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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., October 4, 196S Vnm SAVE ) II Wo) 23-Oz.P10-Oz.C- DIET BROWNIE FOOD MIX - 460z. Cans Western SCOTTIES JUICE TISSUES 8--Oz. RIB (oYoJf J en (i;k:)(;iciui i. i aui For many years our military leaders have recognized tliat everv organization is more efficient ami effective if it has some guide lines to provide direction. anil boundaries to aid in the missioii. of the assigned tusks or over-al- l litis "Standard Operating Procedure" eliminates the recurring, time L'Diisniiiiii. effort of making deeisions in given situations where consistency is essential to group understanding and the attainment of desired iyials. A recent TV program showed a small girl sitting alone in an arm chair in the living room of her apartment weeping. She and her working mother lived there, hut she returned from school, each day with no one to greet her. no one to tell her to do her homework, when to go to lied, what programs she could watch, in fact, she could do as she pleased. From a young friend she learned that life was much happier when ou live with someone who cares enough to make some rules and insist on you oleying them. In the phohia for change and rejection of that which is; much of the uiihuppiiicss and restlessness of our society may stein from the fact that when you have no "SOI1" you lieconie an orphan of vour own making and discover that you can do as you please simply localise no one cares. Our Heavenly Father has given his Children an "SOP" to live hy. He is concerned for our welfare. Have jou read it lately? - Assfd or White Pkg. of 400 Family PINEAPPLE Tender, Lean, Beef V-- Betty Crocker kg. Sego Chaplain's Corner -e r Kraft Brand THESE FALL VALUES Cans - Hunfs No. 300 Cans TOMATO PITTED SAUCE OLIVES Big Rolls 1fLft7 Pkar - Lindsay, Ex. Large, Ripe S.O.P. 0 Pncprtfllfl Frnron USE- - Lb. Pkg. Gorton' BREAD'D SHRIMP -- Decorated, White or Assfd. Ounce Package Corn, Peas, Chop. Broccoli Green Beam or Chop. Spinach. Cant z. JUICE 9 lOOz. JUICE nL da f x NEW CROP, FRESHLY ROASTED . Large, Firm Heads Crispy-Fres- h & Green lb. S W 2 RHODES BREAD. rjLDDQDS 8 Sp5 Ronald E. Wicky receives the Army Commendation Medal from Col Paul W. Shcfflcr. Hospital Commanding Officer. Wicky received the medal for performing meritorious service in the Republic of Vietnam during 1907 and 1968 while with the 3rd luillalioii I2th lnfantrv, 4th Division. PRICES EFFECTIVE UN u. - COLLEGE COl'RSE CATALOGUE lLt Lon II. Kennard, Chief. Visitor Support Div for CBR Weapons Orientation Course cheeks through L'SAFI College Course Catalogue, to see about his future course selections. Bonks in foreground are texts of courses Kennard has already successfully Pkg. of 5 Loaves, Frozen " UnC 0 Pkgs-Certi-- Fresh BERRIES Tropicana Pur ORANGE for RASP EG ! Pasco $139 ,ICHioc THURS., FRI., SAT. OCT. 3, 4, 5 rV TRIKE MflJjpfap WaTffeVsV WharYavSe This Sign " - JFJ - CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT AW ARD Colonel Eugene F. Them, CBKWOC commandant is presenting Sergeant E-- Donald W. Johnson a CBK Certificate of Achievement for his meritorious services during his stay at Dugway. S Spec ial Registration For Texas Military vL. The county clerk will register you for that election if the information (hi the Fl'CA shows A special type of registra- von to be a qualified voter. in Registration by this method is tion is provided for effective only for the election for serund related service military absentee Iwllot is rethe which vices who fail to register durand no registration cer Texas quested the regular registration ing tificate or oilier evidence ot twriod. If von are stationed out side Texas' and did not register registration is issued to you. This method of registration during the regular registration ..'....i:. ...i;..., f.., is available to all iMTsons station- 1 niside Texas, including absentee ballot for an election aas is treated an spouses and dependents, who are on an Fl'CA entitled to use an FI'CA for lso. plication registration |