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Show - e 'a - - .. ' ' , OF THE 'CHURCH NEWS ' - . 1. ri.i.tsthö.0d:iizR...o.$to..t.atibq:.:.:. t A 'ii:iifr..O'ii'ls::0'iiNOt.dd-Tó- ----- --- r of the -- AROUND Salt restoration of the Aaronic Priest- Lake an& throughout Utah and -hood is being celebrated today the West were used wards anct stakes,.for ball games, --hroughoutthe The actual date of the restora-- - campfire meetiogssnd, hot Alqg ton was May 15, 1829, the place roasts. Leaders met with the I I -Tnany -- -- -- - , .. - - witaLvelis then knouniasaimoriy.lesnns - I- -- vanla. - from-John a visitation During the Baptist, the Prophet Joseph had Smith and Oliver . . Cowdery the priesthood of Aaron- - eon, 'erred upon'them. From this beginning the ranks of the priesthood have grown until there are , - -- . ' . ' IntheAaroniPriesthOod ,' ' - , - , . ' - ' . , , t ' ,, , I , -- -- -- - -,,--- - ... -- - . - Pennsylvania, where the priest- t , ' ' , - - ,,,' '' , KC ---' ,,ce,,,14, 15, 1829. 4, .. '' '- - ,r,' I's,- - l';' - , --- -- - - - ' -- , --- - LP - - ' sthe1.... , - ' ,'''"' -- , , .,,.. ,,,, , ,g PLACE-IN-HARMON- , ' I - y - S- -- - i - - - I " 7 7.. - '''- , , - -.- 7.,fr'd- , x -4, I '',--- L - zd , - --4 7, ,, , 7 ; .." ,. ,' ' i -t- ,...; h -, ' v, 0 ''"'" , , , A t ' ' , 4 - -- - ., i 1 i , SIGN NOW MARKS SPOT ON BANK OF SUSQUEHANNA RIVER . Wilford C. Wood, seen on Church property near sign he placed last w,eek. . , w ' , , , ,, Y HALE . f , theyreceived the resided-witii.him.,-,- . , r.'n '''.e,- -- of-M- artin :L. , - , ,,,,,,:,4, ,... .....,..0........,, N . - . , f -- 7 - ' - Priesthood .restoration. Purchase of property lends Significance to anniversary of - r""""--1- 7 ' 1 lulL tT Smith.: , :' ' - - , , ,,,.,,,..,,,...,,,., hood was restorrd. - , ' - - ... , - PICTURE-TAKE- CELEBRATIONS HELD yes- - Melchizedek Priesthood. First were 'performed here. and baptisms terday dedby wards, branches This property was purchased sstakes,--inclutrip- to the 7 by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y outSaints, October mountains, father-and-so- n 3, 1946." ings, picnics, baseball games and of forms Members ADDITIONAL other PR OPERTY sports. of the Aaronic Priesthood from purchases were made by the Elder last week Church several stakes including the Park Wood while he wasthrough the East. in a Stake of Salt Lake City, made The property once belonging to trip to Clarkston, Utah, to hear Isaac Hale, about 80 acres and President George Albert Smith an old home were purchased. he --The Church now owns 160 acres speak-Tit-tgrave of land which belonged toIsaac witnessof one three the Harris, Hale at the time Joseph Smith es to the Book of Mormon. and his wife, Emma Hale.Smith ed there to As hundrids-gatherproperty includes a parhear President Smith, other celThe of land of 13 and a fraction thousands in various parts of the acres . purchased by - Joseph country were enjoying clean, Smith from hie father-in-la'wholesome recreation under the and on which the prophet and his wife also resided. supervision of bishoprics, branch adIT WAS ON this property presidents and priesthood near Harmony, Pennsylvania, visers. , the Aaronic Priesthood and In Southern California severall that t h e Melchizedek Priesthood were restored. The purchase of the entire 160 held outings in the nearby mountains. Other stakes held acres, completed in 1948 by the Churcb, indicates historic sigspecial outings at Boy Scout nicance given to the property cencame's or other recreation where such an important event tent. ,took place 119 years-ago- - , along Aaron on May . -- I - - ., I a plain nitwit-ohas been erected in the East -- restoration he conymemorating-tof the priesthood. Two weeks ago under approval of President Smith, Elder Wilford C. Wood, placed a sign at the location Prophet and Oliver - , ) - PulTfirrn-s7FiTiririo-ir-- SMN . .. , natinrial-se- ope --In otaketeoftheChurcliadoes riot include the number in mis- ifiefIS. . hey,oreinstrootinonthe ways of the o' priesthood. - - . ., - ''t t -- - '.. , . A - .. , . , , ' e A . ' ',. . WITH THE- GENERAL AUTHORITIES - . , , - GraduationsdAissionIoursOccupy,Leaders ' - - t Hir JOINS Gen. Supt. George At this writing, a busy two ELer Benson and Elder Oscar A. Kirkham will be toweeks loom ahead for PresiQ. Morris of the YMMIA as a boatd member. Elder Morris is dent George Albert Smith. gethtr for the conference of The Church leader expects - also Utah sectional vice chair- the Portland Stake on May 22 ' - man. The to be in attendance at the anand. 23 They will htahveinbeaetregion includes Utah ai nual meeting, Boy Scouts of with President Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and part Of Wyoming. America, May 19 arid 20 in lendance, May 19 and 20 at the Seat le; Wash. He continuest to Scout meetings in ,, , serve as the Church's highest o' i ; saneantRutalAelp Bw: . ranking Scoutera member of f -- Leis Stake at Mantissa, the nationalexecutive cord-- ADDRES- . mittee. 'Colorado, with Henry D. Moyle , . ES to be delivered during the 1 ., . ' . of the Council of the Twelve -- FROM' SEATTLE President next few weeks are claiming ., and T. C. Staynox, Church Wel; Smith will go to Minneapolis . ii ,. , attention of several of the -the Naal.s a Utah delegate to the fare. . authorities. genera! ' 1 - .tioni Congress of the Sons of , Elder StephenL Richards Star Valley Stake at Afton, the AnArican Revolution. He will the commencement give was formerly a vice president f. Wyoming, with President Milton , address. to USAC graduates , R. Hunter of the First Council ,g this organization. genetal of )"Ir.1,.;;tr--', f Loilan, Utah, Mar'28. of the Seventy and William T. - . .. Henry D. Moyle will i ' 1 .À ' J.Reuben Church President Clark i" , .7 Welfare, Lawrence, 1) , .1 deliver the baccalaureate sers ,, ,,, ' .. 8 New York this in is A ' -,' - Twin Falb; Stake City i - Jr., - - graduates at tut 1 - mon for BIM ' .0-- J weert.end attending to - his Provo, Utah, Sunday,- - May 30: ' ', ' Falls, Idaho. with Elder Joseph &Ales as an official of the NaElder Spencer W. Kimball '. F. Merrill of the Council of the .tional Bondholders Protective t 'log...ape- Is slated to address graduates Twelve and Fenno R. Casto, Courcil, Inc. and as a director , . - . 1 of the Ricks College, Rexburg,. ' Church Welfare. of trie Equitable Life Assur, Ida. on Sunday, June 6. , ance Society. His weekly radio Bishop Thorpe B. Isaacson, Washington Stake at Washis address being presented will appear next Sunday, May ' ington, D. C..- - with President tonight by transcription. .,,,,,' ., 20 before the graduates of the Levi Edgar Young of the1 First ., - Snow at Ephraim, , i College Council ot:the Seventy and J. - Eider Ezra Taft Benson of Utah 1 I Leonard Love, Church Welfare. -- - -Iv. the Council of the Twelve, has .e. as a --West Jordan Stake at RiverVisMNG MISSIONS of the- -' N Of Regional Executive member ,, E. Mark ton, Utah, with Elder now are the following: Church ,of Region Twelve.si Petersen of the Council of the Corntnittee yKimball B iy Scouts of America. He ElderSpencerW. ELDER EZRA TAFT BENSON Twelve and Paul C. Child, was who is in the Navajo-Zuelected at the meeting Mission. Church Welfare. Named to region& Scout Ayr 1 28. in Los Angeles. post - " Elder Matthew Cowley who , i Is in Samoa. Eller Clifford E. Young in Mission. ,thvieasrteArnnto States R. Ivins who h in the Northern States Mia-An eight member central Oen" Logan Stake. Al! members of the 8 ion - - - Logan Combining youth participation fling committee with President Aaronic Priesthóod age are InLEAVING for a mission tour with youthful , oiganization a J. Howard - Maughan of East,- - vited to attend, In New England in company conference 'for huge four-sta"WITH WORLD trouTHE so with Pres. S.'Dilworth Young, young men and women of the Cache Stake as adviser began bled and the problems of youth beginning about June I. will Logan area will be conducted making arrangements for the so complicated, it is be Fider and Mrs. Harold B. important this evening, May 16. in the Lo- conference more than a month that planning fOr a happy fuLee gan,Tabernacle, at 730 p.m. ture 'tart right now," said Pres. ago and Pres. McKay was conThemed to "Prelude to Happiut that time. Since then Manahan, adult adviser to the Elder Joseph Fielding Smith ness," the conference will have atacted four-stachoir ' organization group. "Because the and Pres. as principal speaker Pres. David Levi Edgar Young, them eiandtheparticipation haslaeealormedandthe----cotheChurcir First I areln New York Stake today-- on the conference has has youth been arrangprogram plete will be for the purpose of reorganPresidency. His message been planned by other young built ground temple marriage ed by the committee. folks, there is little that izing the stake presidency. and preparing the younger gen'FOUR TALKS leading up to the scope of the four-sta- doubt coneration for a better and happier Presicint McKay's topic will be ference will be After an absence of nearly unequaled by future life. presented by Karma Schaub of any other such meeting," said three months from active duty due k a shoulder injury and EXCLUSIVELY for 'young Cache Stake; Paul Lowe, Mt. President Maughan. Latter-da- y Saint people between Logan: JoAnn Emmett, Logan, The planning committee In a irinot operation upon his and Bob Sorensen, East Cache charge of the conference are: feet Elder Thomas E. McKay,' The ages of 12 to 24, the conference is the first of its kind ever Stake. Prayers will be given by Luana Hyde and Hyde Dunn, Mt. assiqtant to the Council of the LeRuth Ward and. planned in Logan on such a wide Charles Hyde and Lee Ward. Twelve, is again at his desk in Logan Stake; scope. The meeting will bring Following the genera; conter- Duane Christensen, Logan: Jack the Church Office Building. His first assignment is to the together all members of Logan, enee sersion, a fireside program Simmons and Ruth Ballard, Mt. Logan. CROP, and East will be held in the Fifth Ward Cache: Lorin Hunsaker and Vera Bonneville Stake Conference Mt. direction of Cache Stakes. chapel, under the Stevens, East Cache Stake. today In Salt Liike ' 1948 - - -' - tH( CHURCH NEWS, . 1 ., n- Appointed to Conferences f sITI . of General thorities and representatives Au--- San of ' - ' . - Committeelp attend quarterly conferences in 17 stakes on Sat- tirday and Sunday: May 22 and 23, are announced today by President George F. Richards of the Council of the Twelve, as follows:, -- - ' - - , .at - - . . - Stale -- Paris, ' 'Idaho, no visitor. Elaine Stake ' at Carey, Idaho, no visitor. East Rigby Stake at Rigby, Idaho, Elder Spencer W. Kim- - ball of the Council of the Twelve. ----- . . -- - - - . , ' (-.- . -- , ' ,, -- Juarez Stake at Colonist h.,-Mexico, Elder Marion Assistant to the -- - G. Romney, Council of the Twelve. , Mesa Stake at Mesa, Arizona, President Bruce R. McConkie of the First Council of Seventy. . Montpelier Stake. at MontTeller, Idaho, Elder Joseph t Fielding Smith of the Council - , ,, 4)i the Twelve ' North Idaho Falls Stake at no visitor. Idaho Falls, Idaho, -- at Phoenix Stake Phoenix, Arizoha, Elder Thomas E. Mc- of Kay, Assistant to the Council ' the Twelve. " Portland Stake at Portland, Oregon. Elder Ezra Taft of the Cnuncil of. Twelve and President Oscar A. Kirkham of the First , Council of the Seventy. Stake Salt at take Riverside City, no visitor. Sacramento Stake at Sacra- 'Tient, California. Elder Harold , B. Lee of the Council of the Twelve and William E. II)berg. Church Welfare. , ,San Fernando Stake at Bur- hank. California. Presiding Bish1 op Lonrand Richards. Pope Four , ' in DubChi- . - . - r . . -- - , . - , ., -- - 4) , theGenetdChurchWelfare , 1 ,'. - ... .,, 4 ---- wed-appoin- tment ' -- . nt Pres. McKay to Address Youth Conference - ' , , ke 120-mem- ke - - - ke , - IT 1 ' - - i (16. ' 3 4 .. |