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Show ATTTT? 'T cwne r.-- BHEAIk oV OMinK, WUUW WUUI The Times. Vol. 9. No. 3 1 SELECT A NAME AND WIN IS GALLED TO I uci oi the i one over not by a long BEYOND shot. ForNephi, the past week the Salt F , ....,i wniu uneral JUAB COUNTY TO RAISE $1. PRIZE Salt Lake is not going to put Well Known and Respected citi izen passes away. Laige Num-- i c ir... tropic WI YIN SS; Nephi, Juab County, Uti h. Friday, May 10, 1918 JOHN MGPHERSOI GREA FOOD 1 mial Lake papers have been heralding to the world the fact that a baby Elephant had been born within the precincts of that city, whrch was certainly some event even for a village the size of Salt Lake. But presto! now come the metropolis of Juab County with a baby Shetland Pony, iid the owner Mr. Malin Brough has offered a dollar prize to the person who sends him the most suitable name by May 20th,' which prize will go to the one which he selects So here is a chance boys and girls to earn some thrift stamps. The name and the winner will be in published in The Times-New- s our issue of May 24th. The colt was born this week and is a beauty, havinga straight wlite body, with a black head. The is some curiosity to judge by the number of men, women and children who have flocked to Mr. Mr. Brough's place the pat few days to see the diminutive equine. Salt Lake has nothingon Nephi when it comet to novelties. JThe News, Vol ' HIGH 15,000 SCHOOL DAY Friday May, 3rd. the High School with the eighth Grade held a very successful Fi.ld Day, on the north campus. The afternoon was spent in competition in Track and Field events. UNIQUE PROGRAM The day's program was carried out very uniquely, on a percentage basi. not only joints in the field events counted but SMrtsmanship, attendance had their place. These points bringing the day to a higher standard of the rirls were not sports. Ag-iileft out, they had their events. Each event represented percent, and each class competed for its share, and then an average was stru-kof ,the points won, giving each class its The citizens of this county will again be called upon to raise more money, this time for the Red Cross, the drive for the second War Relief Fund, which is handlt-- through the National Rtd Cross has been designated for the week commencing May 120th, w bich will be known as Red Cross week. The fund subscribed last year will be all exhausted by the early summer of this year, and the need for funds wiil bi more urgent this year on account of the greater number of men who s will be in France from this country.. and who will Lok to the who aret staying home to pruv.de the Red Cioss with the money to attend to their wants if they should pet wounded on the battle field. The Red Cross is the greatest institution in the world at the present time, and it is made possible by the pairhtie donations of the citizens of this country. No person who ha any patriotism in his soul, when he stops to think of the great mission of mercy performed by th? Red Cross workeis loth on the hutth field, and at home, can fail to help with a few dollars to ctiry en this nublt work. The success of the Red Cross work is just as ential to v. inning the war as the purchaseof Liberty lionds, War Saving Stamps or any other war activities. It would be very inconsistent ar d fatal to our war aims to over subscr.Le for bonds, and tfeh Jail to furnish the Red Cross with enough funds to properly take care of the sick andwounded. The President ha asked orre hundred million doi ars for this work. That it' will be raised is beyond all question of a doubt, but every citizen must do his part when the drive com met ces. Juab County will be there with both feet as this county has bet n in call made upon it since war slatted. d v 39 HAS SUC- CESSFUL FIELD FOR RED GROSS FUND .2 No CAR OFORE AT NEFHI Anglo-America- n Mine Uau1 Their Product From Dog V ley Mine. Wagon Road rj Nearly Finished A wave of sympathy pas'sed Mr. Ixnighney Manager of the over Nephi for the family of John W. Mel'herson, when it beDog Valley property of the came known Friday night that Mines Co. is full he had succumbed to the severe of optimum over the future attack of illness which hud strickprospect of their Dog Valley en 'him only a few days previous holdings. The company is now at which everything possible was working 10 men and the firsc two done to avert a fatal ending, but loads of ore was hau!ed to Nephi an all wise providence had deem this week, which will be followed it otherwise. ed by others until a car is loaded. John .Alci rerson was born in place. The wagon road will be completCount Sevier Monroe, j , Utah, With the percentage basis for ed by the early part of next and came to Nephi with his parcompetition, more students par- week which w ill materially ents when quite young. He has help ticipate than usually gets into in the ot ore. the shipping always taken an active part in action in other meets. Of the enChurch affairs for many years The main siiaft ii n .v d .v i tire student body, there was arid filled a mission to Great Brit GO feet, and they expect to be percent took part in ain with honor to himself, and U ore this shaft in outoi some field event. The better idea, loading the Church that sent him. 10 more more men when that of participating and not days, After returning from his mis some-on- e be will to which will was met work, put else, watching sion he married Miss Mel Jones mean a increased with success. greatly payroll, great of this city, to whom eight childThe program of events were: much o? w hich will be pert i ren have been born, seven of 100 yd. dash, 220 yd. run, 50 yd. Nephi. whom, including the w idow surdash (for giri) 410 yd. run, relay According to the views of ne n vive him, the oldest s.n having (for two girls and two boys from who are in a )Ositi'n to know, diet! a few years ago. He also each class) relay (for six girl this leaves .besides his parents, the SHIPS CAR L MOTHERS' DAY PRO- property is going to be a from each class) ralay (for four and a surprise i 'v. following brothers and sisters. SOLDIERS FAREWELL winner, boys from each class) igh Jump, for the Mrs. W. A. Wright, and Mrs. mining world . before GRAM ATTABERHAGLE OF HONEY BEES Broad Jump, Pole Vault, and " Hose Card of Salt Lake. Mrs. J. PROGRAM months pass. Tiuildings Base Ball game. Besides these many B. Riches, Mrs. Mark Sow by, for housing the men, are also" had their the events, following 'Mrs. Ruby Bigler, Miss Jane, mere win be a program and Sunday evenintr at 8 p. m. in Wilford Belliston, was busy place for counts; Sportsmanship, completed, and the hoist and Bertha, Stella and Lula Mel'her soldier's farewell in the Venice the Tabernacle, undjer the aus- Wednesday and Thursday load- Attendance, Punctuality, apparatus is now already for son. Seth, Ramsey and He her load and car a hone".v first of M. bees L. and the Y. A. I. for of to taken, in place ing honor operation. pices night. (Friday) Mel'herson ail living in Nephi. the Vernal eoun'ry. participating individuals of each of s who leave to mor Ladies Literary Club there will shipment-tthe boj serfuneral impressive Very css. vices were held fron the North row, and whose names are given be a program given in honor of Since the weevil has appeared in ENTHUSIASM RESURRECTED and this is ii another The havoc Mother's this valley played of Day. following paper, Ward meeting house Monday jurt outlined by those in the Jlalfa fields.coupled with jo mucn enmusiasim was afternoon, every available seat ir. The following entertainment wii the program shown, late bee in the K? that, liberally the word in fromga:P lewis frosts, the carried out. Free Picture charge. meeting industry having the church being taken, with was old school the resurrected, Duet Carl Nelson and Ruth Nephi has suffered considerably, extra benches having to he placed show. Address by T. C. Winn, awakened from the dead. The following letter was rein the aisles in order to accom- Song by Lutie Brough. Reading Sperry, "Holy Mother" accom- Mr. Bo liston ha therefore de- spirit and more once to was allowed this week by Mr. G. M. ceived to cided modate the many people who by Evelyn Park, Song by L. I panied by VelmaBelliston. Prayer change locations. The come forth. from Ray Gowers, one Whitinore, L.P. 2."0 to Duet contains last had gathered pay their shipment Anderson, and a dance after the Bishop Thomas Bailey. colonies, of the likeliness of the of the Nephi boyst Camp LewBecause him. to will and Ed unloaded Mrs. The committee ex Anderson and at Price, Carter, le respects meeting. day fal ing to the Sophomores, is. We obtained, permission to Bishop Grace presided and the tends a cordial invitation to the "Mother's Hymn to Me" Ac- and then taken to the Unilah there was, a great rivalry, and publish it on account of its opening number was a song giv- citizens of Nephi to attend. companied by Norma Bigler. county by wagon or auto truck. some envious feeling made man g character. en by the religion das., girls from Reading, "Somebody's Mother" Mr. Bellistan wilj accompany ifest. As the procession passed, G. M. Whitm're Mrs. Mel'herson'.-- class who so to their destination. Iloscoe Grover. Solo"Little moth- th.-necfu!d anything, inline of Nephi Utah kindly offered their services for FIVE WORE MEN LEAVE AccomOrd. Alice Mine" locomotion, from a liroouse'ne to Dear Mr. Wn it more: O' er the occasion. The opening prayer a donkey or a Ford Your letter TO- panist Leta Lunt. Short Talk. A was given by Jas Garrett Jr. START IN THE The Juniors carefully solemnly of the 18th recived, and was sure 'A tribute to Mother' President President James Duckworth, and very funeral-likcarried in pleased to hear from you. I pasRees. T. D. Reading 'The RIGHT DIRECTION a coffin, the of the Black foot Iuaho Stake, Five more men will leave this and burned sed on to the rest of the boys Sophs Mother" Mrs. Jeanet was the first speaker. .Vr. Duck- ?itv in effigy. Behind this weep w ho I have seen your knd refor Camp Mc Whistling them worth had been a misslonery Dmvell.ncar San Francisco Calif. tte Lunt. Solo, "A Lullaby" by came the youthful gards to them. We are all agreed ing process-oMr. J. W. Boud, cashier of the and romiianion of Mr. McPherson's fhey extK'ct to goon the early Mabel O. Lunt, Accompanist timid Freshmen, leading that it is pleasing to know that Nephi National Bank, has start- what they tcrrr.eo the erson !eop& at home are in England and the speaker paid morning train unless other ar- - Lola Cazier. taking an in- -' ed a move this week that will ification of the a glowing tribute to hi. worth rangem-nt- s an terest in w ha: we are doing. are made.Thc names Sophomores, mean a great deal to this city in in the mis; ion fidd and to his f those who will go are as in the colors of During the last few days I the line of improvement if it is As, love for children. the class and labled so that there have taken examinations for the follows. Morgan Miller, Ralph ANNUAL ELECTION taken up by other owners of va- could be no mistake. These w ith The next number was a duet Salisbury, and Harver Dell Sid Engineers Officers TrainingCamp, lots along main street. The cant OF OFFICERS the day a start with which logins early in May in others by Mi s,- Delia Giace and Mi si well, of Nephi. Martin Ekker. gave vacant space north of the bank as much force as the. Lela Lunt, entitled 'Resigna Mammoth, Wm. John Keyes, "Big Gun, Virginia. At present I am had 'become a veritable Mr. of which tion" after Over There." Ogden that I will get an Kurka, Harry Bowers, Alternate The annual election of officers to Mr, Boud, and this week be is Sevier County, another mission-er- Nephi. The results were as follows But in military aftook having the ground leveled ff 100 dash 1st. Kay, 2nd.Orme, fairs nothing is sure until the companion, spoke words of Un May 2tn. eight more men of the Ladie3 Literacy Club yd. enclose same in a nea' 3rd. Lur t. 220 comfort to the family, and told from this county will be induct place Wednesday evening in the and willwhich yd. run 1st. Park, paper is signed. fence will be planted to 2nd. an School e.Bldg. following em his 3rd. R. Carter. 50 yd. and High One of the boys has just reof Kay, great regard ei into the service, and will be which was lawn gras? and flowers. in which he held the deceased. ent to Boulder Colo, for a course elaborate banquet dash 1st. Winn, 2ni. Park, 3rd. turned from a furlough. He This is certainly a splendid' Howarth. M' ) Alice Ord then rendered ;n the University of that State served by the second year domes Relay (for 2 gids and having s;ent his time in Millard and should 1m? followed uuj 2 rrove consisted and science tic girls, names of these men have from each class) 1st. Sophs County, 8nd passed through Juthe Solo, "In the Garden of God's the boys of a five course dinner. The dec- in several other spot along main j 2nd Fresh s. 3rd. Sen s. Relay ab Valley, and he gave us an Garden," T. H. G. Parkes was ;ut been chosen yet. orations were most exquisite, be- street, and in a short time every (for six girls) 1st. Soph's 2nd. interesting report of the condithe next speaker stating that h in the club color, of white citizen wojld Ik fired w ith the Juniors, 3rd. Seniors. Relay (for tion a he saw them. This life him had know practically all his A fine baby loy was lorn to ing his and of honor and and green, and were highly com- spirit of improving ojr city. One iourloysl . Soph s 2nd. Jun- in Washington is making us ail tpuke life, .Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Shaw Tuesday We have mended upon by the guests of the lest adverlirements thi iors 3rd. Senior. High Jump 1st. think more of Utah integrity as amemlwr of the norning. Mr. Shaw is , from 3rd. all become reconciled to the life tway could get would be an at Mel'herson 2nd. Mang-isonward during the speaker's term iftiTie at the present. city present time serving The election of olticers result tractive main street. The flu to-- ; Park Broad Jump 1st. Park. 2nd and are aide to control our wants as bishop of the North ward. Uncle Sam, and is stationed at ed as follows. Mrs. Geo. A. Sperry mobile traffic, through thir, town l. Carter, 3rd. Kay. Pole Vault so that the discipline does not The closing musical number Park. 2nd. Mcpherson and seem Ijewis. ('amp President, Mrs. L. R. Forrest, every day is large. Any improve- - 1st was a duet by Mrs. Ed Carter, unpleasantly irksome. Bowles tie. y is a holiday; we have Vice President, Secretary miss ment we make will lx? noted by and L. P. Anderson, "I'll go the with many surprises laid off the Along rig covered in pink and white Neva Booth. Treasurer Mrs. R. these b- -, wants me to go" Carnations. w one, two, three and where the ill and visitors Nephi in the results of the events. came Those w ho acted as and four are enjoying the stuff, J. W. Taxman then told of the Accompanists at the piano for T. Cowaw, Reporter Mrs. Dennis advertised accordingly. w the Hear Thii Seniors Failing inning esteem in which he had held the 'he musical numlers were: Miss Wood, Supervisor of Red Cross paper suggests that the town the day, from the close contend- day by making it reminiscent. y departed, and stated that he Norma Bigler, Miss Retta Sper-iy- . Auxilary Mrs. W. C. Andrews. wake up and start something ing Sophomores. The seore being Out on the parade there is 74 and 7 percnt against 73 and The following members and along the line of progre??. knew this feeling v.a.n rccipro-ate- d and Miss Lecta Lunt. thirty base ball learns playthus allowing the Seniors a, ing. From the whistle w hich has Those w ho attended the funer guests were present Mesdames get on the map. by the deceased in relation of a percent. Again just blow n I have only ahout tei rnargii of to himself. Bishop (irate made al from out of town were; Mr. L. T. Cowan, N. i. Rees, 1. U. low the class came to the and Mis W. A. Mrs. A. pulsed Geo. Wright. Sperrv, the closing remarks, and thanked lees, J. E. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. McCune. front and took the honor of the minutes to get out there myself. Mrs. Pearl Ethel and Wright, L. J. J. K. on R. Belliston, behalf it the people present Forrest, came down from Salt Iake yes- llieh Point winner of the day Everything which "means success of Salt Lake. Mr. T. Belliston. . C. Andrews, in battle is in fashion here. the family, for their assistance Aydelotte Vilan and Colin Mc tennis Wood, D. O. Miner, G. terday and will vhit with thHr llobert Park being the winner. is now built up fine The at the services and during the I'hersonMel'herson, of Pocatelto Idaho, Mr. M. Mrs. S. J. Lunt for a Had he trained for the state Mid hascamp daughter of ail Mrs. Ella Rose, facilities The Whit more, for recreaillness of Mr. Mel'herson. meet, he would very likely taken James Duckworth of Black foot benediction was oiTered by Step- Idaho. .Mr. Ogden of Sevier Coun Wichita, Kans. Mrs. Norma few days. They are enjoying .lacs, but the war conditions tion. the best of health and feel glad hen Boswdl. Sircerely prevailing, cuts our spring and Mrs. Sweeney of Salt Iake, Miss to ty Joseph Whit'-ecmeet old friend in Nephi . K. us continue in Miss Neva here. . The floral o.Terings were pro- j toward Cox of Manti, and Mrs. Agren, Booth, Ray Go ers Mrs. clean work. C M. 3T.2 Inf. and fuse and beautiful, the casket be- urgood McMullin, rhompson. se Card of Salt Lake. new-com- er ei'i-zen- i:ec-essa- ry Anglo-America- n one-hundr- , sixty-s- even . TO-NIG- ' tir .e - e, feel-confide- nt eye-sor- y -t j j lr-t- I -- To-da- Ird rob-abl- It j 2-- ; 3-- 7, 0-- 7 ath-U'ti- t |