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Show e Complies with all requirements EDITORIALS. rs the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 204 , filed at Washington. of 1 CUP OF: GOODS CALIFORNIA OOFFCCir This paper is on file at the American Mining Congress, Denver, Colorado. The legislature threatens to if hy this time it has nut already provided, some new diversioii for one. F. G. Luke, somewhat well known iu this neighborhood. The contempt of that person for what the other persons do regarding him would seem to lie not without some measure of Justification. pin-vid- The groundhog made good 'his Now lets see how near March year. comes to maintaining its legendary reputation. The Thaw case is approaching a close, Just as the other rase of thaw is aliout to begin operations. .ELECTRIC SPARKSIt is strange how anyone has the hardihood to refer to the unwritten law" in the Thaw case, with those -- 28 amateur lawyers writiug column after column or it every day of the 1 rial. "February is long enough, says the llaliimore gun. Kspecially for those who will not see another pay day until the first of March. The Thaw trial is likely to lust long enough for the newspaiiers to work otT sll their Evelyn Thsw pictures once more, and then some. Pennsylvania Republicans have cho-kca man named J. J. Seeds for chairman or their central camitaign committee. Seeds ought to hold the tanner vote in line all right. u BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND POPULAR Arbucldes was the Fresh Roasted Coffee? bah! Mother didn't use fresh roasted coffee, she had Arbucldes. aged coffee. The pores old original ArbucLles ARIOSA Coffee, and grind it as you want to use it, fust warming it a little to Coffee develop the flavor and make the grinding easy. loses its identity as Coffee after being ground or exposed to SwyUjnBllw Aaaayara and ChamMa, w. Tempi St, aaa 1M City. WMU tor Malllag Saak I inks j We Cure Men For dd cafe. If your dealer wa'l aapiy. Cky. ATLAS BLK. CYRUS WUMMWSfrJ $ O. GATRELL GEO. W. PARKS g INDUSTRIAL WORKERS wjww J. Lyon, We Are w mm Xere. Maryavala, Utah, Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. & Balt Lake Real Estate is me Barest, surest and best thing to buy in the whole wide west It is cheap, too far cheaper than It should be. consid ering resources, geographical location, rapidly developing tributary region, climsfe and the attractions of Salt The country around about is far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake mnst and will catch tip. and while It la catching up Is when valnes will double S and good money be made. 230-31-3- 2 SPRINGS. , THE ROYAL GORGE. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURI8T 8LEEPER8. 3 TO DENVER. ST. LOUIS AND For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address 3 CHICAGO . A bentON, G. A. P. D g I Balt Lake City. m j aka'a ddini m as n If you want to w lr Atlas talk with every town in Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL." Otherwise you Vi ik ft CANT! "18 k" INSIDE. Telephones hive this OUTSIDE. Pure Gold Rind "18 k hi Block, Salt Lake City. DOCTORS Co. WHO CURE CATARRH end all suable Aimk alienees of Ibe Tbennk Btemaek. Liver, Eidnaya, Bladder Cera, Me end Bewele, Beer Dteeaa lee Dleeuea, Dufaece, rile, PI lea, Raptore, Leet 11 in hood, Yeri- Chorea, Bhetimalie PreateUe Trenblea, end ell ala, Oaoonheea, Cbrenie Merveu and hinle DIeHM ef Meg, WomenI it 1 a er $1S hr a cure for Onend children. meelh aMdieinee free for ell tarrbal Dieeneeei 'ahiwala dl Both Phones 4444. MUh ooooooo New- - House, -- n Ruito. New Furniture, tlrt 44 8. State SL Opposite Elks Club, Salt Lake City. Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Wate --, Public and Private Bath. . Independent Phone 2117 Rates Reasonable M. T. MARKS, Prop. Utah. CONSULTATION FREE on. earn Dre. Bboree Eye Depertmenl for the proper Siting ef glaaere fa anazaallad, baing In ahavg CombIUIIii im iirite FMt 27 yun ttsadios. Bertalsen Broa BLACK8MITH8, l ,iyvevvvvvvvvvvir Elegantly Furnlahed Rooms, Single or i JTUXJEDoT Marys vale, OF THE GODS. Those Dizzy Spells That Eye Strain. Alexander-DIbbl- e if GARDEN . aches. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HINT TO THE INVESTOR. the GUNNISON. MANITOU Stop Those HeaH Times a Year Maryevole, Utah. JOHN HAWES, CANYON of THREE EYES IN OUR HANDS. 3 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, j SPRINGS. TAILORING CO. PLACE YOUR Come, come, Captain Hobson, why GLENWOOD THE WAY. 18-1- 9 Land Attorns)? g h Auerbach Building, Salt Laka City.jJ Mr. Carnegie is charged with an ambition to build a hi gunlverslty at Chicago to rival Mr. Rockefeller. We wonder If he will fill it with freak professors. BEAUTY ALL INSTITUTE, The only limine in Salt Lake City placing the Union label on popular prid'd, custom-mad- e clothing FROM $22.00 UPWARD. SUIT8 6.50 UPWARD. PANTS FROM Every Garment Beara Nothing hut guaranteed all wool This Label. good 8 made up. Rooms Eagle Block, Salt Lake City. rO.rkWIVWtkMWVWWllW con- MEDICAL WHEEL GAP. WAGON g Dl F. Walker BuiUia Dr. F, OF NATURAL THROUGH TRAINS. .. GRANDE EAGLE RIVER CANYON. PANORAMA V LAKE of the CANYON i Bolt Lake City. to raise order to wage In- SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. lBBVa S. MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Attorney A Counselor u swum a eyor-Gener- r r ww.ststsurrwitWMM $12.50 We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. to I p. a; evenings, to l:K Sundays, S a. m te 12 noon. Hours: I L SALT D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 300-30-1 . Without Security. No Indorsers. Quick Action. Any Amount. Lowest Rates. Not only In Salt Lake City, hut In tha whole Pacific Wert. Tha reaulla of our brlngins to our Jrofeasional work ara etate and Territory every use in tha West! We the mincroeeope to make our diagnoaia. If you want a permanent cure, consult ua. We aura all forma of Blood and Skin Diseases, Nervous Decline Piles Fistula. Kidney. Bladder end all Urinary IHavaaee due to Waakueaa and the result of specific diseases, and all Private Disema of Men. OUR SYSTEM OF TREATING la superior to any In this country, and our cures are tha result of these methods. We never fail to effect a cure in any case we take. If you suffer from neglect, from want of money or from unskilled practice here la an opportunity to get the services of a skilled specialist, a graduata physician, with years of ripe experience in treating complicated and spaeiai disorders of MEN ONLY. It will coal nothing to talk to us, and may be tha means af restoring you to health and happiness. Why not call today? Our offices are very private Yon see only the doctor. Our fee being so low. It enables many who ire afflicted to procure the highest scientific medical assistance. Terms made to suit If necessary, so that anyone need not go without treatment. Sur State Land Board, State Engineer. Land scrip bought and sold. U. S. , STAR LOAN CO. Leading Specialists Attend to all business before United Statss Land Office, What It once wanted us to couhler the eccentricity of affluence, the Thaw family i nw willing that we should ejf ef ui Ml Bye Pltteeee for ibe ef S lyeeiellBt ea the Bye ef A Special Department for Men. ui au Dre. Shorn bare a Spealal Department eirfnaWaly fav the treatment omhii er eenteglen. af all lrirate Diaraaea af Man. vbaUar aaeaad by Ignereaea mlldle-egemen oomnenlono bed .he led bee. by men sstrey .he kite Young have gana te ezenaee eld men who Ind Ibalr aennl tiger gene .nfertnnetea who hare eontrected diaeaeae the KreTa tha CTramndar DBA SIIOMTJiODlM MBTHODS I. M FrireU hly Dlaeaira. ibat yon mey mange te pey CUBED. yen may PAY Whs inal oilman te, aa the eere progreaaea, 'retee Don't e advert! fu eny DKS. HliOREB end then absrge yra m tlmoe no auak .airglo eilmant aa iba emenut adNrUaad beeenaa the aaae la Medleel Dre. Short irava that te the Pehe eaicd." Dre. Shone guuaatoe that ere fee peye Inatitutce. anae nad that for ALL you ellmniti If they treel year Ibea ye. eu be the fee fur e CUBE win be eheapu Dr a. Shorra elae fnrelob year eured for rlaewbera. fw Madlalnaa hold np 1'BEE thaw la no hav arrangad tha fie. (Juaeka end Pekire retort aftar yon to reek tricka te rob the unwary kut Legitimate icnNDM tbteia fRkir. Who hides bfhlnd s ,fks Vtdl-beeauae ha dnra eot advartlaa nndar bla Inatitnle ramao. for it. muet be own earn. Than Home Treatment Curve. Write fur Pree Symptom Uat If 7 oe cannot veil, (on pul tall on free. a. a. te I p. m.; Evenlaga, T I. I; Seadaye and kelldaya IS UPKK'E HOURS: u TO ANY LADY Interested in Fancy- - Work that will send us 12 cents and the names of We will duplicate any piece of work done by "the reputed best dentist in Utah for 30 per cent less than the price charged by him. All work done under a written guarantee. MECHAM DENTAL CO.. 65 Main St, 8alt iAke City. NO ONE REFUSED MONEY. write la WE ARE THE Land Attorney. The Japanese boys in the Denver schools simply need s good spanking. Thats all there is to the case. two other ladles, we will send our catalogue and a set of six Standard Dollies. Standard Nov. Co., P. O. Box 564, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 No Pay Unless Cured Consultation Free. t, riage? can't you and the Migado make up? H. BURTNER. D. P. A.. Salt Lake City SALARY LOANS Blngen-on-the-Ithln- We notice that In Brooklyn two women claim one man aa husband, prisoner being charged with deserting his family and marrying a wealthy mans daughter. My goodness! Is it possible that In Brooklyn, where they havent heard of the trial mar . yew-- ARBUXLE BROS, New Ye j A prl ra. SU (or 37 J. R. H. Officer & Co.. i the Shortest snd best line to Bullfroff end Nevada's Mineral Ask Belt, via. The Las Vegas at Tonopah Railroad. the Ajent, but specify San Pedro, Los Anjelrs 4LSlt Lake of each coffee with fresh 507-- 8 ; look upon as insanity. The railroads are going freight rates 10 per cent. In make tip for the 10 per cent crease. Passing It on to sumer as usual. ...WINTER RATES... pack- fat d OMnn'i unterdm. cnIihw mm exceed t! roniM mm of 1 iht other cafae (or to TW and bc4 don. drin, ym mm yaw aatry bewka. SflU aafar fwl wriri. the air and is easily contaminated by handling. , A Scrsnton man says all the coal mined this yesr, is so heavily charged with oil, that it burns like pitch pine. Mining experts say that this Is the result of earthquakes disturbing the strata. Keep It dark, nr well have Mr. Baer charging ug for both heat and light. roasted berry are sealed after roasting eggs and granulated sugar to hold the goodness in and make tlie coffee settle dear and quickly ; an actual application by machinery, of Mother's" methods as patented by din firm. The way to get a good cup of coffee that taste like Coffee with all the delicious flavor and aroma intact, is to buy a package of the Its cold enough in Chicago to freeze the day of judgment, remarks Fifteen assays or analyses for $3.00 i an exchange. Imiwiasfble. Chicago's Gold, Sliver, Lead, Copper, Iron, Zinc. lay or judgment Is bound to be a SHcla, Calcium and Manganese. warm affair. Write for particulars. THE HENRY HANSON CHEMICAL Lawyer Dclmas is reported to have RESEARCH CO, leased an ofllce in New York for a and Consulting Chemists, term of years. It is to be hoimd that Analytical54 Railroad Building, he does not expect the Thaw case to Denver, Colo, U. S. A. drag along Indefinitely. j We regret to report the defeat of THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT ' CO. STONE the Kaiser's great and good LieutenCONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MAN-ant Horr Schmidt of UFACTURERS. We hail a better opinion of SOLE AGENTS FOR dear old Bingen than that. Couereie Block Machines. Want to President Roosevelt ssys in hfs establish a plant in eveiy city, towm new book Good Hunting. ihst "the and village in Ctah. Block machines from $100 upward. big wolves shrink before the growth of the thickly settled districts." Bat Start a small plant and become Inhow about the big gray wolves of the dependent. sennte? Correspondence solicited, P. O. Box 1131. Sait Lake City. The Kngllsh dogs will have to Ind Phone 3806-7- . look' pert. They have passed a dog law under whicji every dog wearing C. O. D. COMMISSION CO. a strayed expression of countenance Wholesale will be taken up. It makes no differ and Retail. ence If he Is wearing also a collar and proper tag. He must weur his HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, COAL, face wreathed in smiles. 324 8outh State SL Salt Lake City. Money will quit the senate,' says a headline. Let there be no misunThis money means that derstanding. vsummsinm mwwmmbumhf a Mississippian will retire. H. ORAY, Mark Twain say a, Mrs. Kddy no more wrote Science and Health than Josh Billings wrote Herlwrt Spencers philosophies or Jonathan Edwards wrote Mr. Dooly." Still, there Is doubt, even In Mr. Clemens mind who got the coin. first pnwnntlv obtained or no fra. Write for our CONFIDENTIAL LETTER before nv patent: ilia worth nioaoy. We oMMn PATENTS THAT PAT. end help inventor, to loncere. Hand model, photo or, ketch, and weeend IMMgOIATS Fngg REPORT ON PAT- NTARILITV. 10 yenre practice. Regie-tere- d Patent Lawyera. Write or come to aa it S 7th St.. WASHINGTON. D. C. mad-lein- Catarrh, Dipthcria, Rheumatism, Stomach Troublrs Indigestion, Canker. Rupture, Cancer, Kidney Trouble. Gall Stones. Urinary Troubles. Chronic Sores. Eczema-PilesRemove Tape Worm. Dropsy. Asthma, Blood Poison. IMtwn Main sud State on b'lUrih South. Sait Lake City. 1 . XirtofMf 1 . Dr". Shores L Shores, Eipert Specialists, 249 KrtLe.'cityh |