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Show t A, - ' Sunday, ., May 16, 1948 ,,,,,,,,,,-- -,, - ..,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., , , l - ,,c ' t - , , - 4 'k - - - - sle -- ; i i - . -- , , '.,'-- - 4, - '' - - ', ' - - '4E- i . 3 It t - I-- - ., ...- 4 - ,, - , ' ( ,,,i - - ., ..., i moyd) - ' ' ' '''. - , - - ,- ?; , , to., ..- -7-S 1 Ktcite ) -- . .- . ,, ...:::,,...'',.. ' , - 1 , t . '''' . - U. , A, , , Salt Loki City, , b , ' -- - - 's , - A, , , , - . ,, ,,,,,,,, -- , , i - '' , , . 'IP - ,, - ,- -- J - ' . ,, ,i . , ,. , '' - ' .- :', ,s,. - , ; , t . .,,.. r,., .. , ,,,. , ,', ; '' ,:. ' : '...,:. ' ' ,... ' ' -- ' , . MISMr , - - '' ' - , ': . . -- - ' ..',. ? ' - 4 '.. , ., . ., ',4'' e. - ' -- !' , . : .- , , ,, , ' a . .: ', 3 -- ' . - , - - , , I - St: - 7-- rsMaurice Tuttle performed the wedding ceremony.on AOril 28 ir - : . ,o.,,..st..o- - 0 1';',.--: t i ' ... ' .,NR rx,",-1,- 1: '.. foshjon,News 1 - ' -- , , Iyweds immediately following . ,..J i ........ 1 " .60.,avk, the ceremony. -' -- or 0,. 4 -.. ,... - The bride wore 1 ,...t....., Luseio.1 1. ''''' ' 't: .. ..,;,..,i gown fashioned with long pointus-looking I silh, .,. 1, a: .. 4'.71ed sleeves, fitted basque-a- nd .' l,' N!i 1 full skirt, entrain, draped into ,,, ,,,,,....,....,:.,.....:....,,.7.,,....,,..,.." ,rows of net ruffles. Her ve il wasd, L Marian Blaylock served as a .very charming , lengtn ot starcrie' , . is total a than which other .4.'4 any net with a medallion trim. It fell . higher ...., toastmistress,,Onda Miller presented the Sigma points, ''k 1 , bright blue story is unfold ' , ei ,'-' bonnet-shapid Harold from a ,,,etk '''P','..' hat of t " , ' - ...v.: 1 Kappa- - Prayer and Virginia Winget gave a student has ever acquired at USAC. A for the early spring. The ing ' $ f Dance was also honored for having over 400 satin. ::,' :7 .' I z44 ' ' 7' .' 2 ....;welcame.,zspetchEatartainment--was,-proAride- d fiz :,..,,.t ',.: 7 activiTYnColliti.---Othei-------ifda-e-s," : 1.7 -tf -7-,A 3, :, ... by the harmonious Sigma Kappa trio, Colleen i, :' ,.;.;,i z ''''''.: " ' 7rturn 1 hrough- the ,.,: Packer, Dorothy Dillman and Rende Perry. earned over : N. f .. ::, one to of :: of'the maid and winter, e :, Manor, ,, up t building ' Committee Marilyn, k ., 1 :6,-fqr the affair included, social chair- Wareing, Herb Champ, Ben Canning, Marva or, . ,, ' honor, both sisters of the bride. ' i ' biggest blue springs. on record.. ; ::: if ,k man, Shirley Stephens; banquet, Phyllis Davis; Lou Hillyard, Bob Welch, Mary Jean Soren- -' Bridesmaids wNeorremMa ..,o , ' nDd j3roetthty.. Not skipper,- - not middy, but I rsa. Chidest Loran John 1 , seri. er, Quentin Manor ., Jolley, i and dance, Josie Barnes.. Music for the dance blue isLlead---4,lively,. staple 4 -- -West,Earl Faulkner,Dave Mecham, Jean Mohr and Vi'via:arringtonn, sisters Z. , .i furnisheclbythe.orchestra , ... , Ruth Henderson, Vern Eyre, Emma Rae Eyre; the bridegroom. in coats ,, ing the parade, espectkliy Beecher. , -. and Harold Dnce. Miniature lovi ng cups were -- "' And suitt and ensemble& ' wore identical gowns off I-'''4,,,a ' ' iy; They N, SENIOR WEEK PLANS COMPLETE , dotted swiss in pastel shades presented to them. Navy blue accessories are oft , ' . ' ' The traditional last fling of the seniors will be ' , 1,, hand to give the .:.::i SPEs . . . honored Dave Miller, Scipio, an green, yellow, pink and blue, ! 'r. I: ."..t''''' : : 8 of roses held May and carried nosegays this year. The seniors will have l''' 1.1''''. , for completteositoeryl. major, for having a 2.8 average. His and sweetpeas. i. 011; 1' a whole week for preparation instead of the agronomy 4, ' it Took g love i name was inscribed on' the SPE scholarship - Brother ss ' of the I usual few days. The annual Baccalaureate t ' N ; , i and footwear teaming lathe tarns i i Suffering goats this week at the House John E. Arrington, . H I , 44, Nst,L1 :k,,!:: ,,..,'.,,, :4 , ' ,J services will be held in the fieldhouse at 10 plaque.i . are Roland Thomas, Melvin Davis, Donald man. . ', o relation of tones.' Navy is the t t i i a.m. on May'23. That same afternoon the mu-- ''' .: ::::;::i Leavitt; Elmer Thompson; Clarence Zimmer- - t,1 i; cAffee-ProbI only color that "all matched cc- M 4 " sic department-wil- l t ,... ;"'''A,:.,:,,,-1 Nolton-an-- presenttheoratorioli- rnan-,-Ed- .',......,....:: Cecil Brown.------,4 ; 1,i W cessories" are not too much, just ' A Salt Lake Temple ceremony e 4,,! , , ,, jail" On Tuesday, May 25, the seniors will , , ,.., ; , ; scheme works, the 't f - -- 7" 7 as7Nelor are on April 27 unitecli nmarriage - a FINALISTS FOR SIGMA NU GIRL ,';,-give their assembly and in the evening a , tt versions-6', navy and whits i ' ,,,,,,,, ,..... e, treasure hunt and bonfire t',....f. . ' t DorothY Christiansen, Alpha-Ch:,,.4 .!! Vmega; Bay the former Miss Barbara McAf- - 111'..,.,-,,4,,tweed mixtures that have always .., , . ''...: ! ; Vern and Emma Eyre in charge of the activi- Mayberry, Kappa Delta; Carolyn Anderson, fee and Grant B. Probst In the i ., '44 been reserved for black and 1 , lo . , I .: :, ,,,,, , .4i.,: t. .: , white give a new slant Bold ties. Wednesday, a concert of musical. talent Chi Omega: Darlene Albrechtson, independent presence of a feverelatives and ' , , . e ' Elder Spen- ." ' t,N....',...7i ....,. ; , from the senior class will be presented at the Charliene Tweedie, Sigma Kappa; and- Ethyl frienW of the couple, :navy and white plaid tweeds add .: ,y .;,'- - ,. 111 'of the Council 1 . 1:,,' 1.,l'i L,.,$ -, ' ,,,:,..,4, 4,:;,: A ' ,:,, t new emphasis to the wardrobe. ,,,,1. 'I,' .,2 L. D. S. Institute with Kent and Janice Chris- Valgardson, Theta Upsilon. New goats- of Sig- - cofr the. Kunba ::.'., 40 ;,, , LI Tw elve , performed the It is a novel combinationblue n tensen in charge. On Thursday, May 27, there ma Nu RECITE VO VT Sr A Temple ceremony ANNOUNCE MARRIAGELola Casper, Overlade, Don Starman, Scot- - rites which were followed by a as the heavy color in red and be the traditional candlelight parade for ty Barclay and Merle Prince. united Mr. and Mrs. . P!'ont v' become Mr, end Mrs. wedding supper at the home of white plaids. IN THE MOONLIGHT" was all seniors. Commencement exercises will be -- held Friday, May 28. at H. E. D. REDFORD . . . was honored-The award assembly for having contributed to the school activity during his four years iri the theme of the Sigma Kappa formalheld Saturday at the L. D. S. Institute lat USAC. purpleprchids and moorlight ouettee-macle an inspiring atmosphere. A ban quet preceded the dance at the Hotel Eccles. - . t - - . .''''' ik . 2.. ., 1k C ; ' ,, Those-presen- 4 , ft ' p .., - , p ,Cloytc:;n-Bisho- ' ' -- 1,-- ,,f .., " Alene Marie 'totter, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. William' J. Kotter, Brigham City, and Dean Carr Howarth, son of Mr, and Mrs., James H. Ho warily of Salt Lake, were united in marriage in a ,, $ ceremony performed in the Logan Temple by Pr esident ElRay Christiansen,April 28. th model of white satin fashioned with a sweetFor her wedding, the. bride chose a floor-len- g 1 41 , heart neckline, a fitted bodice and full skirt. S he wore two white orchids. t t- Following the wedding,vadinner-was serVe City') were friends and membersof the family.. outfit was a grey plaid suit with pink and white accessories. After The bride's going-awa- y I in Idaho, they short making their home in Brigham, City. . ,.,...,---- N, i ' , 1 " .. 0 , ' ., .1, '--- - s .s, z,. ' 4 .4 , - , 7 , I. ' - . . , , I Married recently in the Salt Lake Temple were Eileen Clayton, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. C. , . - , ,,,, . - 4 'N '', H. Christenson, 513 North Tenth West, and Ralph C. Bishop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph , - ' ' ' Bishop; , , , ,,,,t ,1 I. 'e it ' .' ' '' 726 South West Temple St. 1 1. e ' , )" , , President Charles R. Jones performed the ceremony. I. sister-in-la,4 sole. li 'e, , attendant. of Mrs. was the her ,:,), Anderson, bride, Marge I r '''', ' duties-fC. Bishop performed best man , brother. his or ',Heber , i ,k,,,,,-..4 t Mr. Bishop served on a mission ' I 4 k .' ' ' ) i.,,, . ,, , 0 ,,, - - ' ' ? ! '..: ' .. ,,, ?':.,': :1 '. ' in Northern Calif. before enter- - the bride's aunt, Mrs. Ed J.- Me- - ben The ritual took place in the , pI:. i , i 4 , . ,'5.,., ' , 1' , 0 ing the Army. , 1 , , -.Salt Lake Temple with Elder Polin. - 'I , The couple are making .their . ','; 01,c kkl i Spencer W. Kimball, of the Court- -Mr. Their and are l'. - ,' Mrs., parents 4 .,,, ,.', '', N6,, home in Oklahoma City, Okla. - ..,',, ,. ,. r , , . ' ' cil of the Twelve, officiating. , mrs: McAffee Mr. Arvel -and and '2, ';' -k.'. ' !, ;,', , , At a held , ,' f . 1 ' Marlor-Arringto- n Probst ,Nephi . . April 23 the couplreception . , .' t ' ' '. ,. Casper-Cortil- e ''' ' , 4 ' : . the Utah Cop- The lounge ' ..' by Miss Nelda Casper, maid of I as the scene of the . honor, Miss- Beverly Bonnfr, 4,,...,,,,Ai.,,,ka,,,Is per Club-wkm,.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,4,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,&,t,..4 .,. Mrs. Glen Casper of Miss Elaine Casper and Miss ' , , ,, marriageef Patsy Ruth Marlor, Mr. and :., w TEMPLE ond Mrs. Dean Carr ' RECENT WEDSMr.- and Mrs. Ralph C. of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Heber, announce the marriage on Florence - McGuire, ,bridesmaids daughter -- Haworth were n 21 of thei - Martor . , and Tornbest man. married-iSattnke--Temptet - LogerrTemple.' to Clay Carlile, son of Mr. and A honeymoon- in Idaho- - and : APRIL WEDDINGExchanging wedding vows ore Mr. rington, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mrs- Francis Carlile, also of He,. and Mrs:Burton Arrington: She was former Patsy Marlor. I I Oregon followed the reeeption.------Arrington, 15 East 17th South .t s - A - , Recent Nuptials: ,'t , , - - 1. - '' ''',,A,; -, -- , 'l . .' '. ' . A , t 1 ; ,,,wo...., ,,s ; r 1 I '14e.r, ' i ''s ' .04" , ., , 44444. i' ' , A.,,, i , ,,,... ' , - '. . ' m, "'"--- ''' NEWS DESERET .. ,,, Thr' , - --Ar ,. , , , , k ,k --- - -- ,' - - - ' ,wi , t's t ' -.-4,..i , f kN --. ':,q4 , r ' - - , i, , ,, -- ,, ,,,,,, tHE ' ,- , ' - ,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.,,,,..,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,;',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,----, , , ,,,. - . -- satin. hite -0 '' .k.--.''..,- '.' -- ' 4. , ' - 1 ,, - 4010 ..e, ' .., '.. 7.! nti' " :.F,: IT- k , N: ,, - ivIiiihad---ArtiariciiKTiiiiii-mir- Comes In Navy Blues .., ..- t .' i,-; ''' , .' - 7,, . .7-7- ,L ,. ,4,i-- , ,:.: fall-ind- , .. , , ," - 4'. , -- -- -- , 23-2- ,.. ' '1 -- ,4 i,' - :',, 3 ,... .. . i 4,. all-bla- ck , , .; ... i, , , .i," ,,, ,t. , ' Ic----- . , 1 , -- - low-throu- gh '''' ' ,:f '' st ... ..,' '', i . d ' . ( '4 ., :, , '',4 : ,: -- , 7 , - - i , :,,,,:;-,-, :: are-Da- fi,IrPbst-r!,:;Lond,Clay--Cor- ' , . -- jM Jj I , S - OD R i...1 ' 1),,,I.1 11R,7 .., : i , nt, -- ,,, , ,,,.. .. 1 - ill. . ,. ' 'Mt '' 1 , , ' , 1- ,..ir .1. - 1- r. A 11 Si 't D ' - - I 01,1j1141,",f.r. 1-- A Y( .,,i' . , 1 , - -- Uk l'ittfl$ . , A , p?...6. - I fac R y: j t t 41 r ....,1C... , , ., , . ... - . ,t ..,s .. 1,, . 1 4111'4. .. ,t 1 v,t y,!zt;. ;. , ,, i 1)1f t., ',.,1.(,' , i(illp 43;4111..1i.. 1..,;'- ... . N,. , , ,,., , ,,, .. -,..,, "- .- ' ' --- ,,, , ix, . ,,,,.... , , , , ... ..,. .,,.,.,,..,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,H , . , ,,,,,,,-- "" ,,,.." ,, - , , , , I 1 4,,,, - ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, '.,, , ,, , ,, 1 - , ' 1 ; ,,..-4- ,,,.. , -, . .. ,,,,,' .. ''''""s,,, , - .. .. .. N,. '-- ' ,( ...,. ., , - . 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