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Show , it Sunday, Mey16, ' , 194111 . ' - . . T HE DESERET - ---, ' NEWS , - .,, . . , . d . , . News , tl P . In History. 1 , . Of DeserettNews V ,, - ' - June , , , ' a ' e wringer,-"-- ',,,,.''' 0:,',- .,,, , ' i ',,..;.' ,..... - l , . k ! 4,t - , A t ' LI Ear.," IZr'...3 ' , - shortage-continued,- forcing the News to suspend publication for three months. In the earl days of the News, I items as "floor, wheat, corn meal, butter, cheese, tallow and pork." editorial in-t- he News announced that the number of subscribers had trebled the newspaper was started. (The first edition of the News In 1850 comprised copies.) News was en Nov. 15-- The Urged in Page size from 7Y2, by 10 inches to 16 by 20 inches, (reading matter size). With the enlarged size, the number of from eight to four. Vol. 2 of the News, starting on this date, was published every other Saturday. - Aug-IP...- - e three-hundr- - ed pages-was-reduc- ed , 1858 . - first 21-- The Aug. Deseret News "extra" was issued. It was pamphlet containing full minutes of a special confer- ence of the Church of Jesus Saints. Christ of Latter-da- y , In the fall of 1852, the News "plant" was moved to the sec-end story of a large adobe builing on the northeast corner of South Templi and Main Streets, present site of the Hotel Utah. The first home of the News had been a adobe, bufldontouth Temple- Stre'et..just west of the present-lite- of the Church Office Building.- -- ! I- ,d, one-sto- , ' ry 4154 . name of Albert March 30-- The Carrington first appeared on the News masthead as editor. He succeeded Willard Richards, who had died March 11. Aug.10-T- he News asked sub-scribers not to send in any more colored rags, since. its "homemade" paper had become "much too gray." During 1854 the. News plant was transferred to the northern portion of the "General Tith- ing Office" building, situated on Main Street just north of where the Hotel Utah now rtands., ' " - - 1856 - The News plant ivas removed to the second floor of the Cow- eil House on Main and South ,. '- Temple Streets where the Union Pacifie Building now stands. i 1959 'v 1Because of the threat May - of Johnston's Army, publication of the News was transferred to Fillmore and Parowan, . the equipment, being divided between the two towns. The sir.. . rangement of having part of the paper printed in Fillmore and a Dart in Parowan remained until NI . I t. 1. 1859 I March 9Judge Elias A. Smith succeeded Albert Carrington as editor of the News. - - 7 , News readers received their distant reports much faster, with the coming of the Pony Express, bringing news from the Missouri River in six days where it had taken ox teams four months and the stagecoach 30 days. )1 isel 6 , The transcontinental t e egraph. linked irt Utah this year, road to the brought news from mountains in tickfr iffne. - 1863 .4. commodious" two-sto- ry struc- ture. ot 1866 - The Deseret News became a ly publication. Nov. 21Under the management of George Q. Cannon. The Deseret News became a daily. Under his guidance. The News also published weekly and semiweekly editions. The weekly edition remained until 1898 -and the ly until 1922.--The News page Mze April was increased from 1012 x 1512 to 1514 x 22 inches. David O. Calder became general manager of-- the News. -- - -- semi-week- tt - semi-week- 0., 1886 6Charles W. Penrose became editor of The Deseret News. His editorials were known Sept- - , it for their power and effect in defending the Saints during trying times. , f , . 1892 Tor the first and only time in Its history, The Deseret News came under private manvement, Q. and under a lease to John Abraham H. Cannon. 1896 - Pleasc John A. Evans became business manager of the News, succeeding Abraham .11. Cannon, 4., Ea ...-- .,. iI - of-th- , , Ir'' t r;-'4- . ' . I I -- t: congratalate-The-Desere- News on the enterprise shown in planning the Sunday morning edition of the Intermountain West's oldest newspaper. As reader of The News since boyhood, I have watched the steady and have progrent had occasiort to note its great in-- I fluence for progress throughout The newspapers of the world. --Utah--are-greatly '' respected throughout the country and The imuttl Deserete,News, has bad part in bringing this recognition to 1:helmet of the state by beat wishes for success in this new venture."' Elbert D. Thomas. U. S. Senator: -- Ihave always dreamed greet d?eams for The Deseret News and I therefore rejoice in its advancement. The oldest '... tal gratulations poured in from ,state, local and tiational officials, s as The civic and buineea Deseret News presses , began to turn roll their historrmaking e out the first Sunday edition senior newspaper - of the West. 0"Seen as symbolic- of the progiessive spirit of Salt Lake City, Utah and the entire Intermountain- west,..Tne Deseret News Sunday edition was given a hearty sendoff on its first visit to the homes of its thousands of readers. Among the messages received .before, the paper went to preset were the,following: Arthur V. Watkins, IT. S. Senato' f er-Salt- - - - tivenditure moneyitillundoubtedIy much appreciation.. - - , newepaper-irr-theintermotintli- "Good prise!" - fortune-- to -- the- enter- ' h tomer W. S. L. County Commission: ''My hearty- - congratulanontrahlr-rniayfien.---Clintrifian V ' deci- rr, -- vice-preside- nt Atomic Board Loyalty - bun'day -- Check MeasureVetoed , -- -- , i six-stor- now-know- - well-inform- ed - he . two-thir- ds Plane Wreck Yields 2 Bodies Crown-Zellerba- 1 ck - - -the Vivian Meik ed - -- bundle-conveyi- ng roto-gravu- re ' -- --,Only - -- CrüTsèiDé1äëd Seaman Missing a -- - o . I. two-pow- er - . ed it : ---.- - , cere appreciation on your , sion to publish a Sunday edition to The Deseret News. 7 I"I have long been a subecriber , 1 0 7 to your paper and have noted ;.:1,...(tko4Nqi with great satisfaction the con. ., ' .,..,",;,:z..;'.I, tinued improvementitiaithe pub4 , lication. West should be the spokesman "I feel that The Deseret News 4 for the ideals which made the ) tiii 01'3 PI , West. Backed up by history es.; is fortunate indeed in having on tablished-tr-tho- se -- who,- had a its staff Vivian,Meik, whose vast and purpose In life and lived for that knowledge of world asaffairs a writer The Deseret News is his unusual ability purpose, AN HISTORIC MOMENTRoll No. 1 from Reel No 1 destined to become a spokesman makes his column one of the best ing the roll ore. Mark E.. Petersen, general manager; for truth, right and the welfare and one which is almost daily a Newel K. Whitney, treasurer; Wilby M. Durham, circuof paper from the Publishers Paper Company in Oregon of all people of the West. Amer- subject of discussion by the E. lation A. of board the manager, and Bowen, president all of ica sind our people need such a County Commissioners, arrives at The Deseret News warehouse in Salt Lake. of directors of Ple News and in the Pub- -. and best whom are subscribers to your papaper. Congratulations is The owned the the News, by City. newsprint.plont lishers Papergompany. The .plant will assure the News per." regards." ' Los Angeles Tirnii and a newsprint company. Exomin of newsprint. William A,Dawson, U. S. ConFrank Streator, President S. L. gressman: "The Deseret News is Chamber of Commerce: "Proof to be congratulated for its fore- of the industrial expansion in sight in starting a Sunday ed- Salt Lake and throughout who died July 19. Under John itiona progressive., move which the state is City the confidence shown readbe welcomed its should by EVEMS, the News changed from NOws-The Deseret News as demers. It is timely and in' keeping by ' hand-s- et to linotype. onstrated by the new Sunday , -with the magnificent expansion 'edition. (Continued From Page 1) 189B now going on in the Intermoun- -, "This forward expansion on,the tain West. This edition will part -lH. became maneaders. in this of The News leads the Chamrepresentative to the add pubgreatly area splendid ager of the News, serving until ber of Commerce to believe that yesterday. Among them lic thus service far by given were President George Albert the efforts of not only the local 1921. It imperative that the executive The Deseret News." Smith, on behalf of the Church By Francis 1. Kelly but every Chamber of 1899 of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Walter K. Granger, U. S. Con- chamber, have sole authority over the of- -, in the state, along Commerce WASHINGTON Presito (AP)-News returned Church Saints which owns and The decigressman: 'I ern sure the beers whom. he appoints." operates dent Truman with the encouragement by other vetoed of of control. the The Deseret-News- ; sion Tht publishersyesterday Earl Mayor He also the Con- Deseret News to add a seventh-da- y groups who have been boost1902 J. Glade as a representative of as "unnecesury and unwise" a stitutionalityquestioned of the measure. expansion, is steadedition will be greatly ap- ing industrialfruit. Under the direction of H. G. civic officials, Frank B. Streeter, bill providing for an FBI loyrecbearing ily said The he fully president predated by its patrons, the president of the Salt Lake Cham'Congratulations to The DesWhitney, manager, the ber of Coltunerce, on behalf of alty cheek on persons he lip- ognizes his obligation to- obtain swiftly moving events of the eret News for this addition to in.1he acts erected mewhomer a y, --the person News about.every world justify The making dilstry- and --the- economy of that body', points-to comto on serve the nominates this the change. Besides, greater state? andL. E. Irvine, president of the Commission, etructure, . He called the legislation "an mission,- He pledged that every coverage of news, this paper as the Union Pacific Utah Manulatturers' Association, Dr. A. Ray Olpin, President of executive the branch, can on more facility on behalf of the state's manufacitg effectively tarry unwarranted encroachment of "A Building, on the. southwest cor- turers. Including the FBI, will be used crusade in support of the truth. University of Utah: ' the legislative - upon the execu- to is democracy's best obtain ner of Main and South Temple - The publication of a public those facts. to add the my I congratulations tive branch."' Knowland issued a statement publishers in this new undertak.. Insurance nit in todae's swiftlyer edition followed a study Sunday Streets. Senator Knowland (B-C- a of the news--pipmovitig world a seven-da- y need for such a paper, on the sponsor of the bill, said he would saying he is convinced the bill 1904 es essential lit keeping the b Ls and Constitutional asserting of 11;31sw,--litapart the GovertoHerbert First Presidency and -- J. override the fodahl eucceeded the informed. I con- of the Twelve. After president By vetoing the meas- that "the very safety of the- renor: "Congratulations to The publics well Charles W. Penrose as editor of the Councilthese The Deseret News. for the of and thepublic-on-tgratulate peace' News Deseret Church Mr. study, has Truman officials ure, he said, expansion ' step and the News, serving until 1$14. today's forward-lookin- g voted unanimously to proceed lowered an s "iron curtain" on world is involved in the field of of its services, and the progres- extend my beet wishes for.-itwith the proposal, and directed information the Senate ought to atomic energy." sive spirit being manifested by 1921 ' success. the "the of Canadian report the management of the paper to have. each of you who are members of continuing Elias S. Woodruff 'succeeded Commission in the Canaits staff. The inclusion of a Sunproduce a seven-da- y The bill passed the Senate Royal Gus P. Backman, Secretary, S. H. G. Whitney as general man- to meet the needs of publication the extent dian showed spy.case a growing April 12 on a voice vote. The day morning edition lain impor- L. Chamber of Commerce: "We Union has to Soviet which the Church and the fast developing House approved it May 3 by tant forward step and will do wish to take this opportunity of ager Of the News. - gone In 'reeking ' atomic informaagricultural and industrial re- unanimous action. A 1922 congratulating The Deseret News said. be tion," gion which makes up the great majority in both houses is necon its enterprise which further f April -- 22The Deseret News intermountain empire. Acts-OlLast to make a bill law over reflects the tremendous developreceived- - from the - Department action tame in connection essary the president's veto. ment which la occurring through(RHickenlooper with Senator other of Commerce a license to operate expansion plans of out the Intermountain area. Probes Required By taw chairman of the joint The Deseret News.which includIowa). "We feel this additional service the first radio broadcasting sta- ed its Under present law, FBI in- committee, also declared that participation with the Los to the people of the great Intertion between the Missouri River Angeles Times, and certain in- vestigations are required of all Congress ought to override the mountain empire will be appreand the Pacific Coast. The sta- terests in Portland, Ore., 'in the Atomic Energy Commission em- veto, adding: "I feel confident tion later became knuwn as KSL. purchase of the great $8,500,000 ployes who are not subject to that it will." Calif. (INS) ciated." CARPINTERIA, - Yesterday was the last day the The Coast Guard - paper manufacturing mills of the Senate confirmation. Wallace F. Bennett. President, re1928 The Knowland bill would have president had to act on the bill. covered the bodies yesterday Glass Is Paint Co.: "I am Bennett wom& two of Hawley Pulp Paper Company June 7 The News "christen- at Oregon City. This authorized the Senate sectift of Neither House was in session. He Who were killed - pith two very gratified to see The Deseret wits step ed': its new plant on Richards taken to insure the begin' to make the best of newsprint the joint congressional commit- sent his veto to the secretary of men- companions Friday night INews Street. B. F. Grant was general for the expanded opera- tee on atomic energy to direct the Senate. crashed iits opportunities as a metropolitheir when supply light plane manager at the time and J. M. tion of The News. Other news- the Feredal Bureau of InvestiPresident Truman has renominto the ocean near Carpinteria. Itan paper serving the IntermounKirkham was assistant general, comes to The News from gation to inquire into the "char- inated Chairman David L LilThe women were tentatively Itain area. I congratulate the men print manager. ienthal and the other 'four memIdentified as Mrs. Zona Amos whose advice has made this posCorp., with acter, associations and loyalty" ' 1931 which The News has had pleas- of persons appointed to the com- bers of the commission to terms and Lena Malbus, both of sible, and as an advertiser, our The Church News began as a ant business relations over. a mission. Knowland said - Co- ranging from five down to one Bakersfield,Faye Calif. company welcomes the greater weekly supplement to the news period of many years and with ngressparticularly the Senate-- year. The Senate has not acted of tht plane was Neil service that the new Deseret Pilot --- which-is entitled to an available Infor- upon them There is strong Re, Giddings, Bakersfield merchant. News will provide,'!, 1934 la tionship inita larger opera- - mation on such key officials. publican pressure for legislation The fourth passenget was be- ItoE.-President, James logic, But President Truman- saldr--present lieved to have been Ed West,' MayS. O. Bennion became hon. gle Investment Co.: "The Deseret "The complete independence terms of the commissioners for Bakersfield real estate man. 70,000 Copies general manager of The Deseret these many years. News.' for has, of the executive branch renders a flat two years. News. The plane had left Bakers- rendered Since, with the endorsement of Salt Lake City, as well 1938 7 p.m. Friday en route at field the general authorities of the as the Intermountain area, a to Santa Barbara, Calif, The News carried color print- Church, The News announced its Nors We shall see in a few days splendid service. The Sunday on for first its the ing a newsprint plan to publish seven., days edition is a further indication of which way that wind will blow. -,- time. six.-week instead of only the policy ,which is- to be Meanwhile( the first Marshall than Luigi Einandi has been 1941 : circulation of the daily paper has ,' Plan ship-t- o reach- France with, elected prentier and,- - has - now commended." Page I) E. increased Petersen Mark by leaps and bounds, August aid pupplies was greeted at the formed a really democratic govGeneral Williams, Cranston of until middle the the past come in from Moscow itself and became general manager of The by side at Bordeaux by our errunent. The Communists who Manager, American Newspaper Deseret News. Since 1941 consid- week the figure passed the 65.- - from other satellite capitals, the pier Mr. CeJefferson our so old misled were ambassador, by Publishers Association: "I am inerable modern equipment has 000 mark,and now. on the first reactions of the everyday people lery. friend Palmiro '. Iog1iati, are terested in your venture in start-been installed in the News plant, day of Sunday publication. 70,000 In Russia, too, Os observed by boie The very suit; quite out of the picture. The ship I a Sunday paper, and you have including new plate casting and copies are distributed. Russian observers themselves)- - able ;lame of "John H Quick." this Italian Commit- ing This issue is but representative were my best wishes." moulding facilities, Ludlow-typ- e Krem- - I have had a private dispatch teeInof fact, cause to thi enough its Reds Ws disgusted at of other Sunday issues to follow. lin to think twice. Almost ,uni- from casting machine in place of George E. Collard, ?rave Europe to say what a great defeat and so dismayed .at the hand-se- t. automatic It provides the news of the "Provo City wishes to on impression it made on the people failure of Russia Mayor: the -- Rumilan jumped people versally and bundle-tyin- g world, the nation, the state and this note as a chance for reopen- of southwestern France. This Was and you on your launchcongratulate to in them powput propaganda the local community; special feamachines, fluerescent an added more because public service to leaders all so talks their that the ing interesting or oui means ing that fair busiby area. Your throughout the plant, and tures, magazine features, our was that the in Bordeaux out of it their' could back them Intermouptain take are considering beaua seriously they equipment- for producing color ness, farm, social reports. in giving the pubown fears of war. ,Communists have been busy preresponsibility for themselves a secquite behaving tifully printed news service is pictures. the first steps of a comebacI lic a seven-da- y time to come. My reading is that however paring 1947 tion, a greatly enlarged Church k.-Those have now -- - In- - actual fact too.- - the- - Com- no small- - undertaking lint steps to Russian tries other of a number propaganda and' - Nov, 9The News introduced section, to nothing. Al"We trust your Sunday issue brand the Americans as suffer- been reduced Italy are badly will France like Britain, has munist Party in themselves its popular daily Family Sec- factors which make of it a truly together, only enlarge the scope of there a war from and neurosis, ing among newspaper. , great split tion. of a paper that has usefulness con- had a very good week, both poa of both Is refear more actual remains will be before The price long subscription 19411 maybe six edi- flict and its outcome behind the litically and economically. as down to the impotence ' always stood for the right. Our when same the duced only km - April 17The News announced confidence in your reporting the trod Part ot Program of their- friends- - in-- )3itain. tions were produced each week its participation with the Los An- $1.30 per month. happenings of the day in an honRealised by Leaders Nor is this allnor nearly. all manner Pgrge Uimimptirtant est, straight-forwar- d geles Tithes and interests in Port- without overemphasizing the sor-the- - Russian bosses of our program in the settled land of the purchase of the $8,event Bo one ether There 1rust of American policy Paper will corittnue.--500,000 Hawley Pulp have realized this. Be sure, too, and finalthe free nations to stop of comparatively important in- did things of life uniting i s the, "We extend our sincere best Company, at Oregon City, Ore., of that terest that know that and tory any alight they from of Communism newsevil the providing a 'pew source of News hopes they may have had of be- spreading a n d of rebuilding the purge of Soviet officers in wishes for your continued sucBy ,. cess." print for an expanding their German zone. . ing able to sustain their masses Europe. operation. tech-- , shaken. .Y'ou remember those 84 planes been must s.l. have Richfield Russian Norman severely is This Bolt, typical Alaska News Deseret JUNEAU. The (AP)The That May 16 explain the first am; of which saw-picture some Wipe, but I am not yet ready to Mayor: "We ahave waited fork newspaper. cruiser Astoila delayed its sail- swer ,would became a seven-da- y and quick Russian sugges- weeks' agoyoubeing shipped from say that it is a dem up in the long time for Sunday edition of its one of after edition, with its first Sunday ing yesterday talks. tion of further , too ordinary sense of the word. The News to be published and Francisco? was San Well, number a seamen they, reported young 16; pages, introducing Pres- arrived at their destination. I much store by it Don't put-tobelieve that circulated in out cormnunity.a climb of a Personally, on features. rugged comics and, missing of new "We are happy that you have It is far more likely the Offident Truman's administration Turkeyin the course of the new Farm, Home and Garden Mount Juneau. in Germany developed ways to bring this fine The warship was expected to did the right thing in cruickly week and I am told that they icers who have been seen-Section, and a hew Rotogravure enough newspaper to us seven days a possiwere all in the air within 12 all this time have delay its departure until the refusing to consider thebilateral Section. to make them doubt the ideology week at no additional cost to the hours of being put ashore. seaman was found or his body bility of any purely of their masters, especially the subscriber in competition to I dare say the modern Amerrecovered. Name of the missing talks between America and RusComer newspapers circulated in man was not announced imme- sia. He very likely said that this icanaubmarines also upplied to factual stuff that none but Flight Leg Completed was not a affair. but Turkey .have by -- now 'reached munists will ever,win consumer community. diately. , probably be retheir destination. Another na- goods. They willhand-pickWIESBADEN, Germany (AP) congratulate you on this Experienced mountain climb- a problem for the consideration men new more a by whole. as somewhat tion new of Nations United Two of Spree B-placed Superfortthe the and wish for prepared ers took up the search when development more than a month ago to look after lest they see too much or resses on it long range roundthe-- seaman was 'reported missing at Perhaps the new Russian delethe success of a bigger, finer too much. 1, Deseret News." world , flight from the United 1 a.m. ' after it was known he gate who replaces Andrei (no, no itself in a nerve or' any other importanttalkthink there is any myself, d,on't States arrived in Germany last ascended the mnuntain and then a thousand times, no) Gromyko kind of war. reason Corti& Lotan E. attached. Mayor:1 Miner, The rehabilitation of Italy goes other political night, the V. S. Air Force an- - started down He had not been may be instructed to act quite "I congratulate The Deseret to the purge. nounced. seen since 5 p.m., Friday. differently frpin bis predeces , on, apace. The popular business , ------ -- . -- Home of The Deseret News was changed back to the northeast,corner of the South Temple and Main Street intersection to - . backs.", he-paper . gto , ;'.,, ,' - REEL "It fife 6.17tos to eif ir Vil ei Jai' IA KE CITY', I paper-mill.-Ire- their , : -- -' Vttp To., , The - ,. . , ,. - , ) I . . , - , '' V'' ,..,,;:,,, t) Z , .City, three years after- the pioneers under Pres- -- "Mormon" Went. Brigham Young entered the valley. The press, yielding two copies a minute, had been ss :btought-actothe Plains from Philadelphia by ok team. The first number,. a weekly, ntained eight pages, about 714 by 10 inches in size. Its editor 0,-.. T was Dr. Willard Richards. Nov-H.-stews editor appealed for 'Rags! Rags! Rags!" since plans .were afoot to es- -, w tablish rags came in because "the people - P probably were wearing them on : i, - ,,x1 ' Silt-I.-a- -- ...... , t hand press, "but largerreat- than a kaclothes in-G- 9 1 . much to add to the prestige and value of your publication.' What you are doing is evidence of youre Interest in the growth and industrial development of our state and is a fitting climax to neatly a century of newspaper service to the people of the. Intermountain area. OR is with pleasure that I join With thousands of other citizens in commending., your policy of I expansions and in hoping that I the future years 'will bring you success and prospefity." take-Xi- tr Earl 1;,- GI ad Mayer: "It is difficult to measure the yak, influence for good cm our community life of a great newspaper. The Deseret News has long been such an influence in the state-o- f Utah andWest.. will 15e interesting. indeed. to observe the reaction to The News'own present - shattering Sunday morning issue. While it willrepresent a- great additional in energy and Messages of good will and con- , . "''' , wrought-iro- n little - , ,. , copies of The Deseret News issued from O - A-- - in,From Mountain Area Pour , first 15-- The : , - .r . , r Utah- - , f f, 4 1850. ' , I The launching of a Stinday edition of The Deseret News marks another major fortvard step in the 98 years of progress of the West's oldest exesting newspaper..., Significant- events in News o history are: ' , ,, ,, , , Salt Lake City, , . .. StridesiMa-rke' - ,' - t s - .. , . . rts News on their continued-effoto improve your publication and for the additional news services of your seven-da- y week publics- - t'. 4 , , . tion." Dr. Franklin S. Harris, presit dent CSAC: "All of the people of the Interrnou,ntain country should have a feeling of pride that our ablest newspaper has decided lo enlarge its service. This news- paper has for three generations been. the chief source of contact for many people with the news ';' t; ; of are to have a broader view of what is happening as a result of this momentous decision of the officials of The Deseret News. "All of us who are interested -- education should be pleased with the inauguration of this far- reaching improvement. I per. sonally congratulate all who are associated with this enterprise." ' Harman W Ogden Mayor: "It gives me great pleasure to congratulate you on your decision to publish The Deseret News on Sunday. myself, have been a scriber to your paper-fo- r over twenty years and' have always 1.' ' t, ' - -- reeding-- e2V3lect t. t every ) you and looking forward to reading my first Sunday edition of The Deseret- News." B. S. Vernal Stringham. Mayor: "Citizens of Vernal Ire. delighted with tht thought that they will have p Sunday edition of The Desenk News. This will fill a long-fel- t need. Since The Deseret News pioneered special --- delivery by truck a -daily -- paper for our community,- The News has become a part-o- f our ally; lives, and is looked forward' to each evening." "This service and now the ad. ditioo of a Sunday issue denotes a welcome, progressive attitude by one ef the great daily pub- '' lications of the West." -to best-wish- - - ." Gronway W. Parry, Cedar CBI' mayor: "Congratulations on your new seven-da- y Deseret News.. We have felt a need for a seven- - day service from your paper. and on behalf of Cedar City I extend congratulations to you Not only' do we congratulate you on the seven-da- y paper, but on your tablishment of a news bureau here, and on your direct trucking I. service. The three new services will give the people of southern Utah quick and efficient newapa.... per coverage. is Joe Atkin, St. George mayor. When informed of the new serv- - : ice given by The Deseret News In a seven-da- y week publication:. Mayor Atkin said: "This is a fine move for The Deseret News to make, and will help the Niger outovith a service each day." li Howard - S. McDonald. presi. 4 BY11:' "The announcement ; that The Deseret- - News will be. gin publication seven days. a week is indeed a most welcome t one. For a long while I have looked forward to these addl. ; tions, and feel that it is a great step forward, not only for the newspaper, but for the entire Intermountain area. We will now receive, through the Church.: owned newspaper, all the fee- tures found in the dailies -of the larger metropolitan areas. Henry C. Dworshak U. S. sett.: ator for Idaho: 'The new Sun. day edition should greatly ex. pawl the service rendered I by The Deseret News in southern Idaho. I appreciate your splen- did cooperation in presenting ; , congressional news to your read- era and I am certain that your new efforts will. receive wide.. spread approval. - - - , -- C.' A. Robins. Idaho governor: "Congratulations to The Deseret News on its addition of a Sunday edition to the regular daily pub- lication. Idaho subscribers wiIV I am, sure, welcome the benefits to be received through such an - advancement in the newspeper,,,,,.. field in our state. John Sanborn, F. S. Congress- man for 'Idaho: "Congratulations on the achievement expressed in , the new Sunday edition: Your outstanding paper moves for- : ward in giving extra service to your readers. Southern - Idaho wishes you success. W. Fanning, Idaho Falls , E. mayor: "I wish to add my- word of congratulation to your news..., paper for its decision to issue a Sunday edition, beginning Sunday, May 16. I am eure your many sub- scribers in this area of Idaho will be very happy and will Sungreatly appreciate thisnew day edition. I am sure your paper is giving this section of Idaho very good coverage. i wish to congratulate, you upon this new Sunday -- -- James 11.Rowns, Pocatello 'I'm glad to hear that the Deseret News is inauge.. eeryice1 rating -with the addition of a Sunday morning edition. We are always pleased to see progress and I'm awe the people of Idaho and particularly of Pocatello will be Interested to see the Sunday edition delivered without an in-'- ,crease in the subscription rate.. "I understand The Deseret , News ,is the oldest , newspaper west of the Missouri River and this new service will be another milestone before the observance, of the ene hundredth anniversary of the publication in 1950.', "The added sections of the such as the new newspaper, agricultural section, should be of real interest to rural residents of this and other areas and It will be interesting ! to see the other new leaturs that are to be - added. r i acting mayor: , t seven-day-a-we- ek ft 71 , ,t ' , 4 ' , i". t . - |