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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERGIA c OGDEN, UTAH. FRIDAY MOUSING, FEBRUARY 10. 1S9I. VOLUME IV. NUMBER 120. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. u IIS LIST ;en. of Catholie Teligioo.' One a ao today move, but Tfcfjr ee rrovlJ milii hundred my f.tr.t-- rcvrired abaolutioii w4 It tr-at tbe Lands of Fitter ot waiting to tek tl.jeir flaoe UDOucacijus st TayUw. My father is ib bx. the time, bat tLis fact L do important the cilllirr could be adaun-istre- j "h g of the military order of Ujs Loyal bearicf for sacnupeetwbote sued could to any jerson Ltsuc. the Graid Ara-.y- , cadeta sjad be of t it dirous of ruLmis'tU reiivicg (.tti-na- l theixisty-guard. Lnlerprtl bold service over my iclii. li.e tiiLth, ar.d Twenty roiid, therj. I f stLer's rvcaains tt lioVUxfc today in tteSt-vrutand it Twelfth reviu:ee the immediate family. Firtfcitd Seoocd batteries of the presvr.ee of the artillery. HcVxd these aere tif N.. They mill emorace the readies r.-rtlby t4 UlrtMi and civic organizations r.ho reuLir fuuertl tervw He r tuuiof tLe Iimn Citiiolio t Lurch." Irougkt up lb rear in the parade.avccue fctarud down EWLth fr ra Seve.:t tirst street t Fifty i:reVlyn Keweuiters tie l.ead. turned ict-- F.ftb ave13. - TIjB peo;.lo of CEfKiiiLVK, nue and do a to Wafchicgton aqutre. tiiis ilm u?y lif a halt oWnxJ city LAST TRIBUTE OF THE W4 TOJPOLIS. oui of rije. t to Ct':;r SLertian. Along the line of march from the start oo all at llf-ujat- t were ul !!& VUgs cruidi to the l.uuh there kit o..e ;raiid cIumv! were si Mac of the m cud nikir-- in ttrf tt revta traversed S3 in fi traiit-ai-tibutim It appear d a if tai l but litrioThe clmost impossible. t 'ufe ! tit "ir.rta. public every residett of New iork t.nd tie U( 12. fcurroumlieg cities bad turced t:..ir g&ze ui.n the rcsket tbi-- t coiilsiccd the re ATLMXCC T.KS Il'i: A t.KAVH Along ti.e D.a'ns i.f the great general . l i j u.t:i on wati of t'eilral IVk ifJy at Lie itMt, erowdaof pij.lo we- aa.j (V.nfuit 1 hat a 5I(Hlltii!i (:ae tue a iuii.t &t the nriTW ltutial of a S;;:rt ! to auuie tti?i tae a oo la-l- lio internal biPL' llf . ln R.1S iuil!v hidoKriuiib! ea!y, u U.h MM. MONTANA HAS A KICK. r already liOlNGTO HIS GRAVE. DISASTROUS bo'-i-d- l'ub' EW YORK'S SAD TRIBUTE. KlrJ MINERS. With a N. PoBTCHtetfrEK, FottrtU JadiiUI Iiitrit-rrotdi- t'jis village, ba iif Csj t. of tbe heuate aad y Uu- J s TO jf rttal i - latitat .... lie t--i ..... Line of S!arth I'ndVely Iieco .. . .ii. . ...v ..(.- - j rated and I'rowdeJ f.r Mi!?? and bnlivHiie oa tUo thorouifLf ira wce tKVKied until cfwr x oVioek when Simple Ceremonies- - "I Am tie v New Vokk, Feb. 19- .- Nex Vork is totribute of reday paying every pofr-iblspect to the memory of (Jenerd Sber ilia fuueral day oiiened briLt man. and clear. Courts remained cloned. The exchangee closed at noon, and Kneral busiue&j was brought almost to a stand ntill, and all who could do socconod their daily peciipationa to do honor to the dead soldier. At an early hour people began to assemble in the street opposite tho residence of General Sherman. From almost every house along the street tho American flag flouted at half must. There were few visitor in the early hours of tho morning. Only the most intimate friends and a few old soldiers were admitted, and the latter were obliged b kIiow certilicates that they served in the army. Rev. Thomas Sherman, tho sou whone arrival was anxiously awaited, arrived at homo at 1:30 this morning. Just after taking an early breakfast this morning with tbe family ho took his l.wt look at the remains of his father. A few minutes before 10 o'clock a large floral shield was received from o Tim i'na OlA (311 ..' . . I"' 1'UU UIUU onil.tn Alio elii.vl.l ! l ITU XT;.f Ij allTf ( I feet ia height nnd four feet broad, nnd 1 !1-- . i.:t i .i ui... : ... 11 o'clock 1 -- i 11 Mn.i Secetarioa ealla lilies. At Proctor and Rusk. Generals O'Biernc llower and Ewing arrived at the house. President Harrison would not loo!: upon the remains or the gen eral. The family eont an invitation to him this morning, but the president kindly replied that he prcforrod to keep with him the remembrance of the general while niive. lie did not whh to see him in death when their associations had been bo warm and genial. At noon every doorstep along Seventy-fir6treet was crowded with interested spectators, and windows wore filled with expectant faoes. About 12:25 o'clock t liUine, V andu went by. The weather uas oold and Ui- - wi'-- ; nble but tlic-rwas no apparent tliiuuni- tma in the number in the crowd until the very last. Tho grizzled old Grand Army men formed a striking feature of the procession. Mali)' of theui walked on crutche-Th- e caisson on which rested the Iwdy was received everywhere with uncovered the Eesnrrectid! an I Life." st THE CAISSON DRAPED IN BLACK and drawn by four horses, was drawn up in front of the Sherman house. The horses were mounted by the regular and army officers in charge, l'ehind the caisson was an orderly leading a black charger, which bore the military trappings of the general. A black velvet covering almost hid tho hor3e from view, but the boots and s i.ldle were pi.iiuly conspicuous. Services of prayer bogan at nooa and were over at 12:.'ii). Prayers were read by liav. Father Sherman. Close to the casket stood tho other son, P. T. Sherman, in the front parlor were all other members of the family, Secretary Blame and wife and Mr.-- D.i.urosh. Father, od by Rsv. Father Sherman wa3 Taylor and two olh3r priests. Father Sherman in conducting the simple sor vices read from the scriptures the beginning: "l an tho resurrection and life." After this two se!e jtion"? were aun from the oratorio of Elijah. Father Sjertnia again read tho scriptures and the Misarari from Mendelsohn wasRiv.ja. ais pas-sa?- o Prayer was then offered by the son :i i l the services were conclude wi'.'.i music. There were about ono hundred nnd 1 fifty parsons present at tli. Mrviaes.the greater numner being relatives. But among the friends wero Mrs. Grant and Senator Cameron. Before the arrival of the hour for tho funeral proceasion to start, carriages prominent officials, both containing military and civil, arrived at the house. Among the visitors were George W. Childs, A. J. Drexel, Hiram Hitchcock, Chauncey M. Depew, Cleveland and Hayes, Joseph Choate, Rear Admiral Crniue, General Schofield and Governors Pattison and Bulkely with their staffs, tho senate committee in a body, wearing tho usunl signs of mourning, and after them came a largo committee from tho house. It was close on to 2 o'clork when President Harrison, with Lieut. Ernst, his reached the house. Long before tho procession moved spectators began to tike positions, along tho lino of march. Ist-- t of tlio dirx tl'NKlML in-v- it PABTT WAS ABOARD, the boat swung out into tho stream and the great funeral, the last tribute to which the metropolis could pay, was over. When tho boat reached Jersey City another throng of thousands of people was met. A large force of police and the fourth regiment, National Guards of New Jersey were drawn up between the ferry entrance and the north end of the depot, beyond which stood tho special colors wera lowered, train. Tho inilitr-rthe drum corps played a $ir( and the church bells tolled 8the caisson passed from tbe boat to the train. The guard of honor from the New ! Jersoy National Guards was at hand to accompany the remains through the state. The funeral train was made up of seven cars. The remains wero conveyed in a combination car. The others were occupied by a guard of honor, the congressional com mission era and the family. The combination car was festooned heavily w:th black draperies. The other cars were less elaborately draped. Tho train left Jersey City at G:45 p. m. ST. LOUIS MAKING PfiEl'AliATIONS. Will Be. One of the Seen ia the West. Ever Largest St. Louis, Feb. IS). The general committee on arrangements for the funeral The Pagreant ceremonies of General Sherman held a meeting this morning. Tho chairman of the executive committee stated that 200 members of the Missouri genaral assembly would participate in the exercises. General Merritt received a 'telegram from Cincinnati stating that 100 members of tho society of the Army of Tennessee would arrive on Saturday and had been assigned to a place with the Loyal Legion. In accordance with instructions received froiti Washington, General Merritt provided for a guard at the tomb, whici will remain as long as ia deemed necessary. Information was received that Genernl Schofield would be present. FAM. BEAKERS TOT NAMED. The pall bearers are not yet named, but will likely be selected this evening. Governor Francis said that between 1000 and 1200 members of the Missouri state militia will join the cortege, and other information indicates that it will be one of the largest pageants ever witnessed in the West. The following was received from Governor Campbell this morning: Cincinnati, Feb. IS). Governor Francis: Will send three infantry regiments and one battery of artillery about 1500 men, and my military ptaff. I cannot go. much to my" regret. My adjutant, M. L. Please Hawkins, is now iu St. L uis. give him instructions. Officers 'if the army of Tomoiwoe will in remeet this eveaing to take gard to the meeting of their comrades from distant point wh- will arrive. Saturday morning. The society will have the post of honor in the Second division, and will be under the command or Maj. Merrill. SHKRXAX A CATHOLIC. His Son Speaks Forcibly and Finally Upon Jiis Father's Kolijjimi. New York, Feb. IS). -- Rev. Thomas Ewing Sherman was seen by reporters this morning. Touching the subject of General Sherman's religious belief he said in a positive way that may well remove all doubt on tho matter. "My father was baptized in the Catholic church, was married in tho Catholic church, attended the Catholic church until the outbreak of the civil war, since that time my father had not been a communicant, but always said to me: 'If there is any true rel'gion it is tho i ': a Ci-thii- Ari-iy- , djy, it bc Nie. ieli t aay tv'brr. M A V, Feb. la-- aclKK:! Hanyarun Town DaniieJ hy Storm anJ Earthquake. i PAUXEI.L BITTERLY SCORED Mi! tebcLer of - n Porti-lMte- .. k a julta Drrg niiir !ruj'! the Sintrt N'ormul anJ in ia a jro-a !?rsduat Kb resided p I Vir-tSFeb. l- -A terrific storm t Wjuaujn.fo.v, JVx Ikfrt the ilh hT in tlrn il; ber, Pretburg, Hungary today did great dam-I- I House eoii.4; ooumi:te th riamiua- it is fiiid, I'apL (Jfthofr esi.tsl to j twa of Neliiuds was orimpU-ted- . ufs t- - ucruofed aad tree J. S. her i j a uui.iU-- r of oiv .s ons. Tli l!.r irio'.htr wna ojiivl t her t& storm wa up by tLe n tli" n; I .ut f tin' Salvation fi.Loed by an earthquake whi ih caused cfivlnjj thec-iTcit to t!i ;t km Arr?v tii.t.i. rut !;itjlir it 6Uteaji'ctt!"y ni.i.t tt;t ta On. of the buJuings not defoaetitioa of tiiwr by the ui!i-:-i.Lurnwd a the tirls eriie-;- ai.d never! I'Dited Htato wt.K-ie.l tbe n ) M- -- !'-- r and h.r n.ctlur on dxv.ubt of the innsr.tes were I a hy iigiir.J t j ; la tijevaijeof iwitr, l.ut a bjuauer d- i- ,if iip-h- i , 'rt.a jumping from the uiudo. i uJ a larS.r ror. ?,er : nder build, nn.l has lrown Imir and a -u. i uu,- i., i., t . i.i. irnurr rii.e. niacin, it is rrrtrtl I. 4 i f Mu 1' 0 Brin and Ililhin I'hsnge Q't trur-- . in trarijrtntiou luipimctnatit ..rr,.r ml ;..;hm w.t iiut u i DruMK, Feb. l'J. Wiiliaai O'Briea Oi'n, .t;uiiiuii;v iiv ii j in i 11.1.4... a.nnng ine luUiiin pivvincwi. j ..l.i.i r. r..n iiivii nfi'.l. I niirlmd Ck.iV ft !lil lonp.l l.Lim ur. tuiiijrt f and John D.Iloj were tr. nsferrel fr un called iiis ctUnt ion t ) the fact tbnt the A lilli STKIKK KXDF.D. ei';D today a Spiritualist fuiif rnl the Clontuel jail b the Gal way jail Uii. statements were in conflict with Vie tes As iu Grenii:otmt LVnietory. morain;. The inlnbitar:! of TipTerary before commisF.ngiiKh the royjd tliPco.linw.i9 beinif lowtrfd into tLe timony got wiud of theair.iir a:i I ossein bled ij but More insisted tf.ut hi state- TLelllinoH Meil Company sion, a was crowds at the station and enthusiast. grave a nynm sung.iir.a peni ments were privet, nwerthele". Accept tlie Slidiu: Scale. was rent oil by Mrs. V. alcou. ns they rally ehe,red the -OPPOSED TO 19. stockholders lYb. The UOIXAQE. Cam:;'. In i short address Mrs. Waloott wild: p.18rd. VVm. 11 It.k. who is Miaged iu silver j uf tie lilinow fdeel Ci. have voted to "Sister Corbett still knows what U going i on in this world, r.r.il mould prefer to minim' ia Ifntr.v. opposed Ir..xuia Warned t from Purnell. in.ri;i t;,. capital that he and hmoiitationt, at her .... liiivo no , ., 11 i!t auAlm 19. Biidiop Macgovern ,b om.iL Feb, U,J laa'alK Duujn, took ent friends 54,UtX.,UX, should Her of rather rejoice grave. that the proceeds from the new stork of Dromorfl has addressed a letter to out of the . market ;iiii as Sister Corbett can no bring mes- silver annually .... . i. . .t .. .. . .. . ... . t f - . . to loved before ones iii n. u " from in uv uo.--.1 in gone j sages toiw i..ii.;x rmi 1.10 rui.irgn.jj iot me ciergy or his iliocese warning the on unuur this barren those who still linger uiiui tinnr uoiua;e, uoiier j piftui, ami i n hi onry a portion 01 uie faithful not to attend the proposed Pnr-newhich all 6ilver would be on the market. s'.'vk is to be put on tho market. earth." meeting at Newridy. Ha stores tha Tits btriko in the company's works in- - Paraellite While tho earth at being shoveled He did not thiuk free com;.ge i a savage m inner nnd says into tho grave and "Nearer My God, to alone could raise tho price of silver bul ai.gur;itel last December was ended to the meeting is a anion insult to religThee" was being sung, Mrs. Surah A. lion to its ooin value.' He real a letter day. The 2"10 emplojos accept-the ion and n laudation of crime branded Dunskin. a medium, was entranced, she from White, of Montana, sliding scale proirevd by Manager with the special curse of heaven. Mrs. She in Corbett. and time at of fact for the tho first that the expressing gratification Walker, said, by nearly spirit fell upon her knees, her face lit up nnd free coinage couM not nars this conifre. threj months the South Chicago plant France Hits Hack. seizing tho hands of the relative of Mrs. and declariu that free coinage would be j showed siuns of lifo, Wages w ill be govCorbett, she whispered into their ears a great disaster to the buver industry erned by the price of stool rails. When Caiko, Feb. ID. France has intimated special messages from the spirit land. The sentiment of the people, tne letter tho price goes up tho wages of the men that her protest a ?nin6l the appointment 1 ho trance lasted about ten minutes. said, was changing. If congress were to will be increased, and when the prico Mrs. Uanskin appeared to be oblivious of pass the free ooinuge law, he instated it goes down the wages will bo decreased of Justice Scott as official udvisef of the her surroundings. When the period of should be provided that gold dollars correspondingly. Egyptian government implied a refusal inspiration was over sho was utterly ex- could be exchanged at the treasury for to apply the economic measure resnltitig hausted. Amid congratulations and ex- silver dollars and vico versa, and if FIGHTING AMONG AKUiS. from the recent conre Rion of the Egypof either metal or wnr.t at of the the down, up govpressions great victory joy tian debt to the reform the Egyptian ernment should stand in tho breach uixl Cbicuro the Scene of a their sister the company dispersed. Desperate government proposal. bear the loss. Adjourned. Paris r'eli. 19. The D.'bide in a Duel Between Yasralmnd Syrians. i Wires Demoralized by Sleet. violent article on the Egyptian question Senate. ID. A feud between warns England that in throwing off her CmcAtio, Feb. Ciiicaw, JFeb. 11. A phenomenal Washington, Feb. 19. The scm.te bill two rival factions of Syrians living iu a mask too unprudently she might as well sleet storm plastered a great area of at once, to increase the pension of Brigadier Gen tumbled down part of Pacific avenue, have declared a probx-toratcountry with ice tonight, from tho such violations of pledges that adding Powell was to eral fT2 culmiuuted in month a dosperato riot are dearer than per passed. tonight to the Missouri river north of any victory, such as ixl-Mason's and Dixon's line. It began Mr. Ingalls, who was occupying the iu which revolvers, knives and hatchets Heiwr. about six p. ra. and in a half hour the dhair today as presiding ngured and a number ot persons wore WANT IWRXELL TO VISIT US. telegraph wires liegsn to show signs of iffirortjlJ5 wounded. The women and children igued tbe oflice in bail been lifo demoralization. took a lively hand in the scrimmage. By' t:t0 cf be tha iw4fsp.'i:WirSVt'n' iipjke a Three young women wero among- the A Heeliftr of Inih Amerieans t jf temporarily ehokd rmttjf larger por- honor the senate- had conferred upon first to fall, cashed by the keen blades tion of tho wires through a wido section in him him to Extend Him ait Invitation. that electing position. of the middle states bv a constantly The resignation wil! tak? effect on the of the other lieligerents who swnyedt to thickening coat of ice. Thousands of election th he and of bodies, over fro St. Louis, Feb. 10. A meeting f pro;tmt of his successor. words of belated newpaper dispatches wounded until the polioo prominent pirla, was held After Indian remarks the apIngallV piled up unsent in the office on the dashing up from different hero today to extend an invitation to bill was taken up and Ed- came edge of the affected district. Enquiry propriation directions. The ArRbs,infuriated by the elicited the fact that in various railroad munds motion to strike out sections '.I, conmct, turned unanimously upon the Charles Stuart Pirnell to visit the no claim by Indians which that disprovides in offices the Chicago telegraph blue coat but wero speedily subdued, United States for the purpose of revivhe court on the un- and n dozen of thoso who wero in the patchers were completely in the darK as shall allowed by the cause. Since to the running of trains. At a late hour supported testimony of an Indian, was thickest of the fight were arrested, bo- ing interestinin the Irish the split the Irish parliamentary to. agreed and armen undor sides tonight rain is succeeding the sleet Four three girls. A motion by Hoar, to strike out the party, it has baen discovered that the the telegraph people are beginning to clause providing for the adjudication rest have ghnstly stjibs nnd severnl com Irish in the larger nitiesof this country-havrecover some wires. cuts or received batants broken who become disgusted with tho moveand payment of claims by Indians who heads aro known to have SNOWING IN ST. IiOflM. escaped the ment and are roady to withdraw nil suphave suffered loss cf property through the ferocity port from it. As O'Brien, Dillon, O'ConSt. Louis, Feb. 19. -- Snow nnd rain has other tribes or while men, was ollnnrs. Notwithstanding of the conflict, it is lielieved no fatahtie nor and Sullivan declined after the split fallen all day hero and the streets are in agreed to. will result though the wounded particifor well known reasons toconlinuo their n bad condition. It is hoped the condiDavis offered an amendment to add to tion will be improved Saturday. If tho section 4, n proviso that limitation of pants will 1k disfigured for life. tour, tho Irish leaders in this city nrgv.e that Parnell is tho only loaper recogweather is favorablo tbe funeral of Gen. time shall not apply to or bar claims for A Northern Pacific Dividend. nized by the Irish in tho United States, Sherman will bo one of the most .impos- compensation for Indian depredations m New York, Feb. 19. -- The Northern nnd that if he is deposed, they will not ing pageants ever seen in the west. All Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas or folio a- McCarthy nor nor give On mopublic buildings and many business Dakota in 18d2 or thereafter. Pacific directors today declared a regufinancial support to the movement. houses ami residences are elaborately tion of Chandler tho amendment was ono com. lar quarterly dividend of per draped. This evening memorial exercises laid on the table, On motion of Chandwere held in Music hall and addresses ler, the date was changed to July, lStio. They also decided to resume work on nil The Shipping1 Strike Paralyzed. made by Governor Francis and others. The bill was placed arid goes to con- projected extensions and push them to Feb. 19. - A large number of London, completion. ference. firms not heretofore in, have Coos Senate bill the s'nnping Bay authorizing Cincinnati. at River Risins: Survivors of a Wrecked Vessel. & Roseburg Railroad company to conrejoined the shipping federation so that Cincinnati, Feb. 19. The river is struct a bridge across the coal bank New Yokk, Fob. 19. The steamship it now includes s of nearly rising one inch an hour here. Rain is slough in Oregon, passed. Dorian, from Norant Bay, West Indies, Coo tonnage of the United Kingdom. The and canal The taken was up Nicaragua at Cardiff defalling as far upas Wheeling. The river arrived today and brought the survivors Times the senate adjourned. is rising so that a stage of fifty feet is of tho bark Topsyn that went Hshore on clares th it the strike has virtually admitted even if there should be no furIloust?. Cayman's Island. Capt. MacKenzie.two The of Baauchnmp died today. ther rain. If heavy rnins come within n mates, a seaman and the cabin boy of few davs a disastrous flood is inevitable. Washington, Feb. 10. Speaker ReeJ the Topsyn were drowned. Sorrow Caused Her Death. having recovered from his temporary inA Town Swept Away. called house order the to this Americans. American Work For disposition, Berlin, Feb. 19. Hcrr Laursjeu, the 19.- - A WiiEEWNti, W. Va., Feb. 10, - Word morning. Tee senate bill whs passed for of Fob. carpen- sculptor who modelled tho bust of Provisquad Chicago, tho relief of settlers on certain lands in has been received that the whole town southern Iowa. ters resumed work on the World's Fair dent Garfield, died suddenly today from of Riverside, a suburb of Farkersbarg. The bill for the relief of the Stock-bridg- e buildings at Jackson Park this morning, appoploxy. When tha news of the death tribe of Indians in Wisconsin was and w ere not molested. Men will be put of Luberssen was communicated to his was entirely swept away by the Hood towife, she was so overcome with grief that Conday. It contained about a thousand in- agreed to. The action of the democrats to work grading next Monday. habitants. No loss of life. No details in demanding yeas and nays on every tractors propose to employ only Ameri- she was seized with convulsions and motion was considered on both sides of can obtained. shortly afterwards died in n tit, in spite cili.oiis, and thip, it is believed, will of the efforts made to save ho. life. the house :;a an obstacle to the passage avert an v further trouble. Bckiued l'tttshurir. of the shipping bill. The house went into committe of the A Famous Estate Pnrcliiisc.l. , PrrrsBciMi, Feb. 19. Tho flooded whole ".r. 1f! p''offi'; appropriation Sliidyinsf the Hnyuennts. Feb. 13. Sir Edward Guinmivo been London, portions of the city of it, the hill, hut. viir:v.it dispoMng Pmi.ADniiPHrA, Feb. IS). Tho turned over to the health bureau, committee Irish the an the house took a re- - Narcisso ness, brewer, has purchased been has who Cyr, and the poorer classes will be taken care tha famous Savernaka estate from the of the tho history At tho evecirg session of the house studying of. Business is being slowly resumed. marquii of Ailesbufg. The in accordance- - with anrevious agreement Huguenots for several years, and who was 8.',500,000. The domainprice paid contains Protectant the visited considered. bill was j the immigrat ion principal recently New York Stocks. one of the finest grants in the united Little progress was rcade on it however, centers in France, lectured here today kingdom. Guinness has another vast New Yokk. Feb. 19. Trailing in Ihe iiccl ti,0 ho.iae s'.mj adjourned. on "The Progress of Liberal Thought in estate iu Scotland. in Ciu.r:-boFounded Die Originally stock market today was almost entirely that Country Uuder the Influence of professional and with tho exception of a He" The Czar as a Fire Chi.'f. t Foster's IV: to show that undertook Calvi i." few stocks which are subject to special .. New Yoas, Feb. :;' the old theology of- the sixteenth century St. Feb. 1!). Fire broke PETERstiunn, the fluctuations were Foster of Ohio denied t ai;'bt that the has lost its hold oa the descendants of manipulation, out in the The close was'dull yesterday apartments of the scarcely perceptible. summoned hi. hove. lie had the old Huguenots. and firm with inr;ignifica.t changes. apresident but the flames were promptly empress, but talk the with long pnvideut today Govern meals steady. March petroleum would Settled in Full. not eay about v. hat. ' extinguished and only slight damage closed done. Tho czar personally directed the Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 19. The operation of the firemen. Xotes from the Capital. Chk-agWheat. treasurer of stato has reported to the Woodruff's Washington, Feb. 19. Buchanan re- legislature thnt The Rebels Airain Victorious. Feb. was moderCuk tbo full him td3,710, have sureties house the from paid to tbo judiciary ported New ately active and lower, tbeopening being York, Feb. 19. The Sun baa reamendment amount of Woodruff's shortage. an with sso lower than yesterday's closing and committee ceived a cablegram from its Lima further declined lc, then rallied and senate bill for inthe creation of a fonrth Don't Want Free Coinajro. stating that tho revolutionists Utah. judicial district closed alwt it Ic lower than on yester-dacaptured 19. Iquiquie February 17. senate The Feb. a Wis., Senator Davis Madison, txlay presented proReceipts, 200,000 bushels; shipSenator resolution amendment a 10 Farwell) to II (for pro posed adopted bushels. 104.000 today, ments, To Feed the Football Team. to the sundry civil service bill appropri- testiog against the passage of the silver in used be to bill. 825,000 propigating New ating Two Children iiarncd to Death. Yokk, Feb. 18. The governors and distributing reindeer in Alaska for ot the club will give CrescentJAthletic 19. A farmer the use of the natives. Au Indiana Jndjre Dead. MoNTia.Mi, Wis., Feb. a dinner this subscription Tbe house committee on foreign affairs evening to named Johnson living near here, on re5 J. the football team Feb. Indiakapoi.is, at the Clarendon hotel to recommend concurrence in turning home from town found his decided State tho Berkshire of Supreme in recognition of their work. The numhouse in ashes and his two little child- all senate amendments to the diplomatic John (i. and consular bill, except the Hawaiin court, died this evening of pneumonia. ber of diners ia limited toJ175. , ren burned W death. fr 1 heads uud v. here the crowd had been noisy it was inrtnntly hushed when the object of nil this military display appeared. In Fifth avenue from Tweuty-seeonto Fourteenth the crush of people was so great that tbe mounted great dillieulty in clearing a passage. At Washington square all exeept the regular luilhtarv escort were dismissed. Tho caisxiD with the escort there turned into Broadway and down to Canal street, from which point the ferry was soon made. Tho gates were thrown open and the caisson driven aboard the boat, escorted by Lafayette post under General Viele. A few minutes later the GKXKBAL THE DECORATIONS. Decorations along tho route were not so numerous or as elaborate as when Gen. Grant was buried, but nevertheless they were strikingly handsome and in great profusion. Just about 2 o'clock a troop of the Sixth cavalry formed to the loft of the house in the middle of the street. Six lieutenants then appeared in tho doorway bearing on their shoulders the casket of the general which they placed upon the waiting caisson. Members of the family, the friends d, officials and pall bearers then took their places in carriages and were followed by members of the Lafayette post and Grand Army of the Republic, formed on either side'of tbe caisson. The procession then comtneneed to pls in i irepmred diirpNared, and a Fraare Give Jolinuy Kail a Sharp member of th Kalra-twr Ii; U tke IyptlAa t.'mllua oa the News. that they went t!er rort-IarA, bn tuokfii i t i.nr i.., 1 li e I 1. e FLASHES OF THE CABLE. t oar t'amaia. Louisa Herder, a young l-- The IUuiaim of tic Dea l Hero on tlie FnnTal Train en rotite to St. Loais. to the Free of Silver. Coinagre iu mbich tbe govern-loi.- ear aod rutKia Lich u m a nxir rartKl iruautiua tbkB that of tb DFtiHte. A bill a lulr jJi J iu tbe create tor day grant tnj a pention of PUS a U tbe ido of Adui:ra! 1'urU. i uitii March ISegun. Opjio-wt- l prte u&raciiM, nli Gov. Miles f ifjrUj charier of that oonifuuiy with a iu ctiit FuUicrc.e 1 Mieriuaus rbk rrojert. TbeboueewaiiUBiittckaa bill fur uD'-tki- I" rmai -! , j. t.i.,.i,f i- I:' tr-a- fow!, J I y si prig-mor- tweidv-ontbogrouq- p U'.-ir- ... i u grv-uii- lit . y t i ll legii-lutio- e Allo-ghani- E " - e - He.-ialy,- - Fevn-eighlh- t. l . r-- I s - '?'. a, corre-Bjwnde- nt v. 19.-Ju- dgo i |