OCR Text |
Show I' - , ' 1 , . 4-- Sunday,' 7 1948 )Aay--,.- .'. ' ' . .4--., .1.,',- '- ',4J- - '. t.,. . t I - 0, i .I'' , ' , , ,4... , I 't ...... ' ,., . J At, , It i...,......., '' 1 144, i , - - t . , ., - 4:r t - 1 . t i ,: , - - ' i - .. - 1 ' '' 1 ... - I t, ''. - s ,. ,,,, ; INv 1 , -- . 1 , ', k 4 .. ..:, , 4 f.. .4.'',., l' I.,. 7 i. 1 ' ', . '''' ;,.,..,.., 11 i ,. r'' . I .. .,,, ''',..,,,ki,. , ,, , . .4 , t 1 .r. V, t.,.. .. ) kr ' ' e3 1 - iL. --,- . - , , A , i . 1 V 1 ' ,. , ,. s t t heater. 10 A ) ' HIT.The Bride Goes Wild," IN LAUGH June rwybun. PVICEI to plot. adding .,,,,.,,.,.......,,,,,,,,. ,,s1,..,4.. ,...,. ,Im Uptown,storsVartIolinsord Jenkins the child is . ,. s ,, cut-u- p ,,, .,, ' - . ' , . . ' - - . , ,ef-, k , . . if - ,4 ,t, . , . tiv, . ? 's "'",-- . '- '"tt? - ,1 ' . i ; ' attos. ,,, . . , a. ' 11) . 4 , s , , fk$,ts. -- A TOP MOVIE STORY---Th- febturrhuTorlyMartin- ohtlMortaTorert-,---n-evrtar- 1 - 7 ' - ,- t F I - ' - ' t. , i .1 , , , .'"'',...7..... ..,.,,,,,,,,,. .... i , - - 4. J I , irt , : scr stellar role $ with top supportIng cast. - 1 . j.f .O. HAVE Tierney star Fox movie i Andrews on d Gene The Iron Curtain,t " Twentieth Century., Russian intrigue , now showing a t the Centre POTENT Of r- ROI-ESDo- irt - F77.07770. ... ........: :. .:.-,... - t RS, - -- -- , . Short Fionors Country of-Fre- e him sellat Ciro's,under of - being-delig- od hted jr ' grip ve h w ' J ne h an nv the re- - almost spoiled Pete's act He 7:' senuaisrfice, or tne boy is to his- laughed, and Jumped and yelled, and in hboyish delight, almost faille says her on has fell on the floor. a lot to learn yet but she be- Mickey is no fonger a juven perienco-and--..w..a,5. with two Authored by the Rev: E- - J. i i to have 'his girls and another boy , w hO be. gong former father's ability. Tucson Edwar ds-- tit . hayed very well. in the Philippines missiory : Are Chosen" and China-2-"Fe' stu conce4 na five theological dents: only oneAKan) becomes -- .:.- - -- -' - pcs . t s Mrs,l-loward- -- Heves-that-with-- Ht 4 . , I -- -- a - , ' priest. HOWARD'S I'DITNG is making pictures, in England. He looks so like his father did .when .I .first met him, that 1 couldn't believe a photo.- - . LERLIE . son-- - .ls o - ot ----- . IIII t graphlirsHowardshowedrne, Wasn't Leslie. 14)1111SLIES.'141 ' in the FirsrMetropolitorShowing 111E FIRST DAY Ronald start- ed a grip, who had worked with Hundred City . --- - Inter-Mountai- n PREMIERE! - ' tI 5 . gets the acting plum. When Sir Alex Korda was I here last week, Director William 4 the deal wit h him ai it to borrow Richardson, 'who, next A to Laurence Olivier, is probably 4 England's finest actor. Richard- 4 son came to this country with 4 Olivier and the old Vic Reper- I tory Company last year, and re- ceived highest acclaim. I HAVE SEEN AN A1HAZ- -- INC PICTURE, "VIM' It Happen Againl" made from films that, were seized from the Nazisall filmed during the Hitler regime. You see, Hitler at work at Berehtesgaden. You see him . TODAY' ,-- Besides dilosing th ' activi- ties of the city desk.- reporters' assignments,- - the press room, ma il. 100M::- sid "Democracy's Diary" presents ingenious new developments for , . . JOEL I - ,,,,, ' it'Aely110114k1' ,i - ,,-- v---s- 4if4e,4 ' i ! tj ITN t ..,,,...wa-ssodi0,,s,....- 1cCREA1 , 0 1, - FRANCES ,,,, DEE ,41'''''Mlri bathing suits, with the guests at Berehtesgaden, brought there to gloat over and dicuss Hitler's victories. In the end, Stalin is brought in. This is a picture to seeand Film interesting. extremely during the hours he is cavorting 'Classics has acquired it and. Eva Braun, You see her lieve me, its the greatest thing s orParis of Its kind Fve ever:seen. swimming In CHARLES BICKFORD 4plav, be-wi- th -- -- -- all-sort- MGM best stories-tgo to Van Artaue.-- ; 'Ripley Helitn- -- -- when , producer, - director -- an d writer . ke- - nts to trovertmtcr-the--lfirst picture, "Few Are Chosen." i will foan this bfli n stare v.ne is rasoluse , . V an ' s i an man sn ows he i s all i such 'Democracy's Diary," latest communicating the nela-srelease in RKO Pathe's This Is as the telephone recorder and America serfes, brings to the the Hellscriber, an automatic re- American people, at a time of ceiving machine that transforms tensions. radio code impulses into words critical internationalcoriatitu14onal right in thewhichitprints on endlesq tape Freedom Another development is a radio First Amendmentthe of the Press. newspaper delivered in your The story was written by ing room vika radio machine:. Richard Hanser, former., report---- ------eriindleilhfre writer for nd it one time . ..,,, York a of New newscity editor film-thewill ahe end paper, 4t, - shown in Salt Lake Boon, in the United States. Every clay '11. '100r.rote,,,, Diary" shows, 50 i,,,,,s,,,,..,, million persons read the news. With the New , York Times STARTS' . serving as a model, this film discloses how a newspaper is put ti together and how it reaches the public, in complex operations of fi ., bevfildering scope. New Papers - 11m CHATTERIN HOLLYWOOD: Lectie, looked up just as Ron- ald was comthg through the Mickey Rooney should really door in his costume, and faint- - grow up. He made such a spec- - Parsons O. Y OLT MAY LOOK f or some of i , 'By - , I N . ,: etip.ijoIltkii., r IHRn C 1,.pli;411,1,11 t, 14 1 i 41- --- -- t !.1,1ti:.,1 "r41:tii Asion .i -- 0.10 ITh 4 c;114) 114.fli. 'mod thru Ru UNITED ' ,10;,.7 A 1,:f HARRY SHERMAN ARTISTS PRODUCTION irt - . ' ' 1 . The of Morgans Creek'' was one of the tunnieat ever movies made, and was Pres- ton at his best. This lla the same type of nonsense that won 'Sutter's- - Gold",.- - and - "Seven -- Arnold- as John Sutterft --man different though they f who amassed and lost one of the are in tempo, story and period, world's greatest fortunes. Other prove a most satisfactory double players in the cast include BinLee Tracy. bill now at the Star Theater. -nie Barnes-.anwhere they .are playing a return "Seven Sinners' stars Marlene Dietrich as the toast of the South engagement. One 'relates the dramatic and Seas honky-tonk- s. Opposite he timely story of the discovery of In the role of a handsome voting gold in California and the tre- - Navy officer, is John Wanye. rrendotts upheaval it caused, The- - 'Others in the cast include Brod- erick CrawhIrd. Albert Dek- - entertainer who takes the South ker Billy ,Gilbert, Mischa Atter Seas circuit bv storm. and 'Oscar Ifornolka (of "I I s Gold" stars Edward member Mama" fame). i ': A ar Has Two Big Hits - ' Victor Maturel Colleen Gray and Glen Langan . her. Miracle Capitol offers "Cosbah," e . I, .111 - FEW-TEA- , t "N; , 16.10marimmagaboweoctdow lilt YoU character actors who have been ., panting to play the father in thei ...the Heiress," the role gave Basil Rathbone high praise '7. and assorted awards on - the - . - - , " Wylde - 1 , - 4 4 'a , 1.' - it . i6(it'.':::t::..31-(--.8.:-:-.t..0.-:::i..:6,-- Richardsonor Ralph t4 stage. perhaps I should say Sir Ralph , , .. 7Cilili. ng - t . , if - .,' . ' ..., IN UTAH,MADE- - which-"Democra- - ,,,, - ., . i , - , - 5 , 1 ' . . .' ig ,: 41111 1 ..,2,,, - .. ' hitiriTVtiy 6e,uravabecausethe I et' s her studio 's deride what - best tor her . slap-stic- k 'V . et I . v ,s,,,,,,? Grable continues to be the joy of the 20th stockholders and her bosses by giving them box office current ot the ' . -- , Huttorisuchacciaini.--Bettythei- r MON4A10 '' f ..c .. , ' .1" - ' A. swoop.,1 told you some time ago that Pres had a little num- ber called '"Ihe Blonde From Bashful Creek." Only he could think of a title like tnat,and he wanted Betty Grable for it. Weil, he't . , . ,.. ., i...'..: JI: ; ' ,s s' -.BETTEGEABLE-GETSPreton Sturges and a western all in .f. ... .; ' '. ' , , By Dorothy Manners , r :. ' reo on , .'.. 7:414sist (1, WESTERNThe Uptow- n's starring Joe , : . .. ... - - ., .. e i-- ' . .., : 4 e . ltClfgcS 7NT e , , : . 1 41 i' k . A DIFFERENT and ti-- rt c l'.. 0 ,14, I 1 J , ,,, ... t rI,ALLt t .,.. ., . .., N, 2 .. ...0,-- , ''' . ,,,, .....,... 1 ;!4, tt t. ,. , . '1,,.'...k '.....- ,..1" , 4 .i. ' ' ' .11 ....'sk ' 1 ',, 1,4 ., L ,, t 1:. ' . , .. , , ... . 1., '..4 t i .4.t, ,ft;k111 - , , ,.,-- - -- ..;., i, 4,';',...' ,) , i' - , . i , ,,,. , VI ''!'1,..1'$ 7" 4 k. ,,, , , , v .. , , et- , ------ --- - ... .,,,,,,,,,.....,,.4.,..,,.,,,.,,...,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..., , , , : ,, it - ,.Z ,P, . '' I ,, - - , . ' - , , , )1 i ,.. ..,'Zt-I- kt ,' . ,' y )' 1 ' '' ' 4 , - .1 s , I t. , .. og ,f ' 44 4.4.. , .' . - -- . T t J ' 4, t ,.,t City, Utah , . , . . I ' . 4.............. t take Salt . ... , V. '..! I ) '" . .4 ' . . , . : ',4 . , - ,1-- e 7 z,.; - ,, NEVIS , . , , ,.t ,..., .... . - ,,. :1,' i DEstitrr m ' , rift , -. r-- , ,', It. r 4. 'V ' .' ,, - - . . -- 41 RIALT -- don't rtIT Mt .,.:4,-, Mt' blis 5 of ma -- t dit ci-- '' s'N,,,,::::tcs,7: - :,- , i '61Nortoi 2' R 5c,yetyl lovirq KT5siniot evil svefsii"4" of k Ofe , 41:44 184 3 tt Pket staff,. ..,,,..,,,,,,,. 1110NA10 41rttAtsh REAGA u. exiTA VA -- , - I:45 P. ot . , . ,7- , , rirtUrE ' OF fritE i..., sow tis "AL t -- ROGERS' in -- 71A 1 goal AND tuft TRIGGER glut 1111 A J011115011 Rtar. , )1' acme ott FIRST ,14,1.,:zi) JILE , 7-- NOW PLAYING -- 110 :v1 71 ' ALLYS01 $ALT, LARS SitHEOMNAGit , ,t , . .11LT,W02CTIONLOADED HRITIcSEts THRILL COHit pmennown ,,,,,,,,4 610 , ALSO SHORT IIRTOWN A) UTTER SUBJECTS & NEWS OF THE WORLD qy''.11 'S - MARSHA HUNT, CHARLES GAIL GOES , 4 WINNINGER IP, PATRICA . 1;!GOA ,,,,.. I D )" 1:-.' -- Avon 11-1?' WAYNE k, 3 MO 4 en Pictvr.7. bileatimett atm to Woos . - L ' 1 . - tiNr BOUNTIFUL 01 HIGHWAY VIEW-- . 1,1 4 Lirmiter , "VOICE OF THE TURTLE" With loseed lloqou emd !looter. Parket "The Sorig'of Scheherazade" BROD D:W AY , 'IT RAD TO Yvette 4I's a It Nod tydot TRAIL .,,011TOON VA1I0411. uns, - tfrAt BITCN JEIMIXS INA NOME!. 110W1,11140 FILMS - !rt711"1"',1717P4 !IPTrfr, mtistelialfittotistt.fibil Gailiat6 it 0 SAFitt UOIS ors Irian Den levy. Jean Pierre Aliment De Carle, - YOU':, t 11 0114 go teebnieeler) is scotrrilf. Op U e ISIteer '1,!43 ft.. IN nicks; Mk I el" Tod,: "OUT OF nnt PAsr Robert Mitchumlimo .Grwie "TRAIL DUST" till Boyd. Gorgii Gabby Nara NLIVA AND CARTOON |