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Show - I New- s-Dual-Purpo- Sunday, MayJ.,19.48, HOME, FARM AND GARDEN Land; si . - f Farms Under the Bridge: Forest Service rt Ho es to Harvest ErosionRobsUsS.forms UnOertakes by TaR6vieforag El 1404174aytt?vbm!qr' ML Mi. George, tons of' When the while man csrpe topsoil roll down the Mississipused. the Program Committee under direc- pi River each yealr.- .- An inch intotheintermauntain-are- a Hanna 9f toP, Mr. Mortensen' says grass runways, in addition to being ranges and watersheds were tion of acre --of- land chean-- r than either ,surfaced or paved runways, are usuaiiy reavered----:-w- ith desirable and" ha's used statistics complied by weighs between 140 and 150 tons. At per acre, . Preat Ueorge menier of the this loss Would mean.the equivalent of an inch of topsoil front plants were generally dense and Utah PMA Committee. ' Midw2467,000 acres. provided better cover to the wa- Marry years ago Lteritred- s--. est-10er Teognizett what-wags land Grande, and many- - other-river- s ng However Ahrcugh years of happening to .....0 .are roll , s is down George points out, but the Mifarm of my best part were were gradually palatable ssissippi alone carries the equi .4.; below New Orleans." killed cut and those plants-hvalent of an- inch-topsoil- from palPfable or lower in palatabil- one has thought to count the the surface of nearly 17,000 each. ity invaded. Thus we find now number of farms which go under farms of 160 acres 'am And even more serious, he that much of the land is'con- - 111e.tridge during a single flood comes from the He bases his figures on says, trolledby plants like sage- season. best land on the farmthe land r; fact deepcaccumulathe thathe brush on the lower and inter- tions of silt in the deltas of that is in row crops or Which is mediate ranges and other inrivers of this country is being worked most to produce J ferior plants on th6 upper ele- great of top soil the nation's crops. vations. Since the density of made up primarily such forage plants has been reNORWALK duced, much of the soil has eroded through the. process. Art - Poffture-anTiai- - dF.-Mortensei-7,-0- sown it to be ms one-of-t- he is.,airp ane runway n best runways he has ever -- show-sa- theDuchesne -- that ys around-400,000,00- -of Joseph-Wilcken- taa 2 un;:.........,tr..p:v iT v't, good-farmi- ot the-tops- Forest Service Project The Forest Service on the r Fishlake National Forest.- - unLZ5 der direction of Blaine Betensiv E. en-,- forest supervisor, has takIt Vlid4115,7q..-1- 4 en- some commendable steps in . 11V V reseeding-th- e range lands. In order to compete with the sagebrush and the surface rocks comes Art in for landing . LOOK OUT, HORTENSE!---Her- e that are prevalent in the areas, the "Dixie pipe preferred by pilots of smaller planes. They provide a tough, harrow" was d month . sod thaLstandswear and is usable under varying weather on the Dixie riesiguedand-useNational Forest in conditio-a1Q37 while Mr. Betensen was su- Pilots say a grass runway affords better depth perception pervisor of that district. It was logs approximately six because there are practically no heat waves from grass, whereas made of inches -- in - diameter- - and about on solid runways pilots are frequently confused by a wavy ap- ten feet long with. the steel pearance, if not actual mirages. AlsoLsrass runwayspractically ikesdriverf-throug- h. It was state to aeronautics Joe later made with galvanized pipe. According Bergin, rail drawbar is used director, there Is not so much danger of ground looping on a to pull the spiked pipes. Each grass runway. is connected with a swivel Other advantages hi grass landing fields mentioned by Mr. pipe which allows the pipe toturn causes of which elimination include Mortensen the dust, poor and move around rocks. Three sizes of the harrows are visibility on landing and wears out planes rapidly, and the h freedom flying gravel in the Prop wash, which is common on in use. The four- -, and where pipe harrows graveled fields. wed Itteground--eartnot- Besides all these advantages, its as good a pasture-as-an- y with a, wheatland or disc plow. on the place, ,This may be an answer to some of the Flying The small is problems-on used to harrow the seed in after landing- btrips7-- 4, broadcast seeding on brushland, free from rocks, that has been plowed with a wheatland. Where Rooks Abound However, the principal use of the larger,harrows is on"deplet- 6 . .,.., .. ,),,,, s ,.; 1 t1.... .. AB Sizes, Custom Built, i including: V 5:50 V 6:00- - --- X v 6:50 ig Liberal TradeIn Allowance on Your Old Tires. ed range-deplet- oil 5 PLY TIRE ' M - ot -- -- if-a- ny a In Recapping , Non-Ski- wo all work. a F 330 SOUTH WEST I RE-SERVI- CE - - IliMPit PHONE 41114 -- , -- are-used Domestic be-plo- SALES SOME FAO Presents Picture -size of Iliéep- !kicks ing in the- Pyrenees, the crop of wheat, in- Russia's Ukraine, the rice production of the lowlands of southeast Asiaall these have an influence on the markets for products of intermountain farms. Seldom in the past has the farmer here been able to get any clear conception of the world-ov- er picture of farm and --- ed resources of many Importing countries." Most Severe Shortages The greatest shortages in the crop year ahead, in the opinion of FAO experts, will be In meat, rice, fats and Oils, peas and' beans, and fertilizers. "Both world meat production and world exportable supplies now. wilrbelower in 1948 than they the Food and Agriculture Or- were in 1947," the report ganization of the Unlited Na "Ex portablerice In tions l"FAO'l-fo- r short) has Un only 1948areexpectectio dertakeir--a-carefsurvey-7- of of the quantity that the world's agricultural output 40 per cent and needs, and has made its moved in international trade in prewar years." findings public. A severe drouth In Europe Qualified Optimism The report of the FAO board's last fall reduced the pea and most recent meeting is long ,and bear, crop. These food crops detailed, but here, briefly, are sources of- a major share of prothe highlights of its findings: teins, are available this year in The world food situation. FAO less than half pre-w- ar quantities, believes, "will be moderately according to FAO's figures. improved after this year's Nitrogen Still Scarce Of fertilizers, the report says: , But the FAO report hastens to "Tne world shortage of nitrogen warn: , , "Under the- most favorable Is still very severe." the world shortage conditions, per capita food pro- of Explaining feedstuffs and meat, the duction in 1948-4- 9 will not rt-notes. n "After cessation of hostilities, countries, food supplies will continue to be short in terms of pre- - the natural inclination of both war levels of consumption.- - In European farmers-an- d was to undertake many instances, these in turn were far short of meeting min the retabilitation of livestock as production, imum nutritional standards. rapidly 'as possible, frequently without ' much "Food shortages in 1948-4- 9 will continue to affect industrial consideration as to where the from." production adversely, to create feed was to come short-terthe feed problems of inflation in many ..,'FAO feels 'countries, and to constitute a situation will ease next fall, but heavy drain on foreign exchange warns' "It Is very problematic livestock-production-- -- -Ilut ul- , - --- - - har----v- ests repo- sagebrush, where the I S. W. TEMPLZ , ;SFATJAIE,..prrxxvviy..,..1 - ,p. 6. isoxa sur- , er ke is plowing some more areas for re- -' seeding this season. Some additional equipment has been obtained and greater acreage Is la nts U I, - - - , I , ' m t , s' 0 - ii Mill Will a al IMI I ilige I 0 I S 4 4 ' 49 :: - - - W Y ins r C -- -- 1 1 f- n-- , . -- - ''' -7 , - , Own Your Own Home Now economical answer to your poultry Low Cost High Value - housing problem. Ready for deliv--Ws Yes , quality now site to your building try right in a size to meet your needs. Nren- - - constructed but it's in a surprisThe fast, easy, depenclable and -- good-lookin- ingly low price range. Provides a spacious, consfortable house you'll be proud to own. Low price made high egg production. possible by mass production and roomy, convenient; head spact,Strongly built of selestandarddesignFully insulated. ted materials. Your choice of two warm in winter, cool in summer. widths, IS or 14 feet; lengths, 24 Easily- and quickly erected of preci- -to 180 feet. Precision-bu- i It sections sion built sections. Quality mateg and are easily erected in a short time. daisstrong, noW- g in any location.; sulated (ventilation plus insuladon to promote health, comfort all l Well-lighte- wall-to-wa- ll long-lastin- Good-lookin- ePdi whether there will be much in- over the 1947-- 48 international shipments of bread grains, course grains, oilseeds or oilcake." Noting a worldwide shortage of fats and oils, FAO predicts this year's exports in these lines will not exceed 3,900,000 metric tons, compared with a prewar average of 5,800,000. ,-; VAT- . erense-m-1948- J4,0 i- 7?- -' - European-government- , . A destrov,-- ing a good part of the competition of sagebrush. and at the same rime digging up. the soil sufficiently to get the seeds into the- - ground. Crested wheat grass has been seeded into the worked-ovareas with surprising results. Some areas In the Fishlake districtliave been made to produce from t;0 to 100 pounds of beef per acre. At present beef prices there is little doubt.that we can afford to reseed such areas. Approximately 16,000 acres have been reseeded on the Fish-laForest during the pastfive mled-fOrieg- ONE 271 type-harro- d FRANCHISES iICKERSOIIIIACIIIIIERY CO. littered with surface rocks. the Dixie offers a good solution to the problem of gettrocks-en- SEAM I INSTALLATON OR wErrt OPEN-PH- SERVICE -I- face of the land is strewn with rocks of various sizes. Disc-ty- pe plows will not stand up on areas where there are many rocks. Since a large percentage of the range land needing reseeding is ingover-the Municipal Electrii Motors and Control -- Of WorldFarm Outpdt - PUMPS Industrial six-Inc- GET FULL DETAILS - z 32 or 20a 40 feet them ohm to meet 20o.t twills; 1.2 or 3 betit:ooms;votkot COME IN OR WRITE - Sidney Stevens Implement Company 2544 OGDEN AVENUI OGDEN, UTAH |