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Show THE Ixcsoluttnns nf Jlcspcrt 3Johu 111. S. NEPIIi. UTAH. CASE FOR THE BOARD to the memory of the late J:lirr TIMES-NEW- OF HEALTH MrJJIicrsou Garrett of the Market, was certainly wrathy man Tuesday morning: and lie had cause for thedis i lay of temper. It appears that persons had the nerve to drag a couple of dead animals down to his slaughter yard and leave them there, causing Mr. Garrett the expense and trouble of burying them. Now Mr Garrett thinks this one too many and he did'nt mince words in speaking his mind of the individual who had su h an overflow of gall to leave them there, and intimates very strongly that he thinks he knows who the par ty is. and if he does not come for ward and pay for the burial of same, the matter will be turned over to the proper authorities. , This appears to be a case for the board of health to investi gate, as dragging dead animals into a public slaughter yaid where human food is prepareu for consumption, and leaving them laying there in the hot sun is certainly a menace to health, and the parties Ruilty of same should lie made an example of Mr. Geo. W. Passed by the Circle of the Nephi North City Meat Ward. May 5 th. 1918 some lUhm'aa: Our Heavenly Father seen has lit, in his all wise providence, to remove from our midst our beloved brother and John W. McPherson, and JUUirrc-uo- : His labors in our Circle have been such as to continually and fdWully portray to us his Sterling worth and un' blemished character, and 1 lUlirreaa: iis zeal, punctuality and faithfulness were so conspicuous as to be worthy of emulation; therefore in recog- nifnt mm i nition of his service, it is lu'snllu-Ji- of Brother John W. McPherson we realize that our Circle has lost a kind and efficient member; that we tender our heartfelt sympathy and condolence to Sifter McPherson, who has been deprived of a true, tried and affectionate companion; and to the members of the family who have parted with a kind and worthy father, son and brother; and that these resolutions be entered upon,. the minutes of tLe Circle, and a copy of them be presented to the family. BUY A Columbia Grafonola or a lamous EdisonTaking Machine Kent our Vacuum cleaner per day Kendall Bros. Francs and Player Pianos R OBERT , LOM AX Special Representative, Daynes-BeebMusic Company H "J A CAVA That by the death : e I $1 NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION Serving "We In the face of great maintain our plant at tl cay 4. Sl-- Despite the high vf be no part of the While the demand of many technically tr the gaps by extra el'fo ' In some places cot secure enuipnient for r the full extent of hunu (Publisher) DKPAKTMKNT OF THE INTKKIOR. 0. S. Lund Office at Salt Lake City. Uti.h. April 8. ISIS. Whooping Cough Nojtice is hereby (jiven that Jame II. Give Chamberlain's Cough Keineiy on June of who, Utuh, Nephi, foliar, to keep the cough loose and expectoru- 13. 1911, iniule Homestead Entry, Serial Uoriiiusy. it is excellent. SWl-tNK No. 0M.17. for MV1-4SK1-- are doing our u before the waii as we did With the world ro tlons unsettled and ab forts to the great proL that unint t pietious put in the. fo We feel 2 J" III Uctoxy. Section 35, Town ship 13 south, Kane 2 west. Salt Luke Meritliun. has tiled notice of intention r make Co. proof, to establish tjlaim to the land above described, be OF INTEREST ITEMS fore claimant's Commanding Officer, U Navy, as to claimant's testimony, and before the Clerk of the District Court, at Nephi, Utah, as to testimony, on the 17thday of May.1918. Mr. and Mrs. Ieslie Christen- Claimant names as witnesses: Charles sen.were Nephi visitors Tuesday Wilson, llyrurn Brough, Richard F. H. Mr. Christensen. attended the r Warren, McPherson, all of school last year, and Nephi high churned just as successfully into offers us this wholesome, hyNephi. Utah. SOLVING COULD B. BLAKELY, Register. has been teaching at Monroe the HOW SCIENCE IS crisp aptietizing butter as scarce gienic, digestible, sweet flavored answered First pub. April 12, last pub. May 10. past winter, where he best of the grades high priced cream. Certain!-- , the appetizing food. made only are the call of Cupid last week. idea is appetizing - the white the kind that does of material We sell all kinds of garden BUTTER PROBLEM meat of cocoanuts churned with OF NOTICE APPLICATION FOR Buy your Paints, Oils, Kalso-min- e, not become faded and shabby. PATENT. SERIAL 022405 tools, hose, and electric motors milk fresh seems more like a Varnish and Brushes at United States Land Office, Salt Iike Kendall Bros. than its predecessors. delicacy doubt readers Kendall Bros. have City. Utah. April 15. 191K' Newspaiier Id 's bed and mat For Sale-C- hi So w hen food specialists tell Notice is hereby given that Jesse advervarious the noticed less see Mrs. C II. lioberts. are the newest and bet. and the Coulson, whose post office address is tress, About Rhtn ali.m tisements of nut butter which us that this cocoanut fat is as diUtuh is about to make appli Household For Furniture Sale Nephi, as and butter " finish if anis'ic and pleasing, To gestible fat, almost equally are daily. Land United cation in the appear! rig States Rheumatism causes more pain and See Carl Nelson. offer a product new nutritious and as valuable as a suffering than any other disease, for every monument is properly set Office, at Salt Ijike City, Utah for a they many CARD fuel food, it's hurrah for nut the reason that it is the most common United State Patent for theN-- 2 of cousumers. or a good cement foundation. NE-- 4 We take this means of express to most "ultimate of SE-Section 20. Township made butter! Especially when of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to accustomed We are 12 South Range 2 hast. Salt Lake . .i to sufferers to know that there is a our sincere ana neariieu cow's butter, or may at the price i as attractive as the Our mice are con.ilenl wish II e Meridian, surveyed land of the United trig kind friends to the remedy that will afford relit inri make thanks, many the hard out product, helping times have used oleomararino. States known as the Mountain Lake and relatives who so cla of work produoeJ. ' rest and sleep possiblo. It is called as kindly Natuie Chamberlain's Salt works, placer claim containing - or rather nut-fa- t worked pocket Uxk. butter But nut Linument. to have come to the rescue .t acres embracing a mineral spring sisted during the illness and fun butter, which is to all intent seems services of our. father, from the waters of which a valuable eral in providing humanity with nut-fa- t and purposes real A new shipment of Universal commercial article ot Salt can be and husband and son. from the churn. The Troco and is being manufactured. Oven Ranges just Mrs. J.W. McPherson and family butter, is an entirely new prop said mining claim is on record in and Nut Butter Co. with plants at arrivedHigh Kendall Bros. UTAI ! theTheOffice Mr.and Mrs.J.R.McPherson. osition. at PROVO. of the County Recorder of and Chicago is among I am introducing into my flock QBut after all. there is nothing" Milwaukee Juab, County, at Nephi, Utah on page Kept for Service. Choice white to discover first the nature's gift Chester 5 of lsMk No. 11, and the Official Plat of single comb, white leghorns, stranjre about this new product Boars, and Jersey Bulls. Cause of Headache and FieJd Notes of the Government lombarron Strain. Lggs to cents except its originality. Nuts are and apply scientific methods to All Registered. By Thomas in the United W. A. Garrett Jr. Bv knowing the enu.e. a disease may survey are of record almost pure fat, which can be the perfection of a process which Office in Salt Lake City, setting. J.and States i I 'll. ii Tni b av pnrtieulary 1 nterest on the first and second often true of head.nhe. The rimM eimiu"n Utah. and all claiming adversely issue of the Liberty Loan Bonds Any iclie i a dUorb-recaux- - f r'H(""T"; 'V 'Ht:lfmm"lT " .ui or this fi.tiatili.-llionill h W III.IV lo any part there will be due on May 15th. Clip mining ground, .ohn nr of. are hereby notified that unless their the coupons and present them at corrected by taking a few doses it. Many adverse claims are filed according to the local banks and receive your Chamberlain' Tablet. Try there-unde- r within others have obtained pfrmanetit relief law and regulations money. On the $50 bond there ( from date of the 'i hev sixty days thrse Tablet, areay lication of this notice with the pub will be $1 due. On the $100 by taking register to take and mild and g. ntle in elleil of the United States Iind Office at bond $2 will be paid, and so on Salt Lake City. Utah, they will be in to the amount of TO hNIK KF.STORAT ON .)r barred by virtue of the provisions of theproportion ha? bond. been suggested It said Statute. LANDS IN NATION AL FOKKST I hereby direct that this notice I that the interest thus earned could be turned into a lied Cross published for 60 days in the Times-New- s Nctiee is hereby given that the lani newspaper published at Nephi Citv, donation the next drive which b "low, I'tnnr l'" inn aUtah. will commence this month. within the Manti National i"rct. L'tah, Dated United States l,and Office, will l" subject to settlement and enfiy Salt Lake City, Utah April 15, 1!1H. Many complaints are being under the provisions of the homestead GOULD P.. BLAKELY, Register. made of the practise of hauling laws of the United States ami the ai t First pub. April 13th. last pub. June dead animals down the field roads ; 1 l it Stat,, at th 7th, 11MX. of June II. 10-2- 0 and leaving them close to the United States .land o'liee a Suit Lake City. Utah, on .lone IS", iM. Any ditches, one farmer telling us MICKIE SAYS a very few settler who sutmlly and in jjihmI many features of this week that on one street he 10-2faith claiming any of said lands for Case Tractor. 0 OfcUBirV SiONi cm FFurtc mentioned, there are . two dead prior to January agrieiillur V'uri'M-AN BARNS AN S10EWM.KS a pig, two head of cattle 1 r.ns not rb;indned same. I'MH'i, an sheep, 1. Adapted to all tarm vork plnw, 6. Idler wheel can he locked in hy lever WAS MAVt StEN CONiOCO.tO has a preference rit:ht to make a home and a horse, and the stench from from driver' eat for toft spot or harrows and Drite haul. imU ADVERTISING FOR THE VMUZ stead entry fT the lan! actuary hard A warm dead animals these patented feature. these pulls. silo etc. f thresher, husker, blc;, filler, Said bin j were listed opor occupied. 7. AW wheel travel on unplowcd land no excuse ec such is Some should action fierce. mentionis a c 2. cneine the upplieationsof t,e The Ci days design anj when plowing. Wide tirei prevent Nr MORS t WITH Thi here Cae-mail- c be taken to stop this practise, as fur-t)!ied trfdow, who have a ( reference ripht ei pci iai tractor soil p.u king. -- net el the to ri(;rt atiy prior these animals are nreid subject motor. perfect COMIM' OUT burn I 8. kerosene. Will or s Succeksfully ttlef rovided a;. settler, j ing places for flies. and the w inds J. All part are easily at r ible. under full load continuously HE', B0S5? cant is fjiiaiified to niiike h'e-'ej- u operate carry the stench up into town to 4. Simple, easy to opera! . Very economwithout over-h- r jiing. entry and the preference riht is exer the detriment of people's health ical. Hull pinion th.it: ami axle run cised prior to Jiir" "", l''is on .hu t 9. ARB Absolutely na &ide draft under maxitICie! Dead animals should be buried date the lands will subject to settle- mum pull at plowing vt iih cither three raveva on Hyatt Roller Bea u you ment and entry by any ijuahi ed in the summer time, not only To Mf or two bottom gang. le-than oh r trait.r of $. Weighi SW The SW1-- SW1-I- . the SI 2 NW1-of cleanliness, a stand from : ..rong point I'ui new Ca.e catalog toils all about Trie . nought SW1-4ify. 4 equal capat 2 NV.'l ih the but as a health precaution. The to be durable. Cae traitors. Come in and get one SW1-the SI 2NW1-proper authorities Bhould take NK1 SWI-4- . NK1-the SW1 4 NK1-SWI-4- . this matter in hand. Nfcl-SKI-SW1-4- . the W'l-SWI-4tt,r-the W 2 Sf HVl-- l SKI-SWI-4- . SEI-the Shl-0 Yen tnir Lfi? SVM-M l 4 Sec. 17, th the SWI-i A man in good physical condition is the F.l-NK1-NK1 4 NW1-4- . almost certain to enjoy life, while the NKI- SWI-the NK1-bilious and dyspeptic are distondent, do NWI- NW1-4- . the Nl 2 SKI 4 NK1-not enjoy their meals and feel miserable S?c. 211, T. I.IS.. K. 2V... S. L. M . a good shar of the time. This ill feel aefes, application of Silford J. Pees. ing is nearly always unnecessary. A ftw Wales, Utah; lit Tablets to doses of Chamberlain February 27. 191, C. M. P.rure, Astit sistant Cinimisioner of the (ener! up the stomach, improve the digestio is all is bowels and regulate the that Land Otlire. needed Try it. first pub. April Pnh. last pub. May loth. Kl-- The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph five-yea- s Ik-be- Our Monuments Our Designs OF-THAN- 4 Beesley Marble and Granile Works old-fashio- h-- ad tii?TiI''':'':i""!,;-:r'1'''!!''r"- ' THE THINGS TO REMEMBER ABOUT THE CASE TRACTOR of the Here arc but v,-- the s stunts ;. wor n 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 f -- 4 4 4 xvr 4 1. .fir wv ft G. R. JUDD |