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Show Kriitorial What's Your Opinion? This is a good year for discussions and arguments. It's a political year and politics have always lieen one subject on which people are quick to expound. WHY TO N OTE for a specific candidate and nut for another will lie argued and discussed from now until Novemlicr, whenever and wherever two or more thinking individuals get together for a bull session. And certainly other aspects of voting will come up also how important is one man's vote: why it's important to vote; whether voting is worth the "trouble," etc. Undoubtedly you have opinions on these and many other related questions. Some of your opinions will le more strongly felt than others and, if expressed well, may even swing some people over to your way of thinking. DURING THE COURSE of your political discussions, give some thought to sharing your views with others. Not by installing on the nearest available corner, but through the meyour soap-lio- x dium of the 1968 Freedoms Foundation program. The topic for this year's Letters Award Program is "A Free one that is right down your alley to Ballot - A Free Country" talk about as a concerned, active citizen. Your letter doesn't have to le a literary masterpiece they're judged on sincerity and understanding of the American nor does it have to lie voluminous. 500 words is way of life the maximum. THE FREEDOMS FOUNDATION Utter Awards program is your way to share your opinions and your lieliefs in the American way of life with millions of other Americans. Stand up and speak up for America with your entry by Nov. 1. Your letters should le sent to Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pa., 19481. You can also obtain additional information on the program by writing to the same address. make use of it. (AFPS) This is vour chance to le heard You can't go wrong when you buv U.S. Savings Bonds and Freedom Shares. Series E and II Bonds now pay 4.25 per cent, when held to maturity, and Freedom Shares return 5 per cent, when held to maturity. DONT WTfc PUAY-kno-w VOTING IMS! CBR Troop Detachment Notes The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., October 4, 1968 The CBR classes are back in full swing with the first class starting Sept. 10 and going right up until Oct. 18. There will be a week interruption during that time of the scheduled classes for deer hunting. On Sept. 17 CBR played their first footlall game against Dugway's Civilians at McCormick's Field. New personnel that just arrived to the course from the Republic of Vietnam and Korea are as follows: SP4 Walter Fletcher Vietnam Sept. 1 Pvt. Billy Gregory Vietnam Sept. 1 SP4 David Swain Korea Sept. 3 SGT Terry Mathew Vietnam Sept 3 SP5 John Mills Vietnam Sept. 4 1LT. Timothy Decker Vietnam Sept. 5 SP4 Henry Grieshaver Vietnam Sept. 6 SP5 Ronald Wicky Vietnam Sept. 8 SP4 Richard Gilson Vietnam Sept. II e due ti Personnel leaving the ETS and change of station are as follows: SP5 Ronald Smith Sept. 14 Michael Sept. 19 Cpl Waldrop Sept. 20 Cpl Bruce Petree SGT Donald Johnson Sept. 26 Fire Safety Checklist your Just Arrived Fall and Winter Sport Coats Rain Coats and SP4 James Pruitt Cpl John Bandalan SH4 Eddie Burton SGT Stanley Strvczek Car Coats YES NO Is smoking in lied strictly forbidden':1 Do you check or empty all ash trays liefore retiring? Are matches and lighters kept out of reach of chil- ren? Do you make sure all electrical appliances you pur- chase have the Underwriters' Laboratories' tag attached? Do you use the correct size fuse ( 15 amp for lighting in each circuit of the fuse Ihjx? Are all the extension cords exposed and not run under rugs and furniture? Do you have your heating equipment- - checked liy a competent service man regularly? Do you keep rubbish cleaned out of the attic, basement, closets, garage and yard? Is paint kept in tightly closed metal container? Are gasoline and other flammable liquids stored in safety cans and kept out of reach of children? Do you prohibit the use of gasoline, kerosene, or similar materials for cleaning purposes? Do all members of your family know how to turn in a fire alarm? Do you have a planned route of es cape from your home in case of fire? Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 All outstanding Series E and II Savings Bonds are still earnnot at the increasing interest ed rate of 4.25 per cent when held to next maturity. Vim's Shop Octolier is Fire Prevention" Month and a good time to check your home for fire Jailers. Stop fire liefore it starts! I'se this checklist as a guide when you check your home for fire dangers. Each "NO" answer means a fire danger. Jl USt Savings Bonds, mnw Freedom Shares Mailing of Firearms To be Slopped Descrl Drifts by Julia Clark The Army has taken swift action to curb the reported mail"In Muuchcu stcht ein ing of explosives and firearms - That's right. The through its postal system. Wives Club will be sjMinsoring an PERSISTENT 'reports that Oktoberfest to raise money for explosives and firearms are being our scholarship fund the last of mailed through the postal system Octolier. Don your dirndl and your have come to the attention of lederhosen and 1m; bavarian, or Secretary of the Armv Stanley come as a tourist to the Officers' K. Besor. Mess. Word has it that Officials say the Secretary is there will lie a German Iwnil, "greatly concerned over the inall the German fixxl you can calculable damage" that could eat, plus lieer and the only cost result from permitting such mailwill lie the admission ticket. ings to continue through the Watch the D.B. for later news Army Post Office system. and plan to attend! Mr. Resor has directed that, The Wives Club tour of the effective immediately, the mailCBR School and Demonstration ing of firearms of all types at site will lie Wednesday, Armv Post Offices is prohibited. lft. This tour will replace the A SPOKESMAN said the Army regular monthly luncheon. recognizes that previous restricOur Seplemlier luncheon of- tions have not lieen completely ficially launched our programs effective, and also a message has for this year with Dr. Geoffrey been sent to Army commands Orr, "the mushnxiin man." de- worldwide pointing up the fact livering a very interesting talk. that mailings of ammunition or Hie hostesses were: Mrs. Paul any other explosive has never Sheffler, Mrs. William Gordon, lieen permitted. and Mrs. Les Yerkcs. Mrs. Ira In a related action, the DeWestern assisted in the planning. fense Department has coordinatMemliers attending the luncheon ed with the U.S. Post Office Dewere presented with a Wives partment to prohibit the mailing Club information lxxiklct. D(xir of firearms from within the United States when they are addressprizes were awarded and farewells were said to Mrs. John ed for delivery through military George. post offices (Army and Fleet Post The programs for the coming Offices). Similar instructions are year were announced and they being issued by the other three will lie as follows: military services. Octolier: CKIi Bus tour hours. N'ovcmlier: Brunei) KXK) hours U.S. - Salt I -- ike OOM. Guest Weatherman City's Morgan. KCPX-TV- . FORT BENNING, Ga. Dcccnilicr: President's ChristLed by six Army (AXF) OOM. Mumas Tea marksmen, the United States sic by Mrs. Karen Phillips. shooting team won every inJanuary: Luncheon - Suit Like dividual and team match in Citv. Wives Club of Fort Douglas.' the recent international miliDesert 12H) Bridge. February: tary sports championships at hours. Descrct Kooin, (K)M. Fuuntainbleau, France. March. Luncheon, hours. In competition' against OOM. Guest Speaker: Spec. markKmen from 13 nations, With Slides of Archculogi-ca- l the Americans dominated Diggings. pistol and rifle events and, April: Luncheon, 1250 hours. in addition, won all three OOM. Style Show, by the Style shootspecial Olympic-styl- e Shop of Tooele. ing contests. Army particiMay: Luncheon. 12.K) hours. members of the pants, OOM. Flection of new officers. Marksmanship Training Unit Watch the DM for dates and at Fort Bcnning, placed and changes plan to attend if among the top three in every can. possibly you 0en m ma P KODAK INSTAMATIC COLOR CAMERA & W ET ...mpiefouHii JT camera fil"- LADIES 5X "" ' ' - pif PICTURES fW NOW Wmir I FgS Protects 7 guns 9 A" wide. 12" GSsk DOROTHY REED shampoo hair creams hand creams after shave lotion big family size Reg. 59' value WU Bru-ne- PICTURES M Spanish style Room sixe NOW individual event II k extra heavy extra hard Reg. 59' $ 37 no stick cooking no scour cleaning no special tools Reg. $5 M.v 1 3177' NOW $1688 QjJP Ends Sofuro I em Eveiry ... Do it now While you get Two for the price of One Plus One Cent! Night 'fill $t 151 N. main 00 f 4H Don't wait to stock up later 1, fa m lire TNI VAMHi ihluw i m i if I n I VARIETY E TMar mi Klw tt TEFL0NO)0KWARE BAMBOO RAKES COSMETICS I a Shooting Team Wins Military Meet ) NOW $788 NOW 6C a ffl2&. Reg. 12.99 Value personal size bar vm n5k JQ RSle IVORY SOAP - 1 1.50-17- lmia $217 now r SK-akc- r -L long sleeve Reg. 2.98 value Jm Thousands of yards Hew fall material 1 1 Hunters Red Sweat Shirts Sizes FALL BLOUSES FABMCSjjj sfcjALL Arrived JP2 J(lst $$ gW' Hood Drug 34 South Main |