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Show pfr "7 THE UTAH r i f, -' t' ' t BREAD 1 V VV-- ' f JOUR NEPHI, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S, MAKES RECORD Free! yrrVanrl'nhfrr Everybody! heel, aad Shovels Free by our new Emery Power YEARS Chairman CJ. M. VV'hitniore of Mrs. Barrett Spent Over $1000 East Juah County Liberty Loan Trying J o Get Relief From Committee, received the followChronic Dyspepsia ing communication this week trom State Chai rman Crant, in "I tM my husband that my which he tells of the record Utah Tai lac was out and I that just made in the recent drive, and had to k t Uinningham to pet also expresses appreciation for ritiotlu r hottlo, as I wouldn't be the work done in East Juab without it for any amount of County. The letter is as follows Money; and that i.j why I am Goodies! Dear Mr. Whit more: here today," said Mrs. JI. 1!. The campaign for the third Jiarrett when she called at Ja"the kind Loan is over and Utah Liberty cob's Dnitf Store in Hirminjham that a wonderful success. has made in your recently to jjet her second little. This State exceeded its quota in mouth ilrs. liarrett resides at Kepublic thirteen days through the patri Ala. a suburb of llirmintrhani, litlht, otic sunport of the people and and in well known. flutfy.tend "I have taken only one bottle the tireless effort of the workers, cakes, biscuits and of Tanlae and have gained nine thus gaining the distinction of douyhnuts that just second place on the honor flag of keep you lianoin. pounds. Yes, sir this Tanlac has the Twelfth Reserve District, 'round the p;mtr done me more uood lnan an ijie. in the entire all made with and Fifth place medicines I liavo ever taken. An achievement United States. I lK!i iii;.r the j rist fourteen years 0ALUF1ET which is praiseworthy. have try-iithan $1,000 spent More BAKING POWDER You rendered able assistance to Ki't well of a complaint the saftst, purest, most in this accomplishment, and we economical kind. Try thai was gradually sappinpr my take this opportunity of thankit driveaway K!rene;tli. failuiet." and your workers, and "For the past four years I ing you You lave when ynu bv it. to have vour continued supYou save Inn you use it. hope have lived almost entirely on Calumi-- t mni .nits Also accept my kindest reonly h port. iiiKtedit-nb milk huvi? and arid litis ead ;is finally that tmirovrtt nth. i.tiiv hv Uui trot so it went .apainst me. I gards and personal thanks. U.S. I'iiikI Autlloj llir. Yours Very Truly .:ared :5 eat meat or vegetables HIGHEST of :mf kind, and if I did, I would lleberJ. Grant, Slate Chairman s'.:!Ver f"i h ui's afterwards. "1 h;;d chtoU'c dypepsia. so I TYPISTS AND STENOGwas told, and notliinir prescribed RAPHERS WANTED for me brought anyrelief.I rarely cvt-- went to the table, even the sijiht of focd or Mrs. Any 15. drover, .chairman it cooking would nause- of the Womans to W'jvk in Juah ate mc I had a bad taste in my received a letter this County, month and nothing I a'.e tasted week from the State Council of 1 Ijad til ways been healthy defense, asking her to eall tond a women who looked alter the registration committee gether :a-hoiishold duties, but since and ascertain from the registratihaving this trouble 1 o;(,t so weak on cards the women who are could not do my housework and and capable of taking the to have liel.t. had SHERIFF'S SALE examination. The letter states "I would, haw awful pains in there is a most urgent call for and was nervous and could Stenographers and Typists, and IN THK IHSTUIcr c i L I: r OF mi: not li.H'p well. When I heard of Civil Service examinations will UK FIFTH JUHi'IAI. this Tanlac it sounded so Rood I be held in Salt Lake.IYovo.Ogden TIIK STATK;oF UTAH IN' thought I would try it, because and Logan. AND FtHt '1 K C iL'NTV I was ready to try anything that Mrs. drover, has sent a list of (K Jt'AT. i would help me. I was thought F.rr.-Ostl-r1'. J. S. Plaintiff, vh names to the State Chairman the .so surprised in my life; it Hilt. S. N. Cole and F. M. Wi.it. r. ui ladies who registered for of the it helped rinlit from th start, Defendant.. .: i'he medicine seenu-to tak Typewriting and Stenography. To bo wild HI Slu i if f's sail-- nil l' 1." i, .'.hold A. rivht at once and I could Any further information relating !ir.th. d.n'of May I. f holdat noon of said day, lit the frm.t feci myself getting better to dates, time and place-o;.it , f '.he county ,"'iirl liiiuii' in Nej li ' from day to day. He fore J had ing the examination can be obJuab County, State of I't i'i, t'e .ini.-hebottle I got sy 1 tained from Mrs. Ii. K. L.Collier my f iiig lceriK-- real projwrtv .i Ju;it.-.- :n .ou!d eat I any thing nut on the of Salt Lake, State Chairman of Juab County, Staff 'of tab, i v. '.i: h. ;; l v.. ,t table and could hardly wait for registration; or by calling at the The e:it half of meal tmn to come. I certainly Federal quarter of Si'i tlull tun, Tout.. i,l f lUdg. of either of the .iit i!e:-touth f Kanpe one tin day I got this medicine, cities named. lake Meridian: the tor I believe it has added years . ami the ast hnlf of tin- v electricity. mm -t ur buku-du- I l W t -e i io-ht- . : 1 Mir-l'KK- WHAT YOUR DOLLARS DO Why do people come miles to get their horses shod Best Equipped Shop South of Salt Lake City of Mercy and Relief for Every War Fund Dollar. Boynton, the Blacksmith Your Red Groan dollars every cent of every Heil Cross dollar actually relieves suffering actually une 1,8 you give It, for war relief. Not out cent of uny contribution goes Into Red Cross administration cxijensea the overhead of War Fund administration la more thiin covered by the interest accruing from the banking of the funds. All relief work not pertaining to the war Is amply covered by the normal revenues of the Red Cross through membership dues. You answer to humanity's ery relief Includes yonr donation to not only the care and rwti oration of the wounded. It is a uililoii of mercy to the famished, the homeless ami helpless, tlte lame, the hn.lt, and the blind all the victims of war that appeal to the heart of mankind. The relief of invalided soldier, relief of the mutilated and blind, train-I- n of crippled soldiers for useful pursuits relief service for the care and revival of soldiers on furlough from the front relief of children throughout devastated territory relief of dependent families of soldiers relief to prisoners In Germany relief anions repatriated people retaining to France children's refuges and hospitals these are among the divisions of organized work that cHrrlrs practical aid to Its every object In a wide field of Its acope embraces Hussitt, activity. Roumanla, Serbia. Italy and Armenia besides the great field of France. Your donation makes this great mission of mercy your own. The Red Cross carries 100 cents' worth of aid for every dollar donated. For Spring I louse Cleaning we carry a complete line of Paints, Oils and Varnishes vr Also .Everything In HARDWARE Cooper & Pyper Company We have the right sizes in 1 in your animals. THIS IS THE TRUE Ring us up for hay and Oats. Try a patch of SOY BEANS this spring. RED CROSS SPIRIT ! A Little Story With a Thought in lU Big Globe Mills, Nephi F. A. License No. I'm-t-e- l wiutli-i-a.-- s r t - i I '.'-- Mtiy. Oh: I feel so much bet-- t and s'k ep so much better and Henry Adams, of llexbur am not nervous like I was. Just Idaho, was shaking hands with . think. have aclualiy gained old friends in NephH Saturday. Townaliip thirteen Mtuth f li"i ! i,i;iftt-of wci n nine went, the nrtli and feel strong in Mrs. Zetta drace Jones, prepounds ' li-- 'l feel eleven. AIo mi her ht.sband with a fine sented way. M'ti'-i r of ii.rii' .f t!ie mucha.i-were as Mr. t 'My teiphl.ors baby buy Friday morning. 1 n ijuarliT of "M i '' i iif v. ; cMith i,ih. i - I was anil they are at Jones, is in the service of Uncle Ihmm; ovt ry day, telling me Sam, and is idationed at Camp t .Vf:n Meri.lian, i'vn-ii ; .i how v I! I l.ik. I counted up yes-- : Lewis. He is in Nephi at present dfjtrwK eai"t u th ,iii it .. .. t. t!.. County Koad l'7-- ' ri,iy and fourteen of them are on a short furlough. ' i t i.iith 71 et, tai.ing Tatdac or will comI'hone your orders early to the i liiT'i ' north ;..e taking it as soin as they of Ijcfrititiir.. Co. for Car,., go to Firminham and get it. Enterprise Grocery i Alio Jrj:innitig n' ti for Mother's Dav. nations .sc is i ertaiti'y a wonderful j ,.i,Tt corr;-'if M fj Medicine and e ery Uny out our Ton-- h ) t' liUin wrtnn i. of Range one wet rt.',, is t.dkir.g alxrat it. You car. FOLKS iihan, Owio'e rutiii't f i .t tni- in the pajvers if you like HELP T ith I know there are i" ;. thous mnith i .f omen in tiie same bad t n.rtli ! rik Helping Hand Extended to Many fj:d !; ' th; t i I, ad been for so tt leif'nniti(f !' t,i: tl.many in Nephi certain arr.- nf lar.-" W '. Tanlae i . sold in Nophi liy H. Juah " inly The infirmities nf nc are many. r iij i , I". j o t,;,n(.n, X phi Drug, and a coriioratior,, (h Mo.t old f hae h had hn k. ; to a it . I.if..! 1neka y St The kidiifyn arc often weak crnt'T of v. f ttiti T Co.. ir, Silver City by Hef-f- . Or worn out with years of work, Koiith. Hani'" fi." ...:'!!.' mpynn Mercantile Packaeha rnenn Inyn of mi'oy. J . running thf' i'i Marir.o!, by Mammtitl, trouhles, rights of ui,rrt. Urinary t . ea.t J i fnU, 7 H . t Dean's Ki'lnry I'iII havo heljied to S Co. Adv. iU'gu-vnorth quarter of wi thin tin , !" thirteen south of Halite ime quarter of i'i'!i.m t ' j 1 i -- north-wes- r t t., i :i- - ! y 1 ( i U--t ' - ft-e- t tin-ru- f.-- i . 1 r : i ; t, 1" r.,.-i- 1 Kr-- i -( f J-- i - Pe-fl- f - V. );irs" i ',- -- eui-.'- rlMt ' 'I' K" ' l to JJ Iti Jinkn. ..' ,tn ' ii 17 . :,. I.. ' ' ( .! A in , i. '.' i , ' I" - llf.-l.t- I irst Dr. Mm J. o- - '' 1 A. BOOTH : et c :: Tt, T I' ENiivr T. n-- j ., Vif.k'o !.., s ? Shoe Rep a i rim: J. - ? J7.1.J First CFt '. . .e o '; o-- i i ;r T tx-.-- ' j r fur many. make life They are doine so fnr .I1 and yi.unt?. Nefihi jieople nn learirii thin. ( fnr,i:i d kend tb- - folluwinir l alcndorw ment. arvftff Mrn. Father J. Winn, says: "For several years I have u m Duan t a fair r r, Kidney 'iis. off and on and can say they r . are the he?t remedy for kidney tronhle. terms a I ,."', I have had several C i ! i; r- ; I;irveMer !l pK serious attac ks f ' eomfdaint and have never found kidney i h Machine was purclir-- e anylhifiji that would (tive me re . f fr-- m tr.e I Doan's Kidney Dnan"? II .v. 'cr Co. Ti.ose machiei exerjt have removed the pains and lameness ! av provod b! :!.!v af isfaclor in my hark and other symotom.s of disin t .is nart of tjif. country. T!jm ordered kidneys and I have felt like a i :a !: ; eti le e. on 1. ii ( different woman after usif.jr them. " K'en May 17, 0 If ;;() j... fr,)iM pond it"' ; , (SUtement A SKCOND STATKMF.NT It o" re-- i :) boeante 4. On April 1!'I7. Mr. Winn Mid: "I o i.,.r h;iv i,, Miir still use Dean's Kidney I i).t at times .h-eto W. II. and always get the same l Mill, juai, results. I well know that Doan's go! are a fine I kidney remedy and rerommend them esjiectally for iil pooj.le. " Prire Wie, at all dealers. It m t simply lo- r s.i'o My ur,dert,k'ng sk a kidney remedy- - (yet Doan's J F ( !tr,,j .tp,(, j, ' Kidney Pills- - the same that Mr, V . S. f ii.o lor U oh. J. K. Winn uses pi Footer Milhurn ( ,, , . Un SI' ' : ' Dat Martin. Mate en t ' r ij. I t ' ' (. ' ti-- . hram-Johnso- n 1 ii f i."i , . '' . '.! I"ri'S., pnt lfre '' '. w h IHEJLD - ! th-ni A. CH;I5TENSEN Ay, - fr it.-;- I'rop., Duffalo, N. Y. u-- A month ago the lied Cros chapter In Bay City, Mich., received a hurry-ti- p call for 100 dunnage hoes. Trixips were about to move, and through an oversight their equipment was not complete. The hairs had to he made and sent within 48 hours. A request for help was sent over the town, and the stores were aearched successfully for the right materials. Among those who quickly respouded and tame to the chapter workrooms to help were two little girls, sisters, about ten and twelve years of ag!, each eater to lend k hand and do something for the boys who were going to the front. All day long the fingers of the women slid the Utile girls were fairly flying. la after bug received the last stitch until scores were piled tip ready fur shipment. Closing time come, snt the woman miperin tending 'he making of the hags counted those completed end snnouncs-that If every one of the workers could com, enrly the next morning and work all day the bags would surely he finished In time for shipping by evening. Two t restfall.n little girl, the little sisters, were waitdeing for her at the door as she parted. Red Cro Dunnage Bags. "We are awfuily sorry, ma'afn," ssld the older of the two, tmt we can't come hack tomorrow. Ton ww tomorrow we have to " And. without the Kentenr!, she looked Iwitk wistfully at the plie of bags. "It is too bsd you can't come hsrk," said the "but I stit t i thank yrs, and we all thsnk )u, for the you've done today. Von two have Itm m wonderful help, and that p'Je of hr.gs wouldn't he nearly so big If you hadn't been here, (rood night." morntng whn the superintendent (erne dow to unlock the workroom for the day she was aston-tahe- d to mm the two Jirtle rlrls standked door. ing in the cold t y the "Oil, I'ra so glad to see yoaf" she sit I. "I thought you said yo couldn't it Tins 1 come 7" "Oh. we knew those tied Cross bar Just had to he finished for the soldiers," rrclImed the lift', ofe, with tllsienlnc eyes, "and we ot tip at threw o'clock this morning and got the washing dote early T Let us K 'ndal Good MowiM' movjr.T, Ilake for man. o-1- 7. G-3I1- TIMES-NEWSWANTADSP- I I PTile, S Jk-os- Ma(''',ir,e o W alter and Fax 35 AY WAKE UP!! Put that Pep Spring is Here. in Your Step that comes with a healthy System. Clean Out! Clean Up!! Keep Clean!!! Use Sarsaparilla! Lunt's Pharmacy "ilc L':i 'i Widely Who I Lui;J. Veil" TO 3TsK MsKt IVUftO reew rre oat CHOP4fOSTTKE wMsste vesr onit sVisF TS4T A" UE LUK D VwT YOU t Voom Ncpfii t-f- - 9TAST RlfrNT tr lici.i No pK-M- ,n C;f.t a !fj, ! tur menus. lnnmg assrrrlment of iwat yW some pleasing m tl is nv'er, j Co, fw I StrU'riH nkl as t.sil,le after the injury is reeeivel ? t a N.tflo .f Oaml.er- Iain's Liniment and follow the plain printed dirr tions w hi h a compaiy the As CITY MEAT flARKET Ceo; ge W. Ganett, f Vp. Cqual The Lirjcst ani Purest nainr- -l arp j..t of Gyrt,Lm in the World. whose flavor will lake joiir petite and dig'flton on the most pleayng evef fJanned ler a j;aflric man if woman's wourwl.ment Ijrt vA Vou Onr eomj-ie- Plaster 1 YOU A SI LAIC us WELL TOOrtV SLti. ILi. Will efler sharpen. your lawn cotton- seed cake for your cattle, sheep, hogs, horses and poultry. Just in, a car of that Redmond Rock Salt which makes good red blood f- 1 here- - "There's a Reason" One Hundred Onti' Worth , d OF- - Entire Satisfaction st l ALL KINDS ITH I N G BLAC K S M Guaranteed 1 1 . run Expert Korseshoer. Boynton's-t- he -- i S-O-- W on j bottle. 'n |