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Show THE orth of CHAPTER W. SINCLAIR A Co.) vcnilonul scut's of a flcht. For a moment Iluzel found herself believing the Herald story a pure canard. But as he walked across the room her searching gnze discovered that the knuckles of both Ms hands were hruiHed and bloody, the skin bro ken. Sho picked up the paper. "Is this true?" she nuked tremulous ly, pointing to the offending headlines, "SubntunUuIly correct," he answered Continued. XV rouKh-und-tunih- 5 lie rolled awny In Ills our. and llnzcl watched liim from the window, a trlile Sim recalled JSIIl's remark puzzled, at luncheon, Jn Ui light of Brooks' explanation, she could see nothing wrong. On the other bund, tdi know lilll WuRMtnff wiih not prone to Jump it rush conclusions. If he objected to certain manipulation of the t'reo ("old Mining' company, his objection was likely to he bused on auhstnntlul grounds. At any rnte, she hoped uotb-indisagreeable would come of It. So she put the whole mntter out of her mind. She dressed, und went uhout her own ufTuIrs. Dinner time wiih drawing close when she returned home. She sut down hy a window that overlooked the street to wntch for Bill. Six passed. The half-houchlmo mi ruck on the mnntel clock. IIuncl grew Imputleiit, petulluner would he lant, aggrieved. lu twenty minutes. Still there wua no hI ita of hi hi. And for luck of other occupation she went Into the hull and sot the evening paper, which the carrier hud Just delivered. A suirtllug headline on the front page stiffened her to scitiiilnllzcd attention. Straight across the tops of two columns It run, it facetious cnptlou: coolly. "Bill, how' could youT" she cried Brawling In public like any saloon loafer, and get ting In J.'ill ami ull. Haven't you any consideration for me any pride?" "Yes," he said deliberately. "I have. Pride In my word as a man. A sort of pride thnt won't allow any bunch of crooks to inako me a e party to uny dirty deal. I don't to get the worst of It In that way. I won't allow myself to be turred with their slick." "But they're not trying to give you the worst of It." she burst put. Visions of utter humiliation arose to confront and iiitulden her. "You've Insulted and abused our best friends to say nolh lug of giving us nil the benefit of news paper scandal. We'll be notorious!" "Best friends? Opd save the mark ! he snorted contemptuously. "Our best friends, ns you please to call them, are crooks, thieves and liars. They're rot ten. They stink with their moral rot tenncss. And they have the gull to cull it good business." "Just because their business meth ods don't agree with your peculiar Ideus Is no reason why you should cull names," she flared. "Mr. Brooks called Just after you left at noon. He told me something about this, and assured me that you would find yourself mistaken If you'd only take pains to think It over. I don't believe such men as they are would stoop to anything crooked." "So Brooke come around to talk It over wiih you, eh?" Bill sneered. "Told you It was all on the square, did he? Kxplutned It all very plausibly, I suppose. Probably suggested that you try smoothing me down, too. It would be like 'em." "He did explain about this stock-sellin- g business." Hawl replied defensively. "And I enn't see w hy you And It ncceaKary to muke a fuss. I don't see where the cheating and crookedness comes In. Kveryttody who buys stock gets their money's worth, tf.in't they? But I don't care anything about ynir obi mining deal. It's this fighting and quarreling with people who are not used to that sort of brute action and the horrid things they'll say and think about os." "Atiout you. ron mean ns thp wife of such a boor that's what's rubbing you raw," Bill nun, out passionately. "You're acquiring the class psychology IMd you ever think of good and The petty- onybotly but yourself? Inrccny Incident of my knocking down two or three men and being under arrest as much as thirty minutes looms up before ni as the utter depths of disgrace. IHsrrnce to you! It's all you you t Ibiw do you suppose It strikes me to have my wife tnke sides against me on snnp Judgment like that? It shows a heap of faith and trust end loyalty, doesn't It? Oh. It makes me re.-i-l proud and glad of my ninte. It doea." "If you'd explain," Il.irel began hes itatingly. She was thoroughly startled at the smoldering wrath thut flared out In this speech of his. Til explain nothing." Bill flashed stormlly. "Not at this singe of the I'm through explaining. I'm gnme, going to act. I refuse to be raked over whole-heartedl- d pro-pm- r WllXIAM WACSTAKK 13 A VEXll Under thut the subhead: Husky Mlnlne Man TumMea rrleea and Urokara. Whipa I'uur Mm In liroad (Street Ofllif. Hluga Another on Chungs. Ill Mlillity Kibh Huu-i- u hocUuy's Finally Jail. The ln.dy of the article Hazel rend In whnt a sot sister would describe as a Mute of mingled emotion. Wllllnm Wasataff la a mining Kntlenian from tho northern wlltla of OrllleU Columbia. Me la a I'lK man, a nmural-lHirfishier. To prove ihla he Inflicted a black a and a spilt Hp on 1'uul Lorlnif-rhrol.en noae and eunitry lirulsea on Jamea I j. lirooka. Also Allen T. Hray and aurtereit rermin Uurney occontusion In Ilia melea. The fra.-aIn curred the office of the Kree Gold MinI 4 J:30 It at Ilroad reel, ing Company. thia afternoon. While hammering tha broker a polio officer arrived on the waa duly to aeene and the city bastlle. Prior to the seneral en- as- roiinier In tna uroao street n'u lafT walked Into the Ftork Kxrhnnse, and made etalement about th free Ceijd Minall the hdkera by ing Company whleh waa on the ftKr, and the ear. reelved hi diarolored optic there. r porter waa rreaent w hen VaTttff walked fn the floor of the Flork He a'rode tin to the post where Ij. rimer waa transacting; hoalneaa. I aerv Botlra on you rlcht now." tie d loudly and anarlly. "that If you aell at other doUnr'a worth of Free Gold Hoc, r.l pot you ont of btialrte." jorlmer erpeered to l"e M temper. Rome word waa riaeeed whlrh further VnitrT. lie amote the broker and tha broker emot the floor. punrh would do credit to a chamIt pion r'iRi!!t, from the TnnrM. He Immediately left the Ptock Kurhanre. and Pot king afterward Rronl atreet w electrified by. eounda of comhnt It la conceded In the Free Oold offl'-ebad tha altnatlon and bla that three oroononla well In hand when the en arrived None of tha men concerned would the metier From the retnat-kdrop. b War1nrT. however. It appeara that pd the pollfV of market In Free Oold tok aa without hl linowlcdga or n , d rrMnn Wrtf at V'-f- ft. Vr'fl' flle-ctt- roient, lie that aa It mar. all aorta of rumore are In clrciltlon and Free Oo'd rtorV. which baa been aold diirtoB" the paat week aa hlah aa a Hollar fortr. found few tak era at par when Cbane" ctoeed. There baa l" 0 a considerable m"' In the tok. and toe apeeubrf ira are birinnlr to or.der If tliere la a prtew looe in the rompany affalra. H ome Wartitafl a e tip tomorrow forenoon A rharee of dttiirb'o the waa placed a r el net him. He rave pe''" a rah an4 waa at reltt'ed. Wt'n the heanna cornea aoma of the partlce to the afTr,te tnav perchance what loe at the IxM'om of the row. the power of the court Ar.y fine e l a mere baeatell' compared to to the dipt ictjcn r.f ec'enroTy mn- flnet In one of pr rrl'!nt nw-nt 't' fc-- tr fternoofi. I i rl ie one brto-teretarkel In raetft-of tf,e atrccf: The bf.kera ciocereed roli-b- t thtt to bave a diu.l meanlr con(WVr rfTrcl ifrorpoc) ttio t"Tcr. mortlflod A Tt e rly .Ififl rriihfi;t. tp h" tcry t'ir Ho1f ti frff. And thethe lfftcI frrLrnwa r.f er;f riMWt, . mfi1d'Tof her In proH-ct- . I'l.Mn hmwl'np. anrh nu one or " i "if Ttw "t from tina- M't fr i tnan lito o invi liintnrf'T aMrpcd the? r i. to tin. Sr'i frT tho he rs io v ; 'if no whntevcr r h r t it! tfo 1t'tf. Ttwlr ?, f'i-r.nrdty rctili "-- - 't. 'i trt ft f-- j " I'.r' ir, trrVifi '."I r, I' i'jI t -- ltd l,f fl a mm til br rne ral-roti- f-- If i T: ;ir. . !h- P'il, cTi.-r't- i -, ?!. h-- rre f e en-f'r- i1f in-er- uZ'-'X- "Just as you please," be said quietly. He walked Into the spare bedroom. Hazel heard the doorl-losgently be hind li in, heard the soft click of a lock. Then he slumped, d chair hy gasping, in the the window, and the hot teurs cume In a blinding Hood. They exchanged only bare civilities at the breakfast tabl, und I'll I at once went downtown. When he was gone, Hazel fidgeted uueusily uhout the rooms. When six o'clock brought Bill borne, she was coldly disapproving of him and Ms afilrs in their entirety, and at no pains to hide her feelings. Ho fol lowed her Into the living room when tho uncomfortable meal uncomfortable by reason of the surcharged atmosphere was at an end. "Let's get down to bed rock. Hazel," he suld gently. "Doesn't It seem rather foolish to let a bundle of outside troubles set up so much friction between us two? I don't want to stir anything up; I don't wuut to quarrel But I can't stand this coldness uud re proach from you." "I don't cure to discuss it at all," she flared up. "I've heard nothing else all day but this miserable mining business and your rulllnuly method of settling a dispute. I d rather not talk about It." "But we must talk about It," he per sisted patiently. "You can't get to the bottom of anything without more or less talk." "Talk to yourself, then," she retorted uiigmclously. And with thut she ran out of the room. But she had forgotten or underesti mated the catlike quickness of her man. He caught her In the doorway, and the grip of his fingers on ber arm brought a cry ot puln. Torglve me. I didn't mean to hurt," he uald contritely. "Be a good girl. Hazel, and let's get our feet on earth again. Sit down and put your arm around my neck and be my pal. like you used to be. We've gpt no business nursing any crime. I ye only stood for a square deal. Come on; bury the hatchet, little person." "Let me go," she sobbed, struggling to be free. "I you !" "Please, little person. I can't eat bumble pie more than once or twice." "Let me go." she panted. "I don't want you to touch me." "Listen to me," be aald sternly. "I've stood about all of your nonsense I'm able to stand. I've bad to flglit a pack of business wolves to keep them from picking my carcass, and, what's more ImiKirtnnt to me. to keep them from bantling a raw deal to five men who wallowed through snow and frost and alt kinds of hardship to make these sharks a fortune. I've got down to their level and fought them with their own wenpons und the thing is I suit! lust night I'd be settled. Ihrouch' here Inside a week. I'm through now through here. I have business in the Klsppnn; to complete this thing Tve set my hand to.' Then I'm going to the ranch and try to get the bud taste out of my mouth. I'm going tomorrow. I've no desire or Intention to coerce foil. You're my wife, and your place Is with tne. If you care anything about me. And I want you. You know that, don't you? I wouldn". be begging you like this If I didn't. I haven't chang L nor hnd my eyes dazzled ty any f:ile gods. But jt tip to you. I don't bluff. I'm going and If I hnve to go without you I won't come back. Think It over, ami Just ask yourself honestly If It's worth I well-oile- d Whlle lie drew her Op cloao to him and kissed her on one anger-flbed cheek, snd then, na he hnd ilopj the night walked slrnl.ht sway to the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Hazel slept little thnt night. A h r rid weight seemed to rest sufTociitlng ly upon her. More tbnn once she hnd sn ImpnNe to creep in there wh-Bill lay and f rget It fill In the sweep of thnt strong arm. Hut she choked bnck the impuNe nnirlly. Khe would riot forgive him. He hnd made her suTor. For 1,1s hli-l-t hsndtnes sh would mnke him sulT.-In kind. At cat. ahe would not crawl to him forgiveness. When sunrUe Inld a yellow besn-all full of nofea, acros her bed. she heard BlU stir, henrd hlit . moving about the spnrtraont w ith re-leaa steps. After a time she s!4 henrd the tinmlsf nknble sound of a trunk lid thron bnck. and the movements of him ss he g.ithcred his clothe ao she urmled. But she di I not rise till the mnld rapped on h f dfwir with the eight o'clock salutation: "Breakfast, ma'am." They made a prt tene of entlni. Hnzel sought a chair In the living room. A book lay open In her lop. But the print rn Into blurred lines. could not follow tha sense of the An inceaa.int Inrmoil of words. thought harassed , her. Hill pssrd through the room once or twieo. Determinedly she Ignored Mm. The fln;il snnp of the Irek on Ms trunk cme to at hut, tlie bumping sounds of u -- e, , l.carine whkh isir r.f t; f"llowa, nd tha a ,:.? iniwr fn'rolbma of ct;l-- t "I Won't Co Back to Pine River or i tie omon !(, j,, f,Trm ij,,. J Jo Klappan. I Won't, I Tell Youl" h a Mack j I T ince. ere rti! 9 ej.lt lip J Ho the; paper coula like a naughty child, and 'icl. If wn vti'irar, I'.rufall Th" the then asked to tell Why I did It. I'm act cf rate mi n. I know I'm right III right, and Kf on t?n crr of foara. go the limit. I'm going to take the Ar.il Jtit tt thnt triTmorit the door f Jold deal Inside Uril; out of this :i:U ffcncfl, r,J In W!lk of forty-eigh- t hours. Then I'm through with (Jrsnville, Hereafter I Intend to CHAPTER XVI. fight shy of a breed of dogs who lose every scn, of svjnsre dentin when Tlt Nets there is a hunch of money In sight I T'.i;! hfl I Minw-'ft tho fhr:'l he fojufy to ,rn wiililn a It TIf-l rutin who hd scol. And I want you to be dy l in to his ) r , e l r T ?r"? kn';!y too." . fco i'irtn. Xlor bore "I wr n't," he cried, on the Targe of rev car of ( b'ir.i of t!;e con- - trfer;cs. "I wont go back to Uiat i ond. her-gin- a 1st Jinmic. ifh nnl atiadrr lni!fl r. tllatinirti'.shed You cursed silence and loneliness. miulo this trouble here, not L I wont go back to Pine river, or the Klappan. I won't, I tell you I" Bill stared at her moodily for a sec wide-oruie- "It's simply disgraceful. g Lurnla In NEPHI. UTAH. . Fifty-Thr-ee BY BERTRAND (Copyright: Little, Brown TIMES-NEWS- e hr Its passage to the hali. Then a burly expressman shouldered It Into his wagon und drove away, A few minutes after that Bill came In sad took a scut facing her. "What are you going to do, Hazel?" he asked soberly. "Nothing," she curtly replied. "Are you going to sit down and fold your hands and let our air castles come tumbling about our ears, without milking the Jeast effort to prevent?" he continued gently. "Seems to me that's not like you at all.' I never thought you were a quitter." "I'm not a quitter," she flung back "I refuse to be browresentfully. beaten, thut's all. There appears to be ouly one choice to follow you like a lamb. And I'm not lamblike. I'd suy that you are the quitter. lou have stirred up all this trouble here between us. Now you're running away from It. That's bow It looks to me. Uo al I cun get along." "I dure suy you cuu," be commented wearily. "Most of us can muddle along somehow, no mutter what happens. Hut It seems a pity, little person. We hud all the chance In the world. 'You've developed an abnormal streak lately. If you'd Just breuk away and come buck with me. You dou't know what good medicine those old woods are. Won't you try It a while?" "I am not by nature Sited to lead the hermit existence," she returned surcusticully. And even while ber lips were uttering these various unworthy little bitternesses she Inwardly wondered at ber own words. It was not whut she tmmm Standing With Hia Hand on the Knob, ' Turned. would huve said, not at all what she waa half minded to say. Hut a devil of iterverseness spurred her. She was full of protest against everything. "I w Isb we'd bad a baby," Hill murHa mured "You'd softly. be different. Y'ou'd have something to live for tie-sid- this frothy, neurotic existence that baa poisoned you against the good, clean, bealthy way of life. I wish we'd had a kiddle. We'd have Cghtlug chance fur hopptness now; something to keep us suae, something outside of our own ego to Influence us." "Thank God there Isn't onel" she muttered. "Ah, well." Bill sighed. "I guess there la no use. I guess w e can't .get together on anything. There doesn't . sec in to be any between us any longer." He rose and walked to the door. With his hand on the knob, be turned. T have Citl things at the bask fur you." be said abruptly. Then i.e walked out, without waiting fur an answer. beard the soft whir of the elevator. A minute later she saw him on the sidewalk. He bad an overcoat on bis inn, a suitcase In bis hand. Hhe saw him lift a finger to bait a pa sagive-and-ta- ins car. It seemed Incredible that he should go like that Surely be would come bnck, at noon or at dinner time. Hhe had always felt that under bis gentleness there was Iron. Hut deep In ber heart she had never 'believed Mia so Implacable of purtt.se where she wss concerned. She waited wearily, stirring with nervous restlessi-a- s from room to room. Luncheon psssed. The afternoon dragged by to a close. Dusk fell. And when the night wrapped trnn-viliIn Its velvet mantle, and the street lights blinked sway In shinii g row. Mie rowerCd, sobbing, in the big chair by the window. He was gone. Gone, without even saying good-bye ! CHAPTER XVII. A Letter From Bill. All through the long ii'g.'it stn Isy awake, struggling wi;h the InTidlti.e fact thnt Hill had left ber; trying t nhiv'fve ber If from blame; flaring tip In anger at his unyielding attitude, even while she sorely conaetou that she herself had len stul,U.rnI unyielding. If he bad truly lveJ her, she reiterated. lie would ne tribute made It an ls.ue between them. Hut that was like a man to Insist on his own desires being made paramount; to MumbT on headlong, no matter what antagonisms be aroused. And he was completely In tha wrong, she rencrted. She recapitulated It all. Through the winter he had coTisistcntly with drawn into his shell. Tor her friends snd for mot of ber pleasures he had t best exhibited only tolerance. And he had ended by outrng'ng bofh ttjet.i and her, Bnd on top of that demanded that she turn her back at twenty four hoars notice, on nrnntille snd all Its aeoc)stion snd follow Mm Info a fbnf )ie res'e(t. g!, had full right to ber As bis partner In the chancy enterprise of marriage were not ber feelings and desires entitled to equal consideration? Ho had assumed the role of dictator. And she had revolted. That was. all. She was Justified. Eventually she slept. At ten o'clock, heavy-eyed- , suffering an Intolerable headuehe. she rose and dressed. Beside her plate hiy a thick letter addressed In Bill's handwriting. She drunk her coffee and went buck to the bedroom before she opened the envelope. By the postmark she saw that it hud been mulled on a train. "Deur Girl: I have caught my breath, so to speak, but I doubt if ever a more forlorn cusa listened to the lutermlnuble clicking of car wheels. I am tempted at each station to turn buck and try aguln. It seems so unreal, this parting In hot auger, so miserably unnecessary. But when I stop to sum It up aguln, I see no use in another appeal. I could come buck-y-es. Ouly the certain knowledge that giving In like that would send us spinning once more In a vicious circle prevents me. I didn't believe it possible that we could et so fur apart. Nor that a succession of little things could cut so weighty a figure In our Uvea. And perhaps you ure very sore and resentful at me this morning for being so precipitate. "I couldn't belp It, Hazel. It seemed the ouly way. It seems so yet to me. There was. nothing more to keep me In Granville everything to muke mo hurry away. If I hud weakened and temporized with you It would only mean the deferring of Just wliut has happened. When you declared yourself flatly and repeatedly It seemed hopeless to urgue further. I am a poor (deader, per hups; and I do not believe In compulsion between us. Whatever you do you must do of your own volition, without pressure from me. We couldn't be happy otherwise. If I compelled you to follow me against your desire we should only drag misery In our truln. "I couldn't even suy good-by- . even want it to be good-by- . I didn't know if I could stick to my determination to go unless I went as I did. And my reason told me that if there must he a break it would better come now than after bickerings and bitterness. If we are bo diametrically opposed where we thought we stood together we have made a mistake thnt no amount of adjusting, nothing but separate roads, will rectify. Myself I refuse to believe that we have made such a mistake. I don't think that honestly and deliberately you prefer an exotic, useless, purposeless, parasitic existence to the normal, wholesome life we happily planned. But you are obsessed. Intoxicated I can't put It any better nnd nothing but a shock will sorter you, ' If I'm wrong, if love and Bill's companionship can't lure you away from these other things why, I supconsider It an ended pose you chapter. In that case you will not suffer. The situation as it stands will be a relief to you. If, on the other hand. It's merely a stubborn streak, that won't let you admit that you've carried your proud little head on an overstlff neck, do you think It'a wortb the price? I don't. "I'm not scolding, little person. Tm sick and sore at the pass we've come to. No fool pride can close my eyes to the fact or keep me from admitting freely that I love yon Just aa much nnd want you aa longingly as I did the day I put you aboard the Stanley I), at Bella Cools, I thought you were stepping gladly out of my life then. And I let you go freely and without anything but a dumb protest against fate, because It was your wish. I can step out of your life again If It Is your wish. Hut I can't Imprison tny-s- lf in your cities. I'm neither an Idler nor can I become a legalized buccaneer. I bnve nothing but contempt for those, who are. Mind you, this ia not so sweeping a statement as It atoinds. No arse has a keener appreciation of what civilization means than L Out of It has arisen culture and knowledge, much of what should mnke the world a better place for us all. Hut somehow this doesn't apply to the muss, and particularly not to the c! cle we Invaded In Granville. Jth here snd there a solitary exception that class Is hopeleas In IIS Smug Its narrowness of out-Inand unblushing exploitation of the o fortunate, rrpels tnc "And to dabble my hsnds In their down and live my life muck, to according to their bourgeois standard, to hate groMip of soft fteh repine able s'news, to submerge mentality In fnvor of a perm rrnfliness of rnlnd which lnes n the 'city for brains well. I'm on the road. And. on, girl, girt. 1 wHh you were with me, "I tTiut cipiain this mining deal that p!iiie of it which sent me on the lampiige In Crf.nvilit.. I ahould hsv rlot.e .o before, should have lnilcd on rrmliitig it dear to you. The other side h.ul been presented to yon rather cleverly at the tight time. And your reaoy 8"rptanc of It angered me b yorid boijmK Ton were prejudiced. It stirred me to a perfect fury to think you couldn't be absolutely loyal to your pnl. When you took that portion I simply couldn't attempt explanation Do yoa think I'd ever have tak-r- n the other fellow's side agslnst you, right or wrong? k. ee (TO I K 0 What Waol to Know the CATTLE BUSINESS ? Do Ton Tlfew TV4W It. IlniD ns a PM vnnt Onlay and about FUSS rNKOIl.WATlClN w ibe Ulie KUIUTS' CATTIE. BRKKDS VETEKIHARV CO. , I AND tiaicin- Mil 100. WMJIESHa. P. P. I. E. Awwdd GRAND PRIZE at 'COVERALLS iknirk t1 IHAKittCU CM r fcV. Or- m - lv'the !LRE a new suit if they rip FREE BWAE0F IMITATIONS U ywa dralat cannot aupehr you, wa will wnd thew, chutn pnpoti. aa reor pt ai poea, S 1.00 aacb. Lavi Strauas & Co San Franciaco THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a home Wheere, Roar, or Thick Wind have illT" tfL.. VI 11 i. can be Choke-dow- n, reduced wilb f alto other Hunches or Swelliagt. No blister, no hair gone, and horse kept st work. Economicalonly a few dropt required at an application! f 2. 5(1 per bottle delivered. BoJ8triO, ABSORSINE. JH, the antiseptic liniment for nun-kin- d, reduces Cyiti, Went, Painful, Swollen Vela and Ulcers. $1.25 bottle st dealers or delivered. Iiook"Evidence" free. W.F.YOUNO, P. 0. P.. ItOIwwlt St. Sorlagfleld. Mat. SENTIMENT ALL RIGHT, BUT Youngster's Reason for Buying Carnations Knocked All Pathos Out of the Incident. He was n txtorly dressed youngster of perluipa fourteen years. Ills troiiserH were shabby, anil there was only one button on his thin coat. He mumi'i full enough to puh through the crowd of women around tlie bargain counley where fresh cimnttion were on siih jit two cents eiu-li- . Kliiully a witlcswoinan saw the y hand out, with six innlM pennies nnd it shiny dime In It, nnd In answer tn Ilia I want eight, pletine. all color." be nfelvetl sn aortiueiit of pink, red and while flowers, all Knowing more or less the effect of rough rem-liin- s bundling. A woiiiiiii who stood near by built up a pretty lltthj. story nlxiut him. She was e, Tin I II he wus B little news- boy. and that the flowers wero for hi no proniiniy waa in m a iree riiotner. hospital: ( e Tenderly the child adjusted the amund the cartiiitlotis, and a queer little amlle curvet I bis lips. "Are your pretty flowers for your mothsr. IHtle lMtyr asked the aentl-metiltla-su- pht bystander. "Niv." answered the youth with an Impish grin, "they're for my girl." Spoiled His Evening. she ex It glorious here? claimed when the waiter bad taken their orders. "I Hi you think oT he replletl. "It's perfectly lovely. Everything Is In such Iteatitiful haniitKiy the fountain, the tro-s- , the swaying lanterns, the tntislc vprythlng Is Idcwl. It'a like fairyland." Tm glad yon like It." "I'm simply enchanted. !oen't It make you feel as If you had stepped out of the everyibiy world Into awim thing lrang and new?" "Not a bit." "What's the matter? You don't seem to be eti)oj Ing your-telf.l all flng st the third ta"My ble over there to your left, and I ran tell by hi look that he's wondering how I can afford to blow myaelf at a plaee like thi, Hsyton News, In't lt Horrible "Every lsf Cllllnie. a of Example. tim- - I touch a brmd Mi-lfi- Iwfstewk It turns to gold. car ex- - . "Abd yet oil are scured end uncom- fortable. "Very so. tnti-- My prove the f;iHnry of ttelrig A a experience, proflteya.' Bonu. 14j)etime: father-- 1 tell yoti the ansa that mnrrte my dHtighier wins a pri?! Ah, rsther a letvel Idea, Otepple don't jou koow . Ijtl'e in great sorrow are egir from ere hnlehetj. . wfclcH 80667 savs- - O ' 2 Birds Nest Soup, net from whirh th far famed Cliinese Is made are built by sieeies of awailow thnt a Wind a on the coMs of Java, Ceylon and rr-fteand consists of a g In'inoiis substance- n'oifcined from marine ptsrita. The neat are boilee either In th'.iktn brt th or In milk of almote, sorj o,e reaillt rery miKh reaeTiihlra VfTTnl-esou;!, except tbat It Is lar mere cwstiy. Know About Do Yon CATTLE? ;i iH-- : ii W The birds' p n, best of all Tojctthe Corn Foods.ordcr POSTTOASTiES M Stct,CrispiRc2ciYTo-Ea- t |