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Show WEATHER FORECASTS j Salt Ike. I tah, Friday. March 10, 1905. Dooly hljck. 'Phones: Bell. 1012-X; Independent, In-dependent, aws. Forw-Hsts till c ji. m. Saturday, mountain moun-tain time. Local forecast for Salt Ijike City and vicinity: Parti v cluady and unsettled to-nlifht to-nlifht and Saturday. DENVER. Colo., March 10. 190C. TTAH:-Pirtly cloudy tonight and Saturday Sat-urday with local rain or show. WEST WYOMING : Partly cloudy with Iccal snow tonight anl in extreme north portion Saturday; warmer Saturday. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer is highest over the Rockv niountain slope. Mississippi and Missouri valleys: and lowest over the middle plateau. plat-eau. Northern Pacific, and Atlantic Slates. Precipitation occurred over portions of Arizona, the Rocky mountain slope, and eastward to the AtlaJitlc coast. It was snowing this morning at Denver, Lander, Rapid City, Helena. Chicago, and New York; and raining at Norfolk. Thunderstorms Thunder-storms were reported at Charleston and Atlanta. The femperatur; changes were generally sMght. except a marked fall over portion's of the northern Rocky mountain slope, Missouri and uppT Mississippi valWys, like region, Tennessee. North Carolina. Georgia. Al ibl tia. and British Northwest Territory; and a decided rise over portions of Pennsylvania. New York and Vermont. Ver-mont. R. J. HYATT. IocaI Forecaster. |