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Show OGDES DAILY COMMERCIAL: FRIDAY, FEBRl ARY 20, 18H. - mmr PTMLf sMsafs AND roMJUERl'E. FINANCE 5wV GOOO-3- SA ila Vf Babv Carriages SHk Mouer. Jit lues. Srw -- B ftliSCL Ss cal Ma t.Er. UC. ; - eiaij- -' g g- First Shipment of the Season Just Received. I to 1 a UJy u guia ap atd will be roaebll Well. goad-bLV day. I do Bate to am Ite other. th aw.' uy goua-bjr-,' 1wimWii w.u, a,Biiur yuia. . a loaa-tiair- trii ' "So do L' Iaball yoo cua back.' NJb. paBMrT What' wrong, dear? 'I forgot aord I wa goiag to nad w tbo train.' Too bad. bat yoo can get another.' tbat Udy at the Waat a ictiy dn cad of the car hat.' 'I thick the strip , 1 gnwa tae train u U narrow. m riartteg. ao good by.' Another Ida. Good by.' And thus theygooaaa long at the train will wait for llxni. Then t Ure is the lovirW od-b- . It In ia wry .hfferent from any other. uay pal fen Hit i mod than u meant, but the lover ton- - than they aty. The fly look that aahe from eye to eye haa a whole world of MMtaf n t for MteaV And the f their hands telegrapha . h pL-- - J ia I i I Fred. ii 1 filmy I1M II UfL httJmtM BbUm poteaey m s.r.-il- i i!4 T. IIjui. r 'lul. l.i Sara teaOaIbata, (artmoeka. U. TkK-Vit k. uhI Knknni Uinr. Ma ir, '....id.- -, nal Bi4isl0.er. I'ura del t:.co r aold it :!l l and limi blood pdy, - . Hat. fe,4toa . Ti:tK-'hj- Is.:.' ,.lu.li ,m min.-- i .W w..HUia IluirEaAkr Manual. CUTlua. Manufm tun ra, Uufialu, N. Wild - ir DRUGGISTS. Ih-- ti Kftail JOS. WALLACE i.iim'I- . - wa ..... ii'rl'fl riri ara about WnsliniirUtu I An-au'- HUBLBUT, ins Stmt, kt and run l i t i 'MAS. S. irenora! Dnuver, I'olo. I ims.'-- A. -- tlite in '"'ines' r i: ,u. ioiiisi:ve. 11 .11 l.n I'P.l U'tTH! W. .!. I nl; McNTJTT Apfllkal CO., IS OIG A RS. IltiLrrios. ' Wire, Black-smit- h Tools, Etc. cent tnVH. THE lllU NSWlcK OOME AND SEE US. ' Mannfarturra flip Res" Tnmki". Riairin? lirnmi tly attndtt to. Old Triinloi Thupu in I'xrlmnuo. Onlrin railixl for anil Dflivir.xl to all part of the city KUN8 0PPMAN, No. TK IVonty-ttft- h 8t. Milwaukee RAILWAY mo five," papa.'' said RniK Mill i nid mam- - A uij- !". Ohio. aiwrU. Why ti.nrk Atidllv IH.U.illett.V 4 a k..i. t tamnHM r..r ll ifim.r i I . al,, v";;rr.r;' SaM n,--. lv.td K tw Td Paul mr Kf Mly THrtviVSQH.M4 9XM American i TtC - : A. i. ST0NER, Fiat EVERYTHING in the FIRST-CilS- Is in competent hands, service may and first-clabe had at the Springs Come out and Hotel. The Mobaths. the try tor makes through trips from the Broom Hotel corner as per time table in this paper. Fare cents for the round trip from the city limits. ss inflni- - world. S. IIBITTB of Central Hotel 25th St. Factory in Rear P. O. Pox 268. ommen-ia- i T. F. iX)VELL. Trarelinc T. 101 S. Main S'.rect. THE OGDEN Ao-nt- EICHEY'S Aint. Salt Lake City. - CO., Ogden, Utah. UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. We carry the largest, most complete CASKETS and and elecant stock of FUNERAL FTTRNISHING-- S West oft('liicaRO. Services conducted at our Parlors when desired. Embalming of bodies for shipment a specialty. KU Htl S UNDERTAKING PARLORS. THE FINEST HEARSE IN UTAH. 2263 Washington Avenue. Telephone 207. COREY BRCTS COMFY, & 2432 Washington Avenue. LIVERY & FEED STABLES Having purchased the entire Livery and Transfer business heretofore carried on by Messrs Martin Hro's, we are prepared to receive orders fi r SINGLE AND POCDLE DRIVING PARTIES. TIIK ROCKY MOUNTAIN RIGS, CARRIAGES MOVING OF BAGGAGE OR FfsR FI RNITCRE, OPERA AND WLDDINO LADIES' CALUXG CARRIAGES WITH CARr.FEL DR1VF.RS. PnadinK and Feeding Department will be found Satisfactory in every respect Transfer Co., COREY BRO'S & COMPANY a. UNCTION CITY MACHINE WORKS, rn . Ml Waslnngton Avenne Is prppnrfil to do all kinds of ayin J .Practical BAGGAG E nn-- . CRACKER W. F. PRICE, Manager, W. Am further information as to Rateaal wlD N rl.eorfaUy ramlund by ALEX MITVH1.LL. in all kind. of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. HOTEL DEPARTMENT tc, M. D., 11 Wholesale Dealers r D.Ux rompospd SWiiinit Curs and mute far tism or blood disease has yet been found which could not be conquered by careful treatment at these springs. Arrangements have been made to have all Raymond and Whitcomb excursions stop over here for at least one day and all Union Pacific overland tickets are good for a ten days' stop over at the Springs. The .inn' rrhi The only eate remedy fcr !U'arrrho9aorWhit.. I rrearrlbe It and fsol fttfo in recommending it v u all snflfepera. The curative prop- The Hot Springs Co. - Umm nmm htm fWllM YraTt.UilaaJ and .Hfrtralfjitod Train, en t hii'iicii ami umaun. of Magnitlront wnrl, t;NvV:v::; lv.. iluui, Kmuo o.,nna Of Courac. me!" na ,, JJJVZ ;. '!i,.t,, ' " or ll ih- - "Do von shave at tho barber's?'' Grocer. r ff rut. Ihhn tnonth. Tt..i Well." returned nana. "InaBmnch M jnamnia owes mo live, let B8 Call it all off, and so square tho lannly cavlc." Harper's Bazar. "No." "Ah. shave yourself, "No." "How then:" "The harbor ihavei St. & ii "And Ethel owes THE BRUNSWICK. THE CHICAGO No Mom y NroilcU. Ethel. 7 G. Proliant & Co., L A Mistake in five dollars, - & GO. (INCORI'oWA'I'l':!).! most wonderful and bathing in them is most pleas- ware, Iron atld Stool. Barbed TO OUR "OGDEN OFFICE." THE OGDEN CRACKER CO. Of this city, are equal to the most famous in the erties of these waters are Wagon Material, Heavy Hard- Baker TO BE ADDRESSED J. K1ESEL F. HOT SPRINGS, world- . The uenuino runufn tured only by OOTJKJT and imitations What Commhoii Is. JOUH C. WEST CoaiMSY. o'lil(.'A1..0, U.L, Corundum, as the reader probably tuS Mold It) A. II WALtim. knows, is the oxide of aluminum, the Uramttat. lsi!en. 1 ton. ! erode form of the sapphire, and on account of its hard lurfaoe is tttal to grind TRUNK FACTORY metallic nrfaets, particularly tools. It THE OGDEN differs frotn emery ta a greater freedom Finest Billiard Hall in Utah- from oxide of iron, the latter containing about 25 per cent, of this impurity, Op Stalni Over Mad en's. while corundum contains a much small, r I proportion. The target part Of theeorun-dnWo bave, tha lrriro?t Hull in (Vil and nae wlnxls in existence are use! hy the Hrimswiok BatttOfcuaodet Ti.blw txclus- toanirfnrtunrf of agricnltural impleivoly. ments and of si ives. Springfield (Mass.) Horn atead. "You owe mo ALL CORRESPONDENCE Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar- the dlns-ii..- Transmitting. A gentlemen, iit San Francisco teemed that an est mabU" lady i:i Loa aogelea had suddenly leet till her tiroporty and tvas in n condition of actual want 1U telegranfaH to ;i frier. I, 11 lawyer of Los Anifi-lcs- , immediate"Assist Wis. ly." The vord "a- 4t" was changed to "arrest,"' and tho poor woman's misery was increased by a night In a prison coll. New York TiBMa, n. ant. No case of rheuma- . P1B. r Great Sanitarium, (X-JllK- $500 Reward f mm' oar. mm DEN'S Turbine Wheed, Enarines Saw Mills. iMrt-nTE- Ir" 'r":in fur ti.s ttpnied at - Road Carts, Buokboards, AND DoaERTto Europe. In the space fronting the temples of Ntttko, J qian. theiea-- c bells of ex.piisitc purity of sunnily to 1k suspended in nny tower ta which this people build, and so lhc alt to. Ontera by Mail Promptl)' wuiiu on low frames of stout timber, ' ! :ih St., "mr VouiiK, the l ei being only three or four feet from the ground, They are raBg by means of battering ! rams, m ade of long joists of hard wood, . flf 'S Mtf to united so rnv, OT.1.I, appended at awing by the !t iii vl aid id' many human bands, They uive fomUir.t. ...T,... r.llllt, i i'i:nstllMlll II or C.tl.cncs arcptiii-tlout soft and matted, though deep and far Vegetable l.lTerl1!l. brn th.' with Th jr nro r"" 'T Vck- UMo. nd never notes. rompllisl Youth's ranching, Companion. UMjugHe aaMif MillW Ku(r.iriatnl f I..irjro Iv.kcs. Bewsro i 3D BOTTLED. anteed. puiEPSkinffitttTttiraais. lontalnlntf IN Ar. - Iiiipleieiits, 'Wthgons, llf-lln-. BBOT-mou- s EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND H0F8RAU, CONSTANTLY STOCK, BULK AND ila's niti-f.- DHUGGIstS Inpunene Bells were in use in China, Japan and India Ion.; before they were known in biJALER n T-- 4 r ni,-'-- LOWE, In Ha Market. Clin 0 notice. Loom aLScawoasna, Cor. SSta anil Wasli-inrr'u- ii TOILET ARTICLES GEO. f Avf. l t.- Brora or FiNCaT 2101 Wttk . TwfBtj-fifU- i pro-teote- il Co., Fine Frnncli CattdkBi Ihiinr M ule Tallies. Pure Ico Cream, n'I Pullmau iiciiTiT iiiuiSaii Franrh"- of the ituekf Monuti.i. li-- C-I-G-A-- R-i PrE( IA1.T1ES: Sli.:-- In.(s,. hand-mad- e, ThePatet BrewiM Company's Milwankee Beer tlie the mi st comfortable, the siifnt, ami tin ftaadeat ul all trfuusocitlncntal routes. r'or iiili-i,- liracrii-tivjwimiililct. etc., call n er H'UIr,- - i. I. K N I It: l i V. ,;. Sautu Yv Ki.ute. Suit Lukf il. II loi iui I'OLLBBAN, rcuctuI raaaniier, Hlirinitii, t'olo. . ilotel Rroora under I'ybliihiD' ItrrAii, DRUGGIST, Corttr WashiDtrton tlili F !I'MKT I'lillniin STORM'S WHOIiKSALK JJKVX.KltS OK vaMepaaa id Tliroiii,li Visiting Sl'RISliS. I'.liY F.N & & Custom house ASI'KV nnd CI. LKADVILbK. CARL UPM ANN'S Al STRATTON CARDS PtTKBLO & VIA H lp.,k - Pocr.tello, Idaho INVITATIONS, PAl IKlC COAST wert iniiuta. VK)l Maliu. lur lllc Stat i.' - of Bna Canal liiarblo are ohoice and eloKiintiulditionaloany ro.nu. For thote whoMMueiim rto not admit of am-!.;: iiivedt eorationa are file planter oantai'f the artatorcs. which nay 1h in ivory iv enameling or paint tints. Nearly nil of the choicest liit-oKtatnary. such uh the Winil Merewy, the Venus le Mil, nnd nil the v, II known l'n;uri n of ancient jrnds an-- i.fil dfwaea are to lie had in plaster, and arc efteu excellent imitations ef thataarblea, and very (riitifyiiipr to the lover of afth tic forms. Willi careful us:in they will be oniamcnUl for a Iouk tima, BtH reliefs in plaster, lion ; against plush, felt or plain Filk pun !s. .irei rteclivc and artistic New York Ledger. tk- Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican AND T 1 l ' T ITV and all north- - MAMTOi:. Wnoi.iAi.n Wedding Goods, Railroa arrwacM DEXVKU.l OLOUADOSrUlNtia 'omiiiinJel. t :t'. F. nt. i STANDARD GUAGE Programmes -- 'ar-(n- ll) per eao. 15 illaiiil neeoxewry I'rrwerii'l ion ,i. mi. AGi',.NTS 1TOK a ui hickt r. I'IKKS I'KAK UOITE! if 1ml nni! Toil, t Art fJIOABt A NT TOC'.t'Co IN'i-- t GROCERS. . It Colorado DRUGGIST. - i company. & Ogden, Utah. lb r .W T . ui. lb SohriIcm aaekn . -11 ran an, . Ti.i.i, a I - I Co. Liquor and Cigar Merchants nil S:i3 and paaaaBa ui th. lalarrb ft hen. Ituttcr. ButU-r- . l lah, l doa; Lurrruf mmI. etal ark lteuh-.l- . urera of hi lueurank- uaa- " Luerrm Y. OFKKUEII Ut v iiiamitaet- ta Sagv' Catarrn li .. ;. of IH-- . t kjesel J. WHOLESALE VkaaTJpBB)aru!uiaaBB mtr'ht pw t o " m ait Thi.'i). I wr iru braa ml t M arn Ocbnr - .i ti for her to make her husl hear, udderly (rawd just n tli' middle of one of her when Hhe did not seem to he all f it, and the jiaMtngi-rniled nHshe ahouted on the still uir, And d n't forget to ehang your under-verClothe Sunday.' 1 don't know of tears and moru inixv.1 any th. aniili.- - tliHiinre !ih gmxl-by'.- i t,j ...nut the railway HtaiioiiH." Chicago 11- raid. f. Furniture II A ta laam 9m3Uf n I II - i a- a, eauaiea I volume nnd it very In The noi 1 I lixir. ruoivl y Moani W Hutrf.faed. ' of afftition fr.mih. iit to heart. And when they to-w- ell. toen un't a peraon in the oar but wonld i like to ntt al a Unto of tb anmetiuea there are am wring things arcurin the hnrry at tending the good 1 hy aalutatu'!'.- - A l. .in w on Mopjied at an Iowa town on day and ai. honeat ill- - ' :ir. Their oountry ronj.l- - eut.-nappearaiiee and manner indicaie.1 that trawling. Ibey were uiUMVUHtormd 'The wife was provided with a seat, left and tin- huMmnd, who w:ii to alone, we'it imtniile and talked through the oim ii window to her. She waa giv how to in.; linn d tail-- l instruction look ill:- i t!i'- linus-- li Id .lunn ; her al- iM t'.in ailK-eThe eu blowing oil fJ rc. r Saw Wa iiujuu mil! 1 incitbrr.tac. ilari. n tuur. i :ika... 1 - tUrVy. breaiaa--. eb-- 'W-U- whoU A.tm k, (Mr.UdMlllj. Uaam. Wham, ira Sv imt. j. f Im tau. M. i -- I arU, (iluo- iuii. vVuWaU-- 3 Mf be - to afEli aafidnmiB? hTfaai taa'hier'iSd'ai i wurkiox ott. punbr, u la . .1. : kUKa U !''!! ttuu nut. kaaaa aa nV fuueti a Uotdre n.i frwatfui mna at uWThuw law - u- 'Mope voo II hrr kiL TUrti ! M) Fnrnituiv Moving I Specialty. Xo 3C2 :;.th St. Mi. HOLLAND, I'roprtrtor, Founder and Machinist.bet. - aart Unoola. Dealer In Stetm Knglnei Boilers, Pampe, JSte, I win fumUb and erect alnet Boiler, Heater and Machinery by contrac and do my work n the bert manner. Qeuere work and repair! as promptly attended to at nhop. 1SO-1S- ahlne Tenty-thlr- l Q |