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Show TIic DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., October 4, 1968 l.K.W tS Chief nurse of llie I'.S. Arms lias her new insignia pinned on M,ll,l'lilack I C.CIL Paul H. Shefiler, hospital commander as she was recently promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. ' . V V v Nl Sp4 William Brown Frannick. 11 receives Hie Soldier of the Month Certificate from I.TC jolm Brown, who is from the Hospital, was Soldier of the .Month for Scptcinlicr. Specially Priced XLW shown allow are the recently elected officers of the Pmtestanl Women of the Chapel i Mrs. Karl Johnson, Coiiiiiuiuioii; Mrs. Fred Minnesang, Service: Mrs. Duane lame. Hospitality; Mrs. Michael Masoiaii. . Spcciul Life: Mrs. Paul Secretary: Mrs. Charles DcWilt. 1st Vice President and Mrs. Fdward l.lmd. President. s tl.-ll- Curl-win- for World Series year picture tube warranty 2 RADTDIRDIL A. I.IKl'TKXWT I'llOMOTFD LT Dean A. Jedry lias his new First Lieutenant' s liars pinned on by Colonel Charles M. Shadlc (L) and Mr. Charles F. Contanl (It). LT Jedry is secretary of the Officers' Open Mess at Dugway. M tl.COME COrfLI. gnen by the X(.() Mixes Mrs. Charles M. Shadlc was guest of honor at a recent cofTee Auxiliary welcoming Mrs. Shadlc to Deseret Test Center. Mein-Irt- s of the wives club are show,, (I,K) Mrs. Michael Shafer, Mrs. Billy Beams, Mrs. Con-raNielson, shown shaking hands with Mrs. Slmdle and Mrs. Patrick Armstrong Solid state reliability at 17 critical points fewer tubes to burn out or cause service problems than in many other kinds of Color TV. Color indicator light. Motorola Hi-Color Tube for brilliant color . . . crisp black and white. Automatic demagnetizes Tint, color hue and intensity d Preference in Hiring Asked for Veterans Fi WASHINGTON (ANF) The Veterans Administration paints out that the U.S. Congress has asked federal government agencies and private employers to (rive veterans preference in hiring. controls. Sff our complete line of motorola Molid Hate. Table, Clark, and Portable objectives and purposes the resolution. EMMA LAZARUS of "Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled messes yearning to be free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tosseto me: I lift my lemp betide the golden door." The New Colotto t: Intcription for the Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor The resolution said: One of the most immediate and acute needs of members of the Armed Forces upon disis to obtain charge early and suitable employment in positions which will enable them to be t, ... self-relian- which will provide mean- The request came from Congress in a resolution that stated it was the sense of Congress that federal agencies give preference to jobseeking veterans and seek to get private industry to voluntarily give veterans priority. Radian. Tooele's most oxporionced sorakomon iac over) solo RADIO ELECTRIC & HARDWARE ing, purpose and fulfillment their lives. i'1 Buy U.S Savings Bonds lrnew Freedom Shares SCOITIXC AM A HI) Scout Peter Masoian, a memlier of Troop S17 was awarded the Bin Seoul award f.od and Country by Chaplain Glenn D. Laubv in ceremonies held in the Post (.Impel. M itnessing the award were Peter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Michael 14 North Mom Tooele Congress also asked private employers to exert every effort to carry out the A QUICK REFERENCE OF LOCAL BUSINESSES AND SERVICES Tooele Bowl GILLESPIE'S EXCEL SERVICE 5 Phone & Products Distributors for Humble Oil Refining Lubrication Tires( Batteries, 10 to am Open-fpm daily & Sunday 80 North Main SL 882-303- Anti-Freez- e, c I4in ENrr C6mtm froa TIRES AND TIRE REPAIR Open Alleys Every Night 47 East Second North Dial 882-320- CLYDE GIBSON TIRE SHOP Full Coping 4 Unconditional Guarantee Tire FURNITURE APPLIANCES 398 North Main Construction Company Phone 882-154- Repairing-Vulcani- zing 725 Korth Main Phone 882-03- i 53 1 We Specialize in Residential and Commercial Construction -1 Build on Your Lot or Ours - Call Ike at Available Lots Choice Building Nota to Young Marrieds -- GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES 882-340- BUY NOW - BUILD LATER Appliance V QZD TheTOnlTlStrKtlyT Repair 1 OS! North! Main FINE CARPETS Pedersen Insurance Real 87 North Main Phone CB0SQDQDC3IIS SEE US FIRST 882-357- 1 Satisfaction Center 2 ''8055 Aopliances-Washers-Dr- Dishwashers-Stoves-Dispo- PLUMBING - HEATING 0 (lQuD sals KELVINATOR APPLIANCES MOHAWK CARPETS SIMMONS MATTRESS ARMSTRONG LINO AND TILE GAS and ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Sales and Service Expert Installation yers CO 15 E. Vine - 882-227- 8 S. MAIN TOOELE Ph. 882-227- f&DEQ) M.idal DAGN. Snowcrcs! White 1 Durable Press Care. Proper temperature plus endof-rycl- c cool down brings Durable Press items out of the dryer ready to wear without ironing. Gentle Flowing Heat. Pampers fabrics, dries them fresh and sot. No stoop, fine Vesh Dacron Lint Screen on the door. P Gordon's Furniture For: Bryan's Plumbing & Heating 0 D GOOD DEALS Estate Gas Dryrr Excellent Stock all Passenger, Truck Tires & Tubes Satisfaction Center (tyUatM&m & Lifetime (Q0QE6 0 Ask the woman who owns a GAS dryer e7ooejecTllep2.&a |