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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: HUDAV. FEIiHl'AIIY 20. Til E LING II ASJ i? 1 5 L ET SiUS REAL ESTATE. HEM REALTTS RELICS. A L-- ' mil j tf I ri b i J. Tl p uYS Orr IlrJuriiij Ii.rl i Kji-i-af- i:.sj j L., crL .t i'j.I.cwf--ui,. I A A. IL Franklin u.itt at L'IsajLwb 4 cjAdii- - :b rm l tT, & a TO TRADE! fir C'ien f utli m3 Uirfe.u trtt. A 10 t'ueilic f jt the east. TLt-r- f is cathic 06 besirurjinary tt first cLunw ui Mr. j -i , t t Fraakiui'a salja dfpirturc, but th j 'ir a Zf.h bJ SIi. unr - J aI i.f fct thai L sp-i- ntr!y every u.uiLt uf (:.; Mj . th tme fruui tie Lour lie arrival in the with certain city until fci Ifpiriur irvtiilueut capitalists and resd estate I fi( Iu'. ia i':f XirW Xiiaitna, eneli. uiu of thw city u eigcilk-au3m 0M Kv since latt summer Mr. Franklin limcrui UJ J f,r tiruur has btva open to the e.ty of OjfJca fur ia ill diixina:. mi offer of mi,Uunv iu larj;e hirraiiM ia Nub 11 ill. I.aLf Virw ami wuelter for ti e reduction of the ros ilfiU1. A4ldnti. I'ail antl nanaix1 lu.1, ai f rom hi miciug pro;-rtiu ail .n ot lua r at at Liuhatu. to Uil OU. lute nothing but talk of b.at uiinlit A rhurt l done has boea tiie a tiui- aince,l,owver,a ru-- strike with - Wabiufta Aro.. Rd Kot.-- l Bail.lm. of invxbautlible ledges of galena and ether ore as made and in pr Jk-- r that tbe mines may bo worked to an ad latit- We few at'), it us kbwiiutcly essentia) thul some-thin- g in the way of smelters toujjetect to hacdla tbe output U o'utaiued at for once. Mr. i'ntnkiiu has bail several lengthy cocbultationa with the leading bunneos uie:i und capitalists in O'deo of lute and his quiet trip east is by tLuee who ought to know as f more thnn ordinary signilicauca A ireatl'Miiun w ho is an inliumto friend ncrr 21th St, ;f Mr. Franklin eaid l;i?t evening: 8x10 rods on Quincy, .' $ 475 per rod "What dfh-- it tuaau? A million dollar imieller Lt Oh'den. That's all I have to ClilU feet, corner 21tU and Jack Kir at present, but await Mr. Frankson streets 2150 lin' return.' 47il32 feet on r.rd street f.10 Seventeen rods on corner Quiiicy DOS MMil'IRK TALK. and 20th streets, per rod In speaking of the Chamber f o lots in Iiuve nddition, meeting Wednesday evening and Twenty-fivbetween 21st and 22nd streets. d tho imjiortance of vigorous uud action in pusliiiiij smokers to Cheap and easy terms. Mteist in developing Ogden's latent iron houses to sell on small cash paySeveral resrurces, Don Maguire said yesterday: and balance monthly or ment, "The mountiina within a stones throw ' quarterly. of this city contain a wealth of iron ore upon their very surface- that, had it been Five houses to rent in good location. utilized a few years ago, would have made Ogdeu today the richest city in the entire wetst You may reply, 'everybody & Co. know thia.' That is true, and it is the worst response possible to make to a 2106 WASHINGTON AVE. stranger w ho inquires what renson there is why this gift of nature has not been doveloped, thereby tilliug the air with tbe clunk of the forge and the hum of manufacturing industry. There is but one escusotoofTonlnek of thecap-ita- l Offore you the following proportins : to erect smelters. That tbe sum of 4.10. money necessary for this undertaking is riioiw Nob Hill lota. 50x137 to alley. too great to ask from the city of Ogden $1000. On Twonty-flftstreet, 50x1:3 to alley, on horeo can. alone, might be advanced by some, but TOO. Per acre. acres, near Unirersitv. one hundred thousand dollars would be $ Will cut into ten Vfoot lot at FiO, ample to build mills that would ia a sold aud selling tor" lot. Ailiouiinn per iirtrr l.im onnvimA thA mitaiiia urni-eacn, itargitiu. that iron can be produced here of as $1000. MiH? with two hotiMw renting $13.00 per mom u. good a quality and at a lower cost than any other portion of the United States. $ir.00. Choice Nob Ilill comer. lx!37 to alley, The proofs of this lie iu the results of t (S.V). 41l: to alley on iiurruon near Twenty- uiu atreeu past tesU. It each business man and acre. Prio "water righta. On mo capitalist in Ogden would subscribe for Sim tor line. whatstock they might conveniently $2250. 42x113 on Twenty-fourtFine residence in the lot. carry, the; amount would be aggregate hardly $100. Per acre. Fine farm land; water; in tracts to init. felt To take another view, could eastern capitalists, the mammoth banking A BAEGAIN. Feed and erist mill complete, on Main etreet. One mile from P. O. on and trust tirms, for example, who have Motor lino. loaned such sums of money and invested $23,000. The. beet paying property In Ogden for so heavy in Ogden realty the past two an.ount invested, leased for 3 years. foot. 25 foet on Twcnty-fonrtyears, be shown by experienced iron $ 500. Per busincw. street men the profits that must accrue from the erection of smelters and the develI have a laree list of residence, farm and acre opment of our ores, I have very little handle nothing that I cannot see hesitancy in saying that the necessary proerty,in and for my customers. Am pleased to money money would be readily forthcoming. show at all times. Eastern capital is looking toward Utah as tne base of great future operations, but they are slow and the trouble is to J. D. GILL, 2404 Walton Ave, OGDEN. convince them. "When I figure on 100,900 as the NOW 13 THE TIME TO BCY cost of a smelter, I consider the extra cost of labor, material, etc. The same mill could probably be built in tbe east for 25 per cent less. Once started we could use not one stack or two, but twenty. And look at our market for the product: West to San Francisco, the northern country to Ilelena, northwest Experience of the past three years has taught to Portland, east to the Missouri, in ns that ail property bought well at this season fact the entire great territory embraced of the year will bring at least 50 per cent, profit west of the Missouri river. It has got to during the following winter. come and only waits for the energetic We offer for sale vhe following choice property men of Ogden to seize the lover." at these low prices : it ft tlui jU-- Pn-jc- k'U c'-a- r llo, f,r KOods. . laj J . A.. AlcCulloch Snaps you this week. LOOK AT Til EM! t n con-cerlu- - Brainard, Robinson J. D. GILL h h Xa. 240G Hendershot Abstract office, 2414 Washington avenue, for Feb. 19, 1301: T. E. Browning to E. F. Bratz, lots 46 and 47, block 2, Central Park addition, $S50 W. S. Stone to C. F. Clark, lot 5, Villa $325. R. W. Curtis to F. W. Frask, lots 11, block 7, River Park addition R. W. Curtis to J. Mack, lots 23 to 32, block 2, River Park addition, $500. R. W. Curtis to J. D. Jordan, lots 11 to 16, block 8, lots 9 and 10, block 17, Riverview.'?475. J. D. Jordan to R. W. Curtis, three lots in block 7, River park, 8G00. F. B. Hochstetler (trustee) to Mamie W. Sargent, lots 9 and 10, block 11, Fairmouu!; park annex, $100. T. Cahoon to B. Lewis, let 17, block 10. Nob hill, $300. W. H. Copeland to C. E. Lane, part of lot, S, biock 2, plat A, 33,250. C. Pullen to H. Batchelor, part of lot 5, block 5, plat A, $350. R. Ballantvne to G. C. Wright, part of lot 16, plat B", $60. Total, $7,070. InDispensary, 1817. corporated The old Thysician who graduated in ex1843, will personally superintend aminations of all diseased persona desiring to contract to be cured by Dr. Liebig & Co., who will visit Utah and have offices at the Broom Hotel. Ogden, February 25th and 26th, and 27nt1 h Chft and House, Salt Lake, February The Lkbiq: World 28eh 1891. ' "Take it Before Ureaktast." Because it will give you an fippetiK the sysregulate the bowels and cleanse I tem of all impurities. Dr. lenloy's Kng-ils- h everywhere. Dandelion Tonic. Sixty acres in section overlooking 10, the city If you will call on us we will show and con vince you there is money in buying now. REED & BURGITT. number Lots are of Choice still unsold in this Favorite Locality, and are now offered for sale at LOW PSICES and EASY TERMS, by K. P. HUNTER, SOT.K AGENT, No. 2414 Washington Ave. latb- - vr riyj t 1 fiTnt -'" I ours Irt-i.tv- i H.f J r !'. L. Ir4 Morten I4 Utk- - 11 Al! w..l jJ 4i X,-T- ! l.il E. Krswrnu, ,J tU f K Jsikia tjr taau,- U I Ijf . FWuS. Jha . (4rut A. ttmd 1 v JU k Lttwc. trlTdu.t. ri iwrrct niitfni w (rar ia aiAM-t nrt:it fvt t m U- - 4K1-4 wt vt tf 1 .. 4 uf tbr Irsr.t.jry ,i I tk. jm tiwMuiiiiia tuoitunat, nlji trm rf ikw) smia-- i iitrg tarn 1 I ny - trtt . U ; i. I l uiut u jj t" I au4 ir(y.ii.--ralj i Ji liiufr. 1 rt.. uwf U l. ru.. wriio i. !,..',. i..,u iudrj.u-.jrt- pn,14 ail i. MIMlU tfcai rH!rlt . BlUr- J ,1 ,,..1 .f 1, fi'imtl. u iuMxirt, iUiu, unum- ttj. k.ic I... ur lu ruaii at kuj iim brr.fur t;i 'U'J 'jrt iUlbr&t (,.; tuil jt T Ur J .tO a.il b Mud trbK 1, I'T: txaMul OUs4Lj,t. )W, Mtul, I') Li.k I it dnrv. b i Mir j 1 hu J jirsi ti.riutl.!-i- ail t'U). 1. j txl tai J 1 Try M Lar l. ia krl. Pi-- r 'JC MiJ ua ail urd-- n J i,i.r-l- b at, vlbrt. f i, 0!L!W iihj; a noruj buaew ai.4 j. r. fwtz. 1 JrI ; 'w iiur vi ity c artiua 1 4 tiif Miite- - eni.t imm ur bfxMtt l iwtiu, tl IW v.at tie IMoxiu.! tii J.' uf f.r.tn, tiituonna iiwsu SIM V" rv Oruw. ,.( r,u:.f ,4 1 4 ljf-x.:- t mu. i.m Fuouufl Urn i a Km tiM I li ot ie(u xA aiJ j siedtat. j uul bn-itfu- i j VJi-tau .4 .I), ivicur tl.r.i """"a"1 at 1.1. 1 su 'iu trrt lit it uitrinri,a wittil I'Jtthrt iWLuit Inur a.. WiJ u una II. u.t Kn.mi.iiMr account for aiuuc kM Uviiiut tu mru Li uj0 wtunued by tU, ma. J 1). fc. tit jwtua irr. c Alo ttw. aiiurti &i a sUn 4 tU IW.jtt.t U lb tut UrtHiabt wuici j in-af-.- - ru-i4- j li.:iti l a.;u). Ciul. jjvt a.. t v mkittrt btM-t- f.u. 4 .Hirt -., "f'' . j tiU-u- al-- it--t, rit, i 41 I eM J"U-t.- S j j & POOLE, Ileal Estate Dealers. propprtiM hin lleJ. Call Nuue but Er and h u. MAKING ill CF KINDS Wa.Uinru,a tv CF SAUSAGE A All or.ler by Bivl or wire given prompt attention. Teli,b.UM.;ii. P. o. Ik, 1 6j7. R DORK, JOUN WALS1L 2th HOUSE, Street. Next Ui Thomas Cros. 1 iu.-o-n 24th St., Near cor. Grant Ave. A. E. UTAH OGDEN, IT. M- - Wlthi.ubi. L. II. Bin 11 Fresh Moats, Fish. Poultry and Game in Season. Orders taken at your door, and good deliy. ""' rRrt au" fi,y- i'Komit 77.1 DKLIV'J'.ltY rtHwialty. (ur Meat Wagon is a Market on O'HAVEIi. - (Member Ileal Estate Exchange) Real Estate and Loans. wheels which calls at your house so that yon may select your own goods. It runs north of 23d St. ou Washington Avenue and the lieuch. ToL No. X. U.il 1 "WrtNliinglnn Ave. CHOICE LOCATIONS in all parts of tho City. (iOOD BANCHES and Ciarden Tracts. NOB HILL IWERTY A SPKLVLIY. No trouble to show property. Call and see me No. 2114. Wash. Ave., . UTAH. OGDEX, OGDEX CITY RAILWAY CO AND Ogden & Hot Springs R y MARSHAL'S SALE. AND By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of tliu First Judicial District of the Territory of Utah, dated the l:tt-- duyof February, I'M, in a certain action wherein the First National liank of Ogden, a corporation, as plaintiif, reewverpd a judgment against the OgdeiiCit v Jt:iilwny Co., W. R. Swan and Kliza-het- h hwnn. doing business under the name ami style of W. R. Swan At Co.. and Kolxrt Coltiiifon, ocfendants, for the sum of four thousnntl six hundred and twenty-thre- e HEALTH RESORT CO. TIME TABLE Between Twenty-fift- h Street end Hot hpringe, taking effect Thursday, 22, 1891. January 001rCr NOIiTH. srjM eighty-aitienu- to-w- it ( 1 MARSHAL'S SALE. By virtue of an execution issued out, of tho District Court of the First Judicial District of the Tertory of Utah, dated the 13th day of February. 1SB1. in a certain action wherein the Utah National Bank of Ogden, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered judgment against W. R. Swan and Elizabeth Swan, doing business under the name and style of W. K. Swan & Co., and Kofort Robinson, defendants, for the sum of Six Thousand Eight Hnndred and Ten Dollars, lawful money of the United States, aud costs of suit taxed at Seventy-on- e and tlfty one hundredths dollars, on the lutiidnyof No- Temoer. l.w. I have levied upon the following described d'3. in 99 A. M. A. M. A. M. ?K)2 11:20 6i50 $:02 9:15 10:25 11:35 8:14 9:30 10:40 11:50 P. M. P. M. P. M. 7:.rj0 9:00 10:10 12:45 1:53 3:05 4:15 5:25 6:35 7:45 8:55 10:12 12:30 1:40 2:50 4:00 5:10 6:20 7:30 8:40 10:00 M. A. M. A. M. 7:ar 7:15 8:15 8:25 9:35 9:45 10:45 10 55 7:40 8:50 10:10 11:20 A. 11:55 P. M. 1:00 2:10 3:20 4:30 5:40 6:50 8:00 9:10 10:24 V. M. P. l'JOTt 12F30 I!l5 1:05 2:15 3:25 4:35 5:45 6:55 8:05 9:15 M. 140 2:25 3:35 4:45 5:55 7:05 8:15 9:25 2:50 4:00 5:10 6:20 7:30 8:40 9:90 GOING KOUTH. SI S A. M I 7:40 9:00. 10:10 11:20 P. A. M. I 8:00 9:20 10:30 11:40 P. M. M 52- j 12:30 1:40 1 A. M. ? 55 - j A. M. A. M. A. M. 77n 7:05 8:10 8:15 8:27 9:30 9:35 9:50 10:40 10:45 11:00 11:50 11:55 P. M. P. M. j P.M. 12:10 1:00 1:05 1:20 2:10 2:15 2:30 3:20 2:25 3:40 4:30 4:35 4:50 5:40 5:45 6:00 6:50 6:55 7:10 8 0 8:05 8:20 9:10 9:15 9:30 10:20 10:26 10:38 becin runnintr at 8:00 I 7l30 8:40 10:05 11:15 P. M. 12125 EM !,., M.TEAHEN PAINTING n MONEY tmtd at ar WKJ 11m of wwlr. ra-- ! t Mid tv -- - LtuUmi 01 V"T duly U cuiwi to Ui tius.4r.-- d FUiiitiil f kao a full. particular. ia to ua o am Aj1 ). if rinctn tir tumrf &t.u-- i x aiiwou; and the lamt a ttr by Mid rotuuvd. lb muI i iU Usttfc-4 it ity lUiiwiy waitiK yoa ft a&4 ad had MLuftiiar. iL rusd-- j and ul ".t. , tr&rk. U:d Don. James A. lata, tiiiitut. iurnot.tK, trarko, ) ur. jtwl, a,id ton mmU atf Bd ru'llU jf M1UII4UM.U. ou- ll (oart ul Ui nv. aejots. otaUira, nriwum, 1 irt J udtntl Dtstrsrt, ia kn4 itH. buii.ttutf. .trur1ur,, k44M and ( tli Iprritunr of taAv, vatraru. rtum ia actum, this lvtb tly of Jauuary, l mmt and tu- imw beloug.ug or tn r uf our lord ou to tn-- ami ut or ilmcunl for ihouraiid eihl buadred amd 11kwith turbi ol Hirioeif or in 4 ,if ;J IVau a lUiiaar I N railyor thetije rvC- LCKE. Clerk. mauih-ukutt-r ufraiioa lLrr.f, Fy L. R Rur. Deputy CWk. rf any part .r wIhmImv the unw M. . 4iu.MjiT, tlT.,f, for Attorney ruiuliff. hall t any time lu maftec b or i to ur lie u..l or prucurni ith tin-- d.iK-- t;huj ( Utr the piiriMM of or ia rounxti.ia MARSHAL'S SALE. with the l.iow of rttilauy now or Ua be 4 by the mu.1 Ugik citruru,t ity Kailaay A J. Spencer. Cunipany. iu or smkiu, ur tl Plaintiff, is. Frank W. Sherlumiit nnu v anil of 11m-- kume or any wood and Martha J.hberw nod, lief end aula. : In r aud otlu-lite Oiotrict all :lie car all part Court uf th First Judicial and iuo stock or e,iiipn.. m, all borfe. mules, banwov. PiMrirt tif tbe Territory t.f I'Uh. County of A new plow. . bwtgiin. rubli, f.irgm, opr. Umls,InipleiiMMits, furniture and ollc tiMtur,-- . of rtrt) kind; all nU. cLain 4roVr of Kal and Decree M ForecUnre. and and all other material wliatw-vrluder and by virtueof an order of sale asd l or now 4 mmM by said I'gtli-of rornrhwure il.vree out of the lu,trkri ity or winch ourt of the I mt Judicial shall at any time lUiU.iy Compi.iiy. of tlie lev- hereafUT i" acuinsl e it, its iiunwui and ritory of 4 tah. Conniy.rf Di.trirt Weber, oa th 141 b day of hej runry. ltt, ia the abov eotiUrd awigns. for the umi and punM or ilwu.-i.efor use in connect mo wdh.or lor theoHtum. actum, vlierein A. 1. hpencer. the n:aiuunanre or rearation of said bum of rail- lUaintitf, otttained a judgment and deenw to lie constructed by the against Frank W. Kherwoaxt and ktartlia J. ways now ur said Ogileu ( ity tUilway Company, i'n hl.erwood, defendant, on tbe Fourteenth day or asiims, whetlH-- r horsr, cable, eh vtnc or of Irruruary, which said derri-- e was, on tit other rai!wji.or ai u:li day of lVlu.iry, arl tliereol. 11, atreconled in, Also the follon ing dercntnil real ertat.to-- it : Jndirmeut Usik "M"of said court, patlw All of block rigiit (M in Nob 11 ill Addition to said 1 am commanded to n il All that certain lot. pine or Ogden City, of twity-citJul bn. parrel of land aita-And aUo all the rivbu, irivilegiaudfraurhiM lying an, being in the of Ogden. eoanty which tbe said Ogdcu City Railway ( omiiany of W etier and Territory of I'city tah.aud particularly now hoi. Is. or i entitle! to, or whirb Uesrrilied as follows, : A iu or iu MicotfcMir or tuaigus may h irnfter part of lot nine (H). in bha-- forty-eigor oivonie 110smwM.1l of or be entitlinl to, plat ', Ogden City survey, beginning at (4), Llva a Imi revenue tidli, and income of any and all aoutlteast corner of said lot and runtime tbesm the lines of railway cf the said (Men City west eight rods, thence north fonr roils, tbenc Hallway Cotnosnv now or lu.rtafi.,r to l.e,,n. east eight rods, s iuth four rods to th atruct.-t-, together with all and singular the place of liegiuning, together with all sod singutenements, herditameuu anil aiipurteuaucea of lar the tenement, beriditamenU aud appurtethe ircmiM ufoielaid.or any of Iheui, or any nances thereunto I e'.onging or in anywise appart thereof. pertaining. W hich said Notice Is hereby given tint en Friday, mortgage imlenluro was on the. 21Hh dny of June A. D I the hour of 11 :M v.at day of March, A, I'. 11, at 12o clock a. 111., uie:i lor rerora tne otlic or the re- noon 01 mat nay. mtrontof the ( ounty Court corder of deels. in and for Weber county, t'tnb nonse. in the city of Ogden, of Weber, Territory, mid duly recorded in book "L" at and lerritorv of I'l.ili I county :il In ..li;a 5:ki 5.0 to page inclusive; nnd snid onler of salonnd decree of foreclosure, sell of trnst Whkiku it in in said tn above iiescritieil property, or so much that iu case default shall lie made in provided the pjv. t hereof as mar be nenwnsrv loutikfv nlnlni.ir'a nieut of interest or any of said bonds, and such with interest thereon and cost, to judgment, default sh.ill continue for thirty days. tlnn the inn uigniwi, ami oost tinnier for rash, lawful principal of nil of said boml, if the truslc so money of the United States of America. elects, upon written notice by said trueten to 11. o. Marshal. tLlAs 11. the party of the llrst pnrt, (meaning the Ogden Dy B. A. IkiwuAK, Deputy V. S. Marshal. City Ilnilw.iy Cmipany) shall Isvome and be Ogden. LUih, February Idth. 1K9I. at once due and payable and so held and deemed for the purpose of foreclosure aud sale in either of the methods hereinliefore provided, LEGAL NOTICE. and for all other tmriKises. Ami Wiikream, tbe lntert uisin said bonds due To all whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that I, Charles If. on the tlrst day of November IMitl. i in il. funlt aud nnnaid. and such defaulL lnucoiitii.n.l Brongh, assignee under a deed of assignment imire than thirty days, and the trustee hereun- - madaandibtJiveredto me on the th day of naa oicciea u iiara tlie principal I)ecnter JJ10, by th nersignei Printing t Company, will from this ante to of all of the bonds secured by said deed of trust and Publif J & tuai , 10:11, uuw (or tai aa4l line ami payable, anil nns given written i,otuH the 2Vi .fa ell the folloving described personal property of such election to the said Ogdcu ('ity Uuilwny ooaveyad to me by said deed of assignment: Th Company, and WiiKKLAs, it is further provided in said deed entire plant of the Ogden Daily Democrat, of trust that if the said Ogden City Hallway newspaper, consisting t presses, type, paper, Company shall fail to pay the principal or part machinery, etc., etc., at private sale; and if not. iiieieoi, or tne interest or any part themof, old before said arth day of January, 11)1. 1 will wkich may become due on said bonds secured on said day si'll said property at public aala to or intended to be secured by snid deed of trust the highest bidder. Persons desiring to purchase any of said propat tne time wnen ami at the place where same may become due and payable, according to the erty can examine the same by applying to me at tenor and ettect thereof or of the miliums the Utah National Hank of (WanrTMn. or ale, cash on delivery of property. thereto annexed and for thirty days thereafter, then it shall be lawful for this trtistae in it wguen, titan, January ;irxi, iwi. or ita attorCharles M. Rbodor. Trustee. discretion, personally by attorney, Above sale postponed t Fab. 10. 1MI1, neys, agent or agent, to cause the said mnrt. Above sale gaged railway premises or property, riuhla and positioned to Feb. 25th interest to 00 sola by public auction nt the front door of the conntv court tioimf of On said Weber county in tho Territory of l.'tnh nnd in said Ogden ( ity, (lift giviug not less than IMPORTANT TO EVERY MAX, WOMAN nnd tilnna thirty dnvs' notice of the time, of such sale hy advertisement in some newspa 1...1... 1':... m,i.i;i.a.i : AND CHILD IN UTAH. Whehkan, tho snid interest coiioii8 attached to the said bonds, due by their terms on the first day of November 1MB, and being the interest on snid bonds dun at that date, are and have to this time remained nnpaid. Now therefore, notice is hereby given that the undersigned trustee in snid mnrtgsge or deed Diseases of (lie Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, of trust mimed, will on Thursday the 5th dayof March l9il, proceed to sell all the property hereinbefore aud in said mortgage described at Uironic Diseases and Defonnities. public auction nt tho front door of the county court house of Weber county. Territory of Utah, in the said city of Ogden, between the hours of nine o'clock in thnforenoon anil live o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, to satisfy The old snrgeon and examining physician of 1110 aeot secured by said mortgage aud the costa "The Liebig Surgical Institute and World Disof such sale. pensary" of Kansas City and San Francisco Mostoaor Trust Co. will visit Ogden and have office at the Roland K. Conklik, Secy. hotel. Feb. 25 and 38. at ('lift house, halt Lake, L. R. Rhodes. Atty. Feb. 27 and &, im. This will be a rare chance for the peoplo of Utah to consult free with tb oldest and most successful California specialist-wh- o NOTICE TO CREDITORS. has had neurly fifty years special practice, having graduated in 1H43. Remember the old of Utah, Terrritory doctor will visit Utah himself. Dr. Liebig J County of Weber, Co. of San Francisco are the only reliable In the Probate Court of said Conntv. In the matter of the ettate of George A. Mitch specialists from the large citing who visit Utah quarterly, who treat all wasting and annoying ell, deceased. chronic diseases of men, women and children, Kstate of George A. Mitchell, deceased : Notice is hereby given by the undersigned and the only brace and deformity manufacadministrator of the estate of George A. turers who visit Utah from San Francises and Mitchell, deceased, to the creditors and Kansas City. all persons having claims against the of, said de ceased t exhibit them with tho necessary voncners wiliiin ten montlis arter the nrst publication of thisnotiee to tbe said administrator at his office in tho office of the County Recorder of Weber County, Utah, in the County Court house in Ogden City. aixl all u ), . aainuU. -- chY-til- i'jlitt (1) uil-n.- t ben-aft- f fare-boxe- a, r iln HARD WOOD FINISHING A SPECIALTY. abote-Bamn- -' m-c- x at IK, to-w- u thi-nc- e nth 111 dl ittf s ,.i JAsns-CoNKL- ol Crescent Novelty Works! JOHM I. 1TLK, Administrator of the estate of Unorirs A. I43 MAIN ST. 23G0 Washington Avenue. Mitchell. Dated. Ogden, Utah, Feb. 13th, 1.S81. SUMMONS. Before B. Ternea. Jnstice of the Peace for 2nd Ogden precinct. XKKKITOKX OF UTAH J Electric Wiring: and Electric Supplies of all Kinds COIINTT OF WEIIKB. Mrs. A. Richard. Dlaintiff. vs. Wm. Dwvor. Locksmiths, Stencils Made, Rubber Stamp to order. defendant. Demnnd. Ssa.OO. The People of Utah Territory tend greeting: To Wm. Dwyer, defendant: Yon are hereby directed to appear and answer before tho Justice of the Peace at his oflice in Ogden City, in said County, th. complaint of said Plaintiff tiled herein, within five days after service on yon of this Summons Experimental Machinery t Order if served on yon in Ogden City, within ten days Models nnd All kind of Novelty Repairing if served out of said City hut in the County in which this action is brought, and within twenty days if served elsewhere. CRESCENT NOVELTY WORKS This action is brought to recover of yon the sum of SSi.'i,00 alleged to be due Plaintiff from you as follows ; For board aud room rent furnished you hy Plaintiff at your special instancr ttrtvcb any (airly intWllfrtnt and request during 18!. pobandot either , who ran rMt and Trlta, who, For further particulars reference is hereby will work indortrioir-Jniter Inatrartlon, mndo to Plaintiff's complauit now on file at my TtMttaaad Vailarv av how to Mra Tar oil ire. in this action. will alto faraUa lVarlnthirowniir)itUin,whrivMTtfarH.l And you are herohy notified thnt unless yon th al (nation or,nFiiynirnt,at n htth tio aa nrn thai ftmotrnt. Ko?nm furmeunlrM imrrrwriil m abov. Favtlatul qatralj do so appear and said complaint ns (famed. I deatre but on worker from vara d1trirt nrroaatr- I above required. Plaintiff will take, judgment bar already with mploynwtit a tonr taiirht mni iicninst you for tho sum claimed by her, 00 a mreaca. It N K V uarohrT, wlv are maatnr nvm nd tHOI,ie. FoHiariltniianiFKEE. AtWrr- - at $i"i.fK), interest nnd cost of suit. C ALLK.V. llo k 4tf, AiifiuU, Afalae, To tho Sheriff or any Constable of Weber County. Territory of Utah, Greeting: Make legal service nnd tine return hereof. Given nnder my hand this ,'ith dny of January S , above-name- d, IRON FENCING. $3000 y. ant-we- - t: A. 1). 191. 1J. Tkrvk-m- . Justice of the Peace for 2nd Oeden Precinct. for Plaintiff. White A White, Attorneys To meet frequent calls for mining blanks, The Commercial hns prinW and has on hand for sale tho following: Notice of locatiou of mining claim, proof of One door JiortH of the Houtz Oil antl labor performed, power ot attorney to UIuKd CuuimtPf. locate nnd sell and ruinin' dood. SHOP . d . 12:50 1:35 2:00 2:45 2:50 3:10 3:55 4:00 4:20 5:05 5:10 5:30 6:15 6:20 6:40 7:25 : property, 8:35 l.it8 11, Ji mm is, in mock :l : lots I, : 6, 7. 7:30 7:50 12. 13 and 14,in biock i;: 1ms 10.11. 12, 13. 14, 15, 8:40 9:00 9:45 16, 17 and 18, in block 56 ; lots 5, 6, 7. mid 9, in 9:50 10:10 block 57 : lots IS, 19 and 20. in block 74 lots I. 5. 6. 7 and S, in bhiek 75; and lots 13, II. 15, 16, 17. Trains will a. m. IS and 19, in block w- all in ot Hill Annex on Sundays. Addition to Ogden City, Utah. Also lots 14 and 15. iu block 13; lots 10, 20. 21 and 22, in block 13; lots 25 and 26. in block 14 : and lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5, in block 15. all in Nob Hill Addition to Ogden City, Utah. Said property was levied upon under a writ Jn 48 fc.wia tietioTi luv ami J of attachment on the 27th dav of Oetolier, 1S9U, rtisciiiirjicri Ji uritikryorJ said attachment ling issued out of the above itcil l.j Hints;. S'i'ijl if r;.ni?i!r)d!' named court and in the aboveentitled action. i ' .s"i i v.i' iin.it t Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday tho I A It !j WK XJSI. fl ' 11th day of March, at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, nt the front door of the Countv Court house in the County of Wsber, I will sell all the right, title ami interest that the said defendants, W. K. Swan and Elizabeth Swan, doing business under the tirro name and style of V. R. Swan 4 Co.. and Robert Robinson, had on the 27th day of October, KW, of, in and to the HOUSE AND SIGN' above described property' nt imhiic aution. for rash. lawful money of the United States, to tho highest and best hiudcr, to satisfy said execution and all costs. ALSO Eliah H. Parsoxh, U. S. Marshal. Py B. A. Bowmas. Deputy U. R. Marshal, PAPER HANGING and CALSOMINING. Ogden City, Utah, February 17th, 1891, iihtr rx,ytmnttor olr,snd In their own Iftctlitfrii.wliert'v thrv Hv. Anr one ran do iba work. K to iMm. Wi fttfniah arvrrtbinf, W Mart ron, No rik. To can drrot ; or all your lime to th work. Thlt i tn yrm 0fmr nrw Ir1.nd hrinr wonlrfal ttirrvM to frtrv wotkM. ntiri Mi to i wm-- tnd opwiuU, Hfiia rir'i'nrc. V. and nraff-fanih yo tn anJ !n-- h rxi nplniti hera. fnH w rwH ttiebc A.laiU; com-iMin- Boston Meat Market. Ht h tba Mta vl ! . biu-- r - hoire JleaU of all kin Is. !.nltrr. Fifh and tiame in We iiamlle lume but the clioliwt g,Ui. Sstifacti,.ogiirHiitwl. hnnIs IMivered r re. Our order will call toror,l. r if dttircd. French aud Eoirlish (iiveus atrial. Twciity-lburt- t h - OnUEX. UTAH. :$-- a-- t.rtit-lif1- g KXTEIU'msK Real Estate. v 1 rl Building, MAItKET Uuy and Sell 41 t 1 L. Reed Hotel M.ulii citi-n-it- y OUDtX. UTAH. LAFISKXTZ uue; t il's.lrK f I - A y i4i SUMMONS. 4' I to-w- it ! , 3feat. Poultrvand Fisli M Addition I . ( ttyOScw.l hieaw hundredths dollars, lawful and moiiev of t!ve l:nited States, with interest and cott thereon, 1 have levied upon the following : descri!ed property, Lots 11, 12 and U, in block 51 ; lots 4, S. 6, 7, 12, 13 and II. in block 5:t; lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and IS, in block 5fi;. lots 5. , 7, 8 and S. iu r.l . 1,,.. IU an,l 4ft in Unnt 11 t,.t. 1 r. 6, 7 and 8, in block 75 : lots 13, 14, 15. lti, 17. IK and 19, in block 76; nil in Nob Hill Anucx Addition to Ogden City, Utah. Also lots 14 and 15, in block 13; lots 19, 20, 21 and 22, in block 13; lots 25 and 2ti, in block 14; and lots 1, 2. 3. 4 aud 5, in block 15; all in Nob Hill Addition to Ugden I ity, Utah. Said property was levied unon under a writ of attachment on tho 27th day of October, IS90, emu attactiment nemg isBuetlout ot the ahovo named court, and in the above entitled action. Notice is (Jiereby given that on Wednesday . - 11.1. t t i. w., - ,1 ..! . K of that day, nt the front door of the County Court House in the connty of Wober I will sell all the right , title and interest, that the said defendants, the Ogden City Railway company, and W. It. Swan. Elizabeth Swan, doing business under the name and style of W. R. Swan & Co., and Robert Robinson, had on the 27th dny of Otober. 1MKI, of, in and to the above described property, at public auction, 100 00 for cash, lawful money of the United States of America, to the hishext and best bidder, to sat said execution and all costs. 275 00 isfy n. 1'absonh, u. s. Marshal. Py B. A. Bowman, Deputy C. S. Maishal. 30000 Ogden City, Utah, February 17th, 1.S8L between feet on Twenty-fourt- h Lincoln and Wall Avenues, per foot.... Lots on the Bench 50x130 feet eight blocks from Washington Avenue Two, acre lots on Thirieth, near the Park . . 3200 00 Lota in Nob Hill Addition Cheap. Improved business property paying 12 23000 00 per cent, net, leased for 4 years IGoxllS feet between Jackson and Quincy . . 1650 00 15000 Lots in Mountain View Addition Also 8x8 rod corner on Twenty-fourt- h. Wall Avenne property below real value. 22H acres near north Washington will subdivide. 66x3 I : WisLitftoB Real Estate! 12, 13, 14, 8200. BUTCHEKS. u. u ir,4 51 I Com-morc- e "n CHICiVG O turn AOiam im J,gtrm aitau. a..iir lt tu irtl u wt.m. ! Mul)liM.wulSll:d (Ivumoutiiua Works lkir '"ilwssJ ' s4hhm Sausage suae tlx cuauuet Um4 radroJ. I'l. otin. b,i biwlt n.l tl.t ,kmu. rti (a fJ ihIhi am t tn!vr unw luutili L. II. MITCIIEL, Foot of Twentieth St. saij il.u ti;iui.uiuil ojaatrd tkm tue.uia tl .4.i. uv Avttac "'l n,i,ra ueenr tert cut Uiuvmtbs ti,l.uriutm iu.i Mrke.r.4 ) Park addition, i r-- ts clear of iceuiiibrsicre ia Laramie, Wj'i, fir Ojd-- property, 21 lot in CVntral City, Colo., clear, to trade for ();dtn property. 2 luts in IVnver for Oden property. Call and see me. ") drUm! OF SALE. : poudcltar land in Tesas, property. of iceucibraa-viIvt Junta. OiVn eb'i! or slixk of have a Real Estate Transfers. Real estate transfers furnished by the a c 4xr iX: - it- r- is H I'n-in- ludi-catio- , ic-H-m- NOTICE emits it l.?vai?e-- mite ii. as frjtu L tijLt end ! H !.!; .Serial ij,--- -- 1". r'W FOR SALE Choice Lusiness and resi-- i Jence i roierty in all parts of Odcn at prices that will astonish you. 2i WarLj&r'.uii Att. i. V:l. 'irtrf, i t , J. r I Miot i 7 MARKETS. ESTATE. REAL. im. FQit ,HJ GF.LY! I08Xor7AIXrSO KAHROODi Soeasral 3dIiKaV008 DEBWXIi MWesknessof Body aad Mind, Iffwt I luf Errors or Exmssss i n Old or Yonag. Ili-Iimm.1. BUIHHOeiirwlT iint'ii" 1KIIAT)lt:T-Bi- H AteMlilr'r Bill toamlrMH. WrUf tSri i I'.'Misi Ill Sll M lf b.rrr!iitw ui. titluMthHi simI vtwrt KStlr (WkleSI nws. ERjg M JICAIr CO., eUFKAiO, N. V. mm sw. . |