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Show tJGDLN DAiLV COMMKKCiAL: rillDAY. FKiiiil Ai i 20. 191. f tLa THE COMMERCIAL, UTAH. !', (Kf-l't- H.- , I : Ll, ,y t . f ;il 1. .11 . mid !. " J -- '. . ('. tlui . "w t - l. J, U l rt rtr l ll .l;. v- tr'v-- ' pri T:.' i. I la au-k- frs 'C.!!T w ti.w i k. it L-- t lai ( ill. CK'.'t I S i ill, iiLlfUi Su f- J .sinner iLt: i'."it!i o'. tLt- t&OjU-- ACitiT Iffii ;hJtk-u!a- j - l J rjr V't "!ly - . .ia.ji . i l I f Xl , r o"-i.rr- lu. i' Mr Kijt s u' Si.l- - ha rvniiy l'jl.iflj, fc.al il inV. in iit'.WtJtol iX i I KW d-l- ''. - -- -- IL --- old t...a t.r- tli-- ! o!l-- f y.k If f SnsuT With wt!. ii tiitMi. 'y due I;f,fi-l- h--- IS A"-i'-: taiK-l- i 2 i, ;j i f Kl.e i y.'-i- foud of kM ti e tep.oa. rii! 'ir of al t'2 d",'rt. t'.irA's eiii-.j- tir. Lr routa : i ' oi to.-!ied- dor a t iA i ; . Jl ...;. - ! . NIGHT OF LAUGHTER! Friday Evm. Feb. 20, '91. cj i ir tl iitr t Si-j- e. r Qu--ii;kKy Kiralfy's fairy r, '... I.', wLicUistete liere 1 u. svLy iu 1 V.VJ:-JaF,-j- l Vt anl S'.th, i I Till: i." - t! It A j.rti- - y . l lar tSi ' i.ir- ..,e. 1 fa! si.tj-'- e r..l , l iimrrr a. '.Vi.u-- re?i-!itI .s r!..tej ov frh "Tut fa.uoJ -i n utter and to y.i l j.. tii b-- iicp:' tad My fhe Auierk-a- iit-r- , i.i 1 filled the old xLi - '' k'i..' e :: 1. i dti-rit- ! --The ': e u:jii rs. J fuoi.: tie h ire TrJ.r St. the Tt at l.h over tl.e bead ffrrr day.. J TiltSV Paul of liumali i,.ia u- -l S,!t Iv:' O'.y r f. .utn u us tii.- - grows rK!!ii. j ilira'i'b . j i ii- - r I I a iiriv !. - t.. ilia tlv-- i : . .v;; toTHS ('ihimi u m. yns'iTila IV i'v- Short itt' - w .7 iiim 'Ida i'O, tL .'" . iix e Kluati r 1 ;. . T4V :l 'Tr!;;- pi- i - elfoai T;-f- -- OPERA HOUSE I'--' - . .;L!-r- ft.r d:y l o i i tJ t - J lWi-!,- j -'- T a ', Bofif ' Tr j l A 1.. .'; n." OS i rrl'.lr-- t! lo i.. .iluL. L t i V.jr ei-jjt- d.rf.-riL- t trry i i. : . fc slat e i' .'5 --- i fa . t - - i Lvdrmi t- 1- ;.i ! ti ucoew- - s& delightful Kir..If MARIE Las ever FAMOUS ACTKESS. WAINWRIGHT, IN TIIK CiKKAT COMKUY. etc and a t fur the ii.n.d. It ail the warn.tu and fec.aous-ue.-- s of I'.e orient, jit ia tiie pictured fe-u- of ti.e re:jjrk: presecttdwl.i.--ac 1 the pLrlrayal and to ehar-le-'.e- "Some p o '. are trHiblsl a f r a siiilble bul li m urr'tn J.iy O,; lou With f the Thl rtiJer.t i pro en;i. O.ty .Bj:i,.alut, to4 tn ith liarrtt.n. ill mo tune Uf'ire it k of ! of tLia t,tal.M.t U of truth )f ti;s .jj,.,,,, finds another man who can skin a IV iSj liort Line IcU ia NV V..rk. It y U m oriaizti of a real crat 1 U ni and tan his i..U-rrill Im nun. that tl.r diontin- j .hMi th .t victim the neivr to iln courteously luie at t!.i rk f o utL. T7TT . .. i: . . know it ui.til he goe out into tho o U." the o: r"ritiu j.r K Nf V(rk .t j aW-u- t the iu'ero.ii re"i ns. The t: 1 t:e?te THE MOST AMUSING OF ALL PLAYS! i.r.d liberality rai 1 lobe displayed ia thi 1 ill, to doubt, injure a uc-- t A Spk'iuliil Ca.--t! 'iorijcoour Dit'ssres! .'ul tii.a.iuial run to tin manager. I unerv ia the work of I lar ley, "...-r- v itf.j Mesr. Macdden and the M.a :Tcr, and is grain and realms of the Water Quwn, tae En-- i !ii.cted Forit. ihtf (Jo'.deu Palace and t!.e tnirifuiniu'.'on Ht-nrepresentirj !X)WKjj i I UII.I.1PS. Lnttn and Ha.tai.-rr- . tf.e four seArione, bt ia;; uuusu:i:!y tine. t ,K!t "'r",in tho Frtiu-capital, ,,ti;Jdii.wati-vu.iSalt IikkV tpicy afternoon daily, t!.? that Ti i pdt i 1, Timfn, says in iU it sue of jwU'rdjy: aruii-urt'laltoua iM'tea the A DOI T I'KOl'I.U- W)den's fNipulatioa has incrcBuil by Hiana for more traif!': vMXraci with the opp-ini- r two power, naturiiily thrt men and an ol!i-- boy einci1 Banani the MduaukiHi aii.l St. r.tul rail-- j Robert Bour . has ninety-tl-rccroft's headquarters were iuoel horses. looking hk are .V .' Tiu p"p!e on we !i thither." are Yes, w.U lotuu ne commencing TbU ;oura Direct from Niblo's Garden Theater, New York. tcivIi in the United State eud Ward Howe ha Ikvii president n you in a moderate way, so that you may of .luYu itiipeluii t.i tin mU of twe-tto for Borit.'u's Club Woman's to till. acirdii' t'X.'MJ y plarea learn by degrees to become reconciled to ar.il tin tlrelopnn'iil of this O'lly real years. t!i ooii.piitidion of Hon. Carroll I). the imaiiiietit hegira which is already city genera :iy. ... . .... .......1.1 (.. Jw.u (I... Wiijjtit, I'ui.t-- State eoinuiiniouer of booked for tho Queen City. And o Rev. Dr. Stiller. (f Detroit, confessese V i i ... to having read "Paradise Lot" twenty-onshall be glad to welcome tho Thru- with times. Sumptuous Fairy Spectacle the importune of thia treat tr.iiiKMiiitiiieiiUIUm.. Ikfiiiie tf.unit thin enju.re.-i- , tLe other good institutions which will on W. J. Kcanlan, the Irish comedii.r.. is Ajj(W(j llili(,,.na iuvi1f Hock hither to join the big procession. with Mus in paid to be worth a quarter of a miili-jUliue, of i,,,,,,, (ll,d Hx.la rrtiiy cunectkm it American doltan. Kt Iuluth. aj.d r.ul MirniMifolM, haa ,nk litri It Mioili(ran paid . AS TO TIIK Sl"0ILS. Friends of Senator Aldrich say he will ti vU1o,1(3h. nnJ tho or in l leave the senate solely because he is to . ... eity to ...I .,... by way of the ..it. ...i .i Resplendent with Gorgeous Costumes, Glittering Armor, IBlllt III t'KUilimtu iaj hiiuui iwi jvn.n Eoitok Cdmmi lici.M.: It is always poor to stay there. . rpe. work Fascinating Ballets, Grand Marches, Magnificent Scenery, well when you write for home consumpIt will al.-.-i iKn to this city a wliule-aalArchbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, is tion to as nearly as possible 6tick to Ihe spoken of as the nifl social prelate ever Calcium Lights and Novel European Specialties. dealer-- i a li and wealthy terriNati ral phenomena again interposed truth. located in that city. 111 ji eat and north. to tory to obstruct the trausmiesioo of tele who himself The gpntleman signs Corporal Tanner is said to have cleared '40 It will also paia through rich coal and graphic matter Iom, tuglit. ltiero was it) in your issue of this morn- fflUV-Min the oiyht months he has been mineral territory, which will be of great ouly one wire working between Chicago ''Republican" ing claims to be an old and loyal mem- managing the pension agency. benefit to lia'ttl inteiel. and Omiilm, in consequence of a sleet ber of tho Liberal party, but if he has Seats, $1.50, 1.00, 7.1, . and 3j cents. Sale of seats opens Saturday morning Rider Haggard cams up for memberbeen such he is either blindly ignorant The enumeration of lienetita to be de- storm. llox at Office, 10 a. m. to 5 p. in. or wilfully false in making the state- ship in the Society of Antiquaries in rived from the buildinjr of thin road was but London pitilessly recently, he does. It in Sknatok kimt Kyle, of South Da ments might be in.lolinitely .'xU'iided. Just thiB one for example: Hesavs blackballed. furo however. -mention s koto, declares that ho is an "indocraf that at the election two years ho alunoeccewary, Thomas A. Edison and Georgo ther lwuetit. sinus they V ill r.aJily oc- in i!iticB- - part independent and part most a solid democratic ticket was Lath rop are at work together on a If to have three officers out of scientilic novel, in which electricity is to cur to every rwnlcr inter, sled. democrat. lue reverend senator is elected. (IXeOllPOUATHD.) recorder and one memtwenty (mayor, would for thw ben wjiso hing But it credited with the coinage of the latest ber of the Council! is what the gentle- pluy an important part. Thurman no longer uses man calls a solid democratic ticket, his atep to- addition to the vernacular. , enj of the line to take O. O. A. n ideas of what constitutes a solid body snuff. He found that the constant ward aaeurintt Mr. (Ijrre son uud his cy his and Sec. of affected nose his eyes, are different from those of most people. worker that the chant u in the ownerFi:w cities in ancient or modern limes And, further, if there was (with one sin- so wenued himself from tho snuff box. ship of the utook ia veiV gratify inj; to have been overwhelmed with as many gle exception) an appointment made by Stanley declares ho will never again our people, and that jOgden atandi and disasters as the city of that administration, from city attorney return to Africa of his own will. SINCE PURCHASING THE to the lowest, outside of the police force, enthueiasm Johnstown, Pa. a fresh comready.'with hearty good-will- , Yesterday's dispatches who was not a republican, I wuvl like Whether he already has else in his inside from mission and money, to with them ia tale that that somebody city ban been again to have bun pointed o'.it. he does not ssy. th early cumpletion of, thia great line. It strikes me it is about 'time thin pocket heavily damaged by a Hood. Swan Gustafeon, while shoveling dirt democrats wcrj holding1 story that the all the otlkes, which was started tor the at 81.10 a day for the Illinois Central at A CROWD COMING. Tup. Irish leaders in Great Britain are purpose of splitting the Liberal party Cherokee, Ia., received notice that he h We hare added many Improvement to oar Fine Equipment, employed ExporionceJ of an estate had fallen heir to now qunrreling over the divisions of in the last election, and which has perA notable excursion of 3,000,000at Philadelphia. and Competent help, and are now prepared to sive our patrons was laid at rest. formed its iiany now mission, different between the funds league the Pucifto coast oSiBi8ts of a largo "Thirteen." One fine of the has Senator Palmer sixty factions. It seems as though the number of the members! of the lioeton horses on his farm near Detroit, friends could our Irish among patriots Good where his 812,000 log cabin is located. Fruit and Produce Kxcliange and other A DENIAL. not be happy unless they were in a He owns a great deal of real estate in of fthe Bay State eommercin! Detroit, and his farm is only four miles Kilkenny fight of some sort or other all I metropolis. EoiTon Commercial: The members of from town. Wo intend to Lead all Competitors in Quality of Work, and leave the tholimo. Quantity to The touriFUi numbe about 'M and tho Ogden Turn Verein wish to anan Appreciative Public Give us a trial. veuti-bul- e in a Pullman rpm;Ih1 tire traveling Tiik Rothschilds nre endeavoring to nounce that they have nothing whatever Duty on the Weed. train. They have explored Souththe Czar of Russia into sub to do either as an organization ot indi"squeeze" Madrid, Feb. 19. At a cabinet counern California during the pnut week and mission to the clamors for justice in his vidually with the concert to bo held af-at cil referring to the negotiations are now in San Frnnnieeo, nt which Union house next the Tel. X73 25th. St. Hoar of KePd Hotel. Sunday opera treatment of the Jews in Russia. The ternoon, and that they never authorized with America, tho Premier announced point they will remain for several days. famouB bankers will im the announcement of the same as under that he had obtained a reduction of dutry to get the Their visit to the coast has leon their auspices. Thko. Schansenbach, ties on minerals, and was now negotiatmarked by a seriea of ovations to the perious ruler into a tinaucial pinch un Adam Gf.igf.r, less he abandons his policy of persecu ing for the free admission of tobacco ! J. Fred Cramer, party. Everywhere they have halted in t ion into America from the Spanish West of the race which to the proud Committee. the Indies. their journey enterprising Calif or mans have fnirly surpassed themselves Rothschilds belong. In connection with the above matter, BY GAUZY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF AMERICAN HORSE RESIGNS. in bestowing upon the distinguished the following communication was is United The Stntes rapidly making Boaton business men every possible from Herr Ewers: trode Editor Commercial: Please be kind The Great Chief's Heart is Sore and mark of attention and the most profuse inroads into the Spanish-Americn- n He Will he One of the People. controlled by Europe. A year enough to correct an error in your hospitality. The tintairnl result is that formerly VO per cent, of the trade went across paper of this morning, where it states Feb. 19. The bond of Sioux Chicago, theao men will go back to their eastern Rgo, that the complimentary concert tendered homes with very Mattering ideas of Cali- the ocean. Now only 80 per cent, is to me is un.ler the direction of the who arrived here Tuesday on their reBlaine's n They are only Schemes to Work off Stale, turn from Washington to Pine Ridge, The Ogden Ogden fornia. That is all right and proper, controlled by Europe. as such has nothing to do with left for their destination last night. BeUnsaleable and Shelf-wor- n Goods. Old Goods statesmanship is bringing prac but California should not get all the the affair, but the concert has been ar- fore Contical to benefits His nation. this are Horse American made at this leaving, price. Quality and not good of this distinguished pilgrimage. expensive any ranged by some individual members of was of a gress Republics splendid We declaration: is "I be desired. do not have the the to signed The Commercial 'proposes that the the society, lovers of tine music and re- significant Quantity fined singing under my personal direc- Sioux reservation ceding treaty, but Boston ex ltd it ion, which is to puss achievement of diplomatic ability. accumulations of offer to to our patrons. years tion, and I am sure a program will be when I saw how the mouths of my peothrough this city on ita way east within closed in Washington, I told rendered which will satisfy the most ple were IiAnoiei.Mi men have received a gratia few nay?, be invited to stop over in Og-deLittle Chief Noble that I would be no fastidious of the public. I remain. longer a leader of my people, but would Yours, respectfully, loug enough to show the sight- fying recognition ef their rights from mingle with them as a warrior in the Come Rich. Ewers. Get New Goods! seeing strangers some of the attractions the directors of the World's Fair enter-priaranks rather than lift my voice again on w ho have docided on of the Queen City. The matter would eight hours of the white man." behalf NEW NAME FOR WHALES. he of incalculable benefit to the city, and as a day's work on the buildings to be Louis Trineau, of Standing Rock and one of the interpreters with no it should be taken in hand by the Cham- constructed. Thus far, distinction agency Editor Commercial: A correspondent the party said that in view of this last ber of Commerce Rt once. Ve shall not has been made between union and nonin this morning's issue of The Commer visit and the excitement of last fall there frequently have an opportunity of so ef- union men, but it is thought that this signing himself "A Republican," will be trouble in the spring. fectually placing the meritaof Ogden be- question will be settled at the next meet- cial Liberal ticket two years ago the says fore the eyee of so large a body of the ing of the directory. 2300 WASHINGTON AVENUE. made was up of principally Democrats, lwftt business men of the East, and the and mentions the r order, etc., most should bw made of the chance Tut business of electric lighting has as examples, and asmayor, Tom Whalen was w hioh now presents itself. increased within the last few years more tho only other Democrat out of the The Boston men are coming; let us rapidly than any other business in the twenty on thr ticket I suppose he was Democrat. take them iu "and show them something world. It is only eleven years since the the "etc." worth seeing, even ufter they have seen electric light was ilrst perfected, but tho 'He Denounced Gen. Stanley. the best which California could show, amount invested in elestric light plants u Sas Antonio, Tex.,;Fob. ;i9. Capt. hag already reached the immense sura of IL Third of Wessels Company 11.10,000,000. From the few lights in Harry GOOD FOR TEXAS. Menlo Tark in 1879, the number has in- cavalry, U. S. A., will be court mar- Tiiis morning's dispatches convey tho creased to 125,000 are lights, and 1,700,-00- tinlled under orders from the secretary of war. The charges are language un incandescent lights. irteiligence that Tesae has set a very becoming an officer and insubordination. good example to all her sister states in hue the company was under orders to go to the Sioux an effort to abolmh the .brutal prize It is interesting to note the effect of to be in readiness couutry Capt Wessels requested a leave demand upon price, as illustrated ticht. by of absence. Tho request was refused oy In the Texas legislat ure, yesterday, platinum. A few years ago the demand ting.-ueii- . Stanley. Un tne hack of tne t here wns nns&ed by the house a bill for platinum was small. It was only refusal We.e4sJendorsedjanother request used for evaporating stills in the manu- and forwarded it to thenar department, making prize fighting a enitenttary a and providing as a penalty terms facture of sulphuric acid. Ita price was lie said also that Gon. Stanley was a drunkard and incompetent to manage of imprisonment ranging from two to then between 83 and 9o an ounce. The military company. The affair has five years. usoof pliintinuni wire in incandescent caused a sensation in armylicirclee. Wessels says he can prove everything he This is probably tho only rational electric lights has created so large a Ca In IQUlonaef Horn 0 xu the Btandarl said. tuoans of prohibiting the disgusting exthe inhas that price steadily exoellenee proven in millions of It superior hibitions known as prize-fight- s the creased until it is now fJO an ounce or homes for more than a quarter of a century. It Gone to His Last Account. is used by the Fitwi State ttarernnimit. brutal and uncivilized features of a few cents below the price of gold. No Endorsed by the beVl of the (treat Universities Nkw York, Feb. ia IL K. Enos, a as the Strongest, Purest, and most Healthful. fur vaunted civilization. Fines do not substitute has been found, and it is prob- banker and Remember, I am the only Laundry man in Ogden ownPrice's Cream Baking Powder does not Dr. preKident of the Missouri, contain have for the "slogger" any great terror, able that platinum will soon be far more Kansas & Texas Ammonia. Lime or Alnm. Sold only ing and operating his own plant. Hcst work and Prompt railroad, died this in Cans. PKll'E BAKING POVDRB CO. for a "iniir which puts thousands of valuable than gold. New York. OiieaRo. Mao Francisco St Louis. morning. tliat a Fvuiii.-i.thv t!.f o t ta. l;M.lti hf A. S. i;r8 , t. .i J , Icis t-- llv - GRAND ! OPERA HOUSE! k-- ... h SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Tuesday, and Wednesday, Feb. 24 and 25. j e e ah.-aiUi- J j WATER QUEEN. x,t Inct-nam- o .... i re Persons in the Grand Production Pur-son- OGDEN RTEAM LAUNDRY CO. I. IIENDKHSIIOT. titil-latio- lAltMKLiY. and Treas. Manager. g , Ogden City Steam Laundry I one-sixt- 4,do-in.- -' k k Service as Can Had in Utah. OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. to-da- DOFT BE DECEIVED , Overstocked! Cut Sale! Closing Out! Etc Turn-Verei- Turn-Verei- n and e, Our Prices on Fresh UTAH GROCERY AND COMMISSION CO. pes M8 Launflry, 0 GEO. A. CRAIG, PEOP., 01 do-ma- Delivery. 2i St, Telenlione 107- |