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Show THE s .xv ' . TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH. S. THE TIMES-NEW- S Published Every Friday by The Times-New- s Dennis Wood Editok. A. B. Gibson Manager. RATES. SUBSCRIPTION One Yeur in Advance, Six Months in Advance, Entered if Publishing Co. $1.50 f or 75 as Second Clasa Mail Matter at the Tost OHice at Nephi, Utah Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Prices Reasonable Mothers Day NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL This paper has enlisted ivith the government in the pause of America for the period of the war LlMI STATE ASSOCIATION ARIQUS LIBERTY BOND ISSUES There are at present issued and utstanding four issues of Liber- y Donds, and soon there will be ix issues. They are as follows: 1. The original bonds of the Mrst Liberty Loan; these bear 2 e per cent interest and Jane 15. 1917, but are at the Government's on or after June 15, 19H2. ption fhey have a conversion privilege. 2. The original bonds of the Second Liberty Loan: they bear 4 per cent interest and mature November 15, 1942. but are redeemable at the Government's option on or after November 15 1927. They have a converson privilege. 3. Bonds of the second issue which have leen obtained by the conversion of bonds of the first issue into bonds of the second: they bar 4 per cent interest and mature June 15, 1947, but are redeemable on or after June 15, 1932. They have a converson privilege. 4. The original bonds of the Third Liberty Loan: they bear 4 4 per cent interest and ma ture September 15, 1928, and are not redeemable until maturity. They have no conversion 1-- ! I w We Have jluSt Received ; DAVENETTESI that have ever come to Nephi CALL AND SEE THEM I r BAILEY urniture Supply ma-ur- Co. f per cent bonds obtained by of bonds of the conversion the first issue, and 4 2 per cent bonds obtained by conversion of lmnds of the set ond issue, into Iwnds of the Third Liberty Loan. Thev will have no converson privilege. Money To Loan on Improved Farms expired: Now. Therefore. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of Section 21)55 of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, as amended by Chapter 114 of the Session Laws of Utah, 1911. the undersigned the Board ot County Commissioners of Juab County, State of Utah, will oiler for sale, at public auction to the highest cash bidder, for cash, at the front door of the County Court House at Nephi City, Juab County, State of Utah, all the right, title, interest and estute of the State of Utah,-o- f the County of Juab, and each school, town, and other taxing district interested therein of in and to the real estate hereinafter men tioned and particularly described. Said sale will commence at 10 o'clock A. M. on Monday the 27th day of May, 1918, and will continue from day to day at the aforesaid time and place until the whole of said real estate has been offered for sale. The property sold to Juab County for delinquent taxes and now offered for sale as aforesaid is particularly describ ed as follows towit: Joe Bowers Ext. No. 1, Joe Bowers Ext, No. 2, Midnight, Joe Bowers Ext Mining Claims, Lit No. 2720. Acres (;i).yi5. Lt 1-- 2 acres Lit Red Iron, Lit 41. acres 20. fi; Wedge, Lit 49, acres 3. 62. Dollar. Blue Bird Ext, Apex No. 2 Lit 3! i4, acres 49.214. Silver District, (tranite mining claim Lit 231, acres 50, acres 10.63; Int. in evening. 1'empent, 2 Botn No American industry is es .No. 1, Boston No. 2, Temple, Lt .'tx, acres xx.94, mining rlaimA. sential to win the war as sugar Int. in reality. Mahogany No. I, 2 beet production. Dooley, .Mahogany No. 2, Exposition, Unless we are able to supply Southern Cross, Victor Hugo, Uit 37, 500.000 tons licet sugar to the acres 113. OX Lit 54. acres 7.35, Black Ist Chance, Allies, that sugar must be got Dragon, Lit 47, acres I9.T.9 otJO.iXK) move we from Java and Redemption, Redemption, No. less soldiers to France. Mining Claims. Ixit 379.1, acrts f.l.W" service. The Food Administration, at Iron Duke, L.t X24, Monterey, Lit grow- - 344, (ilucfi. Lot 33x5, mining claims. of organized leet ... reouest i Ask us how. Isabella Victoria, L.t 50, acres 8.47, Keep you loans at home! conditions the crs, investigated claim, mining of sugar beet growing, to cstauDated at Nephi City, Juab County, ish a price that would stimulate Utah, this let. day of May, 19x. BOARD OK COUNTY COMMISSION production. CO. The farmer s unions of all ERS OF JUAB J. W. Whitmore, Chairman By II camNEW a BANK. NATIONAL OFFICE FIRST western states carried on Attest: iniVn for several months early Will L. Hoyt, County Clerk. this vear demanding that prices (Seal! of beets be advanced to $10,00 a First tub. May 3 last pub. May 21. ton. O ooooouc XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7 CXDOCCOCOCXXOOOCOOCXXXiC The raise from $7.25 to $10.00 ffst of Ohio, of TnlwJo, Iiras Co'irT, v a ton was not granted to enrich KrtH J. htjr make nxih thut fc tn pvnlnr fxtrtrwf of tb firm of F. J. armer, the manufacturer, or to C'titT A v. V.in In lh City i!tni consumer. to thf raise prices of T'.Ma, f'otjrtT nfi.1 tirii. n1 thxl firm cum ot "ill t.r H.tnt ut as a war measure to produce CNB HIM ino tv,,.Att l t n't f vrr antrt I'm mniuii ,,(, more sugar. rf 1iM,,8 f rir1 ltl.u.. IBANK J rilKXKT, If we cannot deliver GOO.omj WKI.IriNF,. r ftnfn to In to the beet American tons t ""ThT. sugar this 'h flijr r.t Srti1 tny Oils A. ! A. r.I.FA'iV. Allies in 1918 with ships that O""') N.mry ftihllc. Hil nd - V't!'!t. i. kn lake 30 days to ross the Atlanihrr'iwU th nn take that of instead phipi tic, for tMrrmn1, 150 days to go to Java for sugar F. i. rill Vi f 4 Tilwlo. O. we block the transport of .500, OoO UaJl a Fairiilr I for conitt'patto. additional soldiers to the fighting lin? in Kurope. In asking farmers to grow Rent Our Electric Vacuum Cleaner the nation is asking him beets $1.00 per Day m cu.u www to help save jhips fend sol licrs I 8! A. NI;iA'iM IVomlpUir to France. T Doori South of I,.inU' 11.rn J 2-- - - Varnish Kalsomine Whitmore Co r. The Lib erty Loan Drive is now over. Now is a good time to flaH to save. We pay four per cent interest on savings account Rakes LOOK! WHAT? THAT ! SALT LAKE JAZZ BAND will give a big band dance and concert MONDAY, MAY 4 1 at the ARLINGTON Tni Hoes Shovels pr--ir- K, V.- L - rrrh MM !if n r-- City Barber Shop I KENDALL BROS. Phone No. NEPHI NATIONAL BANK 1 , Forks Lawn Hose Brushes Electric Motors White Lead "The Plumbers0 GROCERY CO. - We Sell Paints ENTERPRISE Lot 3432. acres G8.fi. Picnic, Lit 3201. acres 15.954. Last Chance, Lit 51, acres 7.35; Emma, Lit 45, acres 13. 10: Remnant, 13.7. GREATER SUGAR OUTPUT IS VITAL Satisfactory Terms C. Phone your orders early 23.039. Junction, Junction No. We make a thoughtful study of your par- ticular requirements, which enables us to give your business more than ordinary The Geo. We can supply your wants 1-- 1-- Kate. ESTATE FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Whereas Juab County has received Treasurer' Certificate's of Bale and Auditor's Tax Deeds for the real estate hereinafter described, which said real estate has been sold for delinquent taxes for the year 1913 and years prior thereto, and the said Juab County has just received Auditor's Deeds for said real estate; and the time provided by law for redeeming said real estate has Jennie Ixnle. Lit 2X51, Acres H.94G; Ex Ray, Lit 2ti7. Acres 1G.S0.1; Duber. Lit 2ot8, Acres 2.553. Acres 6.727. Space IahU; Lot North Bullion, East Bullion, Bullion, Bonta, Ixt2!H;2, Imp. acres 75.320. Copper I'irite, Copper Pirite No. 2, listKi, Acres 17.164; Lu- - ky John, Lit 2977, acres 12.235; Copjier I'irite No. I, Lot 29K7, acres 4.1 IX. North End. Ixit2205. acres 3.G13. Appolo, acres 15. Victoria No. 2. Freemont, Parallel, IOt3XCS, Acres 41.190. Equator, Lot 4302; Cable. Lot 4:503; Jumbo, Lot 43. acres 16.S23 Annaconda, Lot 195 Acres 6 124; Horn Mlver, L.t 203, acres G.XX, W. II The other two issues which Whiton, Lt 2S, acres 2i.fi6. will soon be outstanding will be Evening Star, January, Lot 33x2, 4 Reasonable C arnauens Livery and Feed Stable Oo 1 U-nU Mt Train. IMtrf B.if. Drtf Ml Bm prMi ku for 01 All Pun C. H D. COLDtBHOVGH. Ka. 44 rr.,rMM 1 Dr. Charles Dunn rion dentist No, 3 Nephi Tit lTrft tUt (itUrUi rtrrj i jti mm t( tti yjl litrr fpH U Ikt rtt( If ;mi irtUt 4ft Ml - Mai tnj ltCC0tit , HHK hmm C L Becker, MfgT. K.MX ITT At 4y Of |