his vicAnd All touch. For rate apply to C. H. power he has by virtue nr his ofllce tim: let tho Mormon Organa bitter go forget the but those same men would bn the Room 222 Southworth, Manager, Musical Inatramanta flrat to condemn anil blaspheme and rexentment of the persecuted. Club Commercial Lake Salt building. The urtlclo then contains extracts desert lilm wuro he to loae, went be from n correspondent to that paper 1 Co., City. to lie defeated. who misdeeds which relates certain 3P are Mr. Smoot baa often claimed that the Mormons M South Main Btra he la an American citizen: that he he SMcrlbci to the water and cold "I-Hot steam and electric andai article running heat, lights says: Concluding, hives America and Utah, and once S shell service In every room. Rooms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand-h- j Balt XjSka Chg forget these things. The stated that at hla mothers knee he Mormons R. A. HABBROUCK, ?! a a land. Hotel centrally located at not when fanatics will return, day their to Institutions, love was taught Utah. 144 WEST FIRST 80UTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAHAI Smith and at killed SgNO AsCarllinge Joseph flrat. hut that love of state ramo PtijwMaa and Burgeon, P. H. CANDLAND. Jb those not fanatics shot Mormons for a M Commercial Block, suming that Mr. 8 moot spoko true OEsr could would well It amusement le AS holiest and and we believe he I Balt Lake City, Utah. them by another name, by 3ApwwwMJtsmwwPwrpwrrrwouwwstMPWimrstaAtitawRPJMsti?atscitst3 YEARS' truthful there Is only one course for we call 60 3 Thoaea 1412--Z and 1419-K-. If he hives any combination of two vowels and Mr. Smoot to pursue. EXPERIENCE ikaSsssssSsAMssssssssdMia live consonants never before uttered, . Utah, he will aacrltlce pentiuml anilil 4rtUtieWlMeMn(MtiilBJaMaM)awV t Ion because no other motive eon that we might be unrlouded by any fug of prejudice or Mas, or hatred actuate him and will become a based on past misdeeds. Consider thn -Established 1887 The Oldest Else trie Supply House in the Slate. greater man than he ever could lie In against them and whether other waya, and that la to make a Indictments are Hut those proved. frank statement that he will not run flrat ofindictment before thn Mormon church Trsdc Mum again; that hla words that he Uived ran haveall, much hupo of securing reDcatcas Utah and would maintain her honor It must also cease tolerance. or spect In Idle Covmqmti Ac. and Integrity were not spoken It must akatrii and a to of SumiOiu may the An.nd wmllng politics; game play Jest, hut came from his hesrt. If he become a church and not a antrkly amwiain oar npiiihDi taaniMUMr aa party orinfant xxi pnXixMy fWytaMaffaanlna loves hla stale, now Is the time for ihmMnr(lynNiaitafXfail. HANDBOOK aarmiaU him to demonstrate It, now l the ganization. tiwfx UMM aaimu-- fur mum, aarai.. mlraiwiUi VIA Ukm lliniuih Muun SC lactfvo In was honest he show that to time I nniiM, withnut ckama, la Ua qwrtx OR GUILTY? NOT GUILTY MOTORS, CHANDELIERS, GLOBES AND SHADES his declaration. American. The political situation in Utah can Rnrnl iiiMli'n Unit lain. S kUDtsnnim DlwliMH wmk1y. I llmt only Im harmonized by the relegation Shoots, chief of police by nf n winum tiHimaL (mi. M 53 W. FIRST SOUTH STREET to the background of all Its warring theGeorge of SALT LAKE CITY, VTAH 8 now American . ... nxinlhi, tL Bold bjill 1 the party, graee elements, (actions and Individuals. Mr. on trial for ronxplracy. it being alMUNN &Co.i8l"New Tort Smoot is no more to Im blamed than that he stood in cahoots with Hunch oaxm. Wirtimm, lx U others. If those others continue the leged s McWMr-terswindled who the with those his continue fight, Mr. Smoot should two more or loss, out of 8 Id, This Includes the famous own, but. In no sense should either he swears he Is not guilty. Parrent. a OVERLAND LIMITED aALLOWED to routine. It Is for the man with a record, who came hack In the kend the new Salt Lake Greatest Al! Year Aitractioh to state demonstrate this of people kof the the from Uulorado at request LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED not tt that or will have whether he of the two states, swears Vesti-bnlegovernors Twentieth Century, Strictly stall'd he when k Mr. Smoot spoke true that he Is guilty. Parrent swears that Electric Lighted Steam Heatkj he loved Utah. If he will not witting- he saw Sheets receive a part of the ed Trains operating Pullman Palace k ly prove his words, let the people misappropriated Hinds; Sheets a wears line Fresh Stock. Observation Bleepers; Incomparablethemselves prove It for him. he did not receive II, and brings forAll goods guaranteed. Send us your Library and Dining Cara of the very The people of thl state, regardless ward witnesses to prove he did not. latest manufacture. of religion or politics, hut keeping only by showing that they did not see him mail orders. Natural Hot Sulphur Water is the fact of the destiny of a stale In receive any of the money. Which ONLY 43 HOURS. 8ALT LAKE TO ELITE DRUQ their minds, rannot afford to take Dutch the of CO, of the story CHICAGO. Brought Right to the very 338 Main SU A man had been Arraigned any chnnees either one way or the judge: City Ticket Ofllce. 201 Main SL Heart ol the City. needed, a before the Dutch justice charged other. A reformation I Salt Laka City, Utah. BALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. reformation that wilt sweep out the with stealing some ducks. Two men old animosities, the old contentions swore they saw the defendant steal DAY & and the old strife. A new set of men the ducks; six men swore they did at the head of political affair Is the not see him steal the ducks. The! 1906 MODEL8. 52-- 54 W. 3. LUKE only solution, and unless this step Dutchman in summing up and giving Grand Prize, Paris, 1900; Double be taken, those who love Utah, who his verdict said; "Uhuatice. is not in RRKKWMrrrrrrrrrrrrviirrrR w.vwrwwwvrprvwwwrrvrwrvr. Grand, SL Louis, 1904. are Interested In her moral welfare, doubt. Two mens svears they see dot Send coupon below, filled out, to will sitlfer. Never, under rxlallng man take the ducks, hut. six men our nearest dealer or to ua and get can this state progress. svear they did not see him take the condition our Free Trial and Easy Payment OfNever, so long as present conditions ducks, consequently, as the evidence fer to responsible partlea anywhere obtain, can the Individual who seeks Is in favor of the defendant, he is Chiropractic Treatment will euro, lo a now oelonco of healing in the United 8tates. Don't delay. to place Utah on a plane with the hereby discharged." Hilt who got the without tho use of drugs. It lo In harmony with naturvo laws. Selabsecure to la acThla to opportunity Union your of the states other hope ducks? dom falls; novor does harm. Wa usa no drugs, no knives. Chirosolutely the best Talking Machine complish such result. practic lo common eenee. It will boar Investigation. It Is the only not will be on that Rebukwav. payments made, The ballot shows the The calm after the storm ha come mode of healing which exactly locates the cause of sickness and reIn machines old part felt We accept ing those who dare, in their selfish, all right. Thla haa no reference to moves tho same. It la not Faith Cura, Christian Science, Magnetic, payment. A written guarantee from personal ambition, to vilify a state. the weather, dear reader, not at all. or anything else, but ChiropracOsteopath, Massage, i the oldest, largest and most successonly way In which they can he Thla paper says new thing, not old tic. It is bated on a correct knowledge of tho nervao. It adjusts Maof manufacturers ful halted. refTalking The of haa matter spoken one. all displacements and allows tho Innate builder to reconstruct the Mr. Smoot, make a statement De- erence to the distinguished and only chines In the entire world. broken down tisouea Call and get a book that our explains run Gen'I. not will Columbia Phonograph Co again, Smoot rase nt Washington. clare that you mode of treatment. Consultation and Examination free. that the stories told about you that . It. t Columbia Lady Assistant Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. rf MM'o-Tlmic r. General SS7-C"!! ufih. you will, are untrue. Opponents of THE CHIROPRACTIC INSTITUTE AND CURE Balt I to BL It "k those respectfully suggested City. Utah. Mr. Smoot, who are making him the Plena eend me jrour . StfMt Alld KOi aeaieaeieeeeasiaeeaaee 64 W. 2nd 6o. SL, Salt Laka City, Utah. . Yon who have back yards that every opBoll Phono 1232. Issue, cease your warfare. Raey Payment Offer with must all meet on a common plane, portunity. such aa we have had many erature. "rated lit- City un It lit llt aiihi-uHmiri- i, t-- k e v Ysar FREE r d Is-n- ! If you need anything in . Pure Wines or Liquors mail us your wants. . . We will do the rest. a bi-- d 114-11- x I re-tai- n mu-lon- g tt 1 MVLVEY & CO. Eui wt A CLEAN 81-00- MOUTH.; I. open-minde- 84.-00- half-way- e 328-32- ELECTRO DENTAL CO. antl-Smn- y Inn-e- ased g I1 It For Nice Room in a Hotel to the II Beesley Music ii New Southern Hotel. Sj et 4 TRAINS DAILY E A S 4 nr E. G. HOLDING 1 ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION Scientific ) . Str. EVERYTHING RubberGoods sss)UiiaM4a 1 aaavnwvsrsMFMsen iiThe Sa.nitarivirrv Baths. Ii Swimming Pools! Turkish Bnths! Private Baths! Si PEN 3rd NICHT. St, SLT kaaiiaa44a4aMMMaM4)i Photo-Therap- 16-pa- iv. CITY. Ij i i! |