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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, HTiDNiL GITYG0UNCIL1N MORE CARRY iioesl biaoes REGULAR SESSION The City Council of Nephi met in regular session Friday evening May 3rd. and transacted consid erable business. The roll call We have an exceptionally good assortment of Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' and Children's Shoes and Slippers this season. A complete new line of Misses' White Canvas Shoes; White Canvas and Patent Mcry Janes the most popular things for the summer. See them and compare in price and quality. We can save you money on shoes. showed the following members present. Mayor Garrett, Thomas Bailey. P. U. Cowan, J. E.Lunt, J. E. Ostler, and Alonzo Ingram. Claims against the city after being audited were allowed. The petition of Geo. W.Garrett in regard to the use of his motor at the City Meat Market, was referred to the Electric Light Committee. Just Received A New Line of g Men's Fancy Dress Shirts The Newest I I I C. V. Clarkton, was allowed $4.75 for the diggiog of a grave. It was recommended that for Styles and Prices Right the installation of the Electtie Range in the residence of Wm. Hailey, that the necessary wire be allowed. Upon proper motion Get Our Grocery Prices and Save from 10 lo 20 per cent this Visit the Economy Basement for Bargains 8 W or,': trick to ai i.nevi:k undersold 8 1 g CHAS. FOOTE & SONS g arn ivai argain w The resignation of II. D. Golds- brough as city collector of electric light fees was accepted, and his bondsmen were oliicially notified that they are released. The Electric Light Committee recommended that certain re pairs be made, and also plans for taking care of the system. The committee was given power to act in the matter. The water works committee recommended that. A. G. Gowers be granted $50 for the use of his horse and vehicle. This was authorized by the council. After attending to other minor matters the meeting adjourned. 1 QUARTERLY CONFERENCE CONVENES Toe Juab Stake Quarterly Con ference will convene Saturday, at 2 p. m. in the Stake Tabernacle. Elder 0. F. 'Whit ney, of the Quorum of the twelve AjKistle-- , will be here to address the people. Music fo th sever al sessions will he in charge of Prof Carl Nelson. The session on Sunday morn ing will be given over to the Sun day schools of the stake the same is usual. There will therefore !e no Sunday school held in any of the wards of Nephi. hut will be held conjointly in the ANNUAL COM1NG-GU- R as granted. 'The contract for J. A. Kendall plant operator was read and accepted by the council. . 85c Sugar, 10 Ihs. for 15c 2 es for Soda, p.'.cknj. Silver Leaf Laid, 3 lb?, for 95c " $1.50 5 5c Matches, box 8 g $ See them Watch for Special Announcement Shoes, Slippers Oxfords, Pumps i LEAVES ft FORAKOTHER FIELD lloya! A. Young, who for the prist three months has had charge For Men, Coy, Ladies, Nu'"cs and Children; High M of the mechanical end left to day for Wyheels, medium h 1$ and low heel?; Black, jj oming, where he will assume brown, gray, white ad all the latest shades. charge of the Snake River Sentirf-th- e fcj h fc,' Tiir.i-s-News- New Shipment of SCOUT SHOES for Men and Boys from $1.49 and up n . nel, one of the leading papers of hat State. Mr. Young is an alSnumd printer and newspaper man, and the management of this paper regrets his leaving, but wishes hira every success j White Rubber Sole Shoes and Slipper, for Men, Boys, Ladies, Miv i n ui Children; every pair guaranteed by United :tate Ivubbcr Co .; G9c up hi,-- no taken v by field. Hi in place will he Fred Phillips, of the Richfudd lUaper, Richfield Utah. WW" forests to LIVESTOCK To meet the war needs of the country sheep and cattle will be grazed on the National Forest this year in increased numbers. Forester Graves states that hal a million more sheep and nearly million more cattle will be given permits this yeor than last. This will bring the total number of stock grazed under permit to about nine milliou sheep 2,20) cattle and 51,0(10 swine. An increase was mode last year when it was first recognized that the country's need lor beef, mutton, wool and hides called for the fullest use possible of the National Forest ranges. With the country at war, the Secretary or Agricultural lelt that it was adviseable to take some chances on overgrazing in the larger in terest of immediate production The results of admitting a great cr number ot stocu last year was closely watched, and the in creased numbers tins year are made possible mainly by finding how additional stock can be gra ced without injury to the ra;.ges through more intensive methods of use. Among these methods are re adjustments in the allotments of range, closer utilization of the forage, and the opening up of the country heretofore not used for the grazing of stock. New areas have been made accessible through the construction of trails and drivewav s and the develop mentof watering facilities. The largest increases have been made in the Colorado and Wyoming r crests; but increases on the already fully stocked forests of Utah, Nevada and south ern Idaho have been made where-ove- r the forest have thought that the ranges will he able to carry the increased numbers of stock. t ' I. W. Evans came up from Milford the early part of the week on account of the serious illness of his mother, who at this writing is very critically ill. Mrs. Th"in.-:- 1J rough sustained i fall Saturday which resulted in l broken arm. Medical aid was secured and the injured member was aUcnued to. and she is abn' nicely. Mrs. Norma Sweeney and children returned to Salt Lake yesterday afternoon after apleas-an- d is!t with her parents Dr. s Dr. and Mr. D. U. Miner. It you stop to consider for one moment the enormous advance r the price of all wearing ap parel, and the prospect of a continuation of the same,'"you will appreciate more than ever the I'i'r Margain Carnival that the Golden Rule Store. 1 Frank Manager is nlfering this year. Miss Rjinhe Whitnu.re returned home Wedne.Mlay from Salt hake. Mrs. II. K. Whitmore and Miss A f t in ( ml of Salt Lake are visiting reiatives in Nephi tbU Week. ?VT S lie G d m coihI hand harness in f r..i lass condition for .fun at 4Vpbi Mccanliie C. Mrs. Fir) 'a't r carno over from Sprirg City WeJnesday for a visit vith in Nephi. ne-da- Is J sc llllliilliilllllllllillllllllllH are not shoes; but & when you buy from us and select from always-dependabl- such well-know- n e lines as i 1 1 ft Crawford's, for Men S3 Queen Quality and Strootman for Ladies and Growing' Girls 1 Ferris, A. E. Brown and Educator Shoes and Scuf fers for Child- ren and Little Tots 1 you get Stylish Dependable Shoes that give service and fatisfadion at prices you can afford to pay. Our New Spring Line of Crawfords Just Received 8 1 k You should see them at tlic 1 Nephi Mer. Co. k nX;hereGoodMerchand Mrs. Ida Linton Meinmott, has resigned as superintendant ol the Nephi Hospital, and Miss Ida Parkes, has now taken of the work in that cat Georgia McCune and Joy Rroadhead re assistants. chi-rg- e 8 8 ise is Cheaper" Miss Margarctt Jennings one of the public school tfachtrs in in Nephi, was called 'to her huu' in Park City the latter pan o the wetk owing to the illness of her brother whom we learned since has passed away. .. Join the Nation s Savers t I i 8 You men in school not old enough to fight want to help the boys in the trenches. One way is to save wool and labor; take good care of your clothes; buy new ones only when you need them. When you do buy, demand all-wo- is to sec that you get I such clothes; we're fulfilling it bcsl S clothes; - ) -- ft a ol fabrics and good tailoring. Such clothes save because they last. Our duty ? t- 5 h oes yiis t n v, - ... m now-gettin- i V i S . d rf Henry Miller, lias his Ford Car, and purchased a Ruick, the past week. M ns Shoe 52.49 up Kd Pit' M;:r?"d home Wet! y Clarence Warner purchased LU rrorr ir - fr.-n- u trip to diei Shoes 2.D8up Mat Howard home this the Angles Ca.iL ' 1.98 up fcj arid wili move th re in theweek, 5noc near Mrs. Allip and rhild-reM Shoes 1.98 up future. returnecj fiom- - from Manti edr.e-dpCi ildren Shoes Venice Saturday May 11th. .93 up ?.!r. and Mrs. K.'ij.ih Salisbury Sf ft Sn!e Shrr Annette Kelicrman in, "The 39 up returned hoic from Trcmonton of A the Goda." Daughter 10 Wednesrlay. Production rel Siiper Universal Watch for th big bi'.ls as you H News. Admission 5 and l"c. t in h'ivp you from 25c will at'pr'Hiafe it more than ever r on e"( ;i pair r f shoes f;:i Dr. Steele Railey, and Sheriif this year. Dan Martin, were over f n r Voiiin tht iiwizo Rcwim at Tin tic Saturday, attending p. tlu- local Re'i Cro.c ? matters pertaining t, Vf.,. r,,x( has cl.o it'l j,;rM, draft of men from this county. The little i.. eith old baby ghl 1 f-- j 5!h ;? ordy; our Mis Male Pitt, came down of ,Mr.& Mrs I'rvine (joiden di d Remember we ' rry ; a r ? from Salt Rake Sundafor a M'lite siniii. my Wednesday mornprices are abs'jlulF?y riii.'; t otnp.re our Shoes v ing alieraUdii an hours sickness. few visit day rrlati jth es. and prices beforr vu ?hciM? to buy Sho'S M Mrs. Glen Simmons , Payson, Sundr'y May 12th will be is the guest of her lister Mr-- ! lhr Jul, ut t.e cpuntry Carl N Ison this ut ek. as Mother's Iiay. A Fjxcial proMorgan Miller went to gram will h viven in the Taler-naci- e City Tuesday, to vh.it frief,d Sunday evening. before leaving with the soldier Watch for th annual Rargain N'V. t n.orrow. Carnivalat th Golden Rule Store r L. I" far k, onry Plenty ((f Carnations for Mot- The bargains thi year will he her's Day at Rnlerprise (JnK'erv greater than ever. It will pay yu to wait. Adv. disj-os- M n wi th H art Schaffner & Marx they're made better and slyled better than others-tha- t's why they lasl longer. U - -- - Golden kiule Store fc-- i it'3, ob-serv- , Pr-r- ift The TOGGERY Back the boy behind the gun that's backing ou 3 TJ. |