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Show 7 THE NEPHI, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. KAISER'S LEGIONS OHIO MAN IS A MODERN WIZARD CORNS 8TOP HURTING THEN To drive a tank, handle the guns, and LIFT OFF WITH FINGERS. weep over the enemy trenches, takes etrong nerves, good rich blood, a good Drop of magic I Doesn't hurt on tomach, liver and kidneys. When the on time cones, the man with red blood In bit! Apply a little Freezonecorn that that corn, stops Instantly touchy his veins "Is up and at It." He has Iron then you lift It off with the nerves for hardships an Interest In his hurting, No pain at all I Try It ! work grips him. That's the way yu fingers. feel when you have taken a blood and nerve tonic, made up of Blood root. Golden Seal root, Stone root, Cherry bark, and rolled Into a sugar-coate- d vials by altablet and sold In sixty-cen- t most all druggists for past fifty years as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medlcnl Discovery. This tonic, In liquid or tablet form, Is Just what you need this spring to give you vim, vigor and vitality. At the fag end of a hard winter, no wonder blue, out of sorts. you feel Try this "Medical Discovery" of Dr, y Is the Pierce's. Don't wait! day to begin ! A little "pep," and you Why waltt Tour druggist sells and live. 1 "fc best means to oil the machinery tiny bottle of Freezone for a few of fhe body, put tone Into the liver, cents, sufficient to rid your feet of kidneys and circulatory system, Is to every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and callouses, with first practice a good I know of. nothing better as a laxative out soreness or Irritation. Freezone than a vegetable pill made up of Is the much talked of ether discovery leaves of aloe and jalap. This of the Cincinnati genius. Adv. Is commonly sold by all druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and Best Part. should be taken at least once a week to John Ioe "What Is It you like best e clear the twenty-fivfeet of Intestines. about Mnrlnn's singing?" Gladys Can Tou will thus clean the system expel the refrain, I guess." the poisons and keep well. A'oto Is by "Oh, the time to clean house. Give yourself USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EAS- E a spring bouse cleaning. Adv. HELD BY ALLIES RESTS WITH ALLIES AFTER WEEK OF FURIOUS BY HUN FORCES. ADVANTAGE S Americana Come to Close Quarter With Germans, Using New Guns With Deadly Effect, Accounting for Many of the Enemy. Flagler'a Florida Railroad. There la no railroad from Key West, to Cuba, and could not well be, as nearly 200 miles of ocean Intervene. What Mr. Flagler did was to build a railroad along the enstern coast of lorlda to Its southern extremity, and thence on piles and artificial viaducts to Key West, and to provide for the transportation of loaded trains both ways between Key West and Cuba by huge ocean ferry boats constructed and equipped specially for the service. There are no figures at hand as to the cost of the work done by Mr. Flag ler. It has been of great commercial value. M ! "run-down- Washington. The allied forces hava been holding their own the put week, much of the former-mp of the kuUer's forwa being gone. General Slxt von Arnliu'a plana went woefully awry at prea Just when ho expected to reap the reward of hist turning movement agalnxt that stronghold. On the AnilenN front severe fluhtlng tins been recmled from day to day. It will be recalled thut the Itrltlxh recai- tured Vlllers ltretonneux and that the French retook Ilangard and part of Hangard wood. Most of the fighting was In this region. The Germans and heir enemies attacked and counter-a-t tacked throughout the week, the final advantage resting with the allies. At one point the Huns came In contact with an American force, which ui- mrently had been Inserted between he Hrltish und French near Vlllera. Itretouneux. Three thoiixiuul of the enemy, after a two hours bombard ment, attacked this part of the line, They came to close quarter with the Americans, and there was hand-to- The antiseptic powder to b shaken Into the hand fighting, In which the enemy was It relleYee worsted. ehnee and eprlnkled In the He retired, leaving many Dalnfnl. awollen. emarttnff feet and takee the Ixxlles In front of the American posieorna and bantoiia. The American, British, and French troopa wa Alien Pool Is recorded Kaae. The rreateet comforter known fur all tion. For the first time it that the Americans ure using a new (outacBea. Bold ererrwnere, kw aut. wen pou, a sort of Khotgiin rllle. It is Before Marriage and After. eviileptly used for lighting at close "What have you there?" quarters, although the Mint, which "ills early love letters." sprays with a shotgun effect, kills ut "And that other large collection?" several hundred yards. Westerners "Broken promises," sighed the wife. who know something about the (lemUI- liess of the sawed-of- f shotgun will ap preciate the effectiveness of this weu- Pui In a scrimmage. lu lighting south of Ilangard the French Improved their positions. They attucked the Germans between 1 tallies and t'aslcl, on u front of about one und miles, taking possession of 11111 h'J and the wood bordering ou the For Infanta and Children. Avre river. I'ritlsli operations are proceeding In both Mesopotamia un I'ulestlue. Mov lug north of Itagtlad, toward the great Turkish base at Mosul, they have reachiI the Tauk river, after capturing fourteen guns and nearly 1UK) pris oners. In Palestine, with the exception of one severe reverse, the f.ritlsli have 0 ," To-da- -h house-cleanin- e, May-appl- foot-bat- LetCuticuraBe etlng-outo- YourBeaulyDoctor U, Salt Lake City, W. N. No. 18. mm Net Contents 15 Fluid PmntorJ n T m it IS? f. PER CENT- AVcetabtePreparatioabrAi ALCOHOL-- 3 Always r Simiiaurruieiuwtxj tlndihffStomaciSondBowtisa Bears the Signature 2 "'lr1 V ?t 11 .t.jTi,....ffl3 rromoUn$Di!rtti Thereby ii QccrfulneisanaKesLVAjuu. V.! . . I . MY . neither upiam.piwp""-.- protpcred. of r anti-aircra- I iiim i J - - t. rnnctination and Dwrrnow end And Fevcrlshness fac5inule Sijnswj,1 tit. Thirty Years I'll mum TTC!AUs4fcAJ xad Copy of Wrapper. MW WAS Hl Tcfls How EATONIC Makes Sick Stomach Well Tf enffee frem efwxaek tmejWa. n4 fevht W'm. Ktelmen, ft Iwai and ear A larW etmet tr U WeM wnrMfrfel rlte tMl mte4 hern4mb eent,! F,ATO'l; k. A TONIC f t Cm . 1 Flam etwmaeej leatVe amda. toder. ffcie.ee. eae? lie TTt " nh e. erf erair Oeat. . eee. "er-e- f tJ M. IT P.rtm Rmt, "I Ke re'f t'l reeen IS aad m abeoei . .e wee Mmr 1 r. a. leeef end Lea ATOMIC K?OR YOUR STOMACh S SAKp On'rcklr Removes All Stomach Mlserr Iodietloo, Dytpepvia, I latulence, neariDurn, oow, Acid and Gassy Stomach Drrrae th Cets erl HWi lk arretl EATONIC of the bodyand the Blol Goe Wrth IU Gaarant to brina- relief of money bark. Get boa today. Cmita onlv a cent or two a day to oe tu eue ii. a M..t mm .iwt.l euere4 - trial oi Eatonic Free r.;r i I Kiirnors frrtn Vienna fVijM-iihagc- are to the effect that Silva Farronr-a- , the Austrian tnlnistet ef agriculture M. IlorbnMekekl. I!uilicn!sn mlnieter, and M. Zolges, Stavoninn minister, havereslgni,l a a protect again! the government's plan Jo repress Stnvonla agitation in IWihemia. l Ixwidon. Telccraroe; in Zur Ich the continuance of fiehtirig in Kiev sniens the old govemmerit arid tb'ri f ih tw-jvc- wmut ev Tranafer Ordered to Prevent Escape Fighting in Streets of Kiev. Ml ' I. W. W. Leader, en Trial. tlilcogo. The government Itegnn prosecution of testimony In the Irln of 112 leaders of the I. . W. on Muy U, after Frank K. NHn-ker- , shh-Iprosecutor, had wild It wuiild be shown the organization entered a nldesprea s war conpiracy 0 upfct Anicrlca-plans. Singer Cleared of Murder Charge. fhicago, Miss Ituby cabaret singer, was acquitted on charge of having murdered Ir. II. CJiiitmsn by a Jury In the crln.lnn wom conrt. fhe Is the twettty-wveman tried for murder to I apiittm by a tok county jury within a few years. MM V-- ft h For Over -- V teii ill T I T " C3 tacit-hamme- the face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off the Ointment In Ave minutes with Cutlcira Soap and hot water. For free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mail. Adv. Ointment 25 and 60. C3 Brave Act Recognized. The navy department haa commend ed Matthew MeOabe, a water tender. for gallantry and heroism In Jumping overboard from the United States steamship Pocahontas and rescuing from drowning a fireman who had either Jumped or fallen overboard, When the man was seen to dlsnpcur from the ship McCube, without hesl tutlon.. Jumped into the water and auc- eteded In getting a line around the mini, who was hauled up on deck. Mc- Cabe enlisted In the navy August, VJ'O. at New York. Only an organization like that of Swift & Company, with its many packing plants, hundreds of distributing houses, and thousands of refrigerator cars, would have been able to handle the varying seasonal supplies of live stock and meet the present war emergency by supplying, without interruption: Firtt The U. S. soldiers and the Allies er; $100 Reward. $100 service rendered? Everyone, we believe, concedes the efficiency of the Swift & Company organization in performing a big job in a big way at a minimum of expense. Swift & Company's total profit in 1917 was less than 4 cents on each dollar of sales of Elimination of this meat and profit would have had practically no effect on live stock and meat prices. Do you believe that this service can be rendered for less by any other conceivable method of organization or operation? i..ln t .ctcm lw poerfimit. the I'srhnni ctrrciwinl'tit at 7.urrh re eflsnt Telegraph porta. Eloquence. "What Is your Idea of an orator?" "A real, natural-hororator," an swered Senator Korghum. -- Is a man who can put up such a good mono logue that you forget to notice whi-U- i er his arguments are any gx xl." "Why EEs Tha Reason. aviator can't get stuck on his family." notr In his profession there I nothing to boast about In k descent Pen port Measure Aprroved. Washington. The hni"e tn Msf bill pnewvl jhe sdmiri.rfilin Mil rrrie entcrliic the t'nil sort wr fl Itats to hsve a (mitnriK'til brond tnit and giving th ptwifb-npower in rt etrittirig rtitrftce n and exit froin Amerbn I'orta. Persia Nulla Treatiea. has Informed The Ilng'rP. Ilfjllsnl that It regard a Mill and void all treatiea lmppel m Persia In fwcent years, and epi'1alT7 the Knsao .f i:r7 fogefling th British pberee of nflnnce in that country. tr-at- American Officer KUled. Tsfls. Untenant VU,u-- l IlVhsrrl II. tiriffitbs. eomrnsn'Iirig a baftft' of I'ifaflirr. ha teen by shell lie eTfergl from fire In rlusotit J'it as a Gerrrim shell arrived avl xpl'lJ directly In frrit t,f Uita. i!!-- rl nmnn n miimn iiiiiimni in mnmu hiu ans uiiiiii u r Why Not. Indeed! schools for "Why not tpcn-al- r chlldrenr asked the bulletin of the Chicago Municipal Tulterculosls sun I tartum. "Why the stupid policy of waiting till a child gets sick before riving hltn the fresh air he needs?" Kill Now and tha File Prevent Tha Taskmaster. la "Bugge certainly -- 1th a woman. bot It's drllerent i1 It A Remedy That X Makes Life frdbiw You Cannot be AS Constipated and Happy kei-pin- be admits When a man Is beaten ' Sat. II Pin bis money at work." "Tea, he aaya a penny slaved is a penny earned." Ginger. my Carter's Little Liver Pills ! A DAISY FLT KILLER will do tU ktlleiaoneaBda. Leauall ecaano, Alldoalrra, l. H rWIMtKiJ, nrelxbrnn-aa,pmaMfir150 1 Kalo Are . bnK.klts. N. Y. Adv. Thes questions and others are answered fully and frankly in th Swift ft Company 1918 Year Book sent free on request. Address Swift ft Company, U. 8. Yards, Chicago Swift & Company, U.S. A. Pr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver. bowels and atomach. One little Pellet for laxative, three for a cathartic Ad. dleeaas. in Europe by shipping as much as 800 of meat products in a single week! Secon J The cantonments In the United States. Third The retailers upon whom the American public depends for its daily supply of meat. But many people ask Do producers and consumers pay too much for the complex car-loa- ds Catarrh la a local diaeaaa rreatly Influ need by conetitullunal contliUuns. It treat. therefore reaulrea conetltulloiial ment. HALL'S CATAKIUI MKDIC1NB Is taken Internally and acts throuch tha Blood on tlia Huroui Surfaces or the f ye. tern. HAUL'S CATAHHH MEUIC1NB deetroye the foundation of tbe disease, glvea tha patient atrenfth by Improvlnc th ceneral heallh and assists nature in doing Its work, fluodl) fnr any caea of Catarrh that HAUL'S CATARRH MKD1CINB falls to cur. v&c. Teetlmnnlais rre. lruiKlt F. i. CI.eney A Co Toledo. Ohio. "An r. Swift & Company's growth has been the natural and inevitable result of national and international needs. Large-sca- le production and distribution are necessary to convert the live stock of and the West into meat and to distribute them over long distances to the consuming centers of the East and abroad. Dont Worry About Pimples. On rising and retiring gently smear 23, 13 The size of a business depends upon tha needs which that business is called upon to serve. A business should be as big as its job. You do not drive tacks with a pile, driver or piles with a Not Bothering. remember when they talked of converting the swords Into plow- ahores?" Tin not bothering 'bout what they did to the awords," replied Farmer Corntossel, Mao long as they didn't bother the. big guns nn' the battle ships." "Io you Soap 3 If bigness is of benefit to the public it should be commended. "Ik-caus- e Yankee Airmen In Battle. I'arls. Four more aerial biittl were rcortetl Sunday by Autericun airmen flying lu the si-tonormwesi or loot. All of the combats were crl Imlcc.. ve. although i of can machines returned with bullet boles In Its wings and two others with holes torn by fragments of shells from guns. iyv (WWi In' i rvr A Business Should be as Big as Its Job one-quart- er Mothers Know That CASTDRIA Genuine Castoria 75 niinniiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiinnnnii II pi II ii JT ASI many colorlees faces but Worth Livin ainetor Gaemioe. bear IRON PILLS BARTER'S people awin greatly help moat pale-face- d ATTENTION! ! c Sick Women To do your duty during these trying . r Illdc your iirsr. times your hcaitn snouia consideration, i hese two womin . a. tell how they found health ileHsm, "I took r.v LydU 11 Ilnkham's V?. eUbla Compound for femala troxiblca and a dis. flaeerofnU I felt all ran down and waiter weak. I Lad heen ty rhyicaa wimon. resuiia, to pi re Lr5ia K- ITnkham's Vegf Uble CoTnixroM so a trial, and frit b net right sway. 1 am kwepin hons since April and doir;? all my botHcwork, where Mot nnahla Vj do any wot It Lydia E. llnkhatn's Vrre-taI Comro1ld if crrUinly the t medicine a woman can take wheninU.icorliUon. I firs yo'i pr mission lo publish Mrs. E. IU Croiluto, II. No. 1, Uellatn, l a. IMs letter . ni drarrTlfir Lowtl. ilirh- - "I lailercl from cramr down rtlna. wai Irrpjular and bal fcmaln weaknpM and Tliikham's dispWment. I bc?in lo Uks hyiiA E.once and restored which Bre ms relief at Cnmpo'in-tny hTth. I thoald like to recommend Lydia H. Ilnkham's remedies lo all suffering women who are trouble1 In a slrr.U dw-idw- trat4 l au ht - tx-s- - r v f -- V 1 re-ta- ble l Ut Why Not Try I E5TBIA E. PIWKHAM S 1 YECzETABLE C0MP0UNB LYDIA C WUKHAH HtDICWg CO. tVWW.MASt. j |