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Show TV. ti (iiili'M hrfMl lit feil tlitf ir.iJl r.!.C IMlilrr I v tumi- he tn.m Ar.d liuur in! t!j A T.il foy of Y it.- k ti.a n.kW i !tf .!$ - u.tik ) Iik ll l t.JIH And it d.iuttf't Jfj tie )I lNl of f ri-- ls li i U .in ni.i.v. lir New and Elegantly Furnished tHlif "1 Proprietress 1424. Ihone Independent .mmh it rr( me! it wilh t mai. )i for tfi irtfKr r.n, that injr no iLsr liri u.iif ofly isfl Hour work h'irh:N!: fain y Ly X'ff'fiiiH 'ii ll.r fuif and tli Ml;u T'Uiy give hllll fh Tli h5 A fid lri( III rtiii rvrr hit harM of l all ! f ir knom, wii lhr inul I.ikIh I. Ihuiiilri Ihg iiiipriH1! lia to Ain Im'ir hy hour h iriMi lew iit. whom lift nrvt-- am - H. K. K ;mr, With ill $12 So r UP CENTRAL r month. 7.6 ca.-- h, HUBBARD AFRICA. 7 Rooms by Day Weak or Month clalty. Kurins and homes for pale or trade I lm v-- . itiivai'-s- . Etc.. lloiiKht or arc ufinit fur the Great a. Fi'Ii.iiil'ciI. opening up of (Vtitrul Africa liy a fllock. IP mm fi O'Mi-arsystem from thu woitl cnant that Street V. Stciiml South o i.rt'j will eventually link up with th. Cape-tl.uke Suit City. ('afro tout.) and develop a vast ancf mineral wealth. W. J. HALLORAN. The lienguella railway, the llrat r--f Real Estate and Loan. Ions of which are already opened for i:tali!isluil lfc! Trl iilu.no k'JI traffic, has Ita count teruiluua at M W. Third Smith Street, Salt Lake City. Utah f ::.n mi ImyH very cholee Main W. Quick Sales in Real Estate. 14 If you want to buy or sell Real Kstatc. list your property with us lor quick sales. We have the buyers. Anderson Real Estate Investmenv Co. Salt Lake City, Utah. ESTABLISHED 1893. A. L. Brattain, Manager. II, in- - you ever thought of geini::; Intn tint, iii .s 7 For instnuce, a c a hi pa,, me rmiiiiiiii; Ipminu, gr.n-estore. miKkui, cigar at ore, restau-iMii- t. or. in f:ut. any hiiatuuKH enti rpriae? If you loineinphite auch a tiinvi . see ini. 1 have a number of yeiiu.'iie hariruiiia. guaranti ed to De I i y nii.kers. Correspondence Mil.citi'd. Business Opportunity Department. A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. j j REAL ESTATE INV. CO. Salt Lake City Has Caught Her Stride. A ml others, when win's Weekly.) they make money in o:tr home mlnea look almut them lu.l you hear a whistle Just now. .,(! note ho w beautiful Is the situation ami do you hear a hell ringing . ,,f n1(, and exclaim: Men dream That was Hie whistle on the great of having monuments - when new locomotive Progress, and It Is shall have died, I will build mine they here bell that is ringing. while 1 am yet alive," and bo they buy time table lets and make plans and It Is In this They menu thnt a lias been adopted and if you do nut T0111, 1,1 our Lord 1907, that those mon-hurr-y uinents are going to begin to niater-you will nut got aboard. ,,IB ''1 why we raise the II is a most magnificent train that ,e aoarB or 70u will be e new locomotive is hauling. It has last year's increased values left!" on board uud is on the way to make a !' ,ra n ia a'rady moving; the of the locomotive ere but display of Iheiu to the world. throbbing life of the What are they ? Why, you must be iai a stranger. A gold Increase over 1904 tjr:. eJI which now rings out a if $3,000,000; a silver lncressto of e.T hell; will for you, lest you get Kjurd. toll la farewell, If you do not $2,(100,1)00; a copper Increase of $2,- ihhi.uou; a mercury iucrcase of $14,- - hurry, for the great train Is already in ooo. This In the metal line. But ,,ti,,n Jn, nother day will be there Is plenty more. In sugar. In wool, Jju ut. which Is the Shoshone for In livestock, and $3,000,000 In the In- - E')1ac- WMtiuil upon the mountains are reanod valu6 of real estate In Salt Ihe fee,t of him that bringeth good luike City. There Is another difference In this ! jinRa" and now no other tidings are lust Item. A year ago the valueJi ll brought Listen to the message were dreaming?1 onJ Bu.r wjreluss: were latedi-peo- ple Fro P81-- Clty: Better nd now tie of an unearned Increment are active end the man wio J011- - This year we will eclipse the puts off a purchase until tomornw J1- - The Silver King has become an will pay more than he would havr to Bniperor. Do not bother Fn,m Bingham: pay She has turned That Is,' the boom Is on. Tint Is alKH,t Bingham. what this train with the Locomotive swedged shaped, the sharp edge upward the work done Is but an ern- Pnigrees attached to it menna. t of fnr mightier works In the And tf you do not get aboard your ten years hence, will he ,re. From Cottonwood: We have telling or the mistake you made. long. 1907 Is to bring us realixa-vanc- e you must knuw that tlie ad- In the mines has only Just be- - ln. ' From Stockton and Ophlr: "This gun and, for It all. Salt Lake Is the wc are going to surprise you. clearing house. From Beaver: Hurry up your new When on the morning of Austerlitt tlm sun rose In glory over the Carps- - furnaces, or we will swamp you with thlan Mountains, Nnpoleon. who was ore." "We will this riding with his staff, stretched out From Newhouse: his suvcrcliti haml and said: "Behold oar put aside some millions to com-th- e those 10 and 12 story buildings sun of Aiisterlllz." and the awed I1' m Malt Iuike." stuff doffed iht-IehapiH'aus. tl is like that here. When now. at From Old rioehc: "Redemption Is dawn, the rlsiug sun turns to purple nigh. Walt until our little road is am! gold, the snows on the lordly Wa- - completed from Cnliente am! see a for old llnche. sateh range, that Is the sun of Silt Before this year la out From Ely: luike. prisiiging trinmps greater than were achieved at Austcrlitzf ror It has Kly will make other copper camps conic to the knowledge of men that all k'rm second clnss and all our milllon-thi- s Ftali, with her cop- - aires will want residences In Salt great per und ci Id and silver mid lead und Lake City." Front Goldfield. Manhattan. Ithyo-- a wool and sugar, turns to this dtv as lice. ment. of Tonopali. Yertngton and adjust point More, half Nevada feels the sums view: "We. before the year is out, way. and la bringing hither her geld will make Salt Lake what Jerusalem was in Solomon's day when gold waa amt her silver. ft Tlie ruLrouds that renter here can- - suplentlful thnt men no longer made not do the work assigned them, uni any account of silver." The air of Salt Uike la filled with more are coming. The new smelters are being hurried the ringing of the Joy bella of lr-tcompletion lo meet the lucrousmg tvpresalble business; this train ed by Progress is compassing the land for reduction works in the mines grow rich they and the fame of It fills all the space As m-between the seas, are saying. "We must find a place It's smoke by day la a cloud; It's with grent schools, great riiun-hr- . theatres, stores, libraries, a good ell- - headlight by night Is a pillar of fire rhe pointing all men of the desert to this mate and Joyous surroundings children." rlty as a Mecca where the banners Instinctively they turn toward Salt of Hope light all the air. and where Ttko. for Balt like has all they sunt the temples of a marvelous fruition run ire about to begin to soar upward in and still Is so near thnt they , marble and In steel. Get alswrd or In, make a visit, and return. they are missed. surely you will be left. (From IIiiiiom for rent and aale. KhnIiw pru-e.- teriiia , 261 Lowejil Mam St.. Suit Lake City h-- a LOT or a HOME before advance. We advise you re sardlng localities and make your ours. MAltlNGEll INVESTMENT CO.. 40 East Second South. Manager Seeing Salt Lake City Care." BUY prices moio o- CiHiii r We have all kinds of investments In real estate and we write all kinds of Insurance. YOUNG & YOUNG, General Insurance, Real Estate and Loans, 202 Whitingham B1kM Salt Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. u-- FOR REAL ESTATE Robert Williams. Hoc IVicpmn Real Estate Investment Co. I.srge list bargains for which wo sre exclusive s gents. Special attention to property of estates reliable Old and Hgetirv, Correspond or call. 330 So. Main St.. Salt Lake City. Utah. Wlo Hay. tlm flnest natural harbor In LOCAL MANUFACTURERS CARDS. South Africa, and already a icpular Mirt of rail for the I'nlnii (anile and SMOKE THE BEST. other llnnra. Tim railway, which runa in an eaaterly direction throtiKh AnBLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. gola. will form part of a new highway that In n few years' time will shorten WhltHkcr and Dallas, Maker. 134 W. the Journey from London to Johannes-3rd South Street, Salt lJikn City. .burg by. 3jQQd uUwk-..- . - The originator of thla striking scheme Is Hubert Williams, the managing director of the Tanganyika Mr. Wllllatna is IJmlled. one of the early pioneers of South Africa and an Intimate friend of the late Cecil Rhode. The Tanganyika Conceiwlofis, Limited, waa registered In January, 1 N9!. to tHko over a concession secured by Mr. Williams In northern Rhodesia, carrying the right to pmsH-e- t within an area of 2.000 square miles for two years and to locate l.omi milling claims anywhere in northern Rhodesia. 1 IN BOTTLES. COCA-COL- We have established a plant for bottling this most popular drink and we want an agent In every town In Utah to handle It Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Halt lake Coca-Col- a Bottling Co. P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. Many bright boys and girls srs mak- weekly after school working for GETS PASS GOOD IN MEXICO. us. If you want the same ehanco, send us your name und address and we will Disappointment of a Man Whom the send you $2 worth of our quick-sellinRailroad Befriended. When sold, Household Specialties. us $1 and keep $1 for yourself. send 1 von he think a didn't ".May get shock this morning," said a Kansas You cun do this In one day. We will muii. "Yon know tho furnish you permanent work. City butrttu-xrailroad have always sent me annual Address N. II. Groesbeck A Co., passes. 1 hail siipiHised that the In- tfprlugvlllc, Utah. terstate commerce law had put tue on the list. Imagine my surprise when I oirnucd my mall this $ 9 TRUNKS, TRUNKS. morning to And one of tho familiar I R. little enveloiws which usually conceal S an annual pass. On thu outside was the usual printed lino to the effect that it was t with the compliments 1 of one of the officials of the road. ! 165 Main SL, Salt Lake, "Sure enough. It was an annual pass on the Kansas City, Mexico A Orient railroad. You. can Imagine how elated SALT THAT'S ALL SALT 1 was. for 1 knew If une railroad was sending out annuals the others would. ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND Just then I caught a glimpse of a name. line under It read: printed tuy Manufactured only by 'Good only In the Republic of Mexico.' INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., fell xero to The My spirits again. N. W. Clayton, Manager, Orient had 4A0 miles of trark In operaSalt City, Utah. tion In Mexico, but I would have to a more for of than a ride pay fare thousand miles before I could use tuy PAUMIR BIKISIAV pais. ing $3 g has-bee- fOliver Meredith, fTrunk Manufactur- - er Odd Railroad Accident. the most remarkable railroad accidents in the history of the Pennsylvania railroad happened to one of the big locomotives used In hauling high class freight. The train was going east at high speed, and as It neared Duneannon the front truck of the engine and pilot suddenly flew off and a ere hurled with a cwush against a fence, says an Altoona (Pa ) correspondent of the Philadelphia Record. Engineer W. 11. Glaxlsr heard thle noise and felt I he Jar of the big machine, but he could not locate the cause. He leaned out of the car window. but could see nothing unusual. After the train had gone some distance Fireman Frank lleverlln made an investigation and discovered that the truck nas teasing. He relented it to tile engineer, hut be could neither s'op nor go bark, and as the locomotive apjared to be working all right they kept right along and took the train Inti' os tima. What averted a pli r p it a mystery. s to-da- watt-Beeau- 'r r o head-demnn- il - SALT LAKE CITY'S HOTEL One of SALT LAKE CITV. W. Secoed South. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE BVIRV SUITS WITH BATH MOT AND COLD WATSB IN IVISV R00B RATBS RSABONABLB J. STRATTON, farmirtr itV--a Scientific American. vllf. fcafidBftiair HlnatniM of inf Rotontilo lixurnot. Toroio, : four auotto, L fuM bf oil howmWK Biaaan UOtaa Ol F oup-prese- t ILWnnismU t FV1- - r.t vurr pens. lKRP,e gTt . I rgest .l-r Tnw Sefln (mm .IsMr la Mim-Ia- I F.UIIIn.s, Ti Ir lot. A Full l iar nf AAJrr I. O. H. lltl, Tfce ff6W Y0rii sot Til 1 r 1 SALT LAKE OITY Prritsr. John Manufactured by Keevea Co., Salt Lake, and i Indorsed by the M. A M. Ask yonr Ass n of Utah. Grocer. 1 311 48 MARKET 6TREHT Clark dCallM Ratal. Ms.-liln- M H. u.T Wrrt I.AKK CITY mt fclraRM. All KI.S. Klffitf pL,,rrta( a SpeelaMy. !?i-iT- .. Write Cr Fuitt. IT. Bkllfally CTly.'Bell Fkoie V t ' By tho Way. The iMijiulariiy nf inisiiiiiiiary slew is skid to In waning. Slowly lint surely we are ('hrlHiiatiiziug tlie entire world. War is being made in Chicago on Hu "Family Resort enti anci s to saloons. The Chieugo agitators evidently exiwet tlu woineii who drink to put one foot on the rail and tell a funny story, just like a man. The modern flea in the ointment 1b a graplmphone in a city flat. A New York woman makes a living by renting her jewels to soeiety women. And It came to paes that after the press agent had indured the city editor to print a sensational story of the horror and Immorality of Salome, that the multitudes clamored at the entrance and did fill the theater aa full as a sardine box and many there were who heat upon the door and cried out for scats, but there were no seats! Verily It pays to advertise And this was In the days of the slogan, "Bust the trusts!" Selah! The licorice trust has been licked to a frazzle. The drug store beeutlfler cannot put beauty Into the heart. "Eat onions and have perfect health," says an exchange and plenty of elbow room, we might add. Maxim Gorky says Americana are troubled with "gargantua. Do you get rid of It by fasting, or does It have to be cut out like the appendix? near-moralit- Father Willie mus?" Knew. Papa, what Is a hippopota- Father A hippopotamus, my boy, la the politician of the animal world, d mouth and the rest skin too tough to be punctured!" two-thir- Many Honey a woman who was called and "Angel Fare" before her marriage, now answers to the abrupt but businesslike appellation of "Bay! CPAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers o, Preaching Is as necessary as plowiron fences. Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All ing especially If you are driving a kinds of fancy wire and Iron work. contrary horse! We do Electro Plating In Nickel and Copper In all the Latest Finishes. Reduced circumstances, in a finanWrite for Prices. cial sense, are always pitiable. Tho State St Salt Lake City man who never has had, may be happy without, but the nmn who has tasted DRINK. the pleasures of art, of science, of travel, and who has been forced to the court of bankruptcy, finds little in life to satisfy him. If you attain heights on the ladder, establish your position with rare and reserve strength. 627-29-3- 1 TEA. kwrrrrrsstriirsirBrrrrs.sstit f a MAXHELD VINEGAR CO, Manufacturers of J g 3 "PURE FOOD VINEGAR. a a Factory: 720 South Second WesL t Telephone 3 979-- z REMEMBER. If your local merchant does not carry In stock Temple Brand Garments, Rsnmg Head Sweaters, 8e-g- o Lily Underwear, send your orders to the sole manufacturers, Salt Lake Knitting Works. New Jersey cranberry growers are greatly bothered by mice, which destroy the young bushes, and are offering a high price for blacksnakes to rid them of the rodents. Anyone hav- ing blacksnakes about them will do well to correspond with the New But come to think of it, be careful next spring that yon do not find a blacksnake colled up snugly In your box of cranberries! Jer-seylt- iMM.V AXP li V A X, 1I MM Co. French Tans Tablets. An ac-j wltn quaintance then, tablets will result In a pleasant surprisa to uttering woman. Tile ladle safein casei guard. of painful or menstruation THEY SUCCEED. Price. $3.00 pa box. At all drug etoree or by mail reurely "rated. Doull Drug Co. Si Main, Salt Laka City, Utah. OSNTRALLV LOCU'ID, 4 BLOOK WBBT OR ROBT ORRIOB HISTORIC WORCES TER. QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE See the On the Labels. MHilyranSriMiid. HANDBOOK on Cmmis aafit (M VIM aaanrh fur wninu aatania. Munn a Uk Paiams takan um-usvrrtai artlc wnHoat rkaraw In tba MUNN & LOCAL MANUFACTURERS CAROS. EViOPEAN 100 ROOMS ALEX Tradc Marks Distant Ac. Copyrights and SwrluOnn Asmns Mndlng sMwnain our apinNin (M whMtesr as u pntbibl awaniahia. nt: Mosea W. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND 8TOCK8. Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake Real Estate the beat Investment In the world. Utah Commercial and Mining Stocks the safest In the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange. EVUYTI1NG NEW and THE A Y. Taylor. THE NEW YORK DYE WORKS 66 bet-valu- Frank t loved the OUR MOTTO: true! ufli-vth- iiprlpK: hill, jlnd spun, yuur Imrp Is eiill Minin.. Ion Ming the kiiine enrh. lining wing you w.is yiiiin: Hung when h frmn my hie i j:il gonv fnii-vei- wlmm- - lip 1 preHeed 1 wumli-- r wlieie in iliuinler i lliut girl I Uli. West Second So. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 28 West Third South St., A. Richter estate West First South, o HOUSTON M. McCONAUGHY, 41 mil-wa- l.olrt GEO 4wl Eststs and Loans. Investment, Securities, Trades and Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. per INVESTMENT CO., 7N West 2d So St will.lii In-r- vowed . Modern m all Ita Appointments THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Plan a Bpe Homefc on Inatallment Railroad System to Develop Vast Min eral Wealth. cento to S3 00 per day. Telephonr 1699. Now is the tlniu to luveat. A rapid ad valu e is certain. Choice hulldln lots all parts of city, 3H0 to tt-- OPENING 75 SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. ,ng g East Third Stuth Street, Rooms Oh, - -- HOTELMETROPOLE.l 35 l.ilr III ao fink tuil ruivIII lliinli NhoW i.f f.irt (ii'llt-.hr t At the Spring. pure Mnuf, ('nils; pi- rli-a-r priii! ihm iiik wu$ THE KEELEY CURE. braiu'lit'S of the the Drunkenness Cured. util eim tree. A positive and permanent cure ! iTii n.l anu In the bru.k win re yuu for drunkenness and the opium diswi ie whim i play. eases. Thera Is no publicity, no Vint Itiul yuu bubbling onward throughout tlie li veh ms day! sickness. Ladies treated as privately as st their own homes. The (li, wet Kprimt: till, sled "pring, I nit-Keeley Institute. 334 W- - Bo. TemIn-- r here ut dunk. A woman fair with yple, Salt Lake City, Utah. of brown, a fleeting mem nf nriek: i And here iK'iimth yulir rythmic spell, we inld imr Iwve anew. REAL ESTATE CAROS. dear. ' And emli.iiuim-Ji- t yyvviViti"iAAAiiiiiiiriiiVi ESTATE CAROS. REAL 0,1,1 (i!i, 4 , hr lu. ami i lioui 11 263 South Mala St. Steam Meat and Hatha; Electric Light llnr, Oil Ml J Mra. A. Van Noy, Uitiy li l0 It. Throughout. Special rates by the day, week or month. FURNISHED ROOMS BY THE DAY. Week or Month. Kale 5(tc, 75c, and 11.00 per Day. ... 41 4 Wert First South St.. Salt Lake City. I'hoiii! :.KS Red. NEATLY HOUSE APARTMENT NOV VAN wj$ nr hr t.i'l hr kill Ul;il Mitt Ihn rs. Mary Marriott, PrppM. Light HOUSES. GLADSTONE HOTEL. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. 119 Smith Main Si.. Suit Lok City. ixeanjr lurmsned rooms by me day. Week or Mtuith. Kates. 60 cents to $1.60 per day. Strictly First Class. . l. a I.1 MS t 4 hi'kH iji in a'iu t r ii - dN U H ad Tlir n it n no f r :i g lllU.'IMlt - y hr i4tNiip a I'aI Arid h it IIHMA. Ci v i $w.f''y tin on THE MIOLAIMDI WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Lake City. . I .ocated In th heart U the elty. Ratea Reaaonable. ,:yl t, atry. rtean rieitost, First elnss lu respect. Steam, hea'. Flee-ti- I nmn OlUi-- ..i.M-.,- : Who, or t HI) hr ti a tr lir ui 1h ific HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. HOTELS AND ROOMING FIREMAN. THE RAIlfiOAD SI SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. To me there is always something pitiable in wilted flowers. They r""ke me think of how many fresh ones there were, whole fields of them, when I was a boy; and how few there are now along the cobble-ston- e ways of the smoke-riddecity. It Is nice to he famous and rich and powerful (tis saidl. but some days I feel that one armful of the that 1 used to gather in the vale of youth would be worth all the chance of ever reaching the coveted goal. Then the copy boy yells for copy and I wake Alas, there are altogether too up! many copy hoys In this sterner life. n |