OCR Text |
Show , , ,. . 'SultdaY, . May 16, 1948 -- .. , ' -- THE DESERET - Salt Lake City, Utah - ' - C-- 1 -- , -.. e - ' 4..,, , ''''' '' ' ' , , . 0 , r- - ,, , t ' ',',,.:" . , ' , ,,,,,,,,,' , S i , . 'Sr ft , ,' ,,, !.;.' ' 2' ., c '....'.."-'',- e''' '' ,n'. r...1.'''''''3422'.'"4". , ' , - ''' - . f,: ." ,'.' , - - , .. ., , ICO,1-F10.OldIL-- eka22'"'',',1; , , g . , , --- - , e . ., , ... it. i , . , ,.. . .. row n t - - , .0'1' . . 40"'"' . i , , . NEWS , ch (t-EMti- : iiix , . 1Liogan,meel - ,.Itired. spk 1.n. stsGa. ' . - , , - - : - Races, 'Jump Events .' .. - . , . t -- -- . -- '"Iltah-54-,-11U11-S- 16 51 "4"- ,-- ,,,, I.,-- 704 I ....,4 .. . , I ..''. -' gra : ,4110,,,,:,-'..42'' ,k,,,f. - g :''''''''' '.1 , - s, Ark,-- , ' f - ' I ,4.4- - '.. '', ....,,..' 4, - , , '' ' - -' - - ., , ,,,,,,--- ,., , Vti, , I, ''' 1 ,- 4.---' - , 'I, . i '. , ,, t ' , e....,-- - , ''. ''''s ' ' ' :4: ; ' - -- 4 I t9 , ,,, 7 ,,,..- '' k x , - , ,, - , .f - . , , '' ' ; 'Z - ;, .---1 --- -t'''' - "'- - ' .' ' - ' ' '''''" ' '..,-- " - f ,,... , , ,- ', 1 ' , , ,,, ;- 1 ''' ,,t , i ---,, 4 ,, - zi 4- -- - L' l'' ...4 , ,,-. ... t ' , . - ' v .,. a , ,,, ' - .. , . 1 1 . , 1,,,, 41 Illsk . :.zi ' ,,,.. .kf 1 i A . . 11 l . . .., ' LT ., .1 1- ------ ,4, - N .. , ,, ,:' i . I .1 t A , A - I y I " no) V Ct ..s.,.,,, ' I , ' ,. , ''',. , , lir t1 ' t , ., -3 , 'ft - IN ,, s , 011,--S- . , . - -.. ' ; -- .. S,- patton 4p, ' - ,, - mi ''''''''"'40...,.........-.............m..0.......-10 New marK j' e ,,,, : ' . , Twin Win In Jump -Woodwards twin win the' the 1 high and broadjump and fact ,44ilit Utah State failed completely. I ,, "mti , the pole event counted heavily 4 ' ! in , the - final tabulations:Randy 1 Clark and Byron Young tied for f, . the title. pole The was meet held under ideal 1 , Weather conditions and the west ' I, at stands the Stadium Aggie were - ott 6000 specti- nearly, filledabout ' 4 0 , ;04 , I I The veteran trainer explained that the ,Square rival Lloyd LaBeach of the Garden knockout was an accident, .Nuttall banging his head rantnLroolligAtno: t vgeeressi!yLostBesCaolnifowrnsisa , on the mat when he fell over backwards. ; Oaki . colors of n the his the would chances defeat under Asked ifthat delay thebig day ' ' land show.', Harry gave out with an emphatic "No." dash-wi -9 I before-- "Keith's-jus- t a kid of 18. Henry was-1t added to the a decided to be h fighter, Its a long row and while Keith has a Coast - -- Relays of on Bittnewrsa. the some to h. part Patton and La. expert training jump on the field, thanks , to pit their mus- his father, he still has to take the setbacks as they ,come. He event. hasn't had many-- 22 professional fights with ,one cirrv,. one , i and one knockout defeat. .. decision y Rack ,. e a S .. , third in behind Far place was ' t 1i.It The mnnmaries: A 4 Mountain Men Healthy Bob Heck of the College of Pa- . 1 cific followed by Aberiromie Itnl &meet b et iifit'iniA6 ti.1:3: ', Harry went farther than just Nuttall anent this physi- BTU 38 and Younger of Fresno State. -. ' "1 have traveled cal condition business. 1 , 00,,12:41181,1tn a Tohnrdese tahree aaall choeurnetime, fog gtowtoPaotttgenr tat.: 'try, lived and trained everywhere. reifhleaxvee tohveeyr !I : 1186hotpviAr watches, clocked. him at 9.4 sec- - Gottfredsen, 118AC; Brady. pie, especially young men, so -fiAC, - Di- ettleittor.4aYik t,,k1 11Pilln.111"".--onds. After - several anxious, in guess it- - is quick cTherarestrongalert, ; breathless minutes track officials ,, i II Gardner. ti: Walt -your Church than anything. urging prohibition Of ii run in 9,3 Ifsiak, it; MAC. liune:- - riaTrohol members." its tobacco and among new world's record. 1'1 '. 2tft a d al'ehxPGA to see and be secondsa 1: wholesome it what no it's matter VI is, 'But :rtson CIYVca v,1,..011 Tobin, i n twith Time, 4 31,11. , clean, wholesome people, with strong bodies, clear minds." 0,46 v: Robison. runClarence f is enjoying the fresh airhe and Henry were born , ,,, , Harry, Ruu Daniels, IMAC; Bert Brothers. USAC. '. ''''. Tim. 942.L New WesterrtDiviston see- - and raised under severe circumstances In the slums of --- -. ' . . tPatton edged out by hiches his 'UM- - Madison -, t Close Win i , . ..0 Weakley FRESNO, Calif. (INS)Mel Patton of the University of Southern California set a new world's record of 9.3 seconds in dash at the 22nd running of the West Coast Relays yesterday. "Pell Mel" swept down the clay track in a, tenth of a sec- than the old world rond faster rd which, has been held by Jesse Owens, Hal Davis and Pat, ton himself. - - , By, Bob k , - - - knohe , at 9.3 i 100 'in , - ,7 - . - --- er he-ev- , K , . , - ,- ' . . ,' , , ' 4 , , , ,, . , ' ., .11 , . - 1 - , - -- runs-Br- uce 1 PGA Plans' Set- St-Loui- --or- 1 I - - Old mord was Rammr throw v.v. 4 9.47.3. V ,,!htt , - 0. r " ) ), - .- , ,,, Hot. 4 :. TIM. 496. I tr.:,,,,,,e0"".,,;,,,, "1" ' 44 Isfaughati, -. tillotinttrelelt;n, BgAtwilli tinilast.anu.s,A 172 r .' Weston Division record. Old rec,, e ord by R. 1dau5han, 1947. distance of i - ,' it 170 D. 5 in. 1 . Robison. MiloClarence 11, ZVI; Bruce .1 Times 1 1 Dardnor. 0; Norm, yitageraid. i , 4 rotiard dashGordon Chvtraus, Oil i f USAC. Time. Tobler. II; Lea Marcuson, ,t, , . ; '. ittIo., it Nmp,i'lm Woodward. ; tr, first: op Joe Nellion, Y; 011Y Murray. MAC; Blaine 1,04 Dick &Mar and Keith crAther, 13, tied:. t- Tollstrup'. II, tied. Height, b ft. 101Z tn. 220 low hurdlesKetth Tolistrup. U; , Jost N olson:T ; Ben Kathaway.11-Tim- e. : 24.3. et , 'daisy:len. vaelPP: Tr vdayeeLrkseiscir.R41,),.. ultueoghr94, tittiliAlCa4; tn. Walker. Y3talph Mau- DiscusBrady Bus Witham', 178AC. Die- 1 1 fehriei, uistwAen. ,' lug in . Discus Brady Walker. Y: Ralph ' kaughan, MAC; Bus Williams. ,118AC, Distance. 145 ft. 111s in. tattreueen 't (Howes. Mile reill1-23- 8AC 1I j Tay)or, Prince), Utah. BYU. Time. 3.281. esult-T- wo first. tied for Bron Pole 01 , Young. Y. and Randy Clark.Y. ,Y: Jack " , Art Cliff eni Y, Cooper, '''.: christensen. . ,Bishop, Utah, tied .for third:, Belot 12 ;',' ft. Vie in. 1unipiJim Woodward, tr: John Meant traeC: : Vic pros) 144 ) in. , , 11 , -: dashMerle Priam L II8AC: -i- 1 t .1..3, lipid Howes, UBAC; Donald Iirean. U. l Ir.'''. . Ralph - Utes Sign Nine Big Games 14.1., preseason Cake ' Campaign ,, ' ; I basketball schedule fort he 'Univerthe tile Athletic Council sity of Utah- was announced today by and the games listed form one of the toughest,practice slates in ' , Crimson history: - The Utes, will open their winter season against University of two-da- y series, Utah Idaho and Oregon State in a four-gam'four-teamatch. a in , Aggies playing the other,role The Iltes move to Los Angeles Dec:' 10 and 11 for a pair of games with University of Southern,Saliforniaandreturn the week later, Dec,,, 17,: 18. USC series in Salt On Dec. 27 the Crimson cagers open their eastern jaunt against St. John's friendly St. Joseph's College.in Philadelphia. meeting the next night in New York... On Dec. 30,- - Utah will play either Cornell or Canisius of Buffalo before returning home... ' Two other games will be played duringtheleague,season and these opponents Will be two of the nation's best clubs. according to Parry D. Sorenson, assistant to the president at the U. A nine-gam- e pre-seaso- n - ' e, ne. . c'ear offices were complete for the forthcoming- Open Golf Tburnament August 912,500-UtahSta- 26-2- 9. : . , , scoreboar. operator; Terry Malan, assistant tournament director: Jayne Malan, field, secretary and Schneiter. The PGA boss also assureci-IhUtah group' that the top golfers would be on hand. only three of the top bracket men being out oi tile summer circuit to date. -- ., , , - - 9 , . . , . . , i , . ' ' 4.4 te The Ogden professional told Bennett that the 'PGA will send a complete staff of field representatives for the Fort Douglas event, including Charlie Kimmel, - VO4 s arrangements-out-of-Srhneiter- . , Lake-CitiO- Schnt0A,:sk&f.,of the PGA tournament bUrean, notified Les.' Bennett, president of the Utah ,'Golf Associationi that all ....,, s, Utah Open F.6r - - I rs an " , ' d. -.- point-make- - aaa-ya- rd Prep fans are clamoring between Yates and ' . the 120-yhigh 1 sticks. The West flash toured i the obstacles in :15.3. Batch Stars . , 1 Taking a place along with the other stars, Lincoln High's Leo Hatch performed with aplomb,. , Clan "B" winning the 200-y- d. low hurdles in :23.3 and finishing behind Jensen in the high sticks. Both Hatch and Jensen scored 10 points to top the individual in the "B" joust- - . Other stellar performances were turned in by Gary Bent, track team, Carbon's one-m. 1 arid Dick King of East. The Dino-saur representative won the "A" broad juMp by leap- - .. 1 Class ft-- 834 in., while King cut 21, ing 1i his best time in the half-mi- le to 2:04.7 in bringing the Leopards ' their only first 'place. South High's medley relay foursome of -- --, Bernie Teurittein, Eldon Davies, 1 and Ray Gallacher, turned in the year's best' time of 3:472. 1 South picked up four first and the same nuntber of thirds, plus a steady splinking of lower points to edge Provo. which had three places and four and a frac- 1first second place awards, -----but of the lesser points. Summaries on the two state championship metts!ollows; duel fors Jensen in . 4 ,. rd races.T as --Th- 220-ya- rd Two first places also went to Wein High's George Ya4s, who won medals in both, hurdle , . , -- - - noon. , '14- : --- --- out in front with 3514 counters. Lincoln was third with 26 and Millard finished a good fourth with 25 tallies. Performances at the meet held under near perfect conditions , werein exceptionally good, but one event was a record only-threatened Clayne (Bud) Jetztimber-topp- er -sen, t from Gunnison, bettered the 120- .t yd. high hurdle mark set in 1937 . I by Allen Perkins of Davis, by 8 clipping off a :15 "flat race. Officials ruled that the new mark could not go into the books,.however, for the wind at Jen- sen's back was measured at 3.4 ' miles per hour. An assistipg. breeze in excess of three miles per' hour is sufficient to nullify a record attempt. It was a tough break for the Gunnison lad who took the decision to heart. He twice tied the state record of :15.1 In the Region, 4 meet last turday. , I' , Adams High High point individual. scorer ....1 of iboth meets yesterday was "Bullet Bill" Adams. Granite the High star. Adams copped add-quarter mile in :52 flat, and ed seconds in the brood jump dash, plus running and a sensational anchor lap to give, in the 'N. the Farmers a victory , relay. South High's Gordon Jackson proved again his superiority in the high jump and pole, vault, winning two first places handily. He ale) added a fifth place in The BYU Invitational -- - the discus. Relays aU around champion made three attempts to break the 1 state high school record at 8 I feet PA inches, but failed to I clear this height which he has often made in practice. His 11 feet five inch vault is the bestdone by a prepster this year.- Layne Moyle, Provo High's dual 1 winner in the Class "A" splints, was also a meet cynosure. His winning times were sensational. clipping off :10.1 in the century and :22.1 in the furlong. Moyle then ran a leg on the winnmg mil relay, team to give hint a point total of 18 for the ellen 880-ya- 1 AA - j . , .- actimpor, . , , . . , t . Y 4 - - , , ., -- - red-thatc- . 1.1 t., . --- -- , - ''' aonnes7thoirydd.ofrealap3iraitneta.m ' 4 , ' -- ,.. ' ',, ' . ', tance too, defeating a Lincoln High quartet which was pre-- !, hest viously unbeaten, in-- the time recorded this year, 1:33.5. - 211,- Springville-retain- ed points ,. I ', te - , , , . 4--- meant victory to Murray High, for as theiabulationswernmade after all regular events -had been lle completed,-Springviled the Smelterites by a half-poiBut Coach Art Hughes had no relay to match against Murray; Coach Herman Longhurst's half-mifoursome did more , - . - -- - , ., le - . 4, - nt. c Pk t- . I :f ' '.', .K".",. , ' ' i Ot,11,0, . '. . : I - e , - , , - .-- ' , -- -- , -- , , .... I , ' -- . - , , - l - ,t, .,,,t,,,', ' '''' - ''',,- - ae at -- :z by Bus t. ;.- ' - 0g,----,-.- , .i.! . ',,-ro, I ' Williams. , 1 fouRrathvingby ,,, .' ,,,11' ' 4 ''. '... ''''' ' : "si .0 - It:seems'they ; i tit t '''',. -- - - . ;4010, - - . 2.0-ip,';- . - .. 1 oe; ' a' ' -- ''', 4 , ,,,..., , ; I ',,:.. June ;.- , . mit , , , ' ';', ;, , ' : Surprized Man 4" 15 and they were going he Chytraus was - the t'f to jump the glt- But-t, , gun jumped man of the meetnot because e,,,';.' ' .' , .4.' season actually opens themfishing he won for he knew he could ' June 12. They headed out of this office do that- But the Ute ace found tik ;..4,; ' 4'...A. " in Search of another date, knowing what new ! .'a to tun .4" way the 220 t;': 1 a.,A. he was pleased. That is all he and means to the sporting gentry of i ,t fishing 1, had i ' to ser following his , .I e this state. ; , second vie- - , . -'' His new method: Just ,' ' on the; An get sidelight ' Jr tory. 4 'Interesting 1yourself moving then relax your 1 ,.' 4,,,,,a ,,,, Washington-Nutta- ll fight in Ogden is and face muscles arms 'jaws 1. wend 'shoulders: a certain I Washington fought Buddy that ', ,,,,,, Throw the arms .. .. ' 1 IP Kid Nuttal way back in 1926 in the old way out without tightening them 414k v and then just FrijoS the ride. And Lewiston (Utah) Opera House. They , .;,:.,se. it works! ', ' ---1, slugged-to- -a I , ';zr, ) h- The same 1. f ' - ', oidweightmen fatheru-o-thetwo northern ,Utah at work in the pits for the were '.'" '.,. Aggies who will meet a week from , and Cougars. Art Gottfredsen ' "' - ' t ' in Ogden. hnley was his heart out to . , -4. , r4-- beat throwing his own state record, but Armstrong Harry . ' .... ' he missed by an inch. Ons Naftali . d Walker of the Y cut intoBrady the 1 Harry Armstrong thinks there is vo one in the' world Aggie pointa by beating the vet- like Keith Nuttall as far att,a ring prospect goes. He should' eran Ralph: Maughan who held ( (the' state shot record for a few trained kid brother Henry until his come-bac4 minutes One windy afternoon in which time Harry was in the Merchant Marines.' at trials ' Salt Lake three weeks ago. said there was .a question os to haw Keith would rt Walker came through in the: , lake Harry t knockoutwhich his happened recently in the first discus event, one of the last to around-lika champ and ' is more came 'He right Garden: be , I, eomputed. But Maughan was ever :. to the ,before." determined field than whip right behind, followed t t' 1 ,i . ,t... , ,,,' ' '''' - ,, - t. . , . - , -- : -' 4 .. k - 7 -- , rmeate, , , A - ', 1:;.--'4t- ' i , , ' , --6 i -- . , . , ", f '''' ,'" ...,...,,,. ...-,.. s' 's"... , .,:T '' ,1,(''' i '' f,;,. r 't V ,,,:, : - ;- .- , ''',:'''''''''''l if. R - . , N ,.-;- ,,;; ; - ,,... 4 : att,t,t6e , ,., - , . ' an , ' . ; l Saturday, South and Murray High Schools euccessfully defended state ,high school- - track and field championships at the 'UM. ' versity of Utah Stadium, Coach Nate Long's Cub track- eters tallied 52 points to wilt from Provo High, which finish- - -ed- - second for the Class- "A"with-4413 counters, trophy den followed ten points behind with Ewa nosing out Granite for , t -4- - re . ' .' .. -- - ,,,,,, : ,' :, . , - ' 4, , , - - -- , , Relay . minei ,msnettnga , , It 4" --"--- --- , , 11 ' - k , , It ' 4 :. , Robtson run was ,',.;, '', t , Ihu'' m ''' of the day. The lean , ,,,, , , 40. ., .. - , maker came near killing , tof hig colleagues when he , r. . '. Atorrid pace. Russ Daniels I ------, State stayed on Robisanis heels '- ,-- until the one-mlast lap when I 1 . marathon moved oh ahead and gave his all for , the new , mark. He ran against time , , e'er the whole eight laps. only L The Was today were -1 ' thanking a trio )f speed andjump , --'--- --By'Ha'ck-Miller- J demons narned Gordon ''' Chytraus, Jim Woodward and Keith Toll, Harry Armstrong, Hent'Y' big b;rother and his trainer for so strup for twin victories in the ,ittlasheo, jumps and hurdles. Gor- - many years, was in our office yesterday with Morris (The Kid) don came through, with a' 10- Kieth's pa:. They're drumming up fireworks for the flat in the hundred and a Sinooth Nuttall, ' I Buddy'Washington- - Keith Nuttall fight in Ogden May 24. :21.8 In the longer sprint. Toll12 June on for mixed the go up strup wound up with both hur: 1.,::....,..:...ts..B.u.,..0.t .4had their dates all Keith and Ernie Hunick of West Joy-- . dies ahead of Joe Nelson, BYLI's ' ,pncoming specialist in the swing- dan at Derks Yield. , int lumber department. ,: :', were told fishing . -- , :' Ar,f , . - 4401.10,1t4N, - 7 ' t--i,,, - Thet ' ' , t 1 . ,,tvt : ,.' event emrawri race. Utes nosed out Utah State to replace BYU QS state champs. Meet was held ot Logan under ideal weather. ,,,,,,,,,...., 1 , yeti , ..""' , ,,,,' , , a l'''.o, t ? 1e 4 , - '14 CcolanrfeenreCneceR0.rbeicSoOrnd ,,,,t ' 1 , --. vi,"e,,,e, distore .isnentswoott9mniatel ' - k t - Sat...,9000,..4.....1.4. , 1 ...Is , 44,2. - , , ' "- , , 4 - , ROLES , . Smelterites When 'Devils eianm, IN COLLEGE TRACKRolf5h Maughon,..star Utah Aggie weightnian; bested own state record ill the hammer throw. Sprinters Gordon Chytrous ( ttft) and Gil Tobler bove Utah.18 points in the dashes, LEAD PLAY :, , ,,,,,, - , le - ::.. , t''., ... .., yesterday, one 41 con" A-- ,, ference 'record in the two-mih 4,910',. ', event. Clarence Robison, BYI.I's - ,," diatent merchant from Fillmore ' sat on hi', leRn 1Pge for ..eight - 7 : claps to finish le 9:47.1 and break ., ',"- ,, the old record of 9:47.3. ' " ,;:,.,:- ,, es4, , 0 . Breaki OWn Mark ' - ''' broke RalpIlMaughan - ,,21,,,:',L!,.''',. ' ..,. -e- ta to - record---i- n .' - , .. throw with a heave of , ,, a inches. He fell short six ; ''' l'et the conference record ' '' ' ,t , ' ''' " bested his own state inchesi rrstst',.tt-,4- . , ...,,. r- on the Aboordi 'I ,, f 1-- 3. -- ?,,, ,r BYU 3, N ,,., , i,;:. ,,, win,-b- tate ..., , ,.... ..,..- . only because the tenacious Cougar theweCheastilYoxitheAgLgie hopes in the weiglit de, partment. The final totals read: wf ii.,.;,, . , '4', es, - , ..'..,..'.,....:-.., , , ' . but expected victory-here yesterday afternoon in the annual state meet. oi Coach Pete Coueh ana big snatched-enou- kids gh n points-1jumps' - --- I , ...,. , w, , : ) By Rack Miller LOGAN UnlVersity of Utah tl rules the roost in the, state col! legiate track and field depart1 trient today as a result of a Ear-to- ,.. - For Provo .... - - ' .i.:',,, -- . . , , 1 I ' f ,,.z, ,. - I. 1 - v,Pt-'.,- .7,1 ,, . ..:....,:, ,..... .........., LOBOS,VOTE TO JOIN SKYLINr-6- 1 IF INVITED - , 52: Provo, 47 3716: last, 34 Granite, 34; Da711, 21i Wilk 'SO; Logan, , le; North Cash,. 3 1 Wetter, 7; Rol 'elder. 4, and South Cache, 2, and Sear (AP)r--Universi- ty ce . member. our opinion that the conference A. Breternitz, Denver lJniver- - i!hould not expand at this time.", - Class "15" Summary Rudd WIlroa. Hurriesna. Monroe, aled tor fitati Taylor, Waasterg. Merlyn Polder, High. 2 in. field; Ertdfil Jormon, Pl. O. 11 Gourley, PI, 0.. and Joe High Jump Kennedy, Murray, tied for !Hsi; JohnClass Monroe: Wood. Ceder; Chris,35t6; Springville, 28: Lincoln, 6 rt. 1 in. 26; Millard, 25: Spanish Ileaves:. Fore. Gunnison and Delta, le: Payson. Snow: Richards.; Shot Put Quo 14: tlintah, 13: Panguitch,-13:ino- w Hsrold Norton. Spring.; Werner., Minaret; 10:9: Nur- - WIHI4rd, Leo Johnson, Cyprus., 47 ft. uth Sevier, Ilts: vicar lf Rug: Morgan, Hinckley, Richfield, 5; C1 Ult. 7: Pleasant Grove, Lehi, Mils Son Hots. Aitiirrs: Nob 5: South Summit and Kaftan, 4:,, 'Dints-12-; Don Adams. Lanooln; Academy and Waoatch Nigh. 3 ; Ogden, ' DENSiER oti 1sity faculty representative, said New Mexico officials voted todaY tonight; "The conference should not to iscept a bid to join'the Big until it gets on its feet expand Six Conferencr if invited, but as a six-clgroup. We discuss-entranat aril signs of welcome were Aim as - ed New Mexico's - membersestablishedconferenceearlier meeting when Montana new viewed t14 possibility of,a 1 was interested in joining. It was ub How They Scored Clam 'Polo Vault, and John Gives, ft I.fl1 - ltaa, 7: yican,Fork and Cedar. 2. and Stave Lee PREP TRACK; rage , j . |