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Show THE MO June Brides 11,1, WILL RAISE ,iin ii i ii ., NEPHI. UTAH. S. i iij. ,.. . i mm i ,. jii.ij OVER THE TOP IN The Housewife and the War RAIL MEN'S WAGES cherish the. GIFTS you send them from this storcu Bound to be appreciated. ' Our modest price make buying Will long i TIMES-NEW- I UTAH LIBERTY CAMPM6N ' . (Special Information Servlin, easy. COMMISSION PROPOSES AN AVERAGE 20 PER CENT ADVANCE IN PAY FOR ALL CLASSES. BOYD PARK. I' n I led State Iktpttrtinent ol AgrU'ultui .) PLAN YOUR MEALS FOR A AMERICANS FIFTEEN. MILLION SHOW THEIR LOYALTY BY PURCHASING BONDS. WEEK fOUNMftafiO ' MAKERS OF JEWELRY W MAIM SI RUT $60. wtai Auto Cow, Sail 4uil4 YIELDS "APPLE. data tuit4 bf first If liM rlcnt (wii'n. Wrii U La C.H l)fH., RaodU-Dod- d Ctttratl OF a4 Washington. Director General will announce soou his decision ou recoiumeuduUons of the rullroud wage commission, which were suld iu quartern to propose uu average 20 per cent advance la pay for all classes of railroad employes. If Mr. McAdoo follows the suggestion of the commission, approximately $200,000,000 will bo udded to the pay rolls of the nation's railroads. Strong pressure Is suld to have been brought to bear on the director geu-erto modify some of the commission's recommendations, especially affecting the four great brotherhoods. Mr. McAdoo Is not bound to follow the advice of the commission und cau Increase or reduce their recommendations as he sees fit. The commission litis followed Its announced policy of giving the highest paid unions the lowest rule of advance, holding the relief Is needed most by the men who have been barely making ends meet oi perhaps going In debt on the wages they received. Apparently none of the commission's recommendations lias met the requests of the unions themselves, which ranged as high as 40, 50 and U0 per lent. Third Liberty Loan Oversubscribed, It Being Believed That When Sub. scriptions Are All In the Four Billion Mark Will Be Passed. s. -- Washington. The American people. for the third time in a year, have heavily oversubscribed a war credit. As the third Utterly loan campaign was flowing Saturday night, the treasury department announced the campaign had been "an overwhelming success." Although $3,000,000 was tha formal goal of the campaign, official reports. Including only a small proportion of tfuturday's avalanche of showed the total as 1,203,- pledge, , and there were ludlcutious that the aggregate would be Increased to nearly 4,0oo,000,000. when banks have time to tubulate the multitude of last minute applications. Jho exact result of the cauipulsu probably will not be known' for several Mc-Ad- M Mltdid wm4 cart- - Bulckt, OUtaobilw, tm cva4Ji1ua-M- W-J r IN USED CARS BARGAINS nt it m tit af Approximately $260,000,000 Will Be Added to the Pay Rolls of the Na. tion's Railroads, If Suggestions Are Put Into Effect. CITT SALT LAKI imttip-liutt- , Lake City A d SODOM Curious Plant Which Growt on th Bore,r of the Dead Sea Pro-- I duces This Fruit. r tJ.Vi.-loo- ul The Dead sea is situated In the southeast port of Palestine, and Is called by the Arabs Ruhr Loot, or Sea ef Lot It Is about 47 nillea long, with en average breadth of Dine miles. Its depth varies considerably. It Is fed by the Jordan from the north, and by many other streams, but hos no apparent outlet, its superfluous water being supposed to be entirely carried off The north by the evaporation. shores of the sea are marked by the blackened trunks and branches of trees which are lncrusted with salt, as la everything that ts exposed to the prsy of this sea. On the southern shore Is the remarkable mass of rock called Udsutn (Sod-em- ). It In a narrow, rugged ridge of bill extending Ore miles northwest, and consisting of rock salt To the north of Udsura. and at no great' distance, ts the supposed site of the : , i.- 2 , ministration. This woman works hef schedule to save time, fuel, and labor. 1 On Saturday she baked her oatmeal bread to last for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The rolls for Sunday were therefore ready to be reheated Sunday morning. The hen for the chicken loaf was cooked In the tireless cooker Saturday In one cooking compartment while a quantity of apricots was cook The Ing In the other compartment. codfish balls were made Saturday night, thus utilizing some inn shed po tatoes left from dinner. Twice the quantity of hominy grits required were cooked In the double boiler for Monday breakfast and utilized with the apricots left from Sunscal day to make the nprleot-homlnlop. In the same way enough apples were baked for two meals. Corn sirup was used to sweeten the baked apples and stewed fruit In place ef sugnr. The stock from boiling the chicken served as the basis for chicken soup Tuesday, and the small quantities of r vegetables used for the vege- tahle salad Friday. Instead of stopping each day to ins- wer the question, "What shall I cook todiiyf answer It at one time for the whole week. Try the plan and see how much easier your work becomes. PLANNING MENUS WEEK IN ADVANCE AIRCRAFT PROBE LAUNCHED. en the outside but bitter to, the taste, and, when mature. Oiled with Dber snd dust The mean level of the Dead sea Is 102 feet below the level of the Mediterranean. The water contains from 24 to 20 per cent of salts, of which 7 per cent Is common salt. A fiat) put Info the Dead sea perishes at ence. Owing to Its density due to salt the water of the sua Is very buoysalt-wat- ant. YOUTH AT A DISADVANTAGE ounger Men Are Ineffective In Ob taining Credit as Well as In the Control of Workmen. president of the of Cleveland, Magazine: "When a man of noticeably youthful appearance goes to a cautious banker seeking to finance even the soundest bind of a proposition, Ms line of argument ts discounted before he esya a The word, by his yonthful looks. ttanker Is afraid of being carried sway by mere boyish enthusiasm and Is on bis guard. If I were much under thirty-five and had a tiptop business cheme to finance, I would get an older man of established reliability and conservatism te present It for me to the hankers. "Youth Is not always so good, either. In the production ( end of s big hnst-e- s handling a force of men snd getting the work out of them. Is the first plnce. the man who Is bossing the Job should hove occupied sll the lesser Jobs between him and the bottom rung of tbe ladder. This reqnlres time. And, furthermore, men do not like to work uoder a boss who looks too much like a mere boy, no mstter how smart or capable or experienced he may be. It Isn't necessary that be be as old ss mot of them, but he should be old enough to give sn lmpreslon of maturity. The average workman doesnt cure much whether the boss Is thirty or forty, but It might mske s differ ir whether be Is thirty or only twenty," Christian Girl, Parte company f)..tandard says In the American Human Brain Is Heaviest Except for the whale, the elephsnt and Ihe porpoise, no living thing hss a brain which weighs as much as the of the human's. In the entire minim human nervous system, according te the estimates of Professor Donaldson, o there Is the astounding total of nerve cells. In the study of these ce!ls snd their grouped relation te the five divisions of the brsin ss well ss to the function which they perform, several classes of scientISc Investigators are engaged. 11,200.-ono.rr- Stands First At the head of all sciences snd arts, at the head ef all civilization and progress, stands not militarism, the dertee that kills, nor commerce, the science that arrnmiilstes wealth, hot agriculture, the mother of all Industry wnd the fnslnlslner of human life. -- Jsmes A. CinrfleM. HT Chance te Get Even. snd right Why did yen Mrs. De M-- e sfT thrnnch the reception? I know yon csn't abide her. Mrs. Wise I know, my dsr, but didn't yti notice how my blsrk net Mr. Wise next to gown kll'ed hrr brown dreT Something Better Than Words. Agent That was a gTod our candidate made on the long wasn't HI fsrrrlrg "srmr ere, jt wasn't bad; hot a coflpi o' nlgh's' good rsla ud V dee a slghf more good. KiectJofi Inquiries to Be Made Into Charges of Graft and Mismanagement. Washington. Two uew investigations of alreruft production are about to he launched. WliMe President Wilson and the cabinet were on Tuesday hearing Attorney General Gregory's plans for the Inquiry Into charges of graft and mismanagement ordered by the president, Chairman Chamberlain of the senate military committee announced that the committee "proposed to reois-i- i Its investigation and "put Its lingers on the men responsible" for deficiencies In the aviation program. In the meantime the house military committee, considering the fifteen billion dollar army appropriation bill with a billion for aviation, virtually completed a brief aircraft Inquiry of its own. After bearing Secretary I'.aker and hU chief aides for aviation, the committeemen were agreed that the situation did not call for an Investigation by them, and leading- - members said after the meeting they were convinced both that there had been no criminal liability for delays and .deficiencies la the past, and that the present status of war department plans was satisfactory. In addition to outlining the for the coming year, war department officials gave the committee an accounting for the $740,000,000 already appropriated for avtntjon, showing that $3O7.0iMfiO actually has been spent and of the unexpended balance, covers contracts for const ruction already placed. pro-grai- n $270.-UW.OO- WEEK FOR RED CROSS AID. Satisfactory Answer to Question "What Shall I Have for Dinner?" MAKE FEWER MARKET It will pay you, Mrs. Housekeeper, to sit down for an hour each week and spend the time In planning your week's menus in advance. Ksiecially at this time when sll are striving to conserve food, you will Ond a definite schedule a great help In svoldlng waste. Here are some menus for a week from a woman who believes In working schedule for her household. The meals are carefully planned to meet, first of all, the food administration's requirements, using substitutes for wheat, meat, fnt, and sugar, and they show also how a little careful planning can save the time and labor of the busy housewife. Features of the menus are the breadless meals snd "quick breads" (muffins, etc) made from other grains to ssve whesL snd the use of meat substitutes and savory dishes which call for little meat. Tbe meals suggested are, sll simple and sre planned to meet the needs of family of four, consisting of two adults snd two children. None of the menus sre inflexible but could esslly be vsrled to meet changing conditions. Ton can use these as guides In plan nlng your family meats. The redoes for most of the dishes given In the accompanying menus are published In the I'nited States Food Leaflets of the Cnlted States depart meat of agriculture and the food ad Last Real Son of Revolution Dead. Omaha. Nelson Moore. fl years of age. believed to he Ihe Inst real son of the American devolution, died St his home here May 7. Moore wss born near Vernon. Oneida county, New York. British Sprier Hesvy Losses, Iondon. P.ritish rasnnlties "nring the week erding Mty 7 reached M total of r..fiM. Of this Miml, officers and men were killed of of vrontids snd 32.1.11 wers wound! or rejorted roiing. rjrted dil Matrons for Rest Rooms. In rest rooms employing matrons many activities can be carried on which otherwise would not he possible. The matron not only sees thst the rose room Is kept In a dean, sanitary condition at all times, but she msy provide for a sleeping child or a sys tem for providing hot lunches at noon for women and children. She mny care for packages which otherwise might have to be carried from plnce to place. In some rest rooms the matron takes charge of the woman's etchsnge, which usually Is supervised by a committee from the women's clubs. United per cent Klghth cent and States second Liberty lonn, 4 Subscriptions, $1,010,000,000. German war loan, 4 14 per 5 per cent Subscriptions, $.1,000,000. French war loan of 191 5,' 5 per cent Subscriptions, $2,201. 80 1,40!. Austrian wventh war loan. 5 per cent Subscriptions, $1,1.10.000,000. Italian fourth loan. 5 per cent S u I scr I p t Ion s, $ 1 ,(s i,f n M mo. Hungary, seventh war loan, 8 per cent Subscriptions, $0,1, ...ooO. I'anaoiun Victory loan. November, 1017, 5'i per cent Subscriptions, $ 11S.000.0U0. EMPEROR FEARS FOR CROWN. coin-positio- ally SUNDAY. Luncheon or Supper. Cheee sanilwlrhee t"itTe1 dales Hot Dinner. Breakfast. tw1 rufe Hsmlnr sri's with mtlfc anJ iisriv rnnntisijele Coffs or nJUc BreskfarL htihsrh Mvf Crs m! v t of tussled bra4 Coffee er mils Ft t'mal 2i,Tft.f(1 rarrnt aieam4 rkw iorr i1 Cfa'moM liofrTTia'l'' rnii rma Hot eoco Msrmala'le TUESDAY. Luncheon er Supper. Crem"1Mafe--pwanu's an4 flee ) ari-T- r".kls 0""l Te tfr mas 7rff Oilmn) twf ,r-- Luncheon or Supper. CoVt loaf ar'i t.mr ffrn " rhrlrf, WCDNCSOAY. Luncheon or Supper. "is Crm ef com mfjfflns Breakfast. spfios fir Coffee or mils lof tti rrav ChlrVn cwfua. Krult MONDAY. ba-Uo- Object te German Officers. Ukrainian governlondon. The ment bus sent n note to Ilerlin Intimating that It will resign if several German officials are not recalled by tiermiiny, says a Iteiiter fllsimt'-- from Moscow, dated Saturday. left-ove- Offlclul estimates placed the num ber of subscribers ut between 12,000,-uo- o and 15.000,000. far above the of the second loan, or 4,f00,000 of tho first and some officials ex pressed the belief that the roll of bond buyers would be even greater. To them this was ono of the most encouraging features of the lonn. All twelve federal reserve districts. which were the largest campaign units, oversubscribed, una a majority of the states made the same record. Delaware doubled Its quota. lloiid selling continued actively In many cities up to a late hour Saturday night, and banks stayed open in a final effort to roll up more subscrip tions than the H.CIU.OOO.OOO of the second IJberty loan last October. Figures on leading loans of Uie principal belligerents were given out by Hie treasury as follows: lirltlsh Victory loan, early In 1917, 5 per cent Subscriptions, S5,0;KJ,204,- - Charles of Austria Would Adjourn Par liament Because of Food Situation. Amsterdam. Emperor Charles of Austria has empowered the Austrian premier to adjourn parliament and forthwith Inaugurate measures to ren der Impossible the resumption of Its activities, a Vienna dispatch says. A statement published In Vienna indicates that the closure of parliament Is due to the seriousness of the food situation. The statement says: "The government will devote Its entire strength to the economic problem, reF.eg yolks, which are rich In fst and and will try to create conditions to the to enable hold quired over population from cske left often which are making, may be used to enrich soups ouL" Austria has been deep In difficulties, or may be combined lth milk to make n both jH'lltlcal and economic, for more custards whlrh resemble cream In and can be used as cream, ss than a year, and It has been an open secret that Kmteror Charles was de on desserts. sirous of bringing about pence, his ef forts In this direction having occasion A WEEK'S MEALS FOR FOUR aroited criticism In Ilerlin. sjtt I TRIPS Definite Schedule Will Be Great Help in Avoiding Waste Meals Suggested to Meet Food Administration's Requirements. President Calls Upon Nation to Contribute to Mercy Fund. Washington. PrelUnt Wilson on May 7 Issued a proclamation designating the week beginning May 20 as "lied Cross week," and calling ujton the American ople to contribute generously lo the second flOO.Oi HUM. war fund of the American lied Cross for the alleviation of suffering among the American troops In France and their Breakfast deM'iidents at home and. amng the 1f"le4 apricots and civilian forces Odflsh bulla tx.piilaUons fighting and nnlimtl, wheat ftot of the allied countries. rrHs sn4 biitlwr tat n'l'iln f"m Milk for children NICARAGUA JOINS ALLIES. Declares War on Germany and Will Utilixe Nation's Forces. Stm J imn Ih-- Sur, Nicaragua. The Nieuragunn congress, on May 7 declared war on Germany and her allies. Congress also adopted a declaration of solidarity with the I'nited States and the ether American republics at war with Germany and Austria, and aufhorlM-the president to take steps to utilise to a full measure the forces In the war. days. With Her Meala Scheduled, the Housewife's Saturday Market Basket Can Bring Food for a Week, Except Some Perishables. id-de- nt Sodom. On the borders of the Dead sea a curious plant grows1 which yields fruit called the "Apple of Sodom." beautiful - im-rat- p eMing Dinner. Hot ! ft mutton and r -law r,.J t"tstos S'tsTH botninf Apricot Dinner. "lf-- f fjfan loaf Or- -i smi Timiu sauc rlallfsal teftuce ofii-- ns Choelst ff bs e"rve4 rfTcta riffr'1m)1 pi-vi- h rair.1 he With it- fliiiM hm - with stM t"B mil. llr Fti tv.f pie-i.mufT- iCoffee er mils THURSDAY. Luncheon or Supper, split rT"ta- - soip snd Vers with ratals Bfc4 benariss a n' Csrfism I took lee ef beef r. .1tyt1tfHq rr- n- we asilli S'ff enriri9 erre vktorv .ra4 C(i(- T- or rails Sh1 IfaSft Te''i t P Breskfstt, t4 srr' Coffee er milk -, FRIDAY. Luncheon er ftuopef. or miik ftlftrfage milk tea er 'p f- V-- r'''s liHf4 t veeh, rs1' P'eamefi SATURDAY. er Supper, - tf.fT.--- i ti-f-- r r-- T r. ion Dinner. rt'er fori -t LettTfre and CofT- BreakfasL slk-f- - Dinner, pot Ar-p- t Henitev tapiwe. Oinner. Vfjrl rns-- f ff Browne! pefatfs snS Cetn-torr- Breakfast. I iis with fra's ni'a Dinner. Lunct-eo- n !! Pmniint fi .fTte j'e B'i'ter CeieM b Asked A rv n - - , -- o r,'--i ,! sw1 h oat efs'-keratft trrjTt Tea fir mi x. f,ir r' r4'fe P'lf Airplanes Sink Boats. Amsterdam. The effective work of allied airmen In harassing the derma a supply service Is described by the Nouvelles. ef The newspaper, llaeue, which sank In one day twenty three I'eljrian bonis laden with gravel and road metal for Ihe CSermnn front In I'lcardy. The vessels at the time were 12 kilometers from tbe enemy rear line. Is Woman Killed by Speeding Auto. t.iiamtfnlgne. Ills. Mrs. Stella Jobs killed, presumably sm. sued by being thrown from n speeding ant mobile, her tiw k leing broken. The driver of tbe Machine put ea mere and escaped. '. Wealthy Asked to Send Substitute. Capetown. general Ixuis Ilotba, premier of the union of South Africa, appealing for recruits to fill gaps la the South African brigade In Horope, asks that the men of wealth who ca- tiot en themselves send substitsti with vihom they may make arrange- French Will Send Band to America. Tarls. The French government Is alHint to send to the United Stsles military band of carefully picked anea Under the leadership of Oabrlel Pares, former bandmaster of the Itepahlieea guard of Paris. Ask Control ef Lake Carriers. Washington. Oovernment operation f' ail f)re(ti Iikes veses Inhas te art by seamen's unions fort to avert s strike which anion traders foi l the shipping labor eenfer- eti-was Inevitable otherwise. -I STATE Wool dealers, under the agreement, are authorized to the producer up to 75 U10 estimated value of his Kttymoml Frauds NEWS government: to ndvunco per cout of wool. Crow of SulC Lake, private In the marine corps, wus killed in action In France April 20, according to a message received In Salt Lake last week. The first field inspect Ion of the Twentieth Infantry this season was held mi llm IfVirr l bl rit Inffittfrv Hrlll field at Fort lHiuglns, Saturday morn ing, by ( iilouel Alfred llasbrouck, post commander. Tho buck vards mid vacant lots of Salt ufeo can be made to produce a value of more than a million dollar Salt Luke can be made to produce a work together, uccordlng to the local war garden bureau. MliHile Deckman and llev. l.i eMinail. on trial ut Salt Lake nit the charge of having violated the espionage act, were acquitted, but later Miss lieck-inn- n was adjudged an alien enemy and will be interned. Mrs. Ituhv Knowlton Hurt, a teacher at the ltiverside city school, who was injured in an automobile accident near Salt Lake. Is reported to be In a criti cal condition at a hospital. She is suffering from a fractured skull. Utah's Liberty loan quota was P.ank reports show a total amount subscribed of $19,510,000, with approximately C'2,328 subscribers. This will be Increased when the reports of last-dasubscriptions are received. All charges of Impersonating a federal officer and obstructing the draft, brought against John Van Valkeuburg. were continued when a board of alienists found Van Valkenburg a paranoiac at Insanity proceedings at Salt Ike. Mrs. Ituby Knowlton Hurt, teacher at the ltiverside school, who was internally Injured as a result of an automobile accident, died at a Salt Iiks hospital May 0. E. M. West, who was lujured at the same time, will recover. llladln Ludvlfcson, 14 years of age. was seriously injured at Gunnison when a giant cap, which he was hold-- , ing in his left hand, exploded. Three fingers were blown off and his facm was badly lacerated. lie also will probably lose the sight of his left eye. Damages estimated at $20,000 have been caused in the southern part of Salt Inke county by breaks In the' Utah and Salt Lake canal and the South Jordan canal. Of Uie total amount, about $10,000 of the damage lias been done to the ditches. After quarreling with his wife, Ii. Hancock, a Southern Pacific shop employe, went out on the front porch ff their home at Ogden and cut his throat with a rasor. Hancock succeeded In Inflicting a deep gash that required six stitches to close, but ha will recover. The assessed valuation of the property of Weber county for the present year Is $10.402,00.1, or an Increase of These $1,570,703 over that of 1917. figures were announced at the county clerk's office last week after the assessment rolls bad been completed by the assessor. The Southern l'uclfic company has Issued an order to their Ogden shops r for tho day schedule until the shops can catch up with the great amount of work that Is accumulating. About 1.100 men will be affected by the order In the shops at Ogden and Spnrks, Nev. In order to clear tip some misunderstanding In the minds of the public and the dealers as to the sale and use of rye flour, the food administration, for Utah calls special attention to the fact that since April 1 rye flour may be sold and used without requiring any substitute. April proved a record breaking month In army recruiting circles, men having volunteered their services Heart trouble, In Utah and Idaho. however, cut down the final result exnearly oiiehnlf. for after physical 43-that found was It only amination were acceptable. John Terror was srrested at Salt Ijike last week, charged with obtain' Fer-raIng money under false pretenses. It Is allege1, with two cmlns to James and Joseph Ferrar. conspired 4c I'.io pnd tbe payroll of the Ienver ;rande railroad In the merhnnical department at Garfield. While no tabulation of figures baa last yet been made. It wns announced week at the office of J. W. O.llins, state chairman of the committee on war savings ininps. that April marked the sale of more savings stamps than any previous month since the cam paien was commenced. r.etwcen the state road commission end ihe Lincoln Highway association It has been" arranged that the bitter shall send on Its $t2...0n0 contribution to construct the route 'south of the In four InOrnt Salt UtMf desert. be to deposited first ihe stallments, with tbe state treasurer Immediately. More than 100 union Iron moulders of Utah did not work on May 1, striking for one day In protest againM the execution of Thomas J. Mooney, condemned to death for alleged parti, i prepare.! pstion In the Sun FrfttuSs-ness day bomb out races. Utah has the einal honor of furnishing three generals for the Unite, States army since this country enteredr the war. Two of these' officers till In active service and the third recently wns retlted because physical eisabilPT precluded his helns sent b J"rance. v-- y i. ten-Hou- 7-- r. 1 |