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Show service-connecte- - Mr. Walter GRADUATES OF DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS NUMBER THREE are shown standCooper, Dugway Safety Division and Mr. Lawrence Smith, Safety Div Mr. Walter Cooper, ing with September graduates of Defensive Driving. Left to right is (Instructor), Mr. Joseph Becknell, Mr. Ronald Anderson, Mr. Howard Allen, Mr. Marc Mr. Ben Bates, Bregman, Mr. William Bikfasy, Mr. Robert Meyer, Mr. Farren Duncan, Mr. James Beck, Mr. Robert Phillips, Mr. Kenneth Antry, Mr. Richard Bates and Mr. Lawrence Smith, (Instructor). Shares. RITZ Building 3 Ph Special This Week FREE Hair cut with Shampoo and Set tickets Ritx Aduh show, all t.50 'Beauty Salon 882-227- objective of the study is to place as many graduates as possible in assignA ments WASHINGTON (AFPS) closely related to their " ich Department of Defense panel is professional background. methods into to ensure an arrangement, DOD ottinals looking the best placement for the esti- believe, would provide for posmated 140,000 to 180,000 col- sible military career opportunity lege graduates who may be inducted into the armed services during fiscal year 1969. Formation of the special The Credit Union interservice study group was orUmbrella Man dered by Assistant Secretary of says: Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Alfred B. Fitt when questions began to arise on how maximum lwnefit can be obtained from this projected abundance of professional and technical JTTTf "ff r" fy If talent. Currently, the services are examining their utilization policies for college graduates. The results will he transmitted to the service secretaries for approval and then analyzed by the interservice study group. The final report on the project is due next month. One long-ran- - lw-si- s. Upstairs 1968 The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., October 4, Panel Studies Placement Of College Graduates Inducted During FY69 The maximum amount per day, when a night's lodging and three or more meals are involved, was raised by administrative action by the VA, from $9 to $12, for those who elect to lie reimPresident Johnson signed an bursed on an actual expense Executive Order Sept. 9 raising Government travel allowances for veterans transportation who must travel to receive Vet- may lie authorized for a veteran d erans Administration hospitalizaneeding treatment for a tion. disability. Ordinarily Six cents a mile will lie paid the allowance covers only travel to veteran authorized government to the nearest suitable hospital travel to and from VA hospitals. and return to his home on comThe rate was five cents until the pletion of treatment. change was ordered on recomYou'll lie living in security mendation of Administrator of if have a nest egg of U.S. you Veterans Affairs William . Bonds and Freedom Savings Allowances Raised For Vets Traveling To VA Hospitals benefits for both the inductee and the services. Defense officials pointed out, however, that frequently it will be necessary to use the graduates' potential in special training projects to meet current military requirements. I Saving is the key to indeoendence! When you save your hard earned money at your credit union, it provides generous dividends Savings at your credit union provides availability and safety. Credit union members work, loan and not for save together not tor charity orof it but for mutual service. - - "Savings future" Credit - is a key to the Federal Dugway 2 Union, 522-257- Mtoferrow Rosemary Baby We Musi Make Room for 1969's JohnCassaetes Ruth Gorton, SdneyBackmer Mauce Evans and Ralph Mamy MftTiff Tuftcdov yU OMR II i"Ladies Nite ladies that are with a husband or male escort are admitted FREE, one ticket will admit the two. All MOTOR VU - Sat. ENDS SPECIAL LIMITED - ENGAGEMENT! BRONZE COMBAT AREA SERVICE I'INS Brigadier General John G. Appel, CG of DTC presents the Bronze Combat Area Service Pins to Mr. William R. Woods, Mr. Harlan V. Banklieud, Mr. Farren Keyte, Mr. Clarence J. Wilde, and Mr. Darol G. Bailer for service in the Republic of Vietnam. Your last chanct to enjoy ail tna mignt and magnificence of the Academy Award-winnin- i g spectacle! New Manual For Courts Martial Authorized by Executive Order DAVID LEAN'S FILM of bors msternaks DOCTOR ZIHVAGO lKRT"BaiDAVlDLEAN If A new "Manual for Courts Martial" was authorized Sept. 11 with the issuance of Executive Order 11 MO bv President MJMMSmjMB Vr ft mum L l) ' BankAmericard 6L' AMIINiS lets you ; PHOTOOIWIMC 7. at more places ' v en SHMTMUS : coon ! 0 , than any other credit card ' i I. - I in the U.S.A v !. r KMDMG surnti Besides the hearty welcome your BankAmericard receives at local merchants, it's honored also in 36 states and in 7 foreign and military records are converted to aut atic data processing countries. And the number is growing all the time! THE EXECUTIVE onler stated. "This manual shall In- - in force and effect in the armed forces of the United Stales on and after January 1, 1MM, with prorespect to all cesses taken on and after that date. "Nothing contained in this manual shall he construed to invalidate any investigation, trial in which arraignment has lieeu had. or other action begun prior to January 1, lfXW: and any such investigation, trial, or other action lx'gun prior to that dale may Ik-- completed in accordaiue with (he applicable laws, executive order, and regulations to the various armed furies in the same manner and with the same effect as if this manual had not been prescriU'd. $2500 Frozen Food with Every Freezer "Nothing contained in this manual shall be construed to make punishable any act done or prior to the effective date of this manual which was not punishable when done or omitted. The maximum punishment for an offense committed prior to January 1. HKW. shall not exceed the applicable limit in effect at the time of the commission of such offense." ot (lie SOME examples changes to be made in the new manual are: Maximum Punishment Values the values upon which the ni.i.xi-uiu- The Number One credit card is FREE! and you don't have to bo rich to get " AUTMOIIMO All you need is the ability to pay your bills. You will find it a budget aid to better control of your money. tlONATUtlt Applications available at all First Security Banks and participating merchants. Fill in and mail. It's self MmmmmMmmmmmMmmmmm-S- wmmmmmmmMmm addressed and postage 'SmcMMffcl ont. M(i mni kwm4 kjr lawfcAww Swwc is Cum'"" paid. fliEP w HHHH al ni in larteuy punishments iiicrcaM-tvpe ol lenses have to W) and SKK) from the SJII and 8'itt. Except 'for the ollinse of arson, a dishonorable discharge and confinement for more Mian a vear mav lie adjudged only in those cases involving mow lli.ui Tooele's largest and most modern Ix-e- Taking of Depositions I casBSS 1 BfcJJQJjDON'T SSL' $1(K). 'J Buy now for good selection systems. The manual will also incorporate the requirement that, prior to interrogation, an accused or suspect lie advised that he has in technical changes included are a right to consult with counsel in nature, reflecting changes and him to have counsel occur-red military law which have present at the interrogation. durinsi the period. These include amendments to the I'CMJ. decisions of the Court of Military Appeals, and decisions of the Supreme Court which have general application to the fields of criminal law. In addition to such technical legal changes, certain changes in policy have lieen made to the operation of military justice, based on experience gained under the I'CMJ and the pre- court-marti- charge SHOTS beJohnson, with the new manual coming effective Jan. 1. 15KW. THIS NEW directive will supersede the old manual in 1951 when the Uniform Code of Military Justice first Most of the effective. vious manual. QWfUCNT dl:l-WUJ.IIMH- 1968 Pontiacs, Buicks and G.M.C. Trucks are now offered at the most Terrific Discount Ever! All MISs'tHIS ONEI kU furniture and appliance store 'Model ECV10C - any dcositiou or sworn testimony taken outside of court must he taken in the presence of the ac cused and his counsel belore it mav Ih ailimtteil into eviitcme at his trial. 1 AIJIJIlllJ.V Hie new manual will prescribe the admissi bility of written translations of machine, electronic ami iodrd official records. Without this rule, it would lie necessaiv to call an expert witness in every case involving such records to translate them for court. This is consider ed important as more civilian IT'S A TOP-QUALIT- (oft Y Whirlpool Holds 350 lbs. 10 cu. ft. capacity Compact size . . . only 24 inches wide Scientific system Adjustable temperature control Slide-osuper-storadoor Positive-actio- n Porcclain-enamvlc- d key lock 'Jcvutituxe dad fast-free- ty ir 1 1 I ut D basket interior 54 So. Main |