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Show U(iUEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: iUIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, lfc91. VatcLa a WJfck tul tr as Uat s Jac kM hunt av far aui a ask 1 lUt 1 Saaf caurt ira w fare ifcal A taaA6 But j! tr ki( dj Aiaa a"'-i- M aae aaaVval 1VU 11. Willta city ia ia th depths of be set Le e!a oulvt tLit-- k t AU tix.i;U tU . rape ia Scenic Route rctx fjken Lae latinl j jfc, VtxetLu .aJ 4f ia PluruiKw's urn uct J tti itUut . tl-i- s waar-aawr- n va asJy ! likeao tXm$A' I k - Capital. iSuiilu--- , aaA,. fur uut h aitJiii. rits C. P. Mlruuotii.l .Ve I i kw liotLieg atter to tte to K-t- jour ja tt -. C. C. EK'ntClL. W. J. M. .d.t.F. rir-Pri.- :t. LA.Xusioat. J. C. vm u hof Pr't. : 1 'J 0r Treet.-Taiso- 'ttaled ia-- to-- u. n , tt-- imm m xt 1 1 -- krh i MM J. T. A. Jl. a H. O. Harkneas. r, Coesbt. H.-or- 7V ii. t - $125,000. - - 7,500. St. Louis, 11 "' jt capital, 8TJItPL.TJS, . - . $100,000. - $125,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Our Famous Dining ref'-iem-- e L. VTabkkn W. Wu, Corrr, President. Theo. Routhox, Vice-Pre- s. Rio Grande Western V. IlELrsirH, Cashior. and Mauager. CITIZENS' BANK Railway. OF OGDEN, UTAH. iert CAPITAL, : $200,000. m-ord- Warren W. Corey, R. A. Wells, Sidney Stevens C. E. Wnrtele.H. H. Sei;cer, Thos. Cahoon, Theo.Robinson S. 8. Schramm, Ad. Kuhn, . OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. VTEBES ,T. Superintendent of District Scools . PRECINCT OFFICKBS SECOND THTRD HUNT9VII.I.B PRECINCT. EDEN PEECINCT. B. Frorer. Jnstice of the Posee E. Constable John Gould. Epoch. An orange grove takes from twelve to fifteen years to come into full bearing, and may continue in bearing for 100 yearn and upward. Well authenticated cases have been known in Cuba of trees producing fruit for 300 years. VKSIABT TttAIFS. A Perfect Fit. We ore making a specialty of Mer chant Tailoring this spring. Our spring sain pics have just arrived nnd we are now prepared to take measures, and guarantee a tit We mean by this, if does not tit, you neeu not tho American Horse, the Ogalalla chief, is takegarment it. Give us a call. known as the Daniel Dougherty of the Respectfully, Siotix tribes. He is the most eloquent, Loe3 A Myek, silver tongued aborigine on the conti- Proprietors of the Golden Engle, 2110 nent. He is naturally a man of great Washington avenue. influence among the Indians. To Soften the Skin. silVtiaVt- t- -k rnilpll. Senator Carlisle is now 53 years old. clrin a sMrfjv..T.n.lta r aVtSM tv"0 nuvov wvim He is of medium height and rather spare ness when exposed to the air may remedy in figure. His movements are easy and .j:u.,14.. 1... nnhlvini Wicjtnm'fi graceful, and his genial manner quickly Violet Cream. It restores the natural action of the sklu anil muuws soilness pais his visitors at their easa. and elasticity. 7KWa. tn 4.00 a. ra 12 :50 p. m 3:45 p. m daily between Salt Lake City and and Sugar 11 once. All people going to Park City will find it to their interest to take this line. IHlice and Depot: Corner Sth South and Main street, S.iltLake City. T. J. Mackintosh. . T. and P. A. GEORGE W. JONES, American Member ot the Association. Ticket 1 weniy-fouit- street, ii ACOU S. EOiILMaN, PLATO Oflice. No. JKie Yi'aLinstm aveuns Osdea. L'tah. street, Ocden, Utah. Twenty-feurt- h & OIin, rooms 33, X and 87, First National Bank buildinv. J. Hasratt, Secretary. Pnasidcnt. Zi',1 Wat h Ave. BT ' CI.ASS. 50 arrnnty Deed, phort form. . In eonneetion with ireneral practice, cives 571 Warranty Deed, long form. . . special attention to diseases pecu Liar to females Deed diseases of the geui to urinary organs, diseases 425 Quit-claiof tin rectum, viz.: Piles, fistula, fissure and 450 Real EslateMort'gfjjShortfrm ulceration ; diseases of the ear. nose, throat and 375 Option Contract. cbet. Consultation free. 300 Lease Oflice over Postotlico. Telephone 208. 50 Bond for Deed 100 Discharge of Mortgage DENTISTS. 500 Trust Deed " ' 3 Assignment of Mortgage.... R. SNOWDEN, Q 51 Bill of Sale JCJWLJlN C. A. V rr.OBATE COURT G I N E E RS Tcan. rpUSH B. W PARIS. COMMISSIONEU's BOYNTOX WATER HOT HEATER ! 572 PEKC1NCT. Garnishee Writ of Execution DISTRICT COURT The Most Improved and Economical Heater in the Market, A A A A A A A A A A A A A BLANKS. 10 Affidavit for Claim 525 and Delivery personal property Undertaking on Claim and Delivery of personal property 526 Undertaking for Return to Deft, Claim and Delivery personal property 77 Complaint on Claim and Delivery personal property.... A A A - A MIXING BLANKS. 325 350 400 401 Mining Deed Notice of Location of Claim. Proof of Labor Tower of Att'y to Locate and Sell MISCELLANEOUS rr.ECtKCT. MARRIOTT PRKCINCT. A A A A B C COURT BLANKS. Summons CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, 476 Sheriffs Sale Plans, specifications and estimates prepared 76 Constable's Sale and work superintended. Maps, plats, tracings, blue prints, etc., etc., 377 Order for Deft to appear executed on short notice. and show cause Rooms 3 and 4, Union block. No. CC2 Twenty 78 Citation for Garnishee Fourth Street, Ogden. Utah. 2 Affidavit for Citation for Justice of the Peace W. II. Crandall. Constable George II. Haycock. Justice of trm Peace Simon F. Halverson. Coustablo Caleb Pon y. A ELAKKS. Administrator's Bond Executors' Bond Letters of Guardianship 37G Order Appointing Hearing... 501 Testimony of 502 Testimony of Applicant 379 Order appointing Adm'r & FARIS. A A 475 Pluinbinjr and Gras Fitting IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. DOYLE Jnstice of the Fpnee Peter L. Sherner. Constublo James Han-op- & Washington HALVERSON, Ave, Call nnd get prices. A A A A BLANKS. 377 Official Bond and Oath 75 Chattel Mortgage 325 Marriage Certiticato Promissory Notes, Books of 50 and Receipts, Books of 50. A C A 100. Rent Receipts, Books of 100. Drafts. Books nf inn Othor Blanks constantly being added iu iub uouve "SI. S. M. PRESIIAW, PRECINCT. Jnstice of tha Pence P. P. Bingham. Coustable Dnuiel N. Drake UNDERTAKER E9T WEBUS PRECINCT. Jnstice of the Po.ice J, W. Hurt. Ojnstable Joseph Hocge. And Funeral Director HOOPER PRECINCT. Jiistire of the Peace Jaines Johnson. Constable Francis M. Belnap. Metallic Casket and Wood Caskets and Special Attention paid to Embalming 1 repnnng Bodies for Shipment. Orders by telograph promptly attended to. I have tho only hretrclass Hoarse in tho city. Tele- - t olUns ' 201, Gillktt. NO. SPECIALIST. Broker's Ti.lppli.w PERnTAL LEGAL BLANKS PRECINCT. Bonght. Sold nnd Pjf all points. ALL TICKETS UUAU-AStreet g CONEYAClKO BLANK. AND U aWV4iJ laaaaal 1 U Vi A pamphlet of mformstton and ilJimoi iu law., snowing at-- not to f and , laveais. Trade ii1 PRINTING INKS Ticket h meetings in Kuights of Pythias hall. Twenty-fourtstreet, lover Standard building) every Thursday eves-inat hnlf past seven sluirj. nnlil further notice. Application forms may be obtained from ur. rrrcy a. t z.m, asniugton avenue. Sojourning brothers cordially invited. A. COTTINOHAM. 'PHYSICIAN 1 to , Z'Ji.-- i a Twenty-fift- ST. GEORGE. COZUR DE LION LODGE, RovrI College of Surgeons, England ; Fellow Society Aits and Scienoe, London. Formerly THE C0M5IERaL ITBUSHIXG CO,, quarantine oflicer and superintendent for New 2W11 t nsljington Avecuo, Cgdoo, CUli Zealaud and Mellwurne. Victoria. Addrosa or call at WaauiuKtoiAre. OA. VrVKIVH. ,.11 arm tare 1'Kk.D. F. PrDLISntD AND FOB 1AI.X PEEASANT VIEW PRECINCT. TI 0. Xo. S31. Jnstice of the Peace Constable Wilson Poultcr. Vin-?O- OGDEX NO. s, PATLLVKCII MILITANT QRD1ZR RICHARD A., London. PRECINCT. Q. Rawson, Jnstice of the Peace James Hutchins. Coustablo John J. Ilulchius. a John IIsadmiaw' Sec. SURGEON-ACCOUCHEU- Justice of the Peace Timothy Kendall. Constable Byron L. Bybee. LTNNTS l aiu-un- Doctor in Mixlicinos, Master in Surgery, L. S. CINTAB PRECTSCT. ' N. G. UNION L0DCEK0. 6. H tr.RT DR. thos. a bulmer; V2 3 tO O. O. Ltau, m, PHYSICIANS I Railroad I V. W. h Railroad and Steamship ehung.'d. W. L. Adams. Rcc See'y. UTAH. Tlie above society will hold it ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- PRECINCT. ULATEKVIIXR aojourcing bruthrra ara OGDEX. Justice of the Peace Richard Dye. Constable John Parker. , Ail B. W. SMIIB. SMITn, able KANE8VTU.E fourth street. SONS OF ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Office, 369 N. G. CRESCFJiT LODGE NO. 13. Holds rrxmlar tnwetin evrry Mtdsy riighl a' I !!,. . Hall. Twrtitv. o'clock tn I. 0. C1TI PRECINCT. RXVERDALE E. S. LtTV, Moets every Tueador ami Friday evcuingi at Odd Fellow a 11. ill, Aiembrrs invited. r.W. Lisa is. Captain. C C. Shkad. Clerk1 OODEN PEECINCT. Peace-Const- k.trii,irSee. CANTON, Justice of the Joeiak B. Carver. PASSENGER TRAINS. Money to Loan! Leave Salt Lake Park City 'Money to loan on Diamonds, Watches, Leave Arrive at Park City Jewelry, etc. Unredeemed pledges for Arrive at Salt Lake x weniy nun m Twelve eubnrhan trains Bale cheap, att and Mill Creek avotuo and I !uh. ia 0,ij Kr!lo Vifiuint brutUer iu good ttandiuff rordislly mnn.lt. cornr of brothers . . b. I. A IT, X. G Justice of the Peace William Constable James H. Taylor. r. 6 iV p. ATTCRNEYS-AT-LA- Oiliee, over Ctnb National l!;ink. Justice of the Peace James Storey. Constable James Dcamer. pur-most- lv 4 .10 p. m OODEN PRECINCT. Justice of the Peace Angus McKay. Constable George E. Ferrin. Utau Central Railway 10::amm OODEN PREINCT. HAERI8Y1LIK 0. F. eieninr .trett. fourth j C. P. Meets every Wednwday evening in Odd Fd-loHall. Twenty-fourt- h stiw-t- . A.jouniing Jos. Perry FIRST OODKN PRECINCT. E. A. McDaniol. FOURTH OODEN PKFCTNCT NORTH 1 R r- - 2427 Washington avenue over Horrock 1 store. Teeth without plaice ami saving natural teeth a specialty. No teeth or roots too 125 bad to be saved by filling or crowning. Bpccial 300 attention given to children's toeth. Jostiee of the Peace Val Giueon. Constable H. E. Steel. be-Ka- , ALLUON Office, Justice of tho Peace A. Perrin. Constable D. O. Sullivan. . bcxitx. e, A Sons .Tnstiee of the Peace B. Tornea. Constable Phil Ford. . Frlloa. Hs'J.TaresIj .'curtk S TburaJaau aaci. noti." I. 0. DENTIST. Justice of the Peaee Constable E. A. Koch. e , OFFICERS. T. Ledwidire. Recorder John tf. Tyler. Assessor Edwin Dix. Treasurer John A. Boyle, Collector John V. bluth. Attorney L. fi. Rogers. Sheriff Gilbert R. Belnap. Coroner llarshnl Allen. Surveyor R. W. Faris. Clerk . !.X)a. m COUNT T Probate Judge Robert W. Cross. Soleet men Lewis W Shurtlitf, John Pincock, Fred Foy. . How is Yorn Liver? Needs toning Leave Salt Lake Leave Park City up, ot course. English Daudelion Tonic Arrive at Park City is a specific for all such troubles. Arrive at Salt Lake r S, O.O. J Practical in t'. District i'onrt and all th eonrta. Pfooual atu-n-f ion eivrn to eoll.vtiooa. Koa.eiula-the phre. in Pury 'a aooo ImiM-ItiBoar llient (.h..prf( Ii. (.r. uk. Ii 4 Ilr,.. Twrnty-fourt- h Wi J16. street, Oiira. ttau. P. O. rp DIRECTORS: ' e. Cuh. R. W1UTE. gMITU W. N. Snn-LrNVice President. B. Adams, Cashier. Ma-rio,- Extra Chnrj-"Well have to chargo you for extra baggage," said the baggage master. "Why, I've nothing but this hand bag." "And that railway doughnut" Jou . ViMULf l.l.uiM M. W. .lHtAa.IUd. trrx; wnuif brother ar cordially iavitd. lil'EN LODtiE NO S. hall. LW. AT Ave., Oird. n, J. Meet, every Toeaday ' CilILLAX. EANSFORD SMTTII J. E. D00LT, President. .lUotlu-r.Vlwar- . o CW1! L P.. IIEVWOOD, . Meets in Odd Diat and l E. Sai Fine ATTORNEY-AT-LA- J i 3SL iy emit va"J '3 alt ar.O. aaU TJIXTAII ENCAMPMENT NO. I. 0. 0. F. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- United States Depository. St. Joseph, Oniaha. JEOXARD U. W. I. KiCHtta. Iicrr. Supreme Court. Nemtia. A M 0. A. Uh 1. B. P. Baak Proton and Reel Ui.lpls. J rV4 SECRET SOCIETIES. LAWYERS. ha-- ! 11. - IU- Ttj "lal i J J AMIWN. KIMDALL. EiW AED JlMIiALL A ALLISOX. Ocden, Vtah. P. PctAS, UrM rwj Ewdni atid Uarum. rliurka. tntereat Paid on Time and Savings I)t losita. msas Cy, un'l.-m.ilil- I. box Ml t -- et t UTAH NATIONAL amaaI tntJr Cu&iv:ina at. i. k.i?i. a aW, Ein. J.' L HON rt t 5ili Ui. MA K.T. ARCHITECT. y H.C. B1GEI.OW. Preeidmit. JOHN A. Mil LE, Vice A. P. BK.tLOU . ( aaluer. Denver, Chicago, c. ATTORiNEYS Capital Paid in, Surplus, - - t-- orrr Slat lard ARCHITECTS. nonj 1. 17 axd li Na'.ual Oliiee: ilfli WasUinst'-- OGDEX, UTAH. - 1.'At 1. CO. A - Mr I'jn.i L. STACB. a ob-vti- 10.-T- UtHLKB Fjt1. Patrick Utily, 'n bi-ii- O. 1?. tan. liand Wha't-a- liuchB-iilr- at.-o- a: v&ce. CVdaa. Otoaite the DIELXTCES: C. ATOitroog. . - Ia; 73,109. LT.LA.IL ARCHiTECTS, .i $150,000. Prils, SO t, 'tr aT3rtiratiaj trat at! rata. BviL, i . t". ovuita, at. M. P. M. EiliTil. A "yoODS fWrfwa, - 1- r' ' Wi-Iui.- ni Tet-;.B.-- Pail ia CajiiliL .. Tjjt Ti--- i . jLi.sjut.:ir a ij.vjn, co:.TRcTcns a?d eu:ldecs. Etad ai4n vaiii. het. Ta.:-seaul I mvti trt( aeii'r. Naiiona! Bank, El'ILEDL !:!. ei OGIIES, UTAH. nt l-- aMuar t Hill. 1 fowial catto 1 O. 6. AJiST-i- i, !,-- 4 :!J u.t--tu- Itr COXTRACTCR AND GENERAL BANKING. IJNK. in cjjoa l.iui gk-ii:- ' " yi biHuV. i. A. ;0.(i.if).00 . - Ltl L i t iatut ja rv.iaimi-airn- -b day tLi eiaiU in Over t( f.rrm. tb eeltUrv4 C' brtMiglt jtjii.titie c4 todt r c4aiv, um oTci mow ttro a. b i! rt -; ta oa forth liK-rLarntS er- lii: Ly lias bnna't Uf U.a Ari iwnafltijol ic vmX styU. Krea IJupUjO aw tfai n t '.! of u !h jrrti tiwr b JaJ. Tat, faV r and from that fat? o Frvucl. ta 4j(laaJ totakr tf uudvaO. Ii 1 cvotre came the folio tog mitijve: Ua4 t tae )'i;,Ui UUre an 4 the Mut. 1 fan "After kiftty deLberatma. oouuider-ata-tfutdy WsJ la ilif-irti- l HoBie af Latioiu, termin-4,t-I aUL bihI CMGSuitatioo, hae tbeeon-Huniu- a lllsterie Aa4 w t t.iaA a Lai I V the Padre J otlpcre U tf tor tBctl 7'a;Baitie with Tiui,ted fea. Ipum and rajB4 for fklr EeM.rU where care that by all the a tW ti may Ti i ut.tnmon-ia- l "'. the rentes But sad pleaare aer?r rlojs. in our journey .t Broaiiii.g J U. txiiu..ti !. oukl ' UmU nductivf mutual ttkxrmrn. ml uUsit.-- n a la N. i aad , bX IHK BiA. benefit aod bappinets." r"d . vaW aeal m livL was the pUtgraph ut a tall, TomIte.-T- B e.-l r le Eif ll !.frfMTr ..- J,,. iur. BJ1UI lr a era aod Mi. ahaia. diTiiiity, glowinrf ang-bi- r. eueapeliUiJ fair, Was a rai. i Wf w From iiitellertukl raliaui. with a Una. Wbrwi.iy pn 1 at hard ONLY 36HOURS Chicago came tlie largest cuuiber ofm au ararily, nod the were all overt! "jmg ilh W-. HUfM affoctavo. iw-lJj u"'jr No Maid. from the aunny frasciscoaxd pcstumkB i4 nrU!a, from the wild of rba Grand raana ot J aud I r. J to Cp-.ui, ll brW tat biai u4 ctiii.taj SyrtKfito of Maine, and Texaa.frota the OMbraa Fa! la, Ca. Ua kiK't". th beautilul ML khaata att-from the Michigan fofeft ent rceponeee , laa anaLiflc-n- t awLrryo! and photographs, until, up to tbeprtjent lite Biakijott MouuiaJLa, a'l bj day HlbU tlu.. I'uU ( w iu rT urns lotsEa. r:inT ii T2i :rj. tiuie. O") WlVers and 4U photgraphs ith several atatee UEDDIVO lor Brvakfaat reertveJ have ot hi n.l K.i.Su tVIrU il.e N.; oiT till to hear from. A eerious feature of nuder Mt. Hhatta, tor dinner. aiSOh',IsULaKD Orecon. ( sui'Per. Uil onw the affair i that the young men who law tal - itxf of some answered fifty altti. playtd the fike iii AuJ ifiat u uir craj the missive in Pluiuuier's name, und auiiC answered in the most gushing and lUkre krtni tlxr Ivi, All or uui, atfecthinat style. The young women it l.r'4tji. Ibr Uwt iir ho received these replies uow propone -uiuuni is ltf4f uat. to rtHne here and ascertain what Plumand per men M by hisgushu.g epistles, Marriafc-a iluuiirrd Trar Hcih-c- . have given notice to that effect. Mr. t time At th jnv-nPluuniier now fhuns the railroad staiiiU that all irln wih to tions, fearing lest he may at any moiiiarrr. and fiiil tu do w only !(: jm ment behold eooie of the maidens SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS th'y 1 t'k u fliibln jiiiruiinty. Thin iiriviug to carry out their threats. rinnt of tle irtuiiitiiii with Workmen' Troubles in Itclgiuni. fact thnt U(iB'ti, difil ulty to i&nrt tlu'iuw hi-- , have in he reserve IlKresiXL. Feb. r ui;ilrial inli-- rt in jmiwral a of the civic guard were called out forces niarria" than iih hav. Surely ther in view of the ran 1 few iiicilwit!t f uu nnmarrit d in ChnrU roi district caused by threatening 2 Woman' riinlitiin autre fXijrating demand for the passage workmen's tho than her kix)wlitgx that lx nil thin is of the universal suffrage law. The Xjincoln, faet it in vain fur her to workmen's general committee regard the with the this as a menace, and has addressed a eifwct to In popularly She manifesto to the militia anking them to Voluntary c)uie of her luiL- -t eielnni with a Muile, however fche refuse to oliey orders, to take sides with or the workmen and resist, what they term, FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS may ra'e within, tii roarM to which it would lw worse tlutn the government's attempt to bring about ON ALL TRAINS. vain to "reply. NKtionalimn, by itab-lihiu- ; a civil war. tlie ei'ouomii' iiideju'iidenco of Cars A 3lathtee liy Amateurs. tu their ttiiitfle women, without TO ALL THbOCOH TSAtSII. wns ATTACH!!) 19. A matinee Feb. married tho Ni wiYoiiX, vt tat, vil ihtstroy l l makin.sf marn f.'rred given bxlay by amateurs nt the Ciirden For further intormatinn coaeemluir ihl to one Theater in nid f the New York Skin and line, apply to any Ticket Agent, or addreaa riage n mine otiviitnjy ex tlmu t Bellamy Cancer hospital. The plavs presented GEO. W. VALLKKY, " iu Ladii' were The blwtno SparK," ".Jean and "My Ionl in Livery." Among tlie actors were Miss Alice Lawrence, Wtll IJ..p. at Wlnilanr. Latit ': thrM wild xmrn were hhot Miss Julia Culling, Edward Fales iu tho quoen'a tiwine garden in Windnor Coward, lU)bert Lee Worrell, Walter nnd Puhnor Coolidge. great park, f whicb two wero for her Cutting to and tho waa wnt the ruajettty, ntjinr Slepniak to Lecture. Vnncft of Wales. W'ild boar wu firnt Ht. Palx, Feb. 19. Btepaink, the celeat the royal tiblo dnriug the wdjrn Russian exile and revolutionist, fund of whiwaa brated IV, very it trforjee that wh-who arrived in this country last Decem4on Wiifoti C'rokJr CUERENT TIME TABLE hw was atayiii; witlt the kiii at the Paber for the purpose of making a lecture In FJfert Jan. I 1891. vilion in January lb."!, )m luajtuty tour, will address an audience tonight at w all eat Kimo roast wild boar tho Metropolitan opera house. No. 4. No. !. from Hanover, whiclt was very good, like AST SOUND TRAIN. AtUntie Atlantis California anil Her Chinese. Mail jH.rk with a jjaiue flavor." Mr. Croker, Kiprea ou being ahked by the kiu; "what he Sam Fkasciskx), Feb. 19. A bill has Leave : Sum . Option p. m thouKht of it," repliid, "It is to pork been introduced in both houses of the ArriTo Suit Lake t :!:40 a. 109:55 p. m Limits Hi a. Lake Salt p. m what pheasant is to fowl," whereupon his 11 :20 a. 11:30 p, m legislature to exclude Chinese from this ArriTe Provo i observed is so that ::H 11 11: "iiothitifi a. majesty p. m stnto nnd compel those who remain to Lprvo Provo t:.n p. 5:; a. m trood as a fowl; if they were m wan e aa register, so that it may bo known what Arrivf Hrwn Riror Leave Oreen Kiver. a. m 9 M p. 9:45 a. m phoasanU, mid pheastiuts rts plenty ua becomes of them. The bill is said to Arrive (irand J miction... 5Mp, 9 Leave . . M Jiinetion a. in officials federal no of p. sanction one have the at woaid (lrnd the a fowls, t pheasant." Arrive (llenwooit Spri'ga. 1:10 a. MO a. m at Washington ami has been pasved upon Arrive London World. 6:20 a. Leacivillc 8:20 p. m as constitutional by the attorney gemral AnivePaeblo :25 a. m 1:20 p. 1 S Ar. Colo. Springs p. mi 3$r a. m of the state. At tu Small Miatiji'. Arrive Denver 4jSJj j. m! 6:45 a. m "1 was "urpHsed when I handed a Liehiir International Institute. No. 1, No. 9. iiewsiboy live cents arid received four WEST BOl'ND TEAIXS. Pacific Pacific The old surgeon of above Institute coppers in return," s4id Jatnes S. Gates, Hail Express. of Han Francisco. "They were the tirst will be at the liroom Hotel, Ogden, Feb. 9:30 a. Donver. 8:15 p. rn one cent picc-- I had eeen in about seven 'J."th snd 2ith; nt Clift House, Salt Lake, leave 12:20 p. 11:10 p. rn ( old. Spring February 27th and 28th for tlie purpose Lpavo 1 ::n p. 11 :2Ti Leave Pueblo years. We don't have u;iy euuie3 on of 7:M p. K:55 examining and contracting with all Leave Loadville tlie Pacific enast. Nothing is cheaper Leave Glonwood Spri'gs. 12:52 a. 10:40 braces, appliances or appar- Arrive requiring than five rents, and you never hear of an atus for deformities . 2:10 Grand Junction a. i:M or ailments requir- Leave Grand Junction . 4:40 a. 2:15 article there Mllinjr for Hi, 27, (59 or W 8:H0 a. 5:50 surgical operations. Special atten- Arrive Green River. ing cents. The change couldn't be uiade if tion to the ejres, ears and reproductive Leave Green Kiver 8:50 a. 6:10 a Arrive so Provo 12:30 p. the shopkeepers did ?ant to sell things organs, hip joint disease, curvature of Leave Provo 3:10 p. 12:20 for such prices. When I rtturn to Cali- spine, etc. 4 :ll p. Arrive Salt Lake 1:45 4 M p. Leave Salt Lake. 2 00 fornia I intend to taku buck a lot of one Arrive Omlen 6K p. 3 KM Will be Given Away. and two cent pieces as curiosities. It LOCAL TKAIN8. was not until recently that nichels n Our enterprising druggist H. A OODKN AND SALT LAKE. to look familiar with the Califor-niaWalker, who carries tho tineot stock of p.m., 8:45 p. Three yearsago, I believe, was the drugs, perfumes, toilet articles, brushes, m.Leave Ogden, 8:30 a. m 8:30 Returning arrive OgUon 12 :'J0 p, m., 6 .DO p first time any five cent pieces reached eponge, etc., is giving away a large num- m. SilO m. a, ber of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' celeBINGHAM. San Francisco." Cliicago Tribune. brated Restorative Nervine. He guarLeave Salt Lake, 8:25 a. m., returning, arrive to cure headache, dizziness, Salt Lake, 6::x)p. m. antees it Too Willing. nervous sleeplessness, the ill AMEBIC AIh rOSK, TROVO, SPRlNQVn.I.E AND Yomiir Wife (reprovingly) My love, effects ofprostration,tobacco, THISTLE, coffee, etc. spirits, doiir know bear can't mother Leave Ogdn 3:30 p. m returning;, arrive yoa my Druggists say it is the greatest seller Ogdon 12::l m, p. cigars, and she won't remain with tis a they ever knew, and is universally satis- D. C. DOIXIE. J. H.RENNETT, wek if you nnoke them in the house. Gen. Manager. Gen. Paee. Agt. factory. He also guarantees Dr. Miles' Youtiff Husband All right, my dear. Now Heart Cnro ic all eases of nervous heart disease, or I'll smoke a pipe. New York Weekly. palpitation, pain organic in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on free. Diseases" "Nervous and Heart The Cow rpatalr. Slsert Line to Park City. Animals are kept on the roofs of the Mayor Filler, of Philadelphia, gives all houses in Lima, Peru, and it frequently the fees he receives for performing the THE PAMVllUNEOF THE WEST. happens that a cow passes her whole life marriage ceremony to charitable on a roof, being taken there as a calf and to the Southern Home for brought down finally as fresh bwf.Cin-tiuna- ti Destitute Children, au institution in On and after October 26, 1S90, passenger and Times-Stawhich Mrs. Fitler feels great interest. treiglit trains wiU run a follows : bus a ji Ej OGDEN, UTAH. MASONIC. ; fCR HEADiTCMS A53 j:D.M'KENTS to C P. I3ibEr:T. e,-.J irirr. a a: i T a : aw : 1k ta i a. Uu. etiitL. Aio ins n-e- M Ii.1V. - i- JLKD THE KCRTKWEST PCRTUKD al it Ti list Co. Utah Loan ' EUSINEES CA7ICS. i J)'A-iT;'- GRAND Li Lint. SoaLe tiae ago Lue youog fur a efit an for a Wis sJt d a.r Uf a&J ?:k-- sum tlj id. aj'JtrLua,'aauliiu raw oaa Y fc Lrtter AdrrrttxtiM-iiL- . to an P;uc:ar ti thi 1 Ut P,TTnaaCMM, Lc fans. LLas W sutbi and ar.--t ksia U UI- - ah d Afiir "- -, k jmn U mm aM al im m (htrvLt'oM-- 7" - a Xij y, w pr aca ""l" EANKS. RAILROADS OF I KACTICAL J0KEE.S. A VICTIM thiaAi' itfiilialaft;Ul.Wlll(li Len$r:l Blanks of all kinds for tlie Commercial Olliee. bp.Io a; ! i . i.,immb num unnsners: ilie lommkrciaij I (jM.is.HiKO Company is a large and ee.ect stock of Standard, earning Fine and News. Poster and Job Inks. Roller andSuperfine Tnblcl-tn- g t omptpsition. Sizes and Varnishes alx o in stock. Those in need of i5t will do wall to buy of Tub Couskbciai,. |