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Show UUOKN DAILY COMMERCIAL: HUDA V. f EMIUAUY 20. as to police mm ire u l f il'a. A . fr-t- !.) i.--i uc'j ban j LIE Jl T!t L Ir l- - Ur - i.- I .r bcv-- a cf ! .. h a s.j.1 r- - riiiiryoi, unj-- UjiliT lit eS L.'utful tria Ctnrt Ilobo t ti.--rt J With 1)1 rrier-day-- l"uier the wlical A S.i er -- i- i'j j, t.iTii'..i Li ' Yz.e J" di Ti. Lsjjo: were y uir w. tl i.a J vlilcL ' v " li. CI T, until traia of lL tity twvrs t j & f sn iddermiia rota iiattr t.4 ti I'ti-ttl.Uti'.y pi.r 'Ut atrl.fr i t!: I'uli wa;d. These a'dermta all Lad the niA now A. Xort'.wn ! bas authori'.y ijjust:.vs mi eouiiid act l.is .V4r.-1. t !aUi p! i'A be suwltkl Ht l.y J. V. They wer each entitled to preside oier la police eoirt but iiis'eai cr do-u- g T W.l'KX Ll.iKK li VI s! that t..iit they met end duty to one of their tumber, Julge S. a Jltitiuj tw (ryauizc TLe M. Prthaw-- , who eo acted until the lall I'aitv. tduiiuii-tnitucame in, exvrt present w iit n oocaMoiudly abss-u- t from the city. 11. cvudilioa of imlitK-a-l wTair ht other ilUrtiK--n TLtn iMj and esjiei-iai'ia I'lah territory, in Kenrali Mr. T. U Whaleo. the Cit, demamU Th recat wam-i- l was lt:tej unJer most c:rcf al of all tl.efeu-prer la in th passei party dibeussiona whu h lw, Lich, e court ba tleciJt'J, re jiiirt the Lave for tso uiauy yvurs 'nsnsedthe of all er!nii iacii;;ed to wiively fi'li ji of a jut tii a wu'h ard insif of ti alderman. participate in o!itics are fa?t rulaiina-tiafet tho ia the uisiiiteitratioa of lb o:d Hci live juftiivs were council whs rivnt ekvtiou auJ the pjl.l.Lid parties. in number to . A Ftrja. active and permanent IXmsio who will The qucdioa no conjto tiio ratic organisation in nwest-iirup, be police jude? It a quiwlv under- future welfare of the city and territory. stood, no tb repisrt goes, tliht (J. IJ. l'ash Therefore, we call upou fall citizens of wuHto bo rewarded v. it h that position. 0;deu and Weber county who believe in Duttlia other four justices lilac e ual the great principles of the national at the ritfbtj with him nnder tho law und lH'ui'j-ra.iparty to o'clock on the f4cii indip((xl to have it that May. (Irar.d opera hou-- at They held a m Vtinj yettordisy after-lioo- ercidng of Saturday, Feb. "Jlst, lV.d, to to try ami come to bjuio consider tho best uiemw tt) adopt to on the question, but did not inpure success to tho party fiuwpsd. It is understood that they ill in Odeu and Utah. , meet u.iia txlay for tlie 6ume purpow. II. P. II. :i loTbo:i, I). referred she li. W. Cross, Tho jiolice V. U. Wheeler. mutter to th City Attorney and Mar- J. I'rinker, J. 1. IjedriJe, 1$. Barton, shal, and those frettlemeii ii.frnied the H. 11. Hcnderwin, Jefe jutitiws that they must aree among J. W. MoNutt, tJ. Tvler, John themcelvf-- s m (some pl.in of rotation or Henrv II. llolapp, If. W. Smith, d division of the work. Mr. Thoniks O len lilies, J. I). Hurd, Geo. Mr. atid yesterday, W. L. Mngiunts. Win. Harcombe, B. Stnythe will act K. A. led. T.J. HiuU,n, Theso justices all have authority to act T. A. Whulen, Ij. U. K hoiles, any place in the city, but the number of H. WheUtonc, II. C. Gilbert, their otliiwa might cut a figure iu llieir II. M. Bond, Scott Short, jurisdiction. Val Gideon, John P. Cu!io:n. li. W. Farriu, R A. McDaniel, THE DISfKICT (Ol'liT. C. II. Pash. H.C. Bigelow, 1 1L Mitchell, Fred A. Shields, Alex. Loeb, The rromoHtftiy Cum1 Still Before A. A. Werger, J. H 15 dlantyne, Tlios. C. Foley, The Court. Sidney 1L Waddy, H. A. Lindley, The First District Court was engaged II. J.'tJaney, R (!. Wooley, jr., C. W. Landis, yesterday all day in the continued trial J. F. O'Connor, J. W. Dalton, iif the Promontory case of John A. Tay- John Maguire, R W. McDaniel, J. J lor et al. vs. M. B. Buford ct ul., and it A. D.SuUivau, Shakcsjiear, J. M. White, was not jet finished. It ia being con- A. Z. Washburn, F. 11. Devoto, W. M. Hansen, Geo. X. Silks, tested inch by inch. Win. V. llelfnch, The other matters before the court Samuel Loug, C. II. Buschman, T. W. Jones, were as follows: A. Fehringer, In re accounts of 1L H. Henderson, A. B. Patton, C. Fehringer, Matt G. Stephen, order approving same. Shirley P. Ash. Daniel Hamer vs. the First National li. II. Goddard, I). W. Ellis, l!nnk of Ot'den, by consent, on motion of J. S. Peery, T. P. Rrvnn & Kogere, detendant given ten A. Bea" ley, II. A. Smith, R. T. Hume,' days from this date to plead. W. O. B. Green, United States vs. August Hansen, in J. G. Anderson, C. F. Orant, dictment for adultery. Plead guilty, Albert Bacon, Judgment biz months imprisonment in John A.' Preenell, O. W. Jones. Thoa. McDormott, J. the penitentiary. Langsdorf, United States vs. John Corless, indict T. D. Johnson, J. L. Schaeffer, ment for unlawful cohabitation. Plead F. R. Christenson, Chfts. Pascoe, A. C. Harris, guilty. Judgment one day imprisonment R. C. McKinney, A. J. Weber, Joe T. O'Connor, and costs. S. D. Coulbourn, United States vs. Lot Darney, indict- I!. B. Shepard, Jas. P. Sprunt, Plead Gea Dugan, ment for unlawful cohabitation. I. S. McCaully, not guilty. Bail fixed at SlflOO. Darney J no. S. Corletv, J. S. Ormsby, Jno. McManis, was arrested in Rich county. Jno. D. Carnahau, In re accounts of United States Mar- J. D. Horrock, C D. Tyree, Tho. A. Cottingham shal, order approving the same. T. E. Fitzgerald, Ij. R Saunders, Wade H. Spencer, Jno. F. Ahem, A VERY SERIOUS OFFENSE. C. M. Hotaling, E. S. Luty, Jaa. W. Eden, A Hobo Charged With an Infamous A. W. Davis. gvx-rrr.c- tL r.-irk-i- rLt'i M-h fr tdn IV:;--r;i- n t. IjcI f 4 U-n- - c lusi-mll- c e n -- under-ptandiii- j; Fitz-peral- oilL-iate- to-d:i- Assault. Yesterday evening a couple of gentlemen caught a hobo, who called himself John Wilson, in the act of attempting to commit an outrageous assault on a young girl about 12 years old, near the west side of the city. They very properly collared him and marched him up Twenty-fift- h street until they met Officer Sleeth, who conveyed the scoundrel to headquarters. He was partially drunk, but that will probably sot be looked upon as any palliation of such a crime as this. The case will come up today. Swedes attend! tonight. J. C. Solomon, J. M. Phillips, W. J. Bows, R. S. Cox, Ray L. Davis, Ezra Farr, F. R. Lasher, F. II. Lasher, Jos. Rees, J. S. Knowles, J. T. Johnson, Lew II. Beason. T. C. Morris, Jno. Scowcroft, T. Maloney, 11. Markie, F. Moses, J. F. Conley, W. A. Ewers, S. W. May. Jas. F. Pender, O. Robbing, Your national songs A. F. J. Ledwidge, Herman Kahn, Five Points. Dance tonight in the new hall. J.V.Sherer, S. H. Laws, W. T. Brennen, B. Ternes, ' Thos. D. Dee, Wm. Rush. C. J. Besore, Achilles Perriu, J. G. Ken fly, ' H. C. Hurd, F. W. Herri ngton, Dr. E. Thiele, A. L. Faut, J. N. vh. r.:w oriu:itjaa bjr IJ, i. tVtie' li. rui!rre Faut, R W. Smith, W. M. McGee, A. Wilkinson, John Ti tnmons, L. B. Bligb, Geo. C. Ruland, W. A. Bates, Frank J. Parker, Ed. Rosenbaum, M. J. Hogan, W. P. Dwver, Meloin Scholle, S. Dugan, R. S. Collins, P. Garrett, Thos. Denahy. W. Shinn. bil . MU-WU- . tsal fr ut iu !i-- jr-r:- - dire'.-Uw- r i ma-decae- d 0!,i-naiir- n-- h. a y r riuydt-- r rejx.rt av. ."L ia tL aea-- at Gotaraor Bulky, Bikkicc jj"ct3sta, a mxAxfu a tea J by Fu ilfcrai I to rtjx t tb tutuiEttiaUa and std it ba- k U tb wbosMit it. It w a to ordered. &.rus uoiKiotEf ol at letup! wvi mJ l.y tb lpubl.tu. U eirrrrt Lb at that it frLucai jurt.al of ju-rJrvixxa th aitiSf 'tr.,n Cuxeravt Iturk-kon the dratb of Slnuaa. f- r! - y A it.t roljtka, iutrudtHitxl by Kea-a- t Shuman, tppoictir. acuuiu,iU uf b.h bouspj to attend with tii goreraur and 5 at the f uuend of General Hber-rawpj voted kw a by th IeuMJtraU after a heated drbat. No a a aa att-t.ti.- to the Bulkki. fromtMicnl llauaer Waldo U in the Dark-S- r. Feb. Loci, la - Relitiv to U Kansa City about the cooaoh-datiou- of Ui NetUetou or Gulf lia I roperty w ith tlw Mitsouri. Kansaa k. Texas, Manager Waldo aaid th hitter road disclaimed cay knowledge of th arrangemeut and said hdid not Uiint there was any foi.ndatan for Ui story. a (i"'1'". Yf. l on card board, ia a manner suitable to frame, tnd Mr. A. B. Johnson, secretary 19.--- t The term of imprimMiiuent provided for range from two to five jeara. Xesrro. by Wim'iikktkr, Ind, Feb. ID. Near Bar-tou- ia, l'J. - -- A grievance eom- a small village near bore, Mr Falling Ore Kills One Miner. mitleo rejiresyntiug the Penasylvaiua Jam Basa was brutally murdered by railrotd eiiiploy(sare in the citv to vm. Ikonwikh), Mich, Feb. 1(1- .- Joseph Anderson Rosell, colored. She waa il fer w ith tuo general ol!iiHrs of the mm. liercanco was killed and two other ti have had some inside knowledge imuy regarding t.ieir refusal to grant the miners seriously injured by a falling of of a forgery ahich 1U11 had commitdemands t;f the men as announced yes- - ore in the shaft of the Aurora mine ted, and he murdered her to abut her t.rday. this morning. mouth. I Ujeell iii still at large. IVnnsjivauia Pinsm in., Fob. M en I'crsNtent. sup-pose- REMOVAL SALE W. H. Wright 2355 Sons' Co. & Washington Avenue. Mminiimniiiiimiiummmimiimmimiiiuuium Men's best quality Woonsocket rubber boots, $2.70 per pair. Boy's best quality Woonsocket rubber boots. $2.00 per pair. Ladies' best quality Woonsocket rubber boots, $1.50 per pair. Dry goods; shoes, hats, clothing and everything else at the same rate, which is cost, at the c Removal Sale of Grand Ball. A grand ball will be given at the Union opera house on Monday, Feb. 23, afternoon and evening, to commemorate Washington's birthday. Admission, in the afternoon, 25 cents each; evening, 's $1.00. No charge for extra lady. orchostra in attendance. W. THousnEEG, Proprietor. 11 W0 Sods' Co. The sale lasts only till March 1st, and until then everything goes AT COST FOR CASH. Chris-tonsen- LADIES' SHOES, of which we carry the largest line in the city, are included in the SLAUGHTER SALE. Swedish Octette Feb. 21 and 23. New West Hall. Tickets 75c and 81.00. Buy while you can save the retailer's profit, and come while the assortment lasts. Leaves. Tho High School class in botany of the public schools of this city gratefully acknowledges the receiptof a box of choice selections of leaves tastefully arranged on cards, from the conservatory of Mr. Spargo. We accept the same with a due appre ciation of Mr. Spargo's interest and P. B. Lkwis, Principal. kindness. At the rate goods are going now the stock will be terribly broken up in two weeks- We urge you to make early purchases. You can now get a silk dress for a little advance on the price of a wool one. SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES, SILVERWARE, en-ir- 13.-V- waa mviVed lUrhed tt ire Men Will Yizhl. Ciik aim. Feb. 10. Th barbed wire of the republican club eierticit which men failed to brinj their Degotutiooa poised ihem, forwarded them vecterdsy to a conclusion today. According to oo to the respective famihea of the every true Aiueucau. gentleman, obstacle arose at every tarn t W-I that all city iia? bedisj.laved snd tlie prtwpccU are now for another al half must on the d. v of the funeral. rtt'ht on old line. It is intimated that Xo More Prize Fights iu Texas. Wh. H. Traxru, Mayor. Scried: Washburn and Moen never intended to Attest: T. P. IIkvax, lUrder. If another meeting ia held it bill making sell out Aistix, Tex, Feb. w ill be ia Pittsburg. probably a offeuse in prize fighting penitentiary SpriL;; U coming -- and the Texas was pusted in the house Pday. Murdered GVn. hhe i:iau. To g: eat 6enic- - which he rendertnl tli nati-iin dab of trial Bad and b.ia high chara. tt--r as a siilaier jeril and citizen demand the r. ct and gratitude of Swedish Niffhtitiffales Feb. 21 and 21 iu Xew West Hall. Tick-et- a nt Giesov .t Snarco's. nml Dnltin Nye & Cannon's. Secure your seat The hall is small, and the audience will be large. P. 0. S. of A. Attention! All members of Camp No. 1. P. O. S. of A. are hereby notified to meet at K. P. hall on Sunday Feb. 22, at 3 p. m. to take part in the anniversary services. Attendance is imperative. W. W. Waiters, pres. Ij, Mkid secy. L. C'jca, cotuiiiuk.tjun ytterday 1VU. fuiM-r- tJie liabddiea of the com pan v at l.".uii) and tlie at-t- s at from ity.mit to .ri,nii'. The priacip;d creditors of the eu:i-ervn J the amounts duo them are the L'tsh National hunk. Ogden. tui; ll.trtoi:, (iiltiiore.McWilliams A Co whulcsale hardware, Chicago, Cribbrn,Sexton 4 lX.ttove manufactures. Chicago, e,i ; and tlie Corthiiid Howe Ventilat;ng Move company, Cortland, N. The balance of the liabilities of e:iiaMer amounts among is coiuprL-iea coiihiderablo number of tirnm in the hardware tntde in uifierent eastern citiee. Asked as to tho prosKvtJ for a resumption of tlie busima of tho concern, Mr. Snyder remarked that it was im potable to ktatJ? what would be the outmb:irnuuient. come of tho present The house bad put in a very large etoek lai-- t fall, anticipating a rushing winter's trade. The company had laid in a particularly heavy line of stovci", and owing to the remarkably mild weather this reason thctrado in that branch had been a a great disappointment. Added to this, the genc.al tlnaucia stringency had operated severely against the concern, until finally a ixiint was reached where it was deemed only the prudent and projier thing to make un assignment for the benefit of creditors. The house was established in 18S7 by Mr. Snyder, who conducted tho business alone until August 1, 18S8, when Robert Robinson bought nn interest, and tho firm name became Snyder & Kobiusop. Under this style the business proceeded until November --"J, 1'J0, when the concern was incorporated in a stock com' pp.ny under the name of tho Snyder & Robinson Hardware Co. Even tho dealers in the same line of business wcro taken by surprise at the announcement of the suspension, as this concern was gonerally reputed to bo one of our best commercial institutions. No little regret was expressed over tho ten pany'8 trouble and on all sides were heard the kindest expressions regarding the individual members or tho corpora tion. The wide differer. v bet ween the sums reported as assets aod liabilities occa sioned no little wonderment. To many the necessity for the makiu of an as under the circumstances signment seemed inexplicable. On this subject Mr. Snyder had nolhiug to say beyond what is reKrfed aU A meet ing of the mem'jers of the com pany and represent ives of tho Utah National bank anr ot.iers was held last night, and it is understood that aa a re sult arrangements will probably bo made by w hich the concern will bo enabled to resumo business at once or in the very near future. Mr. Local Dealers in Realty Take Steps Toward Orjranizinjr. Wraps, baby cloaks, LACE For sometime past it has been felt by leadiDg real estate dealers that the time laces, mens shoes, etc., a very hod come to organize a real estate ex March ist, and cash takes the change in Ogden. Consequently, a call was recently circulated for a meeting with such a purpose in view nnd in pursuance of which quite a number of tho leading dealers congregated at the Chamber of Commereo yesterday after- iiinunMiiiiiiiniiinini.niniiiiniMiiniimiiiiminiiiimiiimim noon for the purpose of" canvassing tho matter under consideration. Judge A. B. Patton was elected tem porary chairman and C. C. Robinson ' temporary secretary. Kemarks upon the feasibility and do- - W. P. Collier, W. Garrett, IIa-m.w- ., e !;,;-m- e The streees are improving. Real estate is looking up. La grippe seems to be losing its grip. W. B. Wedell's new sign on the famous Monterey Addition is a beauty. Fred. A. Tankowske, a prominent real estate and loan broker, has returned from Butte City, Mont,, and will devote his e time and capital hereafter to Ogden aad Five Points realty. Would the manager of the street car system please favor Five Points with a time table showing what day the changes occur, and if so how much, and the length of intermission between such changes, all for the benefit of the weary wny-8id- o waiter and Ogden and return walker? F. A. Cook received his first load of stotio for the basement of a fine and Bpacious dancing academy. Its dimen- - J. J. Clayton, J. W. McOee, tf Today. MEETS AiiilX TOXIUHT. Sivuire acd otueri. Tlie (liaiuWr f tt id Ta?k lix.a Work to Araia. tL jrariza-timt iutwajita to wy tu Uiitiitnu The CLau.ber ct CciBtefv will Lt4J to of f I'Ja-- d AUNJ!EkT OF THE sSVKX ia tb tipu'ul"aci a ""'-aJMirbd &erisjce at tL rfcaiulwr -r due to T Utefitt. tL'u eiecinjf at S orkvk aluirp, to Le&r raai.i:t ofSa,jurti,a U.Uuo, the rt the cociaiittee of buriL.s fchori, Mjtfuj. Sa.nL aij 7te fcVne Pro-pIht aud totiber 'f ArraErmei J ripitalisU as to th ticancLJ with Judge A. li iVtloa s.nd J. 1. Gilt. chtt re j p:l:v as rua.Uiitt to dratt practicability of tblbiej operstiv Early Htansptioa of tL . a rit-tc!i..bv rftxx'i Cosine. ir.a work iajuukhatvly. ThU m aa im Ti e.um.tt to Ua oiat-- t at th i!t,e plaoeon Mon lay next, rrtaiit BM!ieiin to thtf wbole city and I to L.r th tt ai, the all icterntd !ioulu Iw prMit. ia felt No httle f its tl aid to prrftvt rejortsof tbeortjaui. of tlcity yesterdny oer tkMi. The board of turt yesterday linbiiin THE 31 YOB'S iIjv i. ptirt tlu.t tie Snydt-to evecicg arrays for tb? comaiitue I II H'I. AM ATI)". WwldLatos IUrd:.ie cm! pai y, it watt to prpar a duty h(e atrtiw, v .ijs "ia p:ciV nwd bad auie He li.iiueisi a Troper of of facta to lay Uor statetuebt benct't ?:i fur the an a Memorial L'ites. tf e bujMUtT airn of the cilv. credit . l'i-Ft b. l., lcd. provftl t'.j riisor to be To the iti: er Ogdt-o- : tf NICELY E.VGKSE1. Mr. was verhied Snyder, by true, as it At the rwji;et of numerous nieuitjeia the hed of the wnwro, whea a&ked for of the ti. A. IL, cud other citizens, I The to (ieiirral Shertuan iiiformatioa by a Comitra iu. reporter would Forwarded Y'terJay. resjfcvtfully re!Uit,t that all store who as detailed to look aftrr the and biiMbeos in th citv be Tlie rmolutions of honor to (ieueriJ witter. U tren the hours ;f V' m, and 3 Sherman and Tne ass.:.niiiont was made lit noon Admiral Porter were of oVl.a k p. m, Friday lhe2t'th iiu,t, durand JuOiM Casein, th cwc-t tteniotiies of the bile nicely engrostted by Mr. Scott Anderson, tii buildin:. was male the aforiee- ing th lK-- M.-mv- Itey ij-t.4- - vt tL fe ft,i i, A. "-t- uuwl last IL A. :. Kit-Ui- A-- f PL HIE 5 d-l- rvu. I c .Sa.:.' it- - TO DRIVEN lbyi. EEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. WHY NOT WEAR SILK? s - W. E WEIGHT - goods- - SONS COMPANY, o 55 Washington Avenue. JEWELRY, d Complete Line Solid Grold and J. G. RAINE &2488 COMPANY, Washiiurton .Avenue. & WATCHES, Silver-mounte- Spectacles Properly Fitted. CURTAINS, hosiery, notions, complete line- Must go before Umbrellas Odeii, Utah. Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects, Free of Charge. - DIAMONDS. |