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Show PREACHER AND THE POET. .ii ' Writer Speculate on Shakespeare aa Probably Shakespeare c!.1 l.m nvn thinking on qursiions (f ip i;: sai.l little, and confunreil strh ;li io I !.. -- x llting order Slid we miiomuti ;f ;,r wae u ftiHHl chunT.gm-- r Tin- mwi jl rhurrh of Siru:fo:'. lmi a toward Ircj.liWeiluiiiMi). and I:... s ream m in iliink that lie i:d !; r..e It Well With . In (Ills respect ;m elf I he wiiM i.r !:c nut aeeiu to hau- l fi :id i.f a, h r-- ! "ff THE MISSING MAN a Churchgoer. which muiiii.1 miihi like u ! it is- - -- rmiii ; Fulfil i us. wl.uiri la"a prjMi uid fiHil." We i that when he walked to cliuri li with l:;s wife he went - p-- farther tla:i the "rch. h,i' etroi'ed along tile Av.-n- . where he was fund by Susa,:,;i ar 1 Iudi;l: on "a y bank'' ill il.e cuine's ' with "ihi s:- -s hied and viehts hl.i-- ." and "h. : li as hetanie Suiiday. And I:i w. liter he v. as mu sorry when rough-Idrowned the parson's saw." The preacher and the poet have never not on well tottriher, and will not until they are identically ibe same person, as Cardinal Newman Bays: and they niUHt not divide and antagonize what Qod have joined together. Theodore T. Hunger In the February Atlantic. s CHILDREN TORTURED. Girl Had Running Sorea from Eczema Boy Tortured by Poiaon Oak Both Cured by Cuticura. Last year, after having my little girl treated by a very prominent physician tor an obstinate case of eczema, 1 resorted to the Cuticura Remedies, and was so well pleased with the almost Instantaneous relief afforded that we discarded the physician'! prescription and relied entirely on the Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Pills. When we commenced with the Cuticura Remedies her feet and lluiba were covered with running sorea. In about alx weeks we had her completely well, and there has been no recurrence of the trouble. In July of this year a little boy In our family poisoned his hands and arms with poison oak, and In twenty-fou- r hours his hands and arms were a mass of torturing sores. We used only the Cuticura Remedies, washing his hands and arms with the Cuticura Soap, and anointing them with the Cuticura Ointment, and then gave him the Cuticura Resolvent and three weeks his hands arms healed up. So we have lots of cause for feeling grateful for the Cuticura Remedies. We And that the Cuticura Remedies are a valuable household standby, living ns we do twelve miles from a doctor. Mrs. Lin-sl- e Vincent Thomas, Fairmont, Walden's Ridge, Tens., Oct 13, 1906." Author of "The Bank Tragedy " Copyright. ISSZ. by Loo me hopord curiotl eololeil hull', llioie gfi i li lli.ni Chaptir XIX. Continued. a in uu served anything cIm-- and h this the iiluii: ii:rrri i lit'il, mil! a writ of tiff recognized her as l.itiora. liif Sitn v. lie. alia was il. il lit Mr. Hamilton hrniht-r- ' follow'd. at ll.t- lir-- term the pupiT to have Mieh luilr. So agreed in Tlu- - . c.- : - d I 'min. uinl of lit Siipi engaged I lu of Slum- - Is Eirgusou. whore ivpiilution Li many wan io equal that of Morii'y Sir wins. The claimant case van one of the first pn scnii il. It wae to ho tried hy jury, and the chief jusilt-- anil four associate judges acre all in the court room when the cum- - whs cal led. The counsel, Mr. principals aat wi'li tln-iHamilton and her uncle together in the audience. Mr. Morley- opened the case for the plaintiff in aumoihlnK like the following words: "Il is my purpose to narrate as briefly aa possible the main fact upon which the plaintiff relied in support of hie claim to the estate fraudulently withheld from him by hie To you, brother, Victor Hamilton. gentlemen of the jury, has devolved the task of of returning to the enjoyments of hU home and the honori of his position, my unhappy client. You all know the plaintiff aa well as I do. It watt this man who lived among you more than a dozen years, and all that time held n responsible place In the community. Mr. Morley then broached the subject of the plaintiff's mysterious yearly absence as the result of his promise to a dying mother to seek for hla twin brother aupimsed by all but her to have died soon after he waa stolen. The child was snatched from his cradle by unknown hands, hidden away where no search could find hint. Two years of anxious seeking, and the poor mother nearly frantic all this time! Then an anonymoua loiter was received, staling that the 1 s d r - child had died a month after It was stolen. As time wore on and no trace of the child could be found, nil but State or Oaio. citt or Toledo, I f Lvui Court. J. Cunt atikaa oath thit ho Ii Motor the mother gave up. Meanwhile, Mr. Fun J. Caieir a Co., dulse Hamilton, the rwir of tho &na ofofK.Toiodu. father, lost the greater IiiImh la tho CityMid Countj nd Sum Arm will puy the lum of of his property, and after a time, afnnuld. asd tbit part OMB HUNDRED DOLLARS fur osch and of Cataui thsi esanut bo carad by thd um uf as I have said, the search for the cut Hall's Catasbb Cuss. child was given up as unavailing. And TRASK J. CHKXBT. Swots to boforo ns ssd mbscrllied Is my prsscsco, the mother at last acquiesced. But this kb day uf Docombar, A. I).. IS. on her deathbed she solemnly charg. A. W. ULEASOX, 7 1 N ota Lf Public ed her son to seek for his brother, it Hsll's Catarrh Cara Is takes Intsrnalty asd sett 'Take two weeks of every year, she directly ua the him id ead mucous enrficee of Ihl said; you will then have fifty left free. yitaui. Sud fur inUmualali. r. J. CliKXEV a CO., Totado, o for yourself. She He promised. Bold by ill Drumcliii. Tie. gave him a ring with the words In Taka Hall'irsuiliy Pills for eoaetlpetlub. trust engraved Inside. Many people Max Nordaus Latect Think. have aeen the ring. It is now worn Writing on the dacadence of Juda- by the defendant, whom we claim Is ism In France, Dr. Max Nordau has Victor Hamilton. If so, the ring bethis to say: "How many French Jewa longs to him. still hold religious beliefs? I will not "Now for the proof of the plaintiff's make any guesses as to the number, statement In the deposition of the but It Is certainly small. If Judaism nurse, Hannah Sargent, who confessIs only a religion, then religious Indif- ed that It was she who wrote the ference will soon put an end to Juda- anonymous letter saying that the ism." child had died soon after being stolen, for the purpose of easing the s According to statistics of the men who commit suicide are mind of her former mistress, whom she had often heard say that she married. Comment Is unnecessary. should feel better to know her son was dead than living In the midst of evil associates. "After his mother's death, Vane Hamilton, the plaintiff, set out on his the kind of sacred quest It was in the month of Waterproof the time set by his dying mothMay, Oiled Oothini er. Seven periods of search followed, that stands the plaintiff In the last two getting hardest service brothupon the track of his long-loer. lie was led into strange places DoY&uKnow? and haunts, if not of crime, of had reputation until by degrees he became convinced that his brother was no other than Ashley, the notorious bank defaulter, at this time a fugitive Mad for ad kinds from Justice. He also learned that of wet work or sport this man had a wife named Lenora, or Nora. Thus far his knowledge adSOLD EVERYWHERE vanced up to the period of his seventh Journey. Mrs. Hamilton would testify that her husband was greatly disturbed In his mind previous to going away; so much so that she tried to detain him. lie was very thin; hla weight was twenty pounds less than Ask your dealer (or uaual; he had little appetite, and was DETQI II I them. Write lor oar exceedingly nervous. f ree. new illuitrati-raialngaa "The result of all this overwork The BARTELDES SEED CO. gSEOS: and mental disturbance waa soon to manifest Itself. But first he was met HOWARD E. BURTON, and accosted by a young and handSilTer. Mold. Lead. II; l liedenpdiM. Tie: UO'd.Kk-- : X'neorCoBper.ll. Ctau er. some woman, who came out of the EsHailiDsenrelopM and full prv-- lint Mai oa sex house f? speak to him. She had inn louirul and Caipire wnra (rj ! nine-tenth- He Knows st SEEDS TQ lCol4we 0e unlu-w- o. Vllle, Cole. kofuNBu. caiauBaio r - .i- whet: she spuki- - to him na it sin tha: Knew hint, he a! oner . she took him for his IuuMpt. her Tim You here!' she paid. plaintiff asured her that he did no: know her. alien site said. 'th, I fur Koi.' Thin woman nun iininicred Audi ruin. Xi ':irl.. N. J.: Inn the name was no doulii asniimed, for she let out to a luMe girl tianied Mary eoni-liidi-- O'Neil that her name was that "All this makes it evideui expected to tneel her husband. hut roi in (Irovei'nle. for she wad Kurprised when sho thought she saw him eoniiitg. This antnon a at mug resemblance on the pari of the twin brothers, and which we know existed. When Mr. Hamilton recognized her, as he did by her eiin raid hair, he asked her If he might talk with her. and mentioned that ho waa Intending to take the next train for 1ortland. The woman appeared puzzled, hut replied readily enough that she would talk with him on the train. What does thl prove hut that she still supposed he was her husband, and that from prudent motives he did not. wish her to recognize him on the street? I shall prove to you that her husband, Victor liamllton, others wise Ashley, was a fugitive from Justice, and his wife's caution was needful uot to bring detection upon her d husband, whom unexpectedly she she had met In Grovcdale when she thought he was safe In Canada. In her first excitement she forgot her caution, but from that time was prudent. In proof of this wrong conclusion regarding the Identity of her husband she look tjio train south instead of the one north. Why did she do this? Simply to travel with her hus- a sup-pose- hand, as she supposed him to be, and learn hla plans. My client remembers vaguely that be saw her on the train and talked with her, but recollects nothing thst was said, for It was at this time that hla mind became eclipsed. What followed. The woman, doubtless convinced of her mistake, left the train at Mechanic Falls and went north to join her husband at Coatlcoke. Mr. . Hamilton went on his way to Conductor Libby testifies that he saw him at the Portland depot, but after that lost sight of him. "Now comes In the testimony of a commercial traveler, named George Barnstead. His testimony Is of so astounding a nature that It needs to be well authenticated and vouched Mr. for, as It Is In this Instance. Barnstead la of an active, alert nature, and little goes on under his gaze without notice. "And thla was what he observed at Portland depot, where he loitered for some time, expecting to meet another runner named Hurd. He saw a man whom he has since recognized as Vane Hamilton, the plaintiff, hy his photograph standing irresolutely hy himself, traveling bag In hand and dressed aa Mr. Hamilton was dressed when he left Grovedale. He stood there In the same attitude for at IcsM two minutes. He appeared to in his mind, Mr. Ilarnsiead thought At the expiration of the two minutes, more or less, another man entered and looked at Mr. Hamiltor. as if deeply astonished, literally a If he could not keep his eyes off. Hp was a man of about Mr. Hamilton's height, with Tong, dark whiskers and dark hair. In some respects he resembled Mr. Hamilton, par'leulnr.v about the eyes. He looked at him so intently, walking away and Uf a Fort-land- returning as If about, to areot k!n that he was observed at last by '! subject of his scrutiny, who. to Mr. Barnsteads surprise, walked up ricd-tthe man and said: "You appear to know me. Who n it,ni!!,- nf ii.init.fi iti Tlr.n auilld i'l edi aiuv : Inmi i ii iuii on strinK ry . r :i'-,',- I 1 ! iii-ii- .iPt-riM- l In-i- fish-man- fish-mon- HIGH BUT UNFULFILLED HOPES Ambitious Boy Came Back to Homo With at Least a Hat. Prof. G. A. Hill, of the United States Naval Observatory, said, before sailing to Btudy the Min's eclipse: I have high hopes of thla expedition, but a cloud may ruin all. I de sire to come back overloaded with priceless solar photographs, but everything depends on chance, and perhaps I will return as eitipiy-h- tided as I go away. High hopes, great expeiiaiifina In the end, nothing. In tliix aspect "clipse expeditions are like tho expeditions of young men from the country, who give up the plow and haste cityward, expecting In a lit He while to become bank presidents, raptains of industry, and millionaires. Alas, hopes high enough accompany the expeditions of tliese youths. The boy departs bravely. His honest father and mother while away the lang and lonely evenlnes on the farm with dreams of Ills future success They recount to one another his Innumerable virtues. Such virtues, they vay, must inevitably lead him to the Governor's chair, to s senatorial toga. 10 a mayoralty, and so on. High hopes, great expectations In he ond, nothing. A farm boy from Elizabeth, my town, went to New York to seek bis fortune. For six monlbs not a rd W'as heard from him. Then, one winter aflernoon his father pot this e Belfast's Linen Trad. of Ireland, baa Belfast, the I'hii-iiga linen tnaniiraciiirlng trade that amounts to more than JCO.OuO.OOO a year. No Longer Needed Periodical. The lNukkei-n-- r uf a sportsman's a letter one day publication from an old subscriber, stating that he had luug read it with interest and waa aware that It was time to renew hla subscription, but did not wish to do so, as he would not need It in the future. It was not noticed that th postmark was that of a town In which a slate prison was located, but th postscript was eloquent. Il said: P. S. I am to be hung next week." Forest and Stream, rect-ivt-- Illness from Ozona. gastric troubles among In large electric plants are attributed by a German authority to ozone poisoning and not to electric radiations. Ozone Is produced In larg quantities, and with atmospheric nitrogen It forms nitric acid, explaining tha add taste often noticed. An effective remedy is free ventilation and separation of apparatus from workrooma. Serious workmen high-tensio- Real Education. He Is educated who is master ot himself and of his task. Peabody. Queer Idea of a Joks. that an English gentleman once told of a great joks he played on n friend. He was coming along the street with some companions and he discovered his friend's house oa fire, with hla friend In the third story window shouting for help. Jump!" he cried. "Jump! We'll 'old a blanWhat waa tha Joke?" ket for yon. the hearer asked. "Why," the Englishman replied, we 'ad no blanket at all." It la alleged Workhouse Romance. Aa Interesting workhouse romance has Just been brought to light In Brighton, England. A patient In the Infirmary, a colored man, was placed, by a curious coincidence. In the bed next a man who was recognised by the negro as his old master. The white man had been a wealthy planter In the West Indies, and, after squandering large an ms of money, rapidly descended, until he was a Brighton pauper. The of Genius. Music Is not the only art whose ''high priests, so to speak wear long hair. There have been many cases of nMt wrlUts, (NBt vttUn, wwd so SB, who have gone about with their ocka unshorn In fact, long hair may be said to be the of virtuosi generally, no matter what direction their talent takes. Dr; Frederic Cuwen, in Strand Magazine, Hall-Mar- note '"Dear Pa: Meet me under the old ir nlclit after dark "The man was evidently fnl:i n bridge aback by this strange query. He hesi- Nring with you a blanket or suit of tated only for a moment, however, re- rlihes, I have a hat."' plying: The excessive pleasures we feel In 'Iking of ourselves should make u. "PPrehenelve that we afford little ti nr auditors. Rnehcfonrand. k at hall-mar- k Valencia Fetsf Day Costume. In Valencia, on the fete days, the little girls have their hair dressed Just exactly like that of their older slaters, haring the front locks parted and rolled up into a wheel at each temple, and the back hair elaborately arranged from the nape of the neck to a few inches above the head, the coiffure being held secure by fancy pins. Women Alternative Some women frankly admit that they hate pandering to the bumptious youth of the day, but that if they snub him, as he frequently deserves to bo snubbed, they get left without partners at danres or any on to talk to at teas, which is only another proof of the fact that man and not woman dlrtatea to society In England. I .adies' Field. How to Convince a Man. In dealing with others In the Intellectual region, the objects should be Immense Sum for Armament. not to convince, but to get people to At the present moment the counstate their own views, and to realise Europe are spending on thei that unless a man converts himself tries of and navies as much ns $4,000 no one else csn. The method should armies 000 a day. be not to attack conclusions, but to ask patiently for the evidence upon which these ruuclusious are based. A. C. llenson. To know that your Watch la fixed Queer, Indeed I properly and by competent work "The fare of the returns." said the men. Youcanboasaured of prompt rhalrinan of tho meeting, "shows G7 and efficient work at What n queer ayes and no mien." looking fare that must be! remarked an old lady In the back row. It is Worth Something Rats Saved Human Lives. The squealing and scampering ot rats aroused from their sleep the oc cupanta of two burning cottages a Mount Hawke, Cornwall, Kugland. Just In time to escape. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH na-'Iv- am You are Henry Ashley.' " 'Are you sure?' naked Mr. Hamilton. anxiously 'Perfectly.' nil the man. I knov Elephant Take An elephant take I ! Home-MadMucilage. muscllsge thst will keep well and will remain clast Ir even when It has dried may be made by dissolving one part of KHlIcylic acid in 2 parts of soft This soap Slid three parti of glyn-rimixture xtiiiiilil be shaken well and then aililed lu a paste uf gum arable and water. A - Collection. up the collection some of the Hindoo temples. It ,l I" lii- -l 'line. ti iiiaeiiioiis ta around with a basket extended goes lie. ii' 'ii i to ii kuna ,;! Its trunk. from i i way io i lude justice han ' ' iiMitt the man 8ho Never Could Master IL . m ' i'll ii Ids own name and Talkin' about oi'cllm'," said Mrs. ,,li ' l.iimm.r Clubberley, the French are the worst im na pans on. Mainilton. n-'j''- yet. They cau't even spell common, "! I. it. true tianie. hid liorT every day names twlcet (ho same way. 'ei :i:ii. a Id.iuk. walked off 111 the We met a soldier lu l'arl by the ''ii nv of the iiian Ashley, who. no name of John lkirm and be spelled Ii'mi.I it an easy mat'.t-to shift hie first uame lieu. Then I heard : I'lii'.in:- - .mil In take the rliiR. note-them talkin' a good deal over there ' "I- am! I'iipers of Mr. llniuilton. about somebody clae by the name of II : ad i lie Tlh John Dark, and he spelled it key to the hank. he I'.-iirti-and take what lie Oh, I'd Just go crazy if 1 had to learn w , in tin' safe had a eouildiiH-- that gibberish." 111,1 . and will britiK a wllnenu :o i rme o ymir nai isfar lion that the Esch Man's Duty. ' T ' it'll was in a Each on of us Is hound to make Imh Im'! hi thiii uniuc note hook. Asn-- '' the little circle in which he lives betTioioughly eiMiYorsn nt with ter and happier; each of us Is bound I'iinkiiig inn mid the rest was to see that out of that small circle ''K-y- . lie sent to the hank, took the widest good may flow; each of uoiis. them to suit himself ua may have fixed in his mind tbs ati.l not i eiihlieil. thought that out of a single household "Tuy (ixlmrti will testify that he may Sow Influences which shall stimwts thoroughly convince 1 at first that ulate the whole commonwealth and It was V u iic Hamilton who entered the whole civilized world. Dean he liiir.k at seven oclock on tho Stanley. t wciii MConil of May. hut thiit when the returned he Youths Impatience. doubted him. Vint will perceive now-hosomeA barrier, to a colt, means the shirt stud and cap came on to Jump over. Delaud. thing the river They were dropped there to start suspicion in the wrong Colors to the Blind. direction, mid to create confusion. "Have you any conception of color?" Yon will ul.--o see the explanation ot a friend asked a blind man. "What the supposed cashier's extraordinary Idea have you when you hear colors conduct in visiting the hank, hill neg- mentioned? lecting his own home hut a few rods "A person blind from birth na I have away. been can have no poaslble proiier con''Proceed we now to Vane Hamilton. ception of color, was the reply. To Where do we nee him? In prison. me color is sound, or ralher, music. Yes. gentlemen. In prison, detained When I hear tha word red, for exthere for a crime of which he was ample, I Instantly think of a high never guilty, hut of whleh tho unpiercing note of music; blue la to me otherwise Henry a delicately sounded note fairly high worthy brother, and pleasing In tone; green Is a soft Ashley, was guilty. He was Incarcerated in jail at Goodwill, ills hair at tone aud rather low, quiet and rest the time was light, a light brown, the fid; while yellow 'Is lively, quick iittls same color that we remember so well note rapidly sounding and causing as crowning the noble head of our be- pleasure, almost to laughter. Black, loved townsman. This we ran prove alas! Is the only color we ran realize, of the jailer'ii daugh- for we are told that that la the absence hy the ter. But the next we hear of It. Ills of all light, and we kuow only too hair hud turned, rot while, hut dark well what that means. brown, almost black, as you see It Anti-Foo- t now." Binding Society. Ail eyes were turned now in the "Direction of the direction of the plaintiff, who sat be- movement in China has been handed side Mr. Stevens, calm and collected over to the Shanghai ladles commit In his demennor. tee to Chinese, who have already en so tsbllshed many Mr. Morley then proceeded to recount similar instances of the turning defies throughout this great empire," writes a Shanghai contributor to a of light hair to a .dark color. was the ewe These instance! were well authen- newspaper there. ticated. The change In Mr. Hamll-ton- s prise and yet greater the delight at hair was, no doubt, the result In the recent annual meeting of 1h society) some unexplainable way of hla terror Tlentan llui at finding himself In durance vile. when it was announced that not only Or it might have fallen off and came a Chinese committee had been formed out again a different color. Be this but also an executive commit tee with as It may. his hair changed from light two Chinese gentlemen as secretaries, to dark between the time he entered one for foreign correspondence and one for Chinese, and that several of the Jail and the asylum! A woman who professed to he his the gentlemen would attend the meetwife came to see him. She had learn- ing. ed of the arrest, no doubt, and travelLogical English. ed here without delay. The prisoner I paused to talk to n fiahnionger took no notice of her, but she declarsaid I, pleasant iy, why ed he was her hnslmnd. though the doFishmonger, you flshmnng? man said he did not know her. He answered with n cordial sntlie. Why was this! Simply because she I flshmong because my father was not his wife. She, on the conbefore me. trary. uid she was, to screen her "And have you been flshmonglng own husband, who. she now for the long? I asked further. first time saw, was at large. Do you I have Yes, was the reply. follow me, gentlemen of the Jury? for seven years come Michaelasked Mr. Morley. In thrilling tones. mas. Do you see Into what tolls he had "You are a worthy fishmonger, I fallen?" responded, and I'm sure you always (To be continued.) mong the best of fish." Life. " i' Long 8ermons. Mark Twain tells this story, the moral of which you may supply yourI went to church one time and self: was so Impressed by what the preacher told me about the poor heathen that I was ready to give up a hundred dollars of my own money and even go out and borrow more to send to the heathen. But the minister preached too long, and my enthusiasm began to drop about $25 a drop till there was nothing left for the poor heathen, and by the time he was through and tho collection was taken up I stole ten cents off the plate. Southwestern' book. Plant WESTERN I Exerclt For th Eyes. Learn to relax tue muscles of the eye Till you have practised and attained the ait you can have no conaim restfulness. ception of the Hy saving .uniei. imi have In reserve, ready ter use. nuue imwer for cnurea-alien Kusi jee Miles, in C. it. Fry's Magazine f . That ho thou tittered luK. the two sou- - waik:tr: Bv MARY R. H. HATCH . - ini;. ant ;. l.iio ii. 'ii'. TV w ; hy You Should Buy ' East Garfield Lots Ten Million Dollars now being spent by Bingham finirllcm, employing The only town In easy wnlkinn thotiNandu of turn who must have homes. lislurire of the works Only three months old. yet ten business houses nrn loiirlshing mid more coming, liarrlmnn electric franchise runs through City. town. Only thirty minutes' rids to Halt feet. Price. (40 to 1:40. Easy terms. Write for anil SS by Lots ietnlled li Information BAST-ROOKLID- GE AGENTS WANTED. to ltl Ike INVESTMENT COMPANY Hooper Bldg.. Pull Lake Ctly. |