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Show OUDKX DAILY COMMKP.CiAL: 8 V x : h H -- 3 . R H H ro g E. K. auaru-ro- V'inmri;bt tLia rviin. of Comruwo tonitfLL tf Cornea ia ia Un- - CLaail I1Jt A Ugbt iborof 03 fe-- Xurda )- anu. - A R l)ro-Jjarttnlay. oc K. W. E. liarkt-- r lVnvr, wa ia (Vlt'0 iojkifeti lMn.it wiling ia the city. Mr. W. J. Kbk-- and Mr. ar Chi'-ago- t2t wlaya paxL h-- Mite-hell- , Mam-heate- l, I lv tike company. The Order of the Patriotic sons of America, fifty in number will march .from their hall on Twenty fourth street to tho new West academy nest Sunday afternoon where services commemorative to the memory of George Washington and his little hatchet will be held. BOY Twesif-fifihuree- DY UBSIBES A POStTlON ritfr. fMh?r.M ajul ij Ati-lr- A. O. W .. Uii TE HAVE NEARLY ONE hundred different kinds of Heating Stoves in stock and can suit almost anybody, both in style and price. We propose to keep at the head of the procession and will always make prices that will satisfy our customers. in Afrka. Shell jo, mhoia the a proing to atart in a 1R vira. io. lum--r Buur, bum I Hot St S IS ai KOOM RE U.A KENT-MCE- mi Ij3A.DI!NrGr DIAMONDS, N. Y., Feb. 19. Mrs. Calkins's dwelling burnod toGeorge day. One child was burned to death, Rnd Mrs. Calkin9 and three other children badly injurtd. Welusvillk, Royalty Seeinsr tlie Town. Eugenie Paris, Feb. 19. left today for San Reino. Empress theatre, was held yesterday in the sum of ?1,(XX) by Judge Fitzgerald, but in de- Frederick and her daughter. Princess fault of bonds was escorted to Salt Lake Margaret, are actively engaged in sight here. leave for London toA. Phelps, charged with stealing Jewelry from May lloj t, of the Novelty City by Deputy Marshal Corey. The case seemed to b pretty clear against . him. seeing morrow. Edwin Opdyke, the chief clerk to (Jneral Superintendent Bancroft, ot the Union Pacific, has arrived from Salt Pianoforte They Toning" 'and Repairing. Lake City and tRken possession of his new quarters here. Mr. Opdyke is one of the foremost young railroad men in the country, and aside from his excepEDGAR F. WAITE, tional business ability ho has the rare of faculty making friends of all with whom he comes in contact Ogden ia LATE OF CfflCKERIXG 4 SONS, BOSTON. glad to welcome such wen to her business and social circles. WIT J I Three car loads ot colts and draft horses comprising forty-on- e WARREN MERCANTILE COMPANY, head aad F. belonging to Wra. Corliett, lh milhon--ur- o stock breeder of y.in Mateo, Cali 2578 Washington Ave., Ogden. I GOOD GOODS. TO RENT. E(KM FOR UV.SjZ l C Mil'i-- FOR SALE. i Hl SALE-NE- W ORGAN. AT A (iKKAT s:irrilice. ( V ht f I VI. m il f or J "i. Ill:irk xal. M ust bo old l nut cu- -, full o.ii.b'u.Hlic.ii. rt'itiiunHb! offer retuwd. uiicx. Call at I'll) Waviiinirton a to. .X)R SALE VERY CHEAP, THE EE tiOOD I'oetoHic1 Uix iZ'i. SALE- -I H AVE, KU SALE, A LAI(,E. yOR 1 wiunii. and aafA family (uiive and a tmiw eatPd Surroy ; cheap. ill take a txd nulrh cuwaa part iiuymrut and bnnknhln balnnc. J. U. llurd. Coninisrcinl Ollire. J hi)P. yir fr CLOCKS, "DEITMAN BROS., CELEBHATED Cigars are Unequaled. DOW PRICES. 8ALE EVERYWHERE. FOR F. R. LASHER. GROCERIES. Fruits and Produce. 185 Twenty-fourt- St. h (IN TAN NEE BLOCK.) Telephone f o. E. FIUEDERICII. 3-t- 4, Oeden, tjvtah. Order Solicited and Careful and Prompt Attention Given to Delivery of Them. WHY PAY WORD A-- TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. A WELL KNOWN HOUSE NEEDS NO BRASS BAND ANNOUNCEMENT WE ARE STILL AT .THE OLD STAND BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO MEET THE WANTS OF OUR NUMEROUS FRIENDS. THE BIGGEST THING IN OGDEN IS OUR BARGAIN Fancy ices When You Can Buy JIGS I II If - a Shoes Children's Shoes , THE FAIR. R. ROSS, Proprietor. MEN'S SHOES For 25 to 50 per cent, less than regular prices at W. G. CHILD & SON 2411 Washington Avenue. 6 Z s I o LINE OF HOUSE FUR- NISHINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CALL AND SEE THEM. EV 1 :iAXCY AN D STAPLE GROCERIES. 1J Washinston Avenue. OF A'jENCV. lTUNl.i'E! JUuST IOIt l:F.XT- -4 EPKBBB 25 i'AtflS a I ito b'K-l- : fnaa Siwm r.ir. Ecijuirt Uurtn. liil T.i.t-rtr- rt stnt. JEWBLEES. WATCHES, Wj-iiikto- lrBet. Tweuif-fou- LV U-rc- n EIMIVF 2U3I Wall avcune. ton Avenue. s7? ALL JOXES P.ENTIM A UEXT-STO- A quire POU laUov. itmue. bZllii nuni-terofyr- n. INo. 24:41? "Wash FOR RENT. NICELY FI BMSHEO EKXT ,KJk KENT cable rp:rU wefk f r Afri. a, a wmpaiiiied by tnAj knowa in one oui in atUti iant, is nhe rusidyl for a Chicago, wl,-r- Ixiui-atefor the pr.itVs-e- i of'niedi'-iue- , Fhe practiced it in tLis 1112: city hen women doctora were not aa Nearly 2,00UfO0Om Use She became the wifo numerous as of KliS. SheMon, who w ill Ij reiueiu l as partuer of itrge B. Curpntr in year immediately following the r.re, ft?? 1 wheu that able man was laying foundam iii tions for high claa muic io this city.; for aome resided The Sheldona have vZIlsS time abroad. Mra. Shendon, a woman devoted her ot remarkable versatility, TI-I-E time in Paris to studying sculpture and African exploration, and haa among her personal friends not only Stanley, but nearly evory other man who has been in the interior of the dark continonL She was one of the witnessea for Stanley at his marriage in Westminster Abbey. She is also tranhlator of Uustave Flau bert 'a "Sahimba' s Sterling and Plated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every descripMrs. Sheldon's objer ju penetrating tion. Diamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. Africa, in which she expects to speod four months, is to ntudy the problem of the native wome- n- what their status is, what their capacity for Jcivilization.what : 2i63 WASHINGTON AVE. OGDEX, UTAH their moral and intellectual character. SI(iX OF THE IIIO CLOCK. and takes in a will ride She palanquin with her an educated Arab cook. One of the questions not solved by any of her jtrodecessiirs is whether w ith right cookfixid ing whites can tind healthful Sheldon is Mrs. in the interior. undernot the lirht woman to take daring and dungeroua travel. Mrs. Isaliellu Bird, nn Kuglishwoman, went over's considearblo part of the world almotd. alone, never insult, and rarely felt serious danger. Her of life in Patagonia is among A Full Line of Lenten Goods, Sardines, Salmon,' Boneless Herring, Codfish the most charming, aa it is one of the most accurate ever written. Mrs. ShelHalls, Lobster. Trout, Kippered Herring, Clam Chowder, Shrimps, Anchovies, don poteeKscs great personal attractiveness in addition to her intellectual abilOysters and Clams, Baked Beans, Fresh Mackerel with Tomato Sauce, and it no evil and of and force Salt. Finest Line of Cofleo in the City. character, ity comes to her expedition the world will lie the richer for her oourageand adven Oraml Opera House ftnilding', ture- ,- Chicago Herald. M-is- is WANTED. OP ForKTEES WOTLD t. A iar titBttkiti. J. TAXTED-- A f t Chirac Woman e 1 Q : 'AMK1-LA- May French h v 1 Ct v et heretofore reporting on the Standard, hoa been appointed one of the city police. . The tine weather yesterday rauoed aaany favorable remark to be made on Ocden's climate. The elevator in the (J rand opera houne block will soon be in running order, aa the steam ia now in. The Rio Grande ray ear came yent.ir-4a- y and diatributed ita regular load of wealth among the boya. Hug-3aJumra llirchall of vieited Ogclen yesterday on nn e tailed tour of thia country. Kugene Wright, eon of thrt munuuer at the Hotel Lincoln, is out aitniu, after a severe illnena of aotue ten days. Br. Puvid Evans has been eftqauod in caiirt, for two days, although rp": toeling I ppe. awfeiy out ot the clatehee of The Lincoln ia the popuW. family liotel in the city. A vacant rrrt'm ia almost au unknown thing at tliut house. Mr. Karulcr's Strang Affliction. Ogden now numbers a tamiile man Sanul'hky, O., Fob. 19- .- Mr. Jacob among her progressive institutions. The a well know business man hero, Kanzler, ia more city growing metropolitan every is the victim of a most peculiar affliction Jay. j Adams Hrue., the photographers, are which baffles medical skill. Last Saturin "fitting and furnishing their new rooms day night he retired at the usual hour Yesia the Grand opera house block to equal full possession of all his faculties. terday morning when ho awoke he found ny in the west. that he could not speak, his vocal orA parade and other exercises to refusing absolutely to perform their gans honor the late Gon. W. T. usual functions. Finding that he could Sherman will tatce pluoe this afternoon not utter a word, he attempted to write from 12 to 3 o'clock. what he could not speak, but his hand Several new residences have Uen refused to trace the words upon the started in the city within the pnst few paper. He moves about as usual, having perdaya a very flattering indication for fect control over his lower limbs and thia season of the year. likewise over his hands until he attempts The following telegrams remain unde-li- t to use tho latter to cive expression on reil nt tho Western Union Telegraph to his thoughts and then they fail street: 1J. 1). ptiper tiHijp, 4(7 Twenty-fouithim completely. His mind is as bright T. Loomun. und Hoeing and clear apparently as ever. He nil that is going on about his Prof. F. Ij. Nagel ha orcaniucd a chorus for oratorio work. There nro home' and place of business, but lacks in any fifty members, and tho tirst rphearsal the power to express himself5.1 manner. Mr. Kanzler is about will occur some eveniug nest week. yeira ot age and hale and hearty. "His afflicMnrriairo lii?ontes were issued yeater- - tion is not paralysis or any k:ndred aildav to Daniel J, Hathaway of North ment. Just what it in, however, m a Annie Clifford also of poser to tho medical men who have seen Ogdeu and North Ogden. Also to James H. Wood him. It is believed to be the only ci?o and Miss Josio Btull, both of Ogden. ever known. Mesnrs. McMillen and Deeming, lessees Antieo Sold for :."i.000. f the Reed hotel, departed for the enst. yesterday to purchase furniture and Lexkwtos, Ky., Feb. 10.- - The largest conclude other arrangements for open ever seen at a horso sale here, atcrowd ing tho niHgnuieout new caravansary. tended Woodard's today. Tho event Washington avenue is out up throughwas the salo of Antieo, 2:1G1, the out two blocks, and ia in bad shape from famous ptallion, greatest eon ot Electhe laying of tho new sewers. Home tioneer. Whon this animal came into way should be provided for street cross- the ring, a gentleman supposed to repreings, whiih are in a very bad condition. sent John 1). Rockefeller, offered fJO.OOO. which con(5. II. Leach who has been viniting li. There were rapid advances It. Darling, of the Union Pacific offices tinued until ho was knocked down toS. left last evening for Cheyenne where he A. Brown of Kalamazoo, Mich., for will assume the position of night chief $53,000. operator of the Western Union telegraph Burned to Death. P. II. SOLE AGENT FOll wt-1- , ife, of Lincoln. at the rar C K. WhiUmore and J. II. Lewie o! Like tr at the Pacific fkvral eastern capitalist are ia the wit looking for investment. There ia talk in the city of auother -prwwd brick and clay LU?rprise. The theater fpwra tonight will enjoy a woinedy treat in "The IluoeynMwn." TTie Chamber of Commerce meet aain tbia evening to talk iron works. G. C. llolloway ia convalescent, much to the Balis! action of hi many fr'wnda. The additions to the new I'nion -- Tactile loe hounea are nearly wmpleUsL Ioquiriea after realty were more umeroiiH yesterday than for aeveral c a 2 -- 313 24th St. W. W. FUNGE. CO., ht. cifbt. brttfc it) to 4 f-U Uu-- t Judtfe InLaw ma f4ing tawdar. P. A. II- - FrasAliu a ia Um arrived vtwterdsy and were at Dw etbVoa Tveaty-t'flUunderrid btrvet, but f to the GriUit avenue sUbU-s- , they ill remain utitd Saturday rcovcfn. tedious of their fpjiii the trip Two laore car ioad frutu the euur ill arrive this morning and the lot u to be auld at Knilogg'a sul4a oo of the New York, tlo Sulh coming mouth. fornia, s2 CO OVERSHOES. GOODRICH & K K CITY IN imiKP. Mart CO We have them in all Grades and at Prices to beat the "World. 8 g os t u a -4 WEATHER FOR TI-I-E RUBBERS. I v-- I). A.RCTICS, K K U C3 THIS IS s FKIDAY. lEBf.l'AKV 1 o |