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Show V MORTALITY REPORT IN THE SICK ROOM CONSUMPTION AND PNEUMONIA HEAD DEATH LIST. METHODS TWICE-TOL- OF CARING Number of Deaths From Lung Trouble Occur in Winter. The Bureau of Census has published a reiiort presenting mortality statistics for the Vnlted States for the five calendar years 1900 to 1904. As shown in the table, tuberculosis of the lungs and pneumonia were by far the leading causes of death. The greatest number of deaths from lung trouble occur during the winter months. Colds are so prolific of lung trouble that they should not be neglected. Persons with weak lungs should be esjieclally careful. A noted authority on lung trouble advises lhat as soon as a cold is contracted the following simple treatment should be given. Tbe Ingredients can be purchased front any prescription druggist at small cost and easily prepared in your own home. It is said to be so effective that it will break up a cold in twenty-fou- r hours aud cure any cough that is curable. Take one-hal- f ounce Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), two ounces of Glycerine and eight ounces of good Whisky. Shake well and take In teaspoonful doses every four hours. Be sure that the Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) Is In the original vials, which are put up expressly for druggists to dispense. Each vial is securely sealed In a round wooden case, with engraved wrapper, with the name Virgin Oil of Pinp iPtire) guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Art, June SO. 1906, prepared only by I.each Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. plainly printed thereon. There are many rank imitations of Virgin Oil of Tine (Pure) which are put out under yartoun names, such as Concentrated Oil of Pine. Pine Balsam, etc. Never accept these aa a substitute for the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine, as they will Invariably produce nausea and nerer effect tha desired result..' in k I fcitU no miufl. If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it. T. Fuller. The thousands of women who suffer backache, languor, urinary disorder! and other kidney Ills, will find comfort In tha word! of Mrs. Jane Farrell, of 606 Ocean Ave., Jersey City, N. J.. who says: T reiterate all I have said before In praise of 1 loan's KidI had ney Pills. been having heavy backaches, and my general health waa affected when I began using them. My Teet were swollen, my eyes puffed, and Kidney dizzy spells were frequent. action was Irregular and the secre, howtions highly colored. ever, I am a well woman, and 1 am confident that Doan's Kidney Pill! have made me so, and are keeping me well." Raid by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mi- l burn Co., Rnffalo, N. Y. FOR PATIENT8. Modern Science Teaches Many Ways of Alleviating Suffering and Promoting the Recovery of Stricken Loved Ones. PITYAM FADn-Pw- g DYES produce the brigLict and U.u.t colors with lea Woman Who Has Suffered Tsllo How to Find Relief. I i Statistics Show That tha Greatest TESTIMOWT.' OWLS' OVZ BSOMO Wt'IKIhC ia l.lliliVK ZliuMii Omb ne. S BUirlr VSe (til .ud rtM.Diciiiu rtwv rig liSl Cu..l I.D.rl I. S Ali K Hill IK oven k IS. ...turn of OiuA'k nsi t .'I. ,L'U' IJlencss and pride tax with a heav ler hand than king and parliaments If we cau get rid of the former we can easil) bear the latter. Franklin. U a piosiiect of a long When ibt-rIllness two small uls that cost m little may be placed together, making (i.in-i'lv pure ainl ef ,in It easy to move the puilent from one feet. ve l.ivuiir' M t 1. lii- - it to pur:!l , b'liniil. Ill III IMIS mil- fOll.tllu to the other when changing the lied tiun an. I i.. riji!n-atilieunutiein and ding, and ei mining each one to lie rhii-niil.M thoroughly aired each day. Otherwise the ideal sick bed is a single one of Company Withdraw from Canada. Iron, the length and width of those Consul John. K. Hamilton, of Cornused in hospitals. With ibis wall, ('jiiada. states that the Ameribe a flue woven wire hpriug and a can company which ha been erecting Of the watei thin hair matt res. a Vl.thHi ti(in tinplate and beds, those tilled by means of a pitchat .Muirisliiirg. bas abandoned ihe en-- j er and funnel are suiil to lie the Iicmt terprlsi- - liccaiise the Dominion govern-- j The temperature of the water should metit iefiiM-,to grant any protection be kt pt about 70 degrees and must he ; In the new tariff schedule. The bed changed every two weeks The rest ill list never touch the walls. How to Sleep in a Blanket. SOME WIVES ARE DIFFERENT. Tlit-rfor the heud S the real her pillow, are a great many very rom-- i changed or beaten when it heroines potent i. ::ing you how to uncomfortably hot. Small pillows m Quiet Cynicism, or Good Honsst Row build your lire, pitch your tent and all Which Is the Better? varying sixes should be used to im-have never seen dee-- ! j the rest uf it. under back of knees when change of rrlbed the wund man's method of using Most men," said the man of experi- j a blanket, however. Lie flat on your Paper torn in position is uecessary. Here is ence, think It muni be awfully nice bark. Spread the blanket over you. flue bits is nice for these. the way a trained nurse in a hospital to have a wife who takes things aa Now raise your legs rigid from tbe makes up the hods: She begins by coolly as Dave Putter's wife take hips, (he M.iiiket, of eourse, draping them; buL others, more discriminate over them. In two swift motions tuek tucking lire luwer sheet, jucfi-rubiof cotton (fur linen chills excepting in lng, prefer a good honest row to her first one edge under your legs from mid-suinert, snugly and moot lily style of quiet cynicism. The way she right to left, then tbe second edge unahe der from left to over tbe maitM-ss- . This should lie behaved the oilier day right, and over the from IJave'a in a found letter In illness severe pocket of case first edge. Lower your legs, wrap protected with a rubber blanket or paper pad a girl la an example of her method. up your shoulders and go to sleep. If 1 don't see' wrote this girl, 'how you roll over one edge will unwind The shed is pinned in place, taking smooth sur- on earth I can ever live without you. but tbe mhi-care to have a will tighten. Stewart "Dave's wife lead that gush, and a Fdws-.- t ivtiprt face under Urn patient. The comers riming. turnof the sheet are folded square, as tha lot more Just like It. without ever grocer folds the edges of the paper lng a hair. 'Well.' she said, quietly, that girl he wraps around a pared. Next a draw sheet is laid on smoothly and is a foul, ir she knew you as well aa pinned In place. In spreading the up- I do she would be wondering how on So-Call- ed per sheet it Is brought up well to the earth she could ever live with you. And that. In the opinion of the dishead of the lied, so it will turn hack few, cuts a whole lot nicely over the other clothes, hut lpft criminating a little loose for the fed. Next come deeper than a common, everyday the blanket, the folded edge at the of an injurious character, which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensioni t .counterpane, foot, and a to cure all manner of ills, and the PREPARE THIS YOURSELF. South Carolina Game Cocks to Mexico. which, with the sheet, should he foldMr. 8. M. Pickens la now shipping comers and the at in ed carefully National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale 13 game cocks to Mexico, for which he tucked under smooth and tight at the Telia How to Make the Best Blood hare established more dearly than could have been accomplished in any other way Tonic at Homs. receives eight dollars each, sayi the Bides. Anderson Intelligencer. He has also To Change the Bed. In changing The Value and Importance of Ethical Remedies. For those who have any form of an order for 10(1 at five dollars each, the bed, roll the patient to one side, and 50 at eight dollars each, aggregat- putting one hand against the shoul- blood disorders; who want new, rich Remedies which physicians sanction for family use, as they act most beneficially and ing $996. Mr. Pickcus has a large der and the oiher against the hips. blood aud plenty of It, try tlila; are gentle yet prompt in effect, and called ethical, because they are of one-half Fluid Extract Dandelion, number of fine chickens at different Roll up the lower sheet in lengthwise Put on ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; walks In the county, and la getting to folds aguinst the patient. Known Excellence and Quality and o! Known Component Parts. fresh sheet, and draw sheet and pin Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three gelher the 150 for the $996 order. To gain the full confidence of the of the world and the approval of The breeds raised by Mr. Plckena In place. Roll the patient over, pro- ounces. the most eminent physicians, it is essential that the component parts lie known to and are tbe Ginn grays and the Warhorse. tecting with Ihe upper sheet, and pull Shake well In a bottle and take In Pin. Pul teaspoonful doses after each meal and They are excellent pit corks and se- the lower sheet smooth. approved by them, and, therefore, the California Fig Syrup Company has published for many lected and bred to stand steel. clean upper sheet on over the soiled at bedtime. Any good pharmacy can years past in its advertisements and upon every package a full statement thereof. The perfect purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical one, then tuck the clean one In and supply the Ingredients at small coat. The Mugger's Attendants. remove tlie soiled one. character are assured by the California Fig Syrup Company's original method of manufacture, This la the prescription which, when While clambering up 1 noticed what known to the Company only. Slipping to Foot of Bed. If a pa- made up. Is called The Vegetable looked like .the hulk of a ship, about tient Is troubled by slipping down in Treatment; by others, the "Cyclone There are other ethical remedies approved by physicians, but the product of 400 yards away, says a writer in the bed, the foot may be slightly raised Blood Purifier. It acta gently and the California F'ig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives London Field. It turned out to be a by putting bricks or blocks under It, certainly does wonders for some peothat it cleanses, Sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts, without monster crocodile; it must, without or a small bolster may be tucked unple who are sickly, weak and out of disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without having to exaggeration, have been 37 or 28 feet der the thighs, then tied aronnd the aorta, and Is known to relieve serious, increase the quantity from lime to time. were five In close and its with vicinity of bed head the long, tapes. cases of rheumatism or six small muggers, looking like This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of and chronic backache quickly. To Tint Lace. bodyguard. I was afterward told by Syrup of Figs, and has attained to world-wid- e Make some up and try It acceptance as the most excellent of an old Cawnpore resident that they When one desires to color lace for and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well laxatives, family actually act as such, and' give warn- a gown, procure a tube of oil paint known to physicians and the Crisis Averted. of the world to be the best of natural ing of any approaching danger to their the color desired and squeeze It Into The two men mot, stopped we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of laxatives, overlord. a cup of gasoline and stir until dis- glared at each other. Senna, as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be solved. Then your Into a larger vesone of them Then spoke. called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs; and to get its beneficial effects, Inducement to Undertakers. sel. Rivers," he said, you are wrong! note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. always The following advertisement .apof Into lace tbe Dip a small piece It's a lie! I haven't the grip! in town of a In small a plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Svrup paper peared It, and if too deep, add more gasoline "Brooks, Impulsively exclaimed the of Figs, or by the full name, Svrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as Syrup of Figs Colorado: until the shade desired Is obtained. other, 'It's an Infamous falsehood! It's and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig For Bale An old established, well When It Is the right color, put all a base slander! 1 don't know of any paying undertaker's establishment the lace Into it, take out, shake gently cure for the Syrup Company, and the same heretofore known by the name, Syrup of Figs, which 1 wouldn't tell grip, and The city is In a very unhealthy loca- and dry in the open air. has The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists given satisfaction to millions. you of it If I did! in States tion, where the mortality is very United the When thoroughly dry. expose it to original packages of one size only, the regular price throughout Then they solemnly shook bands of bottle. is which great There Is only one doctor In the extreme heat fur a few minutes, tak- and passed cents fifty per on. whole town. The deaths from fever ing care, of course, that It is not bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Every rest and the alone pay the expenses, . near a fire or blaze, where it might In a Pinch, Use ALLEN8 Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, 1). C., the remedy is not adulterated or mis'la clear profit There is no compttl-tloa- . A powder. It cures painful, smartIgnite. This exiMwure to the heat will branded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Ar.t, June 30th, 190(1. Judge. remove the odor of gasoline. ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. Lace which has been used and will It's the greatest comfort discovery of Handsome Bridal Coach. not wash well can be given this treat- the age. Makes new shoes easy. A A bridal coach costing $1,800 has ment, If first by being certain cure for sweating feet. Sold San Francisco, CaL been finished by a Bridgeport (Conn.) sprinkled generously with fuller's by all Druggists. 25c. Accept no subfor a liveryman at earth, then rolled up aud put away stitute. Trial package, FREE. Admanufacturer New York, N. Y. U. S. A. Louisville, Kv. A. 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. dress Pitts ton, Pa. The vehicle is uphol- for a few days. Upon taking out, London, England. stered, silk curtained, wood carved, shake well and then proceed with the Runabout Reggya new automogilt trimmed and haa 20 hearts on It. tinting aa above. bile blew up with him on the first windows, two There are heart-shapetrip, and he sued the firm that told and the dashboard Nut and Cheese Paetiee. the for hearts large him the machine." Speeder "Did . Two Nut and eheese pasties are in tbe he recover anything?" rear springs are Runabout If sfflcM with Thompson's Eye Water puma list with cheese balls. Sift one Cupids surmount the lamps. Everything, I believe, hut one finger quart of pastry flour with one and part of an ear. Judge. U. U, Salt Lake W. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. COFFEE THRESHED HER. City, No. 10, 1907. of salt and one teaspoonful THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL of baking powder, add one cupful of 15 Long Years. t and the meats chopped pecan-nuyolks of two eggs; mix with Just TIRED AND SICK ' For over fifteen years," writes a enough Ice water to make into a dough little Ilia, woman, which can be rolled out on a floured patient, hopeful WORK YET while a coffee drinker, I suffered board about an eighth or an inch thick. EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT from Spinal Irritation and Nervous Spread with a cupful of rich American "Man may work from sun to aun A 0U1CK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR trouble. I waa treated by good physi- cheese grated and folded over four is work never woman's but done," ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR I Sc. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-A- T BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT cians, but did not get much relief. Id order to keep the home nest times; roll out again and cut Into holCOMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY. THE TILL PAN I never suspected that coffee might low hearts and darts; brush with egg and pretty, the children well dressed A substitute for and auperlor to mualard or any other plaster, and will not and tidy, women overdo and often be aggravating my condition. I wbe yolk and bake a delicate brown In a and curative qualities of blister Ihe most delicate skin. The suffer in silenoe, drifting along from downhearted and discouraged, but hot oven. the article are wonderful. It will atop the toothache at once, and relieve to bad well that worse, knowing prayed dally that I might find some Headache and Sciatica. Wo recommend It aa the beat and safest esternal they ought to have help to overcome Almond Crisps. counter-irritan- t thing to help me. known, also as an external remedy for pains In tha chest which aches the and daily pains s of a cup"Several years ago while at a Stir to a cream and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial make life a burden. wilt prove what we claim for It, and it will be found to be Invaluable In the friend's house, I drank a cup of Post ful of butter and one heaping cupful It is to these women that Lydia ' household and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many am and thought I had never tasted of sugar. Beat into this the yolks of S. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, Accept no preparation people say "it is the best of all your preparations. made from native roots and herbs, two eggs, three tablespoonfuls of lemanything more delicious. of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It la not genuine. comes as a blessing. When the spirFrom that time on I used Postum on Juice and one scant teaspoonful of SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUK VASEMRS. AUG. LYON its are depressed, the heed and back Instead of coffee, and soon began to almond extract. Add two cupfuls of LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. n are there dragging-dowsohes, pains, nervousness, and aleepleunesa, flour and the improve In health, so (hat now I can twice-siftereluctance to go anywhere, these are only symptom which nnlesa CHESEBROUGH MFC. CO. walk half a dozen blocks or more with whites of two eggs. Beat very thorheeded, are aoon followed by the worst forms of Female Complaints. 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY ease, and do many other things that oughly and work In sufficient more I never thought I would be able to flour to make a dough which can be do again in this world. kneaded. Roll out small portions at a keeps the feminine organism ina strong and healthy condition. It cures My appetite la good, I sleep well, time very thin, cut Into fancy shapes, Inflammation, Ulceration, displacements, and organic troubles. In and find life worth living, indeed. A brush over with white of egg. sprinkle and to carry women safely through the Change preparing for ehlld-birt- h of Life It Is most efficient. lady of my acquaintance said she did with blanched shredded almonds, and TBjfwaau) Mrs. Augustus Lynn, of East Earl, TV, writes; not like Postum, It was so weak and dredge with granulated sugar. Bake Dear Mrs. Pink-haV. L DOUGLAS S4.00 GILT EICE GHOES'CANNOT GE EQUALLED AT ANT MICE For a long time I Buffered from fenmle troubles and had all kind In a moderate oven, watching closely. tasteless. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT AU PRIDES i of aches and pains in tlie lower part of fcujk and Mdea, I could not I explained to her the difference Men's Hhw, 6 to 1.60. U.ijr.' Nhne., B.lUl 1.1.1. Wiimrn'n sleep and had no appetite. Since taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Cleansing Dishes. when it la made right balled accord Hhare, M to 1.60. M ImmV A Mldr.il'. Mum. M.US to 1.110. which Tog advice W.- L. Douglas sluice are lerogniged by expert Judge, of outwear gave me I feel like a Compound and following the Discolored china baking dishes can She was glad to lug to directions. new woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly." to be the best in style, fit am! wear produced in tbbi country. Kerb know this because coffee did not agree lie made as clean as when new by rubpart of tlie aline and every drt.ll of the making is looked after Invitation Women Mrs. bing them wiih whiting. Grease marks and watrhod over tiy skilled ahoeniLLon, without regard to with her. Now her folks say they extime or rost. If I could take you into my large factories at J Women suffering from any form of female Weakness are invited to pect to use Postum the rest of their on the pages of books may lie removed iliurktmi, Mass., and show you how carefully W. 1. Douglas L write Mrs 1'inkham. at Lynn, Mass. Out of hup vat volume of exlives. Name given by Postum Co., by sponging them with benzine, placalira-am made, jno would then nndmtand why they hold their shape, til'betteri knowledge that will help your has the she very perience two sheels of probably between paand are of greater valno than any other makes. Molting lieig-- r. Rattle Creek, Mich Read the little ing is and helpful free advice Her always W. I I. Intel.. wire nd pn m MsmsH cw Ihe hstlew. which pniterts Ihe mnrrt sssinM high a Hole hy tlie Ml shi feslnse.riiwlirr. book, "The Road to Wellville," In per aad pressing with hot run. urimi ."1 inl,nt iIbm. . .iwwig. tVAifafh'i.,H.lr. 'uU lytur f.tiUU .,(W Muedyra W. Hri.k!m,auh There's a reason." pkga. e nli-n- lli-ili--i. e To-day- iron-work- s I I I i half-ouno- e ! ' -- r -i ! The General Condemnation of or Secret Medicines Patent light-weigh- Well-Inform- ' long-standin- g Well-Inform- FOOT-EASE- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. d d heart-shaped- ul COUNTER-IRRITAN- T. CAPISICUM VASELINE MUST PAIN-PR- pain-allayi- two-third- d d . Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound W. $3.00 Pinkhams L. DOUGLAS AND SHOES $3.50 to s r ... . ICE |