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Show YOUR CAR DEMANDS PROTECTION ; OF A SUBSTANTIAL STRUCTURE - - - - IWMWiWW'WWfl'.'l.wa, "V fM iv , 'v A Simple, Inexpensive Two-Car Garage Constructed of Concrete Blocks The amount of money invested In the averse automobile or motor truck justifies a substantial garage that will afford the required protection protec-tion against water, theft and tire. In addition to the fire hazard common to other buildings, garages have a peculiar pe-culiar hazard of their own, due to the presence of oils and gasoline necessary neces-sary to car operation, making it highly high-ly desirable to build the garage out of Some non-conibustible material. Construction of Garage. This has been done in the case of the garage shown in the Illustration where concrete is the construction material. In building a garage of this kind, excavation' for the foundation is made to a depth of two or three feet. A footing of concrete Is put in place, this footing being about IS Inches wide and 8 or 10 inches thick. The foundation wall can he continued to the ground line In monolithic cot st ruct ion if desired or else block can be used, laying them up in cement mortar for the sake of durability. The block construction is then continued up, leaving door openings of adequate width and height and making provision provi-sion for such windows ns are necessary. neces-sary. A lire-resislant roof, preferably of concrete shingles or reeling til a. tops the structure. Concrete Floor Needed. Every garage should have a coh' crete floor. This may be of one course construction, four inches In thickness being amply adequate." It should slope either toward the doorway or toward Some point provided with a drain so that the water used In washing wash-ing the car may be easily and quickly carried away. |