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Show LASKY FILM PEOPLE HAVE IDEAL LOCATION FOR MAKING PICTURE Preparations for the filming of Emerson Hough't latest serial, "The Covered Wagon," which was run in the Saturday Evening Post last April Apr-il and May, are progressing very rapidly, rap-idly, said Karl Brown, chief camera man for the Lasky corporation, to a representative of the News, in the Atkin Hotel. "Do you realize," said the camera man, "that time is the big essential in the moving picture production business. bus-iness. Just stop and think, now, in the picture which we are to film out this side of Garrison, we will use us near two thousand people as we can get, and each of those two thousand people have to be paid ; they have to have three meals a day; they must each have their fare paid both ways; so just see what that one item amounts to in one day. Consequently, Consequent-ly, we must hurry and get them at work and the picture taken. "And now do you realize that the location chosen was the best in the United States for this particular picture pic-ture in fact it is the only location where it is possible to take the picture pic-ture with the desired effect within the million dollar estimate. Now in the picture there must be the bluffs above the river back of Kansas1 City; j there must be the green fields at the start; there must be the timber along the river; there must be the high mountains; there must be the prairie; prair-ie; the bad lands, the sage brush, the mire, the desert; and there must be: rivers to ford. Now, all these, we j can find in the vicinity of Pruess Lake, this side of Garrison. j "This lake is a reservoir, two miles long and varying from a few rods wide to over a half mile wide. At the upper end of th elnke is the grove of trees, (and by the way in this grove will be the camp where all the norformers will be housed and fed. bove this grove is the sage brush nlain and the mire; and here will be staged the prair:e fire. Among the short brush, tons and tons of hayi will be scattered, and the flames will ; be fanned into fury by the aid of a powerful wind machine This machine ma-chine will also be used to produce the sand storm, and also to make waves on the lake. On the right hand side of the lake are the hills ir bluffs back of old Kansas C'ty Across the lake is the field from which the wagon wa-gon train is to start. Beyond is the prairie between the high mountains. Belo wthe dam which forms the reservoir, re-servoir, is the arroya, which represents repre-sents the "bad lands;" also in the botto mof which the wagon train will be attacked by the Indians. "Now by locating the camera at one point the lake looks like -a broad, sluggish river, over a half mile wide; and by just moving the camera a few rods, it shows a narrow stream which by the use of the wind machine is a j raging torrent. "By placing the camera in one position po-sition and by changing its direction, seven different scenes with entirely different backgrounds may be taken. "The grove, the prairie, the sago brush, tli e bluffs, the mountains, the narrow river and the wide river. At no other location in the country can such a variety be found. "Even with this ideal, economical location the company expects to spend ever onehalf of a million dollars dol-lars in about fifty days, nearly one-half one-half of which will be spent in Mil-ford." Mil-ford." They are hiring every team and wagon, every truck, and man they can get. They will use carloads of provisions and six carloads of lumber. lum-ber. Thirty carpenters and five blacksmiths, black-smiths, with a baggage car full of , tools arrived Sunday. The coramissary deportment, cooks wa''crs. hatchers, etc. consists of twenty-four men and the mess tent. is (10x112 and th okitchen -iOxfiO. j A powerful electric generator j two-thousand ampiers i- to be used and one of the greatest wind maoh- ines ever built will be here. Xot en- oiij.h trucks can be hired in this lo cality, so several big trucks are being ordered from Los Angeles. Five blankets are to be used on every bed. All laundry is to be changed twice a week and' everyone has a clean towel every day. Mr Palmer, the assistant production produc-tion manager, says the ox teams are being rapidly broke to yoke and will be started out on the road next Tuesday Tues-day (they have already gone.) He says that a half carload of wagon bows are no wat the depot and wagon to order. He says that there will be a "chuck wagon" and cook along with the ox teams, and they figure It will take them about eight days to drive from here to the lake about seventy-five miles. The real actors will arrive about the 10th or 12th of the month. The entire picture will be taken at this location, with the exception of the buffalo 'hunt. That -will be staged on Antelope Island. The actual ac-tual camera work on the Island will commence on the 9th and here on the 13th . |