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Show w mow I MiiomimSfflMOD 0MDMD6(iGa mm RUBBER HIP BOOTS Sizes 3 to 12 GOOSE CALL S Reg 15.00 Value Top grade rubber with deep deated soles and cushion insoles for the utmost in comfort . . . inside knee har- Rag. 3.50 2 CHEST HIGH 88 49 INSULATED HIP BOOTS Fine tonal quality of world famous " .Iks calls. INSULATED 088 Regular 11.00 value . INSULATED Leather Full insulated REG. leg and foot. 27 II H TANKER JACKETS BOOTS BUSHNEU SCOPE op-nin- LONG WEARING ch 39 A 47 yard pass play from Steve Young to Neil Carlile with only 30 seconds left in the first half gave the Waspa a 32--0 lead at half time. THE WINNERS made it 38-- 0 with ten minutes left in the third quarter when Scofield hit Ronnie Tree with an 11 yard scoring Cold weather protection at a low, 174.70 low cost YEAR TO NOW ONLY PAY! puss. The Mustangs got their first score of the game with five minutes left in the third criod when Forest Riggs and Mark Hcrcim broke through to block a Wasatch punch with the lull lming recovered by the Wasps in the end zone for a safety. WARRANTY! Hunters agree the Remington 700 is the finest rifle made . . . sharp, crisp trigger with a barrel World's strongest n 30-0270, 6mm, 243 cals. bolt-actio- n Genuine leather insoles Steel shank 22-in- bolt-actio- Wind and water repellent. Storm welt Prime oil tanned leathers Goodyear welt construction Rugged lulsoles Longer wear am. Curt Jones made it 44-- 2 early in the final period when he went over tackle for 53 yards and the final Wasp score. THE MUSTANGS came ltack to tally twice in the final eight minutes with the first score coining on a 35 yard pass from quarterback John McBride to end Rory Ted McIntosh McCullough. kicked the extra point to make tier fit HUNTING AMMUNITION 22 BARREL 77 30.06 270 Choice REG. 99.95 308 243 YEAR TO PAY! WARRANTY! bolt-actio- ot it Reg. 3.50 II 99 nient top safety and hinged floor plate . . . h barrel 41-1- 5. The Mustangs were able to garner five first d'lwns rushing and four ussing during the afternoon while the winners had fight first downs rushing and six by passing. Reloads 22-inc- TOOLED Weatherproof Walnut stock with Monte Carlo design . . . popular SLINGS E 243 cal. TRUCK GUN RACKS MCBRIDE WITH 77 yards in 14 carries and Sur with 63 yards in 13 tries led the Mustang liull carriers. McBride hit on 10 of 24 )uss attempts with Donnelly catching 5 for 22 yards. Sur 3 for 29 yards, McCullough caught the touchdown pass and McIntosh had one catch good for 13 yards. The winners got 156 yards on the ground and 159 yards through the air on eight completions in 25 attempts. The Mustangs will lie at home tonight when they tangle with Crautsville with the game starting at 7:30 p.m. 2 GUN SIZE i'll Regular 2.50 Only 1 43 ... Regular 3.95 tooled, oil tanned slings with brass fittings in 1 or h size. I lU-inc- Heavy rubber coated steel racks 95 REG. 37 Deluxe N CON SIZE Regular 5.95 1 88 ZIPPER GUN CASES First quality insulated 9455 HEADQUARTERS YEAR TO PAY! FOR BROWNING, WARRANTY! Side-ejectio- n permits tered scope mounting ot with the patbarrel for 25 better accuracy . . . solid top receiver lever-actio- ented n Micro-Groov- e boots with deep deated sole ... ALL sizes. Service Club Noles ITHACA BENETTA low, cen- For all shotguns ar.d les WORLDS FINEST SHOTGUNS THERMAL rif- soft flannel lining. Reg. 3.09 2400 BTU CATALYTIC HEATERS SHOT SHELL Amazing ardic fabric to keep you warm at below freezing temperatures. VESTS BIG AIR MATTRESS 24 HOURS ON ONE FILLING 24'Shall Leaps Q 99 J CONSTRUCTION Reg. 6.00 Rag. 2.29 convos shell vests . . . double stitched water repellent. Heavy-dut- y Add additional comfort to your, sleeping bag wittTthis" Air Mattress in heavy-duthusky rubberized fab- ric. .. VEST with GAME BAG HUSKY 4-L- B. DACRON 88 2 Mg Pocktti 268 1 57 7" and compact. 97 Shirts or Pants Warm enough for subzero wear, yet can be worn indoors without sweltering. Easy to launder. Ideal for hunting and all outdoor wear. Fully cut for freedom of movement. DURADUCK BAGS Rtg. 22.95 Rubber DECOYS Brand new 1st qualify Reg. 29.95 3353ra-s,,anneI lini" IS FULL ADULT SIZE 99 dozen Natural molded rubber with exceptional life life 3 nd doublaPJir JiStiss HEADQUARTERS FOR THE GREAT OUTDOORS Art classes are held every Wednesday evening from 1800 to 2130 hours, with Mr. Anthony Az.cliu of CHR heading the instruction. All adults urc encouraged to attend the free instruction. No previous art exx-ricuc- Free from smoke, fumes, odors, smoke and soot flameless will not burn heatanything touching clement lightweight ing Rail room dance instruction will continue through Oetolier, with the classes to lie held on Monday nights at 2000 hours in the main lounge at the Service Club. All adults at Dugway are invited to attend. is SLOPING W ""t. ifcjl 44-- 9. A three yard run around his own left end hv Mustang fullliack Stan Sur made it The Mustangs drove from the Wasp 37yard line for the score.'- - with conve- n The Wasatch Wasps, the iuhiIkt two ranked team in the state handed the Dugway Musdefeat last Friday tangs a 5 afternoon on the winners home field in Helier City. THE WASPS wasted little time in scoring their first touchdown of the game when they recovered a fumble by Mustang halfback Mike Donnelly on the losezs 36 yard line on the first miming play of the game. Fullback Ronnie Tree gained 10 yards for a first down on the Mustang 26. Then after Curt Jones had made another first down on the quarter. The Wasp scored three more times in the quarter with Van Bill end getWagoner split ting the first two cm a 40 yard pass from Glen McNeal and a 10 yard scoring pass thrown by Scofield. The fourth touchdown was tallied hv Jones on a 29 yard run over his own right tackle. WADERS Regular 11.00 valua 14-- 15 Mustang 9 a pass from Mark Scofield to end Mike Hatch accounted for the first score with 10 minutes left in the opening Heavy deated sole, fresh rubber coated eurfaee ... all sizes ness. By 44-1- BOOT FOOT WADERS DUCK AND GOOSE CALLS Wasatch Wasps Down Mustangs coloring, stands without stuffing, folds to fistful. needed. The seeond in a series of lectures will lie held at 2000 hours on Friday, Novcmlier N at the Service Club, with guest speaker Dr. I,. Kent Kimble, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Utah, to present a talk on The li Conflict Is There a So- lution?" Dr. Kimble's sjieeial field of interest is the Middle Hast. Following the lecture will lie a question and answer period. Arali-Israc- At present there are two dances scheduled at the Service Chili. The first will lie held Oetolier 12 with music to Ik? provided hy "The Journeymen.1 The second dunce will Ik; on OcIiiImt 20 with The Saints providing (he musical culcrtuin- - niriil. There will also Ik1 a light presented this night. All show girls (Hit of high scIiimiI are welcome to register for the junior hostess group and to ultcud the Service (.lull dunces. For more information or to register contact Mrs. Garvin at the Service Club. |